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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from the, the fronts releases the ball, solve the telegram messaging up from cost to date. the puzzled, you're always not allowed to leave french territory and remains under investigation for alleged crimes committed on telegraph post coming off typhoon sean. john hits southern japan, bringing powerful winds and a deluge of right. thousands of people that being told to leave their homes as a precaution and let the games begin. paris stages the opening ceremony all the 2020 full power olympic games. the french capital talents its progress towards making the saving fully accessible through some big obstacles. to remind
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the hello and welcome to the program, i'm jared read. authorities in france have released the boss of the telegram messaging up possible juror of the take entrepreneur. it was granted conditional release with bile of 5000000 euros. he must also remain in france and report to police twice a week. the russian born europe was the rest of empowers and saturday, fairly uh he was charged with violations related to the messaging app. prosecute decides, are all these completed in crimes commissioned by others on his platform as well do all the time and came as part of an inquiry opened last month involving 12 alleged criminal violations including complicity in selling child sexual abuse material
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complicity in drug trafficking fraud at basing organized crime transactions and refusing to share information with investigators when required to by law, for example, to combat terrorism. earlier i spoke with eva golfer and the director of cyber security, all of the electronic frontier foundation, which is a digital rights group based in san francisco. she's critical about the lack of data out on the charges against the telegraph found. well, we actually still don't have any more details than we had yesterday about that exactly what this investigation is is all about. so i have many of the same concerns. the only thing that's changed is that the draft is no longer in jail, but he is stuck in france and we're still not entirely sure why. well, this investigation continues. if a golfer in day and not the news, people in japan are hunkering down in the face of the strongest ty,
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so we're going to hit the country the see a type in shan shan has torn into japan's southern key. you sure. island is expected to head north over the coming days of the 55000 people had been evacuated in hundreds of flights, ground its authorities to be sued. the highest level a lead for extreme winds and potential storm searches done list. sonya bloss guys in this japanese city of her russian. uh earlier she gave me this update on the timeframe. yes, it's made lambs whole in the southern part of took the keys to ireland and the compulsion by region as a rim, both have caused flooding and their power outages. lots of debris has been flying around trees with them. it's fans, and thousands of people have sold a refuge and it shows us there's also of the title and is hardly moving towards the a box island chain. so it is connected through by a bridge is actually bridges that we just passed through 3 days ago where
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everything was still fine. and now the pipeline is forcing most of the traffic disruptions everywhere. trains of stuff rose, i flows, so flights canceled. so it's disruption on a, on a massive scale and the whole line in the future, and it's going to affect the, the rest of the country, the, the homes, remain island as well. so i'm kind of a new role. she might and they will stop the train service from here. oh it's what's the south to what's the issue later this afternoon? already a lot of disruption as you've been describing how is the time for you and expected to progress over the coming dies sonya it's been quite difficult for research, a people with a knowledge of this to, to assess the costs of the type of and it was supposed to, to move eastward, so earlier, but at the moment it's, it's moving comparatively slowly. it will probably move towards the she colker island, which is another thing, the main islands and,
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and then ok. sports towards the or psycho region, a very populated region of japan. and then for the last, really, depending on where it goes the, the damage might be extensive, especially in the rural areas where building on much less 30. a lot of them are up to a mation from woods. a traditional buildings have very heavy tile set of already use of people in the future area. so yes, so we, we need to push this very closely. sonya tell us, how is the climate change impacting the severity of typhoons like this one researches that found that for example, the 2019 cycle in here in japan, which caused the pallets of $10000000000.00 in damages, has been effected by climate change, climate change, and they said that $4000000000.00 from that $10000000.00 were close by human
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costs climate change. and they also found that depending on the type of sy, food, the damage might be different for, for slower moving type boons, it's not as bad, but it's compact. fast systems might be effected a lot more by climate change. and the reason is that the amount of rain that falls is, is really much higher. you to climate change. so that would have been without that me. thanks a lot. sonya, that's sonya of glasgow. joyce based in japan. thank you so much for the best. hundreds of thousands of dead fish have washed up on the soles of the progress as a gulf in greece over the last few days. as you're about to see, the stretch of water with fish caucus is a, spans killing mesa is according to x, but some freshwater fish do die here. when current pulled them from nearby likes into the gulf, salty water, local resident side. the stench is alarming. if you're it could impact the businesses that rely heavily on terrorists. local authorities of already cleaned up
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40 tons of dead fish and they're investigating what caused them to die in such large numbers. dw correspondence, sophia, cliff talk in athens, told us more about how this could happen after the storm, samuel and elias less september, the regional, specially and central greece wherever flooded and very special out of this work, transported through uh, candles and rivers. and by now the level and quantity of water has been reduced. so what happens is that the fish that will left in this low level are not falling into the bucket seat because golf and that's a number that is not very intense. these are fresh water fish, so which, when they come into contact with and unsuitable environmental them, which is the sea water, of course they, they died because of the difference and so on and say yes or do use and to address the problem immediately and restore the environmental balance in the area, what is happening right now the, the operation to clean the cost area off bolos from the thousands of the base
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started already and continues and it is expected to continue fall the next stage at least. and most importantly, the car, the barrier from the lake has been close by now, and a special marker has been installed. so it can present the depth ish to come into the boston because go however, as you mentioned already, the issue right now is the business is the tourism. that's remember the grease and especially the region of especially and bolos is in the middle of the summer season . the middle of the high peak all the season. so this causes other problems as well . and of course, and we citizens and there's more to come in the upcoming days. sophia cliff, talk in athens phase, or sorry, b is news now in the venice film festival is officially underway. this is addition problem. this is high end to time it as well as high culture and shop political
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edge to he is a sneak peak move overcome. because ben is stealing your spotlights the 80 for venice, film festival open floating. it's 5 as the biggest, boldest and coolest film festival of 2024. and after last year's actor strikes left, the red carpet fence starved to celebrities. supposing venice will be a v i. t seized with a star studded lineup. tim burden his reassembled the original cost for the sequel to his 1988 kaltura comedy . beetle juice be, don't you? just like in the 1st movie, michael keaton. most of us daemon returns to earth to wreak havoc uses waters. beetles used beetles you should get, then it's off to a rock. this start the what the course of action is
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pointing towards. hollywood is all over venice. this here. brad pitt's and george clooney play crime scene fix. who is forced to work together in the action comedy rules. it hits ex angelina's only goes classy in maria, playing opera, legend monday i cut off the and lady god, god joins horton phoenix in joker 40. i do an all dancing all singing musicals equal to joker. todd phillips, 2019 venice golden line. winter. then it's good serious week september 5th, a drama about the sports reporters who covered the terrorist attacks on his really athletes at the 1972 munich lympics. as my, as that i mentioned also in venice, the documentary, the from star on lane easy to start film, the berlin 1936 olympics and the nazi raleigh's in nuremberg. using these instead
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of personal archives. the film shows how the director, despite her lifelong denials, with a willing participant in nazi propaganda. a frighteningly topic, a look at fascism. fascism is also the subject of a new tv series that premieres in venice, on the rise to power of autonomy and dictator. benito, everybody. so if you go stuck with you, but under will it be still packed with politics, entertainment, and award, where the cinema, the 81st venice film festival, is the cat missed movie event of the year. another con miss event and that's the power link. the games which is opened with a colorful, so there are many on this on, so the se in central powers mold in $4000.00 athletes are competing for gold, silver, and bronze medals,
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and all over $500.00 events across $22.00 sports piling pins will be competing at many of the spectacular powers and use that hoisted the olympics earlier this month, the dw is raising the child told us more now about the atmosphere. i think, i think there are many, there really is a bit of a balls about paris as the city of light welcomes the paralympics torch. now, we've spoken to some passers by here. he said they're excited. obviously say you're simply not nearly the same height as with the olympic games, but really make no mistake. it was quite a sight to see thousands of power olympians parading during the shelves of these a that's famous street in paris, with their flags representing more than a 160 delegations on the 1st metals are already up for grabs on thursday and forth, including fire power type, window power, swimming a power table, tennis. now the arrival of power olympic torch and the games kicking off is also putting a spotlight on accessibility here in paris. and in fact,
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the mastermind behind the opening ceremony said for him. the idea was also all about power. the power dogs of power is hosting the paralympics. given the accessibility challenge of the city still has especially for people with reduced mobility. no power is as it has been pouring funding into, trying to improve the situation. so making both lines more accessible, whitening some payments, but particularly some transport like the metro just really remains largely in accessible. now that being said, and you can still see all over the metro size of the paralympics on advert for tickets, about 2000000 of them have already been sold, but there are still hundreds of sizes up for grabs. they're going for sale as a list as little as 50 euro is or less the 17 us dollars. some of those tickets will be going to school kids because it's right around the season of the traditional back to school time here in front. usually that would coincide with a resourcing of the political cycle, but there is
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a political impasse rumbling onto the background here in front, best after it's not elections last month produced no clear winter night. the french president remind you of miko and you can be sure will be trying to keep the focus on the sport and away from that political crisis. on less than the games begin, rosie beauchamp day, you're watching dw, and humans. he is a quick reminder of our top story. authorities in france have released the both of the telegram messaging as possible jerome. he was granted conditional release and remains under investigation 45 minutes. crime can music on that. so we have time for this. so up next we have the documentary film looking at some typical process of ranking for a of a cold movement is more on our website, d, w dot com. please do follow us to your on our social media accounts, including on youtube and instagram, ask dw, and use jared rates in building. thank you so much for watching. have
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a great day the the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime, it's probably up to speed. if the care we subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan, it's a good the .


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