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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 27, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw use life from bell in russia launch is more drones and missiles that ukraine, the day of the most goes pretty, gets their results since the start of the war. you craig's president, says a new bombardment has killed at least 4 people with heavy damage to his own hometown. and his products continue in india over the rape and murder of and young medic dw joins or female adults his commute to discover what life's like as a woman on the road at night the
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i've been visible and welcome ukraine, says russia has launched waves of nissans and drones targeting keys and other regions for a 2nd straight morning, a series of explosions have been hard in the capital. keith officials say the latest attacks of killed at least 4 people. 2 of them and president florida missed the landscape hometown of if he, any emergency crews were already dealing with monday's attack. which officials have called the biggest russian bombardment since the start of the war. the small village in those out for read your region is just one out of 15 targeted. the strike killed a local farmer down the road. his sister survived the way of the home. busy with the potatoes i had just harvested when suddenly there was an explosion. i got scared, so i went to the basement with my husband. my husband decides to go check the other
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highest because it was really lived to see with my son. and as it was a direct test, i thought my brother died. the ukraine says the russian bombardments are the largest of the war with more than $200.00 drones and missiles fired. ukraine also says the bombardment struck critical civilian infrastructure across its territory, disrupting power and water supplies. while bushes defense ministry claims the facilities were providing power to ukraine's military calling russia's attack vile ukrainian president followed him here. zelinski made a plea to allies multiple great. there should be no restrictions on the range of weapons for your grand noticed. while the terrorist you say no such restrictions and no more to defend us of life should face no restrictions and weapons. guar rush i use as
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a full kind of its own weapons. as well as shy head drones and ballistic miss outs from north korea. the united states, united kingdom and france and other partners have the power to help us. you know, stop tara, we need decisions. nation decisions that would allow keys to stride targets deep inside russia, using weapons supplied by western allies. so far, restricted over the years. the further escalation of correspondence in keats, nick connelly has more on the latest attacks a so this was a 2nd night of very long and alerts will be a little less intense time. yesterday's attack, we have reports coming from basically most of ukraine, geography from the south, around kia and also the west. it is something that people here are used to of to know if he is of will not everyone goes to the bunker anymore. most people can sleep through, i don't know till 2,
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but they are seeing the impacts already from yesterday's. and today's attacks power outages and the power which is often then leading to lots of problems. obviously the pumps then not able to function. so it is very tough, it had seemed, in recent weeks, like the energy situation is getting better, some of the cranes nuclear power stations were coming back online off to the annual repair. but there is a sense here that you know, this is also proof of ukraine's air defense is getting back to it. right. so where's the beginning of the will rush? it would have you been able to send in a few massages at a time. now it has to spend basically a month to month in the whole building up supplies of missiles to overwhelm ukraine's and defenses that have been significantly strengthened with systems coming from the west. so you 1st see drones coming in, then you get ballistic missiles, then cruise themselves and you. if yesterday's kind of totals out, we believe basically 80 percent of those missiles coming in. we're down to less a proportion for ballistic massages which fly foster and we've, we've seen these kinds of attacks now happening on average, about every month, every 6 weeks. as russia basically is able to produce
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a large supply large enough to overwhelm these countries. a defensive. so it's something that basically now happens kind of regulate people on no, no, it's coming. and they've just, you have to choose whether they can cope with this or they basically have to leave the country if they want to have total comments. and they have noticed this is gonna happen, and the number of casualties, not as high as you expect, i guess. but tell me a keeps cost incursion and boosted morales these attacks by moscow and attempt to chip away at that of the i'm not sure i connect the 2. i think these attacks will happen before. you'll remember in early july when russia hits the ultimate, it's a children's hospital here in cuba, even without any kind of ukrainian incursion on russian soil. this is a part of a broader campaign, i think, especially to basically try and devastate ukraine's energy infrastructure, especially now ahead of the upcoming winter heating system season to basically make
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it clear that surviving it in ukraine cities is going to be a lot tougher this winter then maybe it was in previous winter's of this rule, and i think that there is a, a kind of sense hearing in, in ukraine that basically russian doesn't have anything less. they basically have been attacking in this way before. and, you know, show some nuclear weapons basically that said, they just going to use more of the same in terms of the kind of morales from the coolest operation. is different. your sense here that the most kind of obvious results that operations being lots of russian soldiers being taken prisoner and in return that allows them ukraine to swap those russian prisoners will for ukrainians . have been in captivity, some of whom have been in rushing up to 2 foot 2 years. so that's a big morale boost still. and i think for now ukrainians just the acceptance as part of the goals. what about connecting monday's attacks by russia, which to abide and condemned as outrages with wisdom support and ukraine's demands to use wisdom, a long range weapons within russia?
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so, you know, we were expecting these schools to come from you guys lease it from presidents key . the push to be able to use quest, the weapons like the attack comes and we saw systems that have a range of around to 300 kilometers on russian. so for now, ukraine is only allowed to use in western systems not including at tech comes we believe up to a 100 kilometers deep into russia. so that 100 come to zone as being very useful in, in coast region for instance. but it's old enough to attract the minute tree apples from which planes take off to launch these install texts. when you crank some of these apple it. so, so far away that basically none of the rest of the systems that ukraine has been now would reach them. but yeah, it is something that people here and ukraine or to be aware of it is very expensive and very difficult to try and step every single me. so it is much cheaper to try and destroy the planes. and the apple infrastructure that allows these attacks. we've seen ukraine already trying to attack these facilities with its homemade
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drones. some of them are happy in reaching these areas, but they're not powerful enough to make enough of a difference for now. so, you know, there's a real hope here. i think people would expect from the west is to change its position of to at rush that came into heart give region and made that, you know, that change of policy has already made a big difference for us if you'd like cod given to me that a now, a comparatively quotes they were and is a real hope here that you know, the west might eventually realize that boots is red lines. that means as much as may be, was previously assumed. a correspondent, nick connelly in keith. let's look at some of the other stories making headlines today. at least 7 people have been killed in is by the strikes and there was by law in central garza as well, had ordered people to evacuate the area, forcing united nations agencies to hold almost all the humanitarian operations. yusef has been trying to distribute polio vaccines to board off an outbreak among children. german chancellor will love schultz has visited the western city of zoning in way 3 people were killed in
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a knife attack on friday nights. prosecution say a 26 year old syrian suspect is admitted to carrying out the salt salt as bound to tighten weapons, laws and speed up the deportation of failed asylum seekers. malaysia's former prime minister and opposition leader will you didn't? yes, he didn't, has been charged with sedition for allegedly insulting the king. he's appeared and called and pleaded not guilty. was it the reason they questioned why the king had not invited him to form a government following such a close election? malaysia has strict rules, protecting the monica so that at least 16 people have been killed in a series of attacks in pakistan's, but launches nonprofits separate as militants attacked buses and trucks. killing passengers and setting vehicles, a light police stations that a railway bridge were also targeted. pakistan's prime minister accuse separatists of trying to stop the chinese back development projects to india,
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where authorities are grappling with the full amount of the rape and murder of adults in a government hospital link. all kind of incidents earlier this month is spot nationwide. protests with doctors and nurses demanding increase protection for health care workers. it's the latest example of and i'm comfortable. reality in india is the w corresponded offices, bought them one jeep demand is leaving that home for the night shift at a local district. costco in hardy, on a state in this part of the country to night is formed by men. women, no wait to be seen. the 27 year old doctor looks quite enough to reach out to take her to the hospital. in the middle of the night, standing alone on the root can be unsafe with nordic shines size. she decides to start walking. with a lucy,
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i find the street particularly unsafe because there are no street lights here. you can see for yourself that it's star, they get it. i am wary of the passing vehicle since i have no idea who might be in them. what their intentions are. so for my protection, i carry a pair of scissors with me. no and protest. to finally lindsey to find civic shots lives even though is because zillow getting to work at night is not easy. soapy man, the young doctor regularly encounters stocking and sexual harassment on her way to the hospital travelling a small towns. it's very difficult. transportation is a problem. i'm like major cities which operate around the clock. most small town shut down early and that is when our night duty begins to start
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or what he's doing and at the hospital as she begins her 12 hour shift. tonight, when g p is in charge of this busy and which is he won't be dozens of patients stream in one after the other. many common costs tools in india, a severely understaffed and under resourced, maybe saw night duty on several occasions, have felt unsafe on night duty. hold us up and see if we don't have a central alarm system that we can use an emergency system. the activity, the government is taking some steps, but they are not sufficient. was sufficient to me that when gates hospital, you know no security guards. when patients are good, families get angry. i have to work because i don't want to go out there to get the smell is happening when teeth were missing or medication at moments like these
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ones you can't help. but think about the recent beef and murder, a female coldly cold cut, the so i'm the same media to listen to read about the cool kind of incidents and have them again, this is a minute. i was so scared that i told my mother that i do not want to do night duty anymore to do because what happened to her can also happen to me. yeah, i was scared and emotional and emotions with it because she is like my sister because were doctors at the end of the night shift monday tad's home. it's to restock outside a motto, papa sleep waits for her daughter to return home safely. i'm always worried. i don't sleep at night, i'm constantly restless. i'm actually thinking about the safety of my daughter. thousands of female doctors across the country continue to work under on see
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conditions with a few or no miss shows in place to ensure this cure. as monday talks about a night, she tries to reassure her mother, but they both know. sometimes it's simply not safe to be a woman in india. more than a 1000000 people have joined one of the world's biggest street bodies in west london. the annual nothing. hill carnival began as a celebration of the cities caribbean community. hundreds of thousands came to help rebuild britain off to the 2nd world war. they were often unjustly treated and the kind of us started in the optim off of racist riots. now the event highlights london's why the diversity reminder about the old story developed ukraine's presidents. a lot of these are landscape bows to respond off the another day of brush and strikes. at least 4 people have been killed. officials say
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ukrainian a defensive shut down 5060 attack drones overnight. it follows mondays, aerial bombardment of ukraine, the biggest since the sound of the optics. the w is investigation into how ukrainian town may have become a deadly testing ground for russian got the, the, we are all set. we are watching close the all the to bring you the story behind the new will on about come by as information for free might say do 10 in the
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