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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 28, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the you're watching dw news live from building these rail, freeze a hostage and from concept kind of need for hon. oak, heidi is the 1st hostage to be found to live underground since the october statements terror attacks on these route by i'm us. if it's to free to more than $100.00 captives still being held by him, us continue also coming up authorities in the you with file, a new indictment against former president donald trump, for his alleged attempt to over to the 2020 presidential election and another
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wave of drawings in me styles hits you cried. the president says he's country used if 165 digits to account to be attacked. the welcome to the program i am jared read is rouse, military has free to hostage who had been held in the gaza strip by him. uh since last october, but kinda need for han, kaji was found a line in a tunnel in southern gaza. a mazda is supposed to be still holding around $110.00 hostages. about a 3rd of them, i believe, to be dead. arcada is the 1st hostage to be rescued alive on the ground. free after $326.00 days in captivity. these riley military released this footage of soldiers bringing how you'd find a cottage back to israel is 1st stop a hospital in the southern city,
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especially the for checkups doctors say he's in reasonably good health considering the circumstances. he arrived at our emergency department as underwent initial medical evaluation, appears to be in good condition, but anyone who was in tunnels for such an extended period of time is from a significant medical problem. kaji was working as a security guard on the border with guns a when he was abducted by him. us during the october 7 attacks, the militant group captured some $250.00 people in total. totty was one of our members of israel's better with our minority that were taken. his family were waiting at the hospital when he arrived his brother, overcome with joy we're happy all in the world is happy everyone. thank god to put this good news today of to almost 11 months in
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a way we could not imagine no dream. oh, wonderful. now. meanwhile, since october 7th, the situation in the gaza strip has become more and more done by the day the you when says there's a severe food shortage and it's highlighted the risk of a polio outbreak. and the number of civilian did in israel's campaign to destroy thomas continues to grow the territories. hum us run health ministries is well over 40000 people have now been killed by israel's offensive. a number of combines militant and civilian deaths. the ministry says on tuesday alone is rodney strikes, killed at least 18 people across the strip. i took them children, and i'd like to welcome laura blumenfeld now. she's the middle east on the list. a new york times best selling author and a senior fellow at the phillips merrill center for strategic studies at johns
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hopkins school for advanced international studies. welcome to you, hostage rescues at by israel relatively ray. what do you make of the slightest release? the rare indeed is only the 4th hostage rescue in 10 months, where the israelis and multi nationals have been held and hum us, look, he humanizes the hostage issue. it's hard to keep those faces to believe that they're real. they're not just posters, they're real people. um, and this was a father of 11 who came out squinting because he hadn't seen sunlight for months of 40 pounds dinner. i would say the 2nd notable thing is he's, he's a muslim, he's an arab, he spoke. you know hebrew though, because he's a citizen of israel and the commanding officer of the is really a military officer who welcomed him, greeted him in arabic, which kind of pushes back on the narrative that israel is an apartheid country. but more, more realistically, a kind of multinational multi ethnic community,
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the 12 drew's children who were killed by the hezbollah rock at last month. the kicked off the most recent cycle of retaliation in the north. also we're in junior, so i think that's notable as well. and then finally, i think that, you know, today while we were celebrating the rescue one hostage, there was a funeral for another 11 of the bodies that was recovered last week. there was 6 hostages who were not rescued. so i think that add some pressure to reach a negotiated deal. slower blumenfeld. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines today. iran supreme leader has hinted at possibly reopening negotiations with the us over its nuclear program. i am totally out of the harmony says there's quite no harm in engaging with the enemy . donald trump, when he was president, pulled us out of an international agreement. lou missing iran's nuclear activities . german police have sought dead a man who attacked offices with knives in the western city of nurse. no one else
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was injured. john, soul of salts is bound to talking weapons lawyers following a mass stabbing in which 3 people were killed in nearby as the lincoln last weekend . keeps dom i, as in germany, in his 1st visit here is british prime minister. he's hoping tools will help reset relations between the u. k and the u. ties have been straightened since britain left, the blog stomach visited brit billions. brand new book guides before meeting the chancellor off shots where us prosecutors have secured a new indictment against donald trump and the case accusing him of trying to over to and the 2020 us presidential election. prosecutors the pricing had with the original $4.00 charges against trump, but the indictment now takes into account a recent us supreme court ruling that former presidents have brought immunity from criminal prosecution. trumpets dismissed the charges as inactive desperation. and i asked our correspondent in washington dc benjamin of our as great,
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but how exactly the new environment could affect the case against trump. so we will now here from trump side, from his lawyer as a force and also from the office of this special council. they will be discussions on how fast things will now move forward. and that's, of course, something that's not in the interest of the lawyers of donald trump that are seeking to delay a trial until after the november president selects spend a minute navarez group today to cry. now where the president has confirmed that if 165 digit supplied by western countries where use to count to russian attacks this week, flooded means the landscape that the jets shut down. some of them is 1000 drawings that russia launched at targets in ukraine. the latest wave of attacks killed at least 5 people. the trail of destruction and ukraine suffer read your region after a 2nd day of heavy russian bombardment. the overnight attack resulted in several
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casualties. fatal strikes also had president full loading mirror. zelinski is hometown creevy, re zalinski said ukraine used western fighter jets to repel russia's messiah attack, confirming for the 1st time it's use of f. 16 jets in combat. and these huge attack of russians we destroyed already. some we saw some drones using gap 16 i will share how many, but we did it thanks to partners that they gave. it, gave us an experience provided to us, but again, it's not enough. us made f sixteens, or one of the most sophisticated weapons supply to ukraine by allies. but zalinski insists ukraine also needs long range missile systems. in the face of such attacks . he said, ukraine had now put its own locally made mist files to the test bull.
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a lot this was the 1st successful test of ukrainians, ballistic missile greens. i'd like congratulate our industrial defense complex on the problem so that i cannot get more details about the missile at the moment of kept abuse in the most up. would you lead, sold to me much in the aftermath of rushes air attack? so lensky is asked allies to lift restrictions on using western long range missiles to allow keys to strike targets deep inside russia, ukraine's allies warri doing so could lead to further escalation with russia. pressure has responded to cranes plea with a firm message. hope of with good, well this is blank mail. it's an attempt to pretend that the west wants to avoid excessive escalation. but that's not the case. the west does not want to avoid the escalations, the west, and how do we say the russian is looking for trouble? i'll screw it up, and otherwise russia has worn ukraine's allies. if they do respond to ukraine's
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request, they could risk another world war. meantime, russia's a faith based security service is it has launched investigations into a number of fine journalists, including d. w here is keith correspondent, ne connelly. he's the book. nick told us about the private earlier a lot because we were reporting from coast region last week where we were on and ukraine murphy and bed of seat ducks. weather is not allowed to operate in russia. it has been kicked out of russia since 2022, so there was no way for us to get some kind of russian permission to go then the way that we did when we went say, to the rest of the pied crimea in 2018 or 2019 back then we would get permits from both sides. i think our job is to try and see as many different sides of this one to be there and to be able to try it in whatever way we can to fact check the kind of stuff we see on social media. so this is a limitation, but it is not something we weren't expecting. and frankly, if you were fortunate around here and ukraine, you probably wouldn't be going to rush or any way for now. because anything you say about what rus is doing here in ukraine can be construed as descriptive,
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a discrediting directional me. so something that we were expecting something that is an invitation, but not something that is totally unexpected and is outside is we are in a much better position than the russian excell journalist who have to leave the country for reporting on on swords. t w's, ne connelly and keeps speaking to us earlier. well, they definitely use investigative unit has found evidence that russia may be testing a new type of weapon on ukrainian civilians. various live on the to me for a reason has seen a high level of drawing activity in recent months, despite having noise. obviously, luxury importance, the strikes of killed and wounded, nearly $150.00 civilians. the indiscriminate targeting of civilians is a war crime under international law. the aftermath of a drawing strike near ukraine's front line attacks like these have been related to less and very slots in recent months. residents say they are terrorized from don't
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unto sunset. nadine, you've still got the one that they have so many drown, especially i can't imagine what resources they must have to just hit the home garage. what else do barge you above and below the american got fled berries. love after their home was attacked in february or let's say, let's say hold on drones, dropped explosives on their garage and car. they managed to escape by an injured many others. haven't you heard of that? and since september, at least 16 civilians have been killed and more than a 170 had been injured enjoying strikes. many residents, dw, spoke to say they were a 100 by drones and did not feel safe, leaving their homes during daylight. hold on, you were playing yes, a computer game as if they were sitting there and playing in rely on living target . this drones have become a pivotal weapon in this war. also for the ukrainian side,
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many are typically hobby drones, usually used for racing or aerial photography that has been fitted with explosives . dw has spent 6 months investigating why russia's military is targeting such a small city with seemingly limited to military significance. we identified these 3 russian units, operating drones in the area with evidence that one of them is testing and you, russian drill. several sources, dw, spoke to sleep. that is live, could be a training ground for drawing pilots operating across the denique pro river. and by this idea, it doesn't matter if it's a person in uniform and whether it's a solid, you also get in training very shortly. so, but as long as hundreds of clips documenting russian jordan strikes have been
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shared on telegram vehicles are common target. this example shows russian troops declaring all vehicles to be military targets. there are no civilians here. all vehicles are being destroyed to hinder movement and deprived the enemy of mobility. a lawyer say that is clearly illegal, is not making any assessment tests to how he's going to minimize civilian damage. and effectively he's decided that any individual is a legitimate military target. so the comment plus evidence of the drone being used in the way suggested creates not just a plausible case, but a very strong case of war crimes. but many drones
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leave little physical traces of their attack. just destruction presenting a huge challenge for authorities and investigating these crimes and holding anyone accountable. go lower the number. thanks for watching dw, and use i'm tired. reading buildings have a great day. the, the the is, it is supple is having key more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life for the guy successive in cardboard. back on the left side of the image and find out about baby story info. my grand


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