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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the suspicions, dw, news live from the lin, hong kong convicts. 2 journalists of working to undermine stateful, sourcing. lots of different convictions of a fuss of that kind. since the territory returned to china in 1997. also coming up on the program, the top of the white house aide holds red star, rec tolts with china's president invasion with fractions rising across east asia. the us on china try to put relations on a fun, the foundation. let the games begin power stages, the opening ceremony of the 2020 full power olympics. the french capital showcases
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and events that is all about lessing oh, plates rise to the full potential. the money keeps mckennan. welcome to the program. great to have you with us. we begin with breaking news from hong kong where a court has convicted to john lists, in this edition case, seen as a new blow to press freedom in the chinese government territory, shown to ken patrick lam, round the now defunct stand news. they were convicted of conspiracy. the published material that undermines stay till thursday. the ones send me a ton of most territory was seen as a boston of press freedom in asia until 2019. when pro democracy protests will match with the crack down on defense stand, news was one of the last media outlets to published government criticism before it
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was closed in 2021. and we can hear from the head of an english language, news outlet still reporting from hong kong. tell him from the runs hong kong free press. glad to have you back on the w tom. now, conspiracy to publish and reproduce seditious publications can. can you tell us what style news specifically did according to the course for profit k to send the news a tied to things like patriot, against the government? we have content that promoted radical political ideology is 17 articles are in question. these one editorials, by the way, but interviews with democrats, profiles of activities, a feature about the protests and even the hard news pays about a ride surprise. but so 11 of the 17 articles today was sense to be seditious.
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judge cork saying that tongue alone knew up and agree with the dish with the intention of the articles. and they provided standing news as a publication platform to inside hatred, against phone call in china. now some news did have a pro democracy slams. it arose from the asked about the, the 2014 and moxie umbrella movement. it rose to prominence during the 2019 unrest and pro test was very much a go to sol, so demonstrations on the streets. but it's the code 19 restrictions on the new security people set those protests away again later in 2020 uh long on the stand news news room was rated by 200 and national security police about 9000000 us dollars with their assets are frozen on sunday deleted it's website uh, shortly afterwards. tom, based on what you've seen in hong kong since 2019. what sources sent sentence and could they now face a well tongue and mamma, hardy spent a year behind, balls,
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awaits and trial, and just an hour or so ago they were both going to pay and the head of the sentencing on september 26th. interestingly, based edition expense has been a graded lab. i, you can now get a 7 using personal 10 use is a par on both is involved this new optical techniques. we at least you, it does mean that right? if they do present time as little next months, they will not be eligible for any new release, but it's a unclear he gets um, what it's kind of looked like. and not hesitate to speculate until the heating the road. how does this case impacts what remains of press freedom in the city? well, the national security police top top called steve li just said that this will kind of find that to the know topics a band. but you kind of publish with suspicious intention, but to be honest,
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every news room will be impacted and we'll have to, uh, st. called about what rights as they have on their website and what exactly they will be writing reports. is that bold as the you and the local journalist association of already spoken as a report is that board assignment this that's a very dangerous precedent for what remains of test freedom in the city. and it comes, you know, over the past few years where we've seen a 1000 drama side of work about 10 news outlets shut down. and, and hong kong, just tumbling in the international press. freedom indices, tongue run de sondra of a home called free press news outlet. joining us from on. com. com. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate that. thank you to beijing now, where us president jo bivens, national security advisor has met with chinese president issues and paying the read direct me saying with china's lead
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a comes 3 days of high level talks for jake sullivan. those talks come out of time of heisen tensions between the super powers across a range of issues. the w's east asia, correspondents, james chase. how's this report showing this top diplomat twomey in talks with us national security advisor, jake sullivan. it's the 1st trip of an american national security advisor to china since 2016 or in recent years, these 2 officials have met several times in the countries, often to stem spiraling tensions between the 2 superpowers. but this is the 1st time basements engaging on the agenda, managing friction across a range of issues, including china is growing, relationship with most go as well as tensions with more symptoms. asian part like taiwan, president has been very clear. these conversations with president, she is committed to managing the support response hanging over the
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taxes, the coming us selection. donald trump has promised to double down his tough thoughts towards aging, from his last time and know that night, including raising terrace on china is good. but coming to harvest has yet to make a house shoot approach relations with china. and he's taking a strong stones. there we since democratic party bench, the user on space, an artificial intelligence that america, not china, wins the competition for the 21st century. but regardless of who wins november's election, a complex security picture awaits in the south china sea. this week, tensions between china and the philippines continued to simmer with manila accusing badging of rubbing its vessels. and on tuesday, japan public he claimed for the 1st time that the chinese military aircraft had preached as as space tokyo. so the incident with
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a serious violation of the countries over, instead of aging, said that it was investigating the matter. i'd like to emphasize that china has no intention of invading the aerospace of any country or so staging. and washington has sold some managed expectations for outcomes from the tools. so with the voters, how few months ahead in us politics, simply keeping ties on a stable fitting will be a wilson result. just get moved from dw is east asia at correspondent james chase. a who fall that report for us is joining us from type type pay. james, tell us what came out of those meetings between the us national security adviser, president he and all the top 2 chinese officials show on your well, we've heard this press conference from j sullivan, the us national security advisor. in the last couple of moments, he outlined some of those outcomes. he said that in vigorous discussions,
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what have between the 2 sides. but really the key sources attention that still remain in the supervisor relationship between the us and china. crucial. and he said that no agreements had been reached on a positive piece. and you created also specific agreements on how to dial down tensions in the south trying to see where a closer big tensions between china and the philippines. really a listening of issues have been discussed over these days of meetings with very senior officials in the chinese establishment that, that meeting with the sullivan. i'm sure jim ping, it seems to be crucially paving the way to the final conversation between choosing ping um president buys and before he leaves office, that it will. so we have this very right meeting between sullivan and john, your shot, a crucial ally of the season, paying someone very high up in the military establishment of china. up to those conversations we understand. pledges to deepen ministry submitted, treat communication again. something that observes have been very worried about in the context of siren ties between these 2 countries. what about the timing of this
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visit, james? i mean, election day in the us is just over 2 months away. now if donald trump wins, he could, of course, well reverse cools on any number of foreign policy initiatives by outgoing president terabyte. and absolutely, and that's why i think that would be big questions, a balance of the advocacy of that. that cool between decision paying android buys and in the coming weeks. but of course, the ellison in the room really is donald trump and what he plans to do shows he went office again in november. he's already in the states house, a position which seems to be doubling down on that already historically focused on so which he, he took in his 1st time in office. crucially, just to give you some sense of the political clements in washington, we saw reporting from the financial times earlier today, which indicates that the chinese officials are finding very difficult to establish connections with the trump campaign. it's understood because of concerns about the sensitivity of thoughts, communication, and, and concerns that they would be the seems to be in some way influenced by chinese
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essentials, as it relates to come with her. as again, less clarity on exactly what hop on her positions might look like. the expectation is that she will continue. i'm prone me with the outs, like the policy outline that joe biden has taken over the past 4 years. again, at d for an increase li, those partnerships with washington's allies in the region that dr. barton has approved a us strategy in case of coordinates of nuclear confrontations with china, russia and north korea. and i just ask you to come up in the talks. it'll we actually have an exclusive disorder, exclusive prof won't come off of where it says in the last couple of hours. we decided that the issue of nuclear arms control is something that the us has been seeking it to raise with chinese officials within the limits of success over the past couple of months. this reports in the new york times indicated that the us has been reading. we orienting it's nuclear power. the strategy away from a strategy was previously focused much more on russia. so one that more explicitly focuses on china. and crucially,
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the strength of china might pose in concepts with of a us, of the stories around the world with significant nuclear arsenals like russia. and of course, north korea to has to be sides of the, the us officials. when asked about this, new strategy said that it wasn't talking to that any country i present you to give a call on sites about expanding rapidly expanding nuclear osland china just some sense of the complexity of the security picture that trying to deal with the same thing so much ramp up to date, that's the don't use east asia correspondent james chase. a tied to reporting from taipei. all right, let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and south korea is climate goals have been ruled, unconstitutional officer, a law suit, but named an embryo as one of the lead plaintiffs. mother lead junction join the case on behalf of hud, then unborn child back in 2020 to thousands of children were named as petition is
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to show the disproportionate impacts of the climate crisis on the young floods of killed dozens of people in india is western good you're at stay, he says, monsoon rains cause rivers to bus that by the local media report, but in any 2000 people had to be rescued by the military. over 3 days of flooding. more rain is expected to hit the coast region today. now talk soon to sean sean, one of japan's strongest tysons in decades, is pounding southern air is with strong winds until venture rain. many millions of people have been advised to evacuate. what the storm expected to head north, east towards japan's main island on the capital tokyo. at least 3 people have been killed so far. typhoon sean. john makes landfill on japan, southern keys, you island. one of the most powerful to hit the nation in decades.
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authorities are warning of unprecedented whether the type phone is moving slowly. experts say the pro long drain could lead to extensive damage. a quarter of a 1000000 homes were left without power in the south. a journalist speaking to dw says, shawn shawn is causing disruptions across japan the the humid air mass, so that this as soon as broad rebates is effecting not just the southern part of the time. but really mall is the whole country. even a 1000 kilometers away from the center of the tie for me. in central japan, rescuers pulled a survivor from a home that was buried by a landslide. 3 members of a family died. authorities have advised millions of residents to evacuate,
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and our calling for maximum vigilance. studies have shown that type foods in the region are being made more severe by climate change. the cost examples of showing the size the ring more grateful with them these days that they didn't because of the rising c temperatures. this affects informational surgeries and the amounts of rain. it's really what's, what causes such large damage forecasters say shaun shaun is losing strength but worn, that strong winds and heavy rain fall could persist as a storm has north. now 3 is into rushes. war against ukraine most goes both neighbors were trying to count to the stress of war on the open soil. lot via lithuania and the stony. i'll construct saying the cycle bolting
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defense line toward of a russian attack. dw correspondent, erie russia. so went to the lot, the in board a town of casa, to find out how the border region is strengthening its defense capabilities. can these concrete blocks stop russian tanks? that's a big jump for so called dragon's to use the lock, the us border with russia. that part of the bolting defense line and major project shall have to buy lots of jo. this is a new and estonia against the potential threats from neighboring. russia is, don't like them as the extent that they must, by no means underestimate the imperialist attitude and the level of aggressiveness in our neighboring country. and so i don't want to make any assumptions here about what someone on the other side of the board or might be up to. but we must strengthen our armed forces and our defense capabilities with our partners funding without fear or panic. so space to possibly bring up the specs possibly. another thing is the defense line goes, be human to drag and steve,
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it also includes on the ground bunker storage prolonged mines via the boulder and securing supply routes. a few people in the baltic states expect and even entrusted at trace this other, these soviet policy us to visible in riga and dominion locked against are suspicious of the are for most of the players to the suit to 3 years off the phone with the soviet union and 2, at the in house gave us a sense of rush was full scale invasion of ukraine. defending 0, independence is more important. so not vince than ever. that for this i think it's necessary. i'm glad that it's finally being designed to type the alarm within him. so that will lead fact that the external board is being strengthened is very good and upset. so as i'm or no credit card, i think it's a necessary waste of money. i'll just hire somebody because it's useless from a military point of view or not move. i sent them off. i don't think russia would
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attack latvia as the thing lucky is of no interest to russia. strengthening is a boat with a also sort of another purpose that they fight against irregular migration. one of the ways that the russia and to neighboring brother was a waging, as so called hybrid to war against the west. the souls of migrants has been trying to enter your illegally vials. the baltic states authorities say you, they pose a threat to the internal security of the you both the installation, such as a vase that we simply construct the tense, a meant to keep it out there. but the scope of them up, all defense like this is a real deterrent. you can't easily climate. so the migrants look for a place where there is no fence, all the time, inch to find some leave traces behind. bad evenings the ball, the gods. notice this,
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let me just immediately stop looking for the perpetrators on the so 2nd, the questions plus the ultimately the voltage defense line is intended to stop or at least slow down at possible rational innovation. an important part of a large scale native defense project in response to the russian hill of aggression . ukraine. get a sense of head of nato strategic communication center of excellence. the joins us now from the lot be in capsule rico. thanks so much for your time today. and i ask you, how likely do you think it is, the person will attack the baltic states? i mean, how, how imminent is the thrust of dots attack full this way need not be or in a stone? yeah, i think at this point it is hard to tell, is it imminent or not, but the fact that it is not something that you can rule out, i think is a given on the for the pushed or is piece true strength. because from put into
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perspective weakness in wide segregation strength that does it. but do these physical defenses, like we just, sol, being built in that report? do they really offer much protection? would they also much protection when so much of russia's invasion of ukraine relies on drones, on blood bones, on all the guided missiles i don't think it is a total protection. i don't think even there is a plan that it will be everything that is put to stop brushing innovation if that happens, it is more about slowing down as we see in the battlefields in ukraine. it has been very, very fact too, especially for the ground troops advances, which are the core of the russian military. do the baltic states share the same level of commitment to building up these defenses on the borders with russia.
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oh, yeah. so i think that as well there is clear cuts, common commitment, and it's not just from a political or policies. you can also see the level of defense spending going beyond 3 percent of g d p. that reflects that commitment. and also the fact that there is a popular support, these kind of measures including spending money on it. so i think it is very, very clear. there is a consensus in the baltic states and to a point, i would argue also in finland. now much of the build up of these defense lines is about protecting against a full scale invasion that might happen in the future. but people say that pollutants, hybrid war is already on the way in your experience, how effective is rush. the strategy of sending would be my friends to test these board is as well, it is a rather a factor on both fronts, both on the kind of all over roaming the support systems for these uh,
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people that are getting into the you. but the other thing is, of course, by increase of numbers, it also creates a internal political pressures that are more of a long term game for russia. but i think there's a clear cut strategy behind that. and the, the full kind of having a control system that we can put in place over these is, is important. is there a danger of, i can ask you that governments use this, the 1st of all, the stress of russian military invasion as a cover for trying to keep migrants out. well, that was a big debate in the early faces when they butler started this. and this strategy and the internal and also you discussions, but clearly uh it was concluded that it undermines the national security. there
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still open ways from illegal instruments and legal measures to get a. so i live in, in, in e, u and, and lottery, and the baltic states, but not in the way and full as bellows and increasingly russia are trying to do it . okay. if we play out for a moment, the scenario web posting does attack tanks and soldiers roll across the lot, the lithuanian and the stony and borders. how is ne, so actually positions to help fights to help re supply these men? the states, if they did have to take up arms against russian forces 1st and foremost the uh, primary plan is to that, that uh such a scenario. but if that fails, obviously, nato is prepared as it has been sides uh natal surgery will be defended from the 1st centimeter. but of course,
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that entails the forward positioned forces of nato in the 3 baltic states. also in poland and other countries. it also entails the rapid reaction forces that are sizable. it entails the ability to do joint air defense for the uh, nato nations. and that is certainly something that has been put on on, on, on the extra speed. these developments our last 22 and a half years younger son's head of nature, a strategic communication center of excellence. thank you so much for your time today. we appreciate that. thank you. okay, let's take a look at a couple of other news headlines. the use top diplomat says the blog should consider imposing sanctions on some is rainy ministers, doesn't burrell again, used on names cabinet. members of sending hateful messages and encouraging
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violations of international law. burrell has previously criticized the is really finance in minnesota up as well. small trips for a statement that appeared to justify closing mass starvation in garza the u. n. has criticized israel for its use of quotes. deadly will fantastics during a military operation in the west bank. well then, a dozen palestinians have been killed in a series of raids carried out by as ready forces. israel says the operations target to terrorist infrastructure in the west bank are and is there any hostage who is being held in the gaza strip by hamas since last? october has been welcomed home by his between our family in the village of cock, for kite tied far hon. alkahottie was freed by his rails military officer. he was found alone in a tunnel in southern garza and the french president. the money of my call has
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welcomed b. u. k is prime minister to the eliza palace in paris. cast on his visit comes a day off to he visited his german count, if possible, afoot, invalid installment says he aims to turn a corner on britain's 2020 exit from the you. by improving relations on the continent. the 2020 full paralympic games have begun in paris with an opening ceremony celebrating the human spirit rising above adversity. more than $4000.00 disabled athletes from a $168.00 delegations will be buying for the metals in 11 days of competition. and the french capital itself was the backdrop for wednesday's festivities. if you will jump to a spectacular sunset over the city of lights, mocking the opening of the 2024 power olympic games is over. $4000.00 athletes pro rated down to fame, to shouts. it is say in paris,
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to the roll of a jubilant crowd. so, this use power olympians will compete in over 500 events across 22 different sports . over 2000000 tickets have already been sold to sleep, say they are hoping these games will have a positive impact on how people with disabilities are perceived around the wells. 5 french power olympians lights, the olympic cauldron, mocking the beginning of what organizes say will be an inclusion revolution. use corresponding crazy. but you also told us more about the atmosphere at the opening ceremony. there is a real laws about paris as the city of light welcomes the paralympics towards me. so those of power olympians parading during the shops of the day the same is power
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street representing more than a $160.00 delegations. and already on thursday, the 1st metals are up for grabs in sports, including power type, window, power, table, tennis, and power swimming. know the arrival of this power olympic towards the beginning of the games is also putting a spotlight on the question of accessibility and powers. and in fact, the mastermind behind the opening ceremony said for him, it was also all about the idea of paradox. this idea that paris as a city is hosting the paralympic games. it's put plenty of funding into trying to adapt to make the switching more accessible with key things like the metro still really remain out of reach, especially for anyone with any source of reduce mobility notes. there are still tickets on sale for the power olympics therapy in about 2000000 have been sold so far and it's still about 500000 to go. they're going for a total of 15 years or less than 17 us dollars. some of them will be going to
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school kids because it's right ready to go into the back to school season i here in front, and it would usually be also the season for a new political cycle. however, there is a political impact. the rumbling on here in front after snap elections last month produced no clear winner. and there's a real danger that to some extent, that kind of political crisis could distract from these games. you can be sure the present and manual my from we trying to keep the focus on the sports. unless the power linux begin or is the best shot in paris. this is a reminder for you of our top story at this hour. a home called port has convicted to john list of sedition by undermining stateful source in the chinese territory. the 2 editors of the now closed websites stand news. it was one of the last let's to publish a government chris and with that you are up to date coming up next focus on europe. investigate kentucky's beef with germany,
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but the donor to bob state you into that and you count on many kids. mckinnon. thanks so much for watching, dw needs the hello and welcome to this week. focus on your of great to have you with us as the war between russia and ukraine, rages on, many european states are becoming increasingly worried earlier this year. sweet and joined may till the alliance of the youngest member already hosted joined to military exercises in june, also on the swedish island of good land located in the baltic. sea swedish troops practice their skills alongside their allies from 19 needle countries.


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