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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 27, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w use lives from bill in russia launch is more drones and missiles that ukraine it follows most goes the biggest air results in the start of the war in which the ukrainian capital and almost all other regions was shouted with a badge of projectiles, german chancello left sholtes vows to get the telephone weapons and the poor patience as he visits the scene of a deadly festival attack. prosecute to say a 26 year old syrian as admitted to carrying out for yourselves ad fonts and brains for good, devastating floods of cost on good as millions of stranded and in desperate need of food and clean water.
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the i've been visible and welcome ukraine says rosa has launched waves of me, 1000 drones targeting keys and other regions for a 2nd straight morning. a series of explosions were heard in the capital. officials say the latest attacks of killed at least 4 people. emergency crews were already dealing with the biggest russian at the bottom. and since the start of the war, mondays and strikes focused on the infrastructure of the pallet and board at the small village in those i fried your region is just one out of 15 targeted. the strike killed a local farmer down the road with his sister survived the way of the home. busy with the potatoes i had just harvested when suddenly there was an
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explosion. i got scared, so i went to the basement with my husband. my husband decides to go check the other highest because it was really loud to see when i started to is it was a direct test that my brother died. the ukraine says the russian bombardments are the largest of the war with more than $200.00 drones and missiles fired. ukraine also says the bombardment struck critical civilian infrastructure across its territory, disrupting power and water supplies. while bushes defense ministry claims the facilities were providing power to ukraine's military calling russia's attack vile ukrainian president followed him. mere zalinski made a plea to allies multiple great. there should be no restrictions on the range of what goes for ukraine. or just while the terrorist you say no such restrictions and
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no more to defend us of life should face no restrictions and weapons. guar rush i use as a full kind of its own weapons, as well as shy head drones and ballistic missile. it's from north korea, the united states, united kingdom, and france and other partners have the power to help us. you know, stop tara. we need decisions. nation decisions that would allow keys to stride targets deep inside russia, using weapons supplied by western allies. so far, restricted over fears at the further escalation. let's go over live down to nick connelly and keith tell us more about these latest strikes next. so this was a 2nd night of very long alerts will be a little less intense than yesterday's attack. we have reports coming from basically most of ukraine, geography from the south, around cuba, close at the west. and it is something that people here are used to up to an off is
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of will not everyone goes to the bunker anymore. most people can sleep through. i don't know till to, but they are seeing the impacts already from yesterday's. and today's attacks power outages and that power which is often then leading to lots of problems with pumps, then not able to function. so it is very tough. it has seemed, in recent weeks, like the energy situation is getting better as some of ukraine's nuclear power stations were coming back online off to the annual repair. but there is a sense here that you know, this is also proof of ukraine's defense getting back to it. right. so where is the beginning of the will rush? it would have you been able to send in a few massages at a time. now it has to spend basically a month to month in a whole building up supplies of themselves to overwhelm ukraine's and defenses that have been significantly strengthened with systems coming from the west. so you 1st see drones coming in, then you get ballistic missiles, then cruise themselves and your if yesterday's kind of totals out, we believe basically 80 percent of those missiles coming in. we're down to less
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a proportion for ballistic massages which fly foster. and we've, we've seen these kinds of attacks now happening on average, about every month, every 6 weeks, as russian basically is able to produce a large supply large enough to overwhelm these countries. a defensive. so it's something that basically now happens kind of regulate people on no, no, it's coming. and they've just, you have to choose whether they can cope with this, or they basically have to leave the country if they want their total comments. and they've noticed this is gonna happen, and the number of casualties known as high as you expect, i guess. but tell me it keeps cost incursion and boost the morale of these attacks by most go and attempt to chip away at that of the i'm not sure i connect the 2. i think these attacks were happening before. you'll remember in early july when russia hit the ultimate, it's a children's hospital here in cuba, even without any kind of ukrainian incursion on russian soil. this is a part of a broad campaign, i think,
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1st week to basically try and demonstrate ukraine's energy infrastructure, especially now ahead of the upcoming winter heating system season to basically make it clear that surviving it in ukraine cities is going to be a lot tougher. this winter than maybe it was in previous wenches of this war. and i think that there is a, a kind of sense hearing in, in ukraine that basically works. it doesn't have anything less. they basically have been attacking in this way before. and it shows them nuclear weapons, basically that say they just going to use more of the same in terms of the kind of morales from the coolest operation. is different. you sense here that the most kind of obvious results that operation is being lots of russian soldiers being taken prisoner and in return that allows them ukraine to swap those russian prisoners will for ukrainians. have been in captivity, some of whom to being in rushing up to the chief at 2 years. so that's a big morale boost still. i think for now ukrainians just the acceptance as part of the goals. what about connecting monday's attacks by russia,
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which to abide and condemned as outrages with wisdom support and ukraine's demands to use wisdom, a long range weapons within russia? so, you know, we were expecting these schools come from you. crazy. is it from presidents key? the push to be able to use quest of weapons like the attack comes and we saw systems that have a range of around to 300 kilometers on russian. so for now, ukraine is only allowed to use in western systems not including at tech comes we believe up to a 100 kilometers deep into russia. so that 100 kilometers zone is being very useful in, in coast region for instance. but it's old enough to attract the minute, treat apple or from which the planes take off to launch these miss. all techs on ukraine and some of these apple it so, so far away that basically none of the rest of the systems that ukraine has for now would reach them. but yeah, it is something that people here and you credit or to be aware of it is very expensive and very difficult to try and except every single me. so it is much
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cheaper to try and destroy the planes. and the apple infrastructure that allows these attacks, we've seen ukraine already trying to attack these facilities with its homemade drones. some of them are happy and reaching these areas, but they're not powerful enough to make enough of a difference for now. so, you know, there's a real hope here. i think people would expect in the west, it's to change its position of to at rush. it came into active region and made that, you know, that change of policy has already made a big difference for us. if you'd like cod given to me that and now compared to the quotes they were and is a real hope here that you're the west might eventually realize that pretends red lines. that means as much as maybe was previously assumed. a cost on an economy in keith german child's level of filters, valid to types and weapons, laws and speed up deportations of projected asylum. see cuz he's been visiting device and the city of is a willing and where a knife attacker killed 3 people during a festival. on the weekend authority say a 26 year old syrian suspects hes admitted to carrying out the sold federal
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prosecutors also said he shares the ideology of the islamic state power group, which claims responsibility for the attack phone off shots. here's respects to the victims of a mass, stopping in solving in the german chancellor, branded the attack has terrorism and vote not to by when the fight against extremism. that's why i tell this most, this was terrorism, terrorism against us. oh, leave not to frank tons of our lives and community the way we live. over the weekend, police arrested the main suspect, a 26 year old syrian mon. these lubbock street, tara group has claim responsibility. meanwhile, officers search the asylum center where he is reported to have live according to media reports the legit perfectly to had an application for asylum rejected. but he went on the run before he could be deported, back to bulgaria, country where he had 1st entered through european union for right groups of helpful
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tests. since the attacks were met by count of demonstrations. the incident has turbocharged calls to titan asylum, deportation on security ruse. this young man was not on the legal basis of germany in concerning the german c o. right. and he was not allowed to get through them in germany. and i question mark by a, he was a germany and a tutor that 50 was applied to go home and in case that he would have been sent home, he would have not been able to do this. so terrible attack on friday evening. and so we're digging on the phone calls for the german chancellor promised to get a great pon deportations who wouldn't come see of that and we will do everything we can and must to ensure that those who cannot and may not stay in germany are repacked created on defaulted to dr. fulton robin and the capital nav. so on edge
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shopping does something like this can happen in germany and those, let's think of shoes at the top. the right wing is, will profit from this act and they will exploit it and say, look, we have to get rid of all the refugees for spring and those fat and on the i'm more afraid of that. then for a few days or fisted. for a lot of shots the fall, let me continue. the attack is likely to dominique and tuesday selections lead to this week where his social democrat party is expected to suffer heavy defeats. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news. at least 7 people have been killed in his way the strikes in debt on the line central cause that is well to go to the people who evacuate the area of forcing united nations agencies to hold almost all of the humanitarian operations. it comes as unicef attempts to distribute polio vaccines toward often the outbreak among children. at least 6,
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the people have been killed in a series of attacks and pakistan's, but launches non profit. separatist militants attacked bosses and trucks, killing passengers and setting vehicles, a light police stations, and a railway bridge for also tonic. that is the largest splintered off of violence and the resources which providence in years at least 23 people have been killed in flight schools by bonds, whom reigns and overflowing rivers. in bangladesh, almost 6000000 remain isolated and in urgent need of food, clean water and medicine. wading through muddy flood waters of doing liam surveys. what's left of his home. the 65 year old farmers mud hut was swept away in the middle of the night by a 3 metre high surge of flood water. i used to live in this hope with my family. a strong current destroyed the house. so i sent my family to a shelter. there is no way of living here anymore. on the flood waters have left
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many people isolated and an urgent need of food, clean water, medicine and dry clothes, particularly in remote areas where blocked roads have hampered, rescue, and relief efforts. are no goods and no water. barely any one has come with the relief deep inside the villages. you have to physically go close to the main road to collect a debt cause and what was the last time we had? right. well, i had some rice 2 days ago since then. i've barely eaten anything in the city of fini, in se, bangladesh is one of the hardest hitting what's being described as one of the countries worst floods in living memory. since last wednesday, water has inundated entire districts, leaving millions of people. many of them children in need of shelter and to monetary and assistance. it's yes, another challenge since bangladesh was grouped by violent protest earlier this
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month, causing then prime minister say close enough to flee to neighboring india. her departure plunged bangladesh into more chaos until nobel peace prize laureate mohammed eunice stepped in to lead an interim government. he says, all necessary measures are being taken to ensure a swift return to normality for flood victims. meanwhile, some half a 1000000 people have sought refuge in thousands of shelters in the flooded districts with the army, air force, navy, and border guards assisting in relief operations. bangladesh is one of the world's most climate vulnerable countries. the nation of 170000000 people is criss crossed by hundreds of rivers and has seen frequent floods in recent decades. even as the waters now slowly subside scientist, a climate change will make such
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a catastrophic events even more frequent updates. don't dw plan today with a story about the plans of santas, ray in solar energy to asia. i paid for zillow and i'll see you next. now. the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and one different thing from life and your parent. i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think you kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff i wanted.


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