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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news life from button. israel pushes the head with a large scale and that tre, rates in the occupied westbank when you came to closing. so i would say to 10, why are we cannot go further? at this point? we'll hear from a correspondent in the west bank because israel says it's full says, of killed a permanent militant, come on the in a shoots out of the most. the u. n. is urging israel to hold it's operation also coming out from the program. of course in hong kong finds to john less guilty of sedition. the convictions all the latest blows of press freedom in the chinese territory. and
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a top white house aide holds red direct talks with china as president in beijing with fractions rising across the east asia. the us and china try to put relations on a fun, the foundation, plus a trail of destruction this type soon sean can tumble southern japan millions have been told to evacuate as the pal fieldstone approaches depends main island. the i'm on youtube mckinnon. welcome to the program. israel says it has killed 5 millison steering a gun bottle inside a mosque as it presses ahead with a large scale military operation in the oak supplies westbank. several cities have been targeted in the rates. the un secretary general is cooling on israel to immediately whole fits operation,
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which involves hundreds of his riley troops backs by helicopters, drones, and on the personnel. carriers here in the shattered streets of silica ran, israel says it is already achieved a significant success in its largest operation in the occupied westbank for years. that's off the local is. lemme just had lead him a job. a scene here install footage was killed in a firefight is riley troops had tried and failed before to eliminate java who was accused of carrying out numerous attacks on his railings. but palestinian civilians are also once again paying the cost of these rainy raids knew that we were asleep and woke up to the gunshots at around 3 30 am. i started waking my wife up, telling her the army or shooting at the house. i was barely able to wake her up and they hit the house with the rocket. we ran my wife and i to the other room. they fired another rocket. my son and his wife were on the 2nd floor. they hit them with
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a rocket, little volume. hello, how are you? well, this family we're able to escape that home with their lives is really policy is roaming the streets and such as militants have created serious problems for the health care system. in the areas being rated, medical workers said troops, a blocking access the ambulances. in addition to sliding these really army refuses entirely to allow ambulances to enter whether uncoordinated or coordinated, even if we're allowed to enter. as you see, the ambulances cannot access the camps, or even reach humanitarian cases, and people with diseases and insanity. the un has urged israel to ensure injured people can obtain medical care warning that the operation in the west bank was fueling and already explosive situation. a dw correspondent tonya crime has
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sent us this update with the licensed from til car i'm in the occupied westbank. so i'm sending him the main road to the residence of him who is thomas. so you can see here some of the military vehicles coming interesting seeing this in the course of the cost always go through a new came that was close and i would say to 10, why we cannot go further at this point, this is where most of the journalist, you're standing right now? no, we came into to car im city and the city is almost bizarre to people. we've been talking to in the morning. said they they fairly go out of the houses and the safety of the house. the very worried about what is happening, of course, is not the 1st time the experiencing such 10 situational military rates. military, it's happening across the when's the occupied westbank on a daily basis. now also coming into the rest that you come here behind the come or to the islands was waiting. uh and uh, some of the fire brigades also waiting then uh to move in. now as well. it says
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this is a major account, a terrorism operation. um they say they go in because attacks uh, emanating from the north and uh, westbank. they also say that the comes are flooded uh with a reference infrastructure that was financed by uh, yvonne. now right now we're seeing some of the vehicles here, the fire brigade, uh, moving into the town. um, so people are you guys saying, you know, they don't know how long this will take. oh, so the, um you said uh yesterday, this is the 1st phase. so we have to wait and see uh how long this uh, last good operation uh will take place in the northern west thing. it was the w horace funding tanya excitement in the occupied westbank. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and they use top diplomat says the blog should consider imposing sanctions on some is really
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ministers. doesn't burrell accused on named cabinet members of sending hateful messages and encouraging violations of international law rel, has previously criticized. is randy finance. minnesota, as al smoked brittany for a statement that appeared to justify closing mass foundation in gaza on the french president to menu, and my call has welcome the u. k. is prime minister to the eliza palace in paris. gifts tom is visit, comes a day off to he visited his german count upon electronics in berlin. selma says he seems to turn a corner on persons 2020 exit from the youth by improving relations on the continent. south korea's climate goals have been ruled, unconstitutional officer, a law suit that named an embryo as one of the plaintiffs. the mother of the unborn child joined the case, challenging, common admission targets, so being inadequate as a violation of human rights. the court ordered the government to set new emission
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reduction funds to hong kong. now, where a court has convicted to john list of sedition, the full my editors of stand news, which has now been shut down, were accused of in slicing hatred against beijing. now, this monks, the 1st such ruling against john list since the former pursers calling they was handed back to china, or in 1997, a tune, toy cooling, arriving at, quote, the full, my editor in chief of stanton views, in no doubt about the seriousness of this case and the light can he budget? both he and another editor, patrick lum, arrested in december 2021. they were charged with conspiracy to publish and reproduce dishes publications which they both denied. on the same day, the offices of stange news were rated by police with computers and other materials
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taken away as evidence. the media outlets that began in 2014 was forced to shut down a bit to run to a chinese language website. this, it becomes so important during the pro democracy protests that began in 2019 pro chest, that both china and the hong kong, most ortiz, so as a national security threat before. finally, stumping them out. press freedom in hong kong has been under threat for some time. the popular newspaper apple daily has also been forced to close legal lead time to come to click where it's full of my own. uh, the media tycoon. jimmy lie is already in jail and is still facing other challenges. now that the stand news editors have been found guilty of
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sedition. they too can expect prison sentences is the latest example, the beijing is cracked um on free speech in hong kong. i spoke to tom grundy earlier, he's the head of the english language news outlet, hong kong, free press. i asked him about the specific seditious publications that the hong kong court was referring to. in this case for profit k. to said the stand news and try to find hatred against the government. we've content that promoting radical political ideology is 17 articles are in question. these one editorials, by the way. uh, but interviews with democrats, profiles of activities, a feature about the pro tasks and even the hard news piece about a ride surprise. but so i think 11 would be 17 articles today would be seditious. judge clark saying that tongue alone knew up and agree with the subjects within 10
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to 10 of the articles. and they provided style news as an application platforms who inside hatred against on common china. i found this did have a pro democracy slams that arose from the aftermath of the 2014 moxy umbrella movement. it rose to prominence during the 2019 unrest and protest. i was very much to go to sol, so demonstrations on the streets. but it's the code 19 restrictions on the new secure table set those protests away again later in 2020 long. the style news news room was rated by 200 and national security police. about $9000000.00 us dollars of their assets are frozen as time new deleted it's website uh, shortly afterwards. tell him based on what you've seen in hong kong since 2019. what sort of sent sentence and could they now face as well?
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china mama already spent a year behind balls awaiting trial and just an hour or so ago they would pose granted by the head of the sentencing on september 26th. interestingly, based edition expense has been a graded lab. i. you can now get 7 years in prison all 10 years is a par on both is involved this new obstacle, tenix. we at least you, it does mean that right? if they do present time as little next months, they will not be eligible for any new release, but to unclear yet. um, what is kind of looked like. cannot hesitate to speculate until the hearing though . oh, how does this case impacts what remains of press freedom in the city? well, the national security police top top called steve li just said that there's so kyra 5 methods, the no topics abound. but you kind of publish with seditious intention, but to be honest, every news room will be impacted. and we'll have to, uh,
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st. called about what rights as they have on their website. and what exactly they will be writing reports is that bold is the you and the local journalist association. i've already spoken as a report of the board assigned with this. that's a very dangerous precedent for what remains of test freedom in the city. and it comes, you know, over the past few years where we've seen a 1000 drama side of work, about 10 news outlets shut down. and, and hong kong, just tumbling in the international press. freedom into phase 10 grand de founder of a home called free press news outlet. joining us from on. com. com. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate that. thank you. now here in germany, the government has agreed to tyson weapons restrictions and take further steps to come back. the thrust of islam is terrorism. now this follows last, we can deadly nice attack. the german interior minister announced a phase of says the new measures will include a bond on knives,
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to public festivals sporting events, and on long distance rail services, a knife wielding attack of killed 3 people and wounded 8 others last friday at a festival in the western city of luling and a 26 year old suspect identified as a syrian refugee remains in custody. what sort of sees are investigating his link to the circled is lumnick state for and we can get more now from dw is political correspondence. simon young, who joins us from the german interior ministry where a press conference on these new rules is just wrapped up. simon, the german government saying that it's going to tighten knife flows in response to the deadly attack and is holding and tell us more about what they're going to do exactly us. yeah, and you have the 3 governing policies, say that they've lived very closely and specifically at the zoning, an attack and have discussed it in
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a very focused way what lessons they can draw from that. and that's why, because this is a nice attack, a focus focused specifically on a nice crime. and as you mentioned, they've announced plans to restrict the carrying of knives in public places at old sports events, public facilities, and also at places like railway stations. and you know, generally in public also on public transport services on trains, on buses and so on, at the police already have significant powers to control and indeed prevent the carrying of some types of knife. but now the government says we have to go much further and give the police much white powers to you to impose bands. they're also saying the tightening up the low on weapons,
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only shit more widely. and that applies to the guns, obviously. and other things like that. saying that so we need to look much more closely and much more proactively at who has a license. and if they don't deserve that license, then we need to step in and take it away. we was saying earlier that the suspects in the attack can the ruling and was a failed asylum seeka from syria, and he's being held in custody right now. now jim and little make his all so discussing migration on how to tighten rules there and they said, what more can you tell us about the discussions that as well? that's right. and in particular, this part of the discussion focuses on the european rules, because uh, the chief spot suspect in this case was somebody who had no right to stay in germany, but indeed had already been accepted for the protection at to another
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b u country. now people guerria that the reason that that didn't happen was that when the police went to where this man was supposed to be, they didn't find him. and it would seem that german bureaucracy, jim and police rules up until now prevents age as much further action. well, the same, but we need to change that. clearly we need to have a system where the police have much greater powers to conduct a search to continue the process of finding such people and removing them apart if they. so of course is also at european level, making sure that a default stations and, you know, kind of removing people from germany, you who don't deserve to be here. but that can happen multiple swiftly and much more effectively. you don't use political correspondence, lemon. young simon, thank you so much for updating us to beijing. now with the us
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president joe biden's, national security adviser has met with the chinese president. she's in paying the read direct me saying with china is lead a caps 3 days of high level talks to jake sullivan. others folks come at a time of heisen tensions between the super powers across the whole range of issues and dw east asia correspondent james chase. how's this report showing this top diplomat want me in talks with us national security advisor, jake sullivan. it's the 1st trip of an american national security advisor to china since 2016 or in recent years. these 2 officials have met several times in some countries, often to stem spiraling tensions between the 2 superpowers. but this is the 1st time basements engaging on the agenda. managing friction across a range of issues including china is growing relationship with most go as well as tensions with more symptoms. asian part like taiwan. president has been very clear
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these conversations with president, she is committed to managing the support response hanging over the taxes, the coming us selection. donald trump has promised to double down on his tough thoughts towards aging, from his last time and know that night, including raising terrace on china is good. but coming to harvest is yet to make a house. she'll approach relations with china and he's taking a strong stones. there we since democratic policy bench, the user on space, an artificial intelligence that america, not china, wins the competition for the 21st century. but regardless of who wins november's election, a complex security picture awaits. in the south china sea, this week tensions between china and the philippines continued to simmer with manila accusing badging of rubbing its vessels. and on tuesday,
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japan public he claimed for the 1st time that the chinese military aircraft had preached as as space. tokyo said the incident with a serious violation of the countries over instead of aging, said that it was investigating the matter. i'd like to emphasize that china has no intention of invading the aerospace of any country. just so staging and washington has sold somebody's expectations for outcomes from the tools but with the voters. how few months ahead in us politics. simply keeping ties on a stable for thing can be a wilson result. really, michael, we is a with the center for strategic and international studies in washington with expertise and us china relations. i asked her earlier about the significance of this meeting between jake sullivan and the chinese president. i think it's, as you mentioned, a highly uncertain and volatile time in the relationship. we have ongoing conflict
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in ukraine in the middle east. we have a new administration in taiwan. you have chinese aggression in the south china sea against the philippines. and we also have a very dynamic us election cycle happening right now with major changes over the past month in terms of aerospace replacement and fighting on the democratic ticket . so i think given the binary restriction strategy of managing periods, attention and ensuring that competition does not lead into conflict, a visit really make sense in that context. and i think china is watching very carefully the selection. and it's probably wants to know the future direction of us china policy. at this stage. you mentioned some of the issues, but china are in the us seem so completely oppose on. and so there are so many issues. so what is it that drives them to keep talking and what do they have to lose if things go from bad to worse? so i think both sides are dealing with major,
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internal and external challenges. the international environment, as i mentioned, is increasing. we've all a tile increasingly complex and both states will have to deal with that. i think what drives this particular engagement is on the us side, a desire and then an acknowledgement that the binary station is not out of office yet. we still have several months. this is a really important and in dangerous time in a way, in the relationship. there's also a bit of legacy thinking going on. uh, vitamins has already made progress with china and getting gaining cooperation on kind of narcotics, military to military communication and cooperation. and looking ahead, i think there's a desire to solidify that progress and ensure that future administrations are greeted with some degree of progress and some degree of institutionalization and formalization of these types of dialogues. as you say, we have
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a huge selection coming off in a couple of months time from the chinese perspective. do you have a read on what a secondary is have done with from would mean for the future of this relationship? i think the chinese leaders visioning are watching this election very carefully. i don't think they're jumping to conclusions. i think there's a lot of uncertainty about what a 2nd trump administration would look like in terms of the china policy. we know that greater higher level tariffs has been threatened and, but we'll probably see a lot of consistency on the security issues and even economic issues between the 2 candidates. given there's a sense that whether it's the south china sea or taiwan, or even china support for restaurant, you create a rush out against ukraine and, and type name, russia and china, north korea ties the security picture for the united states. looks scary and both 5
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and excuse me, both parents and from will will be greeted with that security picture on the trade side. i think paris has, has announced that she will also continue terrace on china. so we're not actually going to see huge differences. i think in the substance of china policy, we will see differences on the margins that i think harris and ministration would be more interested in continuing the types of dialogue that we saw with sullivan's visit to beijing this week. lee, nicole wade, director of the center for strategic and international studies. really, thanks so much for taking the time today. we appreciate to hear some more of the news making headlines. indonesia and australia have signed a new defense corporation passed. the 2 countries saved the agreement will help coordinate efforts to fight terrorism and to provide disaster relief. increased corporation is aimed at countering security threats in the region, including the south china sea, with several states claim sovereignty of
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a dispute to the islands and waterways. the floods have killed thousands of people in india is west and good. you're out. states as monsoon rains have caused rivers to bus the banks. local media reporting, but nearly 2000 people have to be rescued by the military. if a 3 days of flooding more right, is expected to hit the coastal region today. i type type thing, sean sean, one of japan's strongest type students in decades is pounding southern areas with strong winds and torrential rain. millions of people have been advised that to 8 with a storm expect to, to head north east to will tr pounds main island, the capital tokyo. at least 3 people have been killed so far. typhoon sean. john makes land full on japan. southern keys, you island. one of the most powerful to hit the nation in decades.
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authorities are warning of unprecedented whether the type phone is moving slowly. experts say the pro long drain could lead to extensive damage. a quarter of a 1000000 homes were left without power in the south. a journalist speaking to dw says, shawn shawn is causing disruptions across japan the the humid air mass, so that this i sort of broad rebates is effecting not just the southern part time, but really more or less the whole country, even a 1000 kilometers away from the center of the tie food in central japan, rescuers pulled a survivor from a home that was buried by a landslide. 3 members of a family died. authorities have advised millions of residents to evacuate,
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and our calling for maximum vigilance. studies have shown that type boons in the region are being made more severe by climate change. the costs examples of showing that size the ring more grateful with them these days that they didn't because of the rising temperatures, this affects informational side and the amounts of rain. it's really what's, what causes such large damage forecasters say shaun shaun is losing strength but worn, that strong winds and heavy rainfall could persist as the storm has north. this is a reminder of our top story at this hour. b is there any military says it killed 5 militants, and the northern westbank on thursday. the 2nd day of the major is rainy incursion into the ocean by palestinian territory. the un secretary general is cooling for an
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immediate cold to the operation you're up to date is coming up next to the documentary, exploring the generation gap within families. so for us to, to log and relationship that use for that. like 40 dw, the,
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they're expecting me to sign and mail it, but it turned out to be different from one based on how come up. i just falsely assumed that love was the so important people should keep their feelings under control. love what kids once and what the parents wished for them to stay. norman, we've done everything to prevent a divorce, but nothing worth talk to best assets on them. next on d, w no global trans with us. but their carbon footprint is disasters. shipping
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the transition on water. how far has it kind of maritime transport in 45 minutes on d, w. the, on the long voyage, sweetie, ocean and mother. i'm back with account for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have become very protect the
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w the a products my dad expected me to marry someone and live happily ever after i lived there was i wanted to get married because i was hoping to find love security, a spring in my step, enjoy and life they were expecting me to find a male partner.


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