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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the state of the news line from berlin, b, u. n. the urges of israel to halls, it's large scale rates in the occupied westbank came to closing. so i would say it's a 10 y, it's here. we cannot go further. at this point. we hear from our corresponded on the ground as israel claims its forces killed and as long as you hog commander in a shoot out at a most also coming up hong kong cord finds to journal is guilty of publishing content, harmful to national security. this edition convictions are the latest flow to press freedom as china tightens its group on the territory. and the growing
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fuse between the excess billionaire owner a lot and a judge in brazil that could see the platform suspended. the welcome to the show on the coffers. the un secretary general is calling on israel to immediately halt it's large scale military operation in the occupied westbank for now. israel presses heads and claims to have killed 5 palestinian militants and a gun battle in the mosque. on thursday, several cities have been targeted in the assault, which has seen hundreds of is really troops back by helicopters, drones and armored personnel carriers enter the palestinian territory. here in the shifted streets of tow korean, israel says it is already achieved a significant success in its largest operation in the occupied westbank for years.
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as that's off the local is, lemme just had lead up my have a job, a scene here install footage was killed in a firefight is riley troops had tried and failed before to eliminate java who was accused of carrying out numerous attacks on his railings. but palestinian civilians are also once again paying the cost of these rainy raids knew that we were asleep and woke up to the gunshots at around 3 30 am. i started waking my wife up, telling her the army or shooting at the house. i was barely able to wake her up and they hit the house with the rocket. we ran my wife and i to the other room. they fired another rocket. my son and his wife are on the 2nd floor. they hit them with a rocket, little volume. hello, how are you? well, this family were able to escape that home with their lives is really, policy is roaming the streets and such as militants have created serious problems
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for the health care system in the area is being rated medical workers said troops, a blocking access the ambulances. in addition to sliding these really army refuses entirely to allow ambulances to enter whether uncoordinated or coordinated, even if we're allowed to enter. as you see, the ambulance is, cannot access the camps, or even reach humanitarian cases, and people with diseases and insanity. the un has urged israel to ensure injured people can obtain medical cat warning that the operation in the west bank was fueling and already explosive situation as our correspond, entire kramer send us this update with the latest from the tool program in the occupied westbank. so i'm sending him the main road to the residence of kim who are summit. so you can see here some of the military vehicles coming interesting. seeing this in the course of the cost always go through a new came that was close and i would say to $10.00, why it's yes,
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we cannot go further at this point, this is for most of the joining list you're standing right now. no, we came in through to car im city and the city is almost desert as people we've been talking to in the morning said they they fairly go out of the house sustained the safety of the house that very worried about what is happening of course is not the 1st time the experiencing such 10 situation, no military rates, military, it's happening across the when's the occupied westbank on a daily basis. now also coming into the rest that you come here behind the come i see the i'm the lenses waiting. uh and uh, some of the fire brigades also waiting then uh, to move in. now as well, it says this is a major account, a terrorism operation. they say they go in because attacks a, emanating from the north and west bank. they also say that the kinds of slot is
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a risk, a reference infrastructure that was financed by uh, yvonne. now right now we're seeing some of the vehicles here, the fire brigade, it's moving into the town. um, so people here saying, you know, they don't know how long this will take. also the army said yesterday, this is the 1st phase. so we have to wait and see how long this long skin operation will take place in the northern wes thing that was tanya kramer in to kind of in the occupied westbank. and a quick look down at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. germany's interior minister has announced the government spinning knives and public festivals and on long distance trains. this comes after a knife wielding attack or killed 3 people last friday. a 26 year old suspect identified as the syrian refugee remains in cost to be $3.00. these are investigating his links to the so called as long as the state cru, hey,
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it is prime ministers, says haitian and canyon forces have launched a joint operation against criminal gangs in the capital. port of from canyon forces are on the ground as part of the un security emission to haiti. more than 3200 killings have been reported this year in the country due to gang violence. to hong kong malware. a court has convicted 2 journalists of sedition, former editors of stem news, which has now been shut down, were accused of inciting hatred against beijing. this marks the 1st such ruling against journalists since the former british colony was handed back to china in 1997. to employee cooling, arriving at quote, the full, my editor in chief of stanton views in no doubt about the seriousness of this case and the light. can he budget? both he and another editor, patrick lum, arrested in december 2021. they were charged with conspiracy to publish and
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reproduce dishes publications, which they both denied on the, on the same day, the offices of stange news were rated by police with computers and all the materials taken away as evidence. the media outlets that began in 2014 was forced to shut down a bit to run to a chinese language website. they just become so important during the pro democracy protests that began in 2019 pro chest that both china and the phone call most storage fees. so as a national security threat before. finally stumping them out. press freedom in hong kong has been under threat for some time. the popular newspaper apple daily has also been forced to close the goal,
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lead time to come through quickly where it's full, my own uh, the media tycoon. jimmy ly is already in jail and is still facing other challenges. now that these stand news editors have been found guilty of sedition. they too can expect prison sentences. the latest example of beijing is cracked um, on free speech in home. com. a. tom grundy is the head of the english language news outlet, hong kong, free press. and earlier we asked him about the specifics, the dishes, publications, that the hong kong cord reference to in this case will prosecute to send the news and try to fight hatred against the government. we have content that promoted radical political ideology is 17 articles were in question. these one editorials, by the way. uh but interviews with democrats profiles all the activities,
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a feature about the protests and even odd news pace about a ride surprise. but so i think 11 of the 17 articles today was, tends to be seditious, just called saying the tongue alone knew up and agree with us the dish with intention of the articles. and they provided standing news as an application platform to inside hatred against on call in china night stand news did have a pro democracy slams. it arose from the on the map of the 2014 and moxy umbrella movement. it rose to prominence during the 2019 unrest and pro test was very much a go to sol, so demonstrations on the streets. but it's the code 19 restrictions and the new security people set those protests away again later in 2020 uh long on the stand news news room was rated by 200 and national security police about 9000000 us dollars of their assets are frozen as time new deleted it's website uh,
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shortly afterwards, an escalating route between a judge and elaine moss could see his social media platform x. formerly twitter, suspended across brazil, supreme court justice, alexander, the more irish had originally ordered the platform to block accounts that were allegedly spreading misinformation. several were linked to supporters of results. former presidential, you're both so narrow. but most of the challenge that decision calling it unconstitutional. now the judge is threatening a nationwide ban unless x means a new legal representative for the company. within 24 hours was bringing jasmine corps, the professor at the f t v law school in brazil, she research and social media platform regulation and digital democracy. yes, me welcome to the w. and what is this dispute really about? hi, thank you so much. the pleasure to be here. so the dispute, the centers on the recent developments in brazil regarding the attempts off the
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track, the president supreme federal court and disappear. i liked the record to cover this information and the hate speech of those cards are demanding. the removal of certain accounts from max formerly to reader return leave the test, the porters off partner president, enjoyable, so not a germany and other countries of the strong constitution of tradition. freedom of expression numbers, there is no other number. so they'll try and in this scenario, the superior, electro clark has been acting resolutions concerning the electro periods, monday to companies, to adopt measures apart from our comfortable duration for more expeditious, comfortable duration in the most could those and one to comply with them. because he has called the judges decisions unconstitutional. i mean has called the orders to remove accounts, censorship. the, what does brazilian law say about all of that? who's in the right here? the so the version of all we have a specific framework for the internet version of civil rights spring or for the
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internet says 2014. it states only to make the platforms they have into missouri liability origin of really similar to the west virginia regarding the, the platforms, the liability. and we have uh, freedom of expression as the preferred show, right. as in germany, as in other countries. but it needs to be balance that with other rights as digna him and digging into our integrity, our reputation, rice. so for example, column, the defamation, are all of the said call, then come to that can be disputed with things as you're just harry. and after a legal decision from the card, this conference needs to be made should be removed that uh, so most of those a month to comply with the decisions he proclaims himself and on before test off of freedom of expression. and this is that this is instances,
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his position is not what we in brazil see as a constitutional protection of the freedom of expression, it needs to be balanced with other right. so that's basically what exactly was the problem though with the kind of content that was published on accounts linked to a former president or both scenario because that is at the heart of this all. so those, uh, the accounts that are uh there is a demand from this mode eyes and the brazilian spring course to remove and suspend specific for files that are linked to the cook, the top 10 that prism suffered last year. and there are 2 ongoing current inquiry inquiry, sorry, that is the digital musician inquiry and the answer to my answer, democratic inquiry. and those accounts are under investigation with fitness inquiry and l. o. l mosca doesn't want to comply with when x doesn't want to comply with uh,
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providing data or the ip addresses to identify property. those accounts who are accused of a mess to this, this information and hate speech campaigns on its platform. and the other side element. it almost himself has been stating that he wants to remove this content that he wants to play with moderation policies. and this is not compatible with the legislation at all. so jasmine guarantee for man from the law school and we'll have to leave it there running out until somebody gives so much for your time. it was that you're out to date up next, the documentary looking at green shipping and how best to fuel the future of maritime transport. i'm the cold fairly from all of us here in the news room in berlin. thank you so much for your company due to the
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we are all set and we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new the will on about come by as information for free might say do 10 in the container ship. so the giants of world trade.


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