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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 28, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the unit was coming to you live from berlin. israel launch has multiple attacks and the west bank, palestinian medics say at least 9 people are dead. these really army says it is still carrying out operations in some northern towns. also a head on the program, japan braces for an extreme typhoon. a car maker toyota has suspended all production as tie from an shaun, shaun approaches the inquiry. richardson,
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thank you so much for joining us. at least 9 palestinians have been killed in a coordinated series of raids and strikes carried out by is really forces in the occupied west bank. these really armies the operations carried out in 4 cities were designed to quote sport terrorism in janine and told carmen in the northern west bank and our correspondent felix tom. so it has the latest from jerusalem. so well, as he said, these really army says it's active in the northern part of the west bank to quote, for a terrorist activities. at the same time, it's being active in the west bank for quite a while. virtually since the some of the locked over. um saying that there is a rising service activity um several postings have been killed. and this operation um seemed, was, will go on in the, in the coming days. um and uh it remains to be seen uh what sort of scales these
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are the army plans for this sort of operation. um and uh, as you said, it's also significant due to the fact that it combines air raids and, and so it's on the ground, which hasn't been the case, i would say before the 7th of october. so from and so be seeing how the situation develops. as you say that we have seen operations of this kind since october 7th, what do you think is behind the timing of what we've seen over nice as well? there was there is that there aren't any indications. some of these really on the about the particular timing on these radio storage. these have been reporting or rising activities among, among militant groups in general. uh, not only in the west bank, but also in the best bank. also due to the tensions which is by the wrong um and uh, it remains to be seen how large this operation will be coming the coming days. um,
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so that, um uh, given the tensions that remain in the negotiations for as far in gaza if you'd like to stay with us for just a moment, i'd like to ask you about some other news. israel's military has a free a hostage who has been held in the gaza strip by her mazda since last october. tide for hun all caught it. he was found alone in a tunnel in southern gaza. mazda, of course, thought to still be holding around $110.00 hostages, and about a 3rd of those believed to be dead. alkahottie is the 1st hostage to be rescued, a live under ground. let's take a look as free after 326 days in captivity. these riley military released this footage of soldiers bringing how you'd find a cottage back to israel is 1st stop a hospital in the southern city, especially if for a checkup doctor say he's in reasonably good health considering the circumstances
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you arrive to the emergency department as underwent initial medical evaluation appears to be in good condition, but anyone who was in tunnels for such an extended period of time is significant medical problems. katia was working as a security guard on the border with gaza when he was abducted by her moss. during the october 7 attacks, the militant group captured some $250.00 people in total. totty was one of item members of israel's better with our minority that were taken. his family were waiting at the hospital when he arrived his brother, overcome with joy we're happy all in the world is happy everyone. thank god, to put this good news today of to almost 11 months in a way we could not imagine no dream of. meanwhile,
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since october 7th, the situation in the gaza strip has become more and more dial by the day. the you when says there's a severe food shortage and is highlighted the risk of a polio outbreak. and the number of civilian did in israel's campaign to destroy thomas continues to grow the territories. hum us run health ministries as well as a 40000 people have now been killed by israel's offensive. a number of combines militant and civilian deaths. the ministry says on choose day alone is right and strikes killed at least 18 people across the strip. i took them children. let's go back across to d w as felix townsend in jerusalem. felix, how are families of other hostages, reacting to this news? well, there's certainly a sense of joy and happiness here. and these were not only when it comes to hostage families, but generally in the general population,
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the headquarters of the hostage families have released a statement saying that while they're very happy to hear that a hostage has been freed, that this cannot be, uh, this cannot be applied to the other 108 hostages currently uh, still being housing does uh, and that a hostage deal is still the best way to go in terms of bringing them home. but they to go see ations are taking place. but at the same time, it seems like uh the, the, the negotiation as far as his fire and a hostage to you, uh, not to likely, uh, to provide a break through anytime soon. uh, mostly due to the issue of the sofa philadelphia corey door. and the, the border area between the gaza strip in egypt, which is where refuses to give up on, in terms of a soldier presence. so it remains to be seen how this develops in the coming days. and we will of course,
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have coverage for you of the developments and the days ahead. thank you so much. that is need of use felix time search engine, personal and of japan, is bracing for the arrival of a powerful ty, phone that is threatening to bring heavy rains and strong winds to the most southern main island. heavy rain has already triggered land slides in central japan leaving 3 people missing. officials have warrants that type foot, sean sean is extremely strong and they've told hundreds of thousands of residents to be ready to evacuate. depends whether agencies as the type food could make landfall on thursday. i spoke earlier to a journalist traveling in the south of japan as sonya of wash got told us how the tie food is affecting her. well, yesterday we were at the volcano also, which is a bit further and the southern part of the key show island and were actually advised to leave the area rather sooner than later because we were intending to stay near the. but they said you, you had better go to the northern part of q through because of the strong tide for
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moving slowly up towards where we are now at the moment it's through a relatively quiet business wins. there's been some rain, but it's still ok. well tomorrow the wind and the rain is expected to be very strong. most likely they will disrupt the spring constant, the fast training services. they're also likely going to be cancellations or flights. so we will actually be leaving for the full call right off of this to go to your grocery box. so yes, so people operating for the arrival, we just went to buy some, some water in the shop where they had some food and supplies on display. and local authorities of aust, people to really prepare and get supplies to prepare for the arrival of the really strong type for me. okay, so you'll be moving up from football. got to have rush my can you just paid a picture for us for which areas in japan we are expecting to be most affected by this type phone? it's a really strange one. this time most of the country has been affected already and
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will be effective. even yesterday areas, around 1000 kilometers, most of the center of the type for receipts very heavy rain cars were well re underwater until the tire size. i would say um, even though there were super far away and in the south of, of japan and co shima and especially the smaller islands. um there's always a huge risk risk when type someone's approach because of power outages. the houses are not as strong as the one would expect to happen during a type fluid. and especially in, in the rural areas, people need to be alert or aware of, of the risk of landlines. we know in central japan there are 3 people missing after a land slide. what else can you tell us about the situation? i mean, my friends or japan i should say is somewhat accustomed to, to tie friends of september is type truancies. and so the restorative has been
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preparing and are prepared. they're preparing shelters, and food. they've a canceled new things that were in very urgent companies have cancelled work for for tomorrow, and the day after. so it's, it's a bit of a, it's almost like a break of, of normal life, so to speak, to really make sure that everyone everyone remains safe. and what our residents being told about what they can do to prepare for more potential flooding and land slides for everybody, including myself actually we've been receiving a lot of sounds saying, you know, need to be aware of the trajectory of the type food you should get enough water and food. um make sure that you know where the cell phones are. maybe prepare and move away from your home. um, early on, you know, not, don't wait until the time when it arrives, but make sure you go, for example, to designates. it's a town hall and so on. so usually it in japan, you know,
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as i said, they have experience with this. and so considering the the expense and the strengths of the type one. and this one seems to be really much stronger than to use one, especially because effects such a wide area. so. so yeah, um preparations are ongoing and people are are due to the phones i would almost say do 2 screens and, and trying to to guess where the typo is moving next. well sonya, you take care. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us, but is it sonya blash. thank you, just joining us now for pans. let's take a quick look at some other storage making headlines. us, prosecutors have filed a new indictment against donald trump. in the case, accusing him of trying to overturn the 2020 us presidential election. the indictment takes into account a recent us supreme court ruling, giving former presidents and brought immunity from criminal prosecution. and i'm always going to be the iran supreme leader has hinted at possibly reopening negotiations with the u. s. over its nuclear program. i a told that i'll come in
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a says there's a quote, no harm and engaging with the enemy. former president donald trump pulled the us out of an international agreement, limiting around some clear activities or the ones nuclear watch. strong says any attack on a power plant in russia's course region could have catastrophic consequences. raphael grocery, it was inspecting the nuclear facility in an area where ukrainian troops have made advances in recent weeks and care storm r. as in germany for his 1st bilateral visit abroad. as british prime minister chancellor, olaf schultz received stormer with full military honors. he, he's hoping talks will help to reset relations between the u. k and the european union ties have been strained to since breakfast when britain left the block and british rock band, oasis are getting back together for a reunion tour. the 1st concert set for the u. k. and ireland and next summer, i waste a shop to start them in the ninety's with hits like wonder wall and don't look back in anger. a 15 year few between brothers, liam and noel gallagher has kept the band to part until now. they were never once 2
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minutes. they were words. and after days of hints and speculation, the announcement that brit pop legends, oasis are re uniting for a world wide tour starting in the u. k. next summer. it marks the end of an infamous 15 year feud between brothers liam and no gallagher to day is going to be the band behind it. songs including wonder will and don't look back in anger, announced it will play multiple shows and card of london, edinburgh, dublin. and their hometown of manchester were friends are absolutely delighted. yeah, it's great news while it's i can't wait to try and get some kicks on friday. get one different my off full be fairly well trying to get tickets and it's for my for chunk for so really if your child such a little band saws and if those memories,
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you know, even though it's, you know, like 49 now formed in 1991 oasis were among the defining voices of brit pop. they quickly rose to fame packing stadiums with the gallagher brothers, frequently making headlines for their public disputes and wild rock, her life styles with all the stuff with the image, the x right and the 1st i so will always be allowed. few of those months us are types of difficult thing, francesco's best. they broke up in 2009 after the gallagher brothers fill out. after years of inviting now the band has assured fans, the guns have fallen silent, and the great weight is over. and there's excitement buzzing all over the u. k. a and bob, it's the best news in the well, the wife says to call me back because it's what we need friends are of course
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hoping the reunion goes well. be the day. tickets go on sale this saturday. is your news update? i'm clear. richardson in berlin. thank you so much for watching. the my name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that, it's all about saying it aloud, and that's what it being nosy bay like good. everyone to king check out the award winning called com. so hold back.


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