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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the you watching deal the news live from the land. israel launch has multiple attacks in the west bank. tell us the need medic say at least 9 people a dead. he is ready. all he says it's still carrying out. he'll peroration in some northern towns also coming up japan, braces for an extreme psych soon called making toyota as to spend a full production of time soon. john chan approaches and with only a few hours to go until the power olympic games kickoff paris touts its progress towards making the sea fully accessible, but some very deep obstacles to remain the
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money to his mckinnon. welcome. at least 9 palestinians have been killed in a coordinated series of raids and strikes carried out by his really forces in the occupied west bank is ready all. he says the operations carried out in full cities . what designs to quote for terrorism in jeanine until come in the north and west bank of tearing up roads as they come is rarely soldiers have descended on rescue t kemp, villages and cities across the north of the occupied west bank. according to israel's foreign minister. these troops have gone in to destroy tara infrastructure, while israel has been carrying out near daily rate since the mass october 7th
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terrorist attacks. this operation seems to be significantly larger. ext but say it's the 1st time since 2005 that is really full series of attacks in so many places at once. in the west bank the city of jeanine law known as the militant stronghold, is one of the focuses of the raids protest. city and media says that his re troops here have sealed off several roads and blocked access to medical facilities. by building a barrier is in the streets. israel has been attacking from the air as well, carrying out drain strikes on targets, including this call that was hit near janine the as riley army released this footage of another strike from the football refugee camp that it said killed full militants. this man was wounded in that attack, which he said killed his family members. the the,
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this is listed with with these my wife asked me what happens. i think it has my told her and asked her to go and check on the children on the rooftop and after that like when known as you move on to the rooftop. she found the 3 of our children, like 2 weeks ago, but my they rest in peace. one was injured that they took into the hospital and hopefully he'll be okay. so let me look up this alone. it's not yet clear how long these riley operation in the west bank might last. the palestinian authority is condemned. it is a serious escalation of us to intervene. that spring indeed w's. felix comes out. who's in jerusalem for more on this phoenix? these were, as we just had the biggest as rainy rates and close to 2 decades in the occupied westbank. can you tell us more about what israel is trying to achieve here? well, the hope that the is really government then the army i have is that they,
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they hope to as bass said himself for terrorism. and basically look for what they believe was terrorism infrastructure there in the westbank, it is a large scale corporation, or at least larger than what we have seen so far in the past several years. there's also the, there's also been the use of the aircraft in the westbank, which in the past few months has become some sort of normality. and given the scale of the operation, it doesn't look like it's going to die down anytime soon. israel's foreign minister has cold, so the temporary evacuation of palestinians from the west bank because pos at this operation. can you tell us more about that? what, why is the cooling for this? well, 1st of all, it needs to be said that the, that the strategy of
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a temporary or the evacuating civilian swimming area has become some sort of a talking points in these. right. and due to the fact that it has become sort of strategic form, a strategic use of it during the gods of war. and at the same time it needs to be said that these reilly foreign minister, excited crowds, has become somewhat known for as controversial takes. i would say when it comes to the war and needs to be said that there are no such plans in place as far as we know at the moment at least. okay, and just quickly, let's talk about timing cease fail, find negotiations off supposed to restart in doha today. could that be any link to these 2 things? well there isn't, there isn't any a parent to link, but we can say that the longer this operation lasts the more casualties. the palestinian side will have the more likely to use to influence the negotiations in
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one way or another. it needs to be said that the negotiations are trends, the in a very delicate situation that there are talks that, that, uh, the disagreements, uh, still remain. so given that this is the situation, every single is such a hindrance of the attempt to bite the negotiations to reach a solution is bound to be to become ever more difficult. feel like thank you so much for that update that that's the w use. felix times it reporting from jerusalem as well as military, has free to hostage who had been held in the gaza strip by him off since last october. kite fun, mccarty was found alone in a tunnel. and seldom garza how much is thought to be still holding around $110.00 hostages. about a 3rd of them all believe to be dead. a coffee is the 1st hostage to be rescued,
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live underground. free of the $326.00 days in captivity. these riley bill entry released this footage of soldiers bringing how you'd find a cottage back to israel. its 1st stop a hospital when the southern city, especially if for a checkup doctor say he's in reasonably good health, considering the circumstances you arrive to the emergency department. as underwent initial medical evaluation appears to be in good condition. but anyone who was in tunnels for such an extended period of time is chrome significant medical problems . katia was working as a security guard on the border with guns when he was abducted by homos during the october 7 attacks. the militant group captured some $250.00 people in total. totty was one of each members of israel's better with our minority that were taken . his family were waiting at the hospital when he arrived his brother,
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overcome with joy. we're happy all the world is happy everyone. thank god. to put this good news today of to almost 11 months in a way we could not imagine no dream of. meanwhile, since october 7th, the situation in the gaza strip has become more and more done by the day the un says there's a severe food shortage and it's highlighted the risk of a polio outbreak. and the number of civilian did in israel is campaigned to destroy, thomas continues to grow the territories. hum us run health ministries is well over 40000 people have now been killed by israel's offensive. a number of combines militant and civilian deaths. the ministry says on choose, day alone is right, and strikes killed at least 18 people across the strip. i took them children.
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here's a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and their own supreme leader has hinted at reopening negotiations with the u. s. over its nuclear program. i have till a i a home and a says there is quote no home in engaging with the enemy. former us president donald trump told the us, out of an international agreements, limiting around this nuclear activities. the more kind of the new versus prime minister kissed alma is visiting berlin. the german trunk flow of products receive selma with full military owners. selma is hoping torques will help to reset relations between the u. k. and the european union ties have been strained since brooks it, which was one person left the you as your pine is bracing for the arrival of a powerful type soon. that is already bringing heavy rains and strong winds to southern areas, transports and public services has been suspended in some areas. and officials have
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warned all of the dangers of types of insurance and telling hundreds of thousands of residents to evacuate, deserted streets and shuddered. shops, residents on japan, south western islands are taking cover as typhoon shaun, shaun wip such strong winds and high waves. gusts powerful enough to bring down houses. our forecast authorities have issued what's known as a special warning for residence on the main southern island of t issue. a clear mind any time presidents doing wins high waves and storm searches are expected. the highest level of course and is required for this. officials have given evacuation orders for more than 800000 people in southern and central japan. they won the typhoon could become a major disaster. sean sean is unpredictable,
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and forecasters are struggling to pinpoint when and where it will make landfall. but depends whether agency says it could strike the south west on thursday and had to central and eastern regions including the capitol. tokyo. the storm is so big that it's even being felt in central japan where rescuers have been combing through debris. after the heavy rain fell triggered a landslide residents in the predicted path are being advised to take precautionary measures and check into shelters. to save lives, shawn shawn is the 2nd type boon to hit japan. within weeks, the government is freeing up resources for disaster responses as the nation braces for a violent storm. now paris is gearing out. so the power olympic games which kick off with the opening ceremony this evening, the games will make use of many of the venue is used for the olympics. move in full
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files and athletes with disability is a can pacing for gold, silver and bronze metals. organize the same, nearly 2000000 tickets has been sold so far. of a city is hoping to spotlight its work to make the games more accessible than ever before. but recalibrating, a city like paris is no easy task, a correspondent, rosy, but child has this report from the french capital manage sydney has, or which shot for the moon. you know, the french wheelchair basketball or is taking time from training to spread some power, olympic spirit among volunteers, and local kids here in this parish neighborhood. it's important to for me to finally get the real of feelings about right on big sports. that's the sports like all sports, we work hard like all the updates for some the excitement is own ready,
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potable i'm so lucky to live in paris because torres are coming from all over. i'm paying a lot of money to see the games. i can just watch them from my balcony, but the taste recession is also an eye opener for these players besides disability is a said, another gives you an idea of what wheelchair use a seal every day. as part of its power olympic preparation. the french capital has been trying to make those day to day experiences better. the city has been pouring millions into accessibility adaptations, renovating support centers, creating hundreds of new disabled parking spaces, widening pathways, and adding more infrastructure for people with visual impairments. now all the buses are accessible all the time where it is accessible. we have a lot of taxes accessible because we invest the game and the we want to the,
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the games to be and the opportunity for us to change that. but the change hasn't reached all parts of time. the metro 1st built in 1900 remains largely in accessible with many of those with reduced to ability less to struggle through the dense net towards daily. the city has been offering alternative shuttle routes to the games upon request, but for money that doesn't go far enough. me and a lot of people like me, we don't have a problem with our disabilities. it's really where we are. that's we cannot make us more comfortable or not with our disability. she says she's confident things will get specter, because she'll keep talking about it to make sure that starting the line, the paralympics truly leaves their mark on paris. and that is all we
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have time for right now, but coming up next. don't film looks again at why humans think about of the station so that if you can and then you can just make another thanks so much for watching the domain names the on the long voyage through the ocean. another how well with the calls for a long time they had to be a humans on the journey. now the trenches has become very protective of whales and tassels. the results of the ocean conservation start september full dw.


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