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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news live from berlin, b u. n urges israel to halt large scale rates in the occupied west bank. so i would say to 10, we cannot go further at this point. we hear from our corresponded on the ground as israel claims its forces killed in his lama, jihad commander and a shoot out at a most. also coming up a tough response to this, the only a knife attack, the german government announced as new security and asylum measures after last week's deadly stabbing link to the so called as long states the
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welcome to the show. i'm nicole, for least the un secretary general is calling on israel to immediately halt. it's large scale military operation and the occupied westbank for now. israel presses ahead and claims to have killed 5 palestinian militants and a gun battle in a mosque on thursday. several cities have been targeted in the assault, which has seen hundreds of is really troops backed by helicopters, drones and armored personnel carriers enter the palestinian territory. here in the shafted streets of pilgrim israel says it is already achieved a significant success in its largest operation in the occupied westbank for years. that's off the local is. lemme just had lead up my have a job, a scene here and file footage was killed in a firefight. it is riley troops had tried and failed before to eliminate java who
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was accused of carrying out numerous attacks on his railings. but palestinian civilians are also once again paying the cost of these rainy raids knew that we were asleep and woke up to the gunshots at around 3 30 am. i started waking my wife up, telling her the army or shooting at the house. i was barely able to wake her up and they hit the house with a rocket. we ran my wife and i to the other room. they fired another rocket. my son and his wife were on the 2nd floor. they hit them with a rocket, little body on hello, how are you? well, this family were able to escape that home with their lives is really, policy is roaming the streets and such as militants have created serious problems for the health care system in the area is being rated medical workers said troops, a blocking access the ambulances. in addition to sliding these really army refuses
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entirely to allow ambulances to enter whether uncoordinated or coordinated, even if we are allowed to enter. as you see, the ambulances cannot access the camps, or even reach humanitarian cases, and people with diseases and insanity. the un has urged israel to ensure injured people can obtain medical cat warning that the operation in the west bank was fueling and already explosive situation. of our correspondents, tanya kramer, send us an update with the latest from til car um in the occupied westbank send sending here on the main road to the residence of kim who are summit. so you can see here some of the military vehicles coming. interesting. seeing this in the course of the cost always go through a new came that was close. and so i would say it's a 10. why it's yes, we cannot go further at this point. this is where most of the journalist you are standing right now. no, we came into to car im city and the city is almost desert of people we've been
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talking to in the morning. said to 8 days they fairly go out of the houses and the safety of the house. the very worried about what is happening. of course is not the 1st time the experiencing such 10 situational military rates. military, it's happening across the when's the, the occupied westbank on a daily basis. now also coming into the rest that you come here behind the come i see the islands was waiting. uh and uh, some of the fire brigades also waiting then uh to move in. now as well. it says this is a major account, a terrorism operation. um they say they go in because attacks, uh, emanating from the north and uh, westbank. they also say that the comes are flooded, a risk, a reference infrastructure that was financed by uh, yvonne. now right now we are seeing some of the vehicles here, the fire brigade, uh, moving into the town. um, so people are you guys saying, you know,
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they don't know how long this will take also the, um you said uh yesterday, this is the 1st phase. so we have to wait and see uh, how long this uh, large scale operation will take place in the northern western. it does do the corresponding tanya kramer, rental car am in the occupied westbank on jack option is the senior director of the counter extremism project and joins me now. welcome back to the show that you and i were speaking on the 2nd day of israel's large scale military campaign in the occupied westbank. why is this happening now? look, i mean that has been of course, a spike, an incident called a tax, anything from the response that has been the unsuccessful like you need suicide on attend until i leave a couple of days ago. well, what i can see, and what i hear, it says of course, a preparation from these re decide because they assume you're on us taking the 2nd
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option. that was always 2 options. but from what i've taken in response to the beginning of, i mean one was the very spectacular, very open, very massive rocket attack option that they did in april after the attack on its embassy. you can a domestic case or a much more long term potentially find more harmful charges. now you've seen an exchange of fire between has spa and his friend. and the last couple of days that we've seen from our address is campaign of that we piece against shipping. there is a lot of time to visit about the sink in the red sea. and the expectation of piracy seems to be the top of that responds, is now the stage where the terrace structures that still exist, that are loyal to iran in the policy, new territories are primarily and the respond and uh guys are most, is hemmed in. and they want to prevent this from materializing is really, rates are a part of everyday life in the west bank. how is this operation different?
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is this just a matter of scale and intensity? or is there something more to it? you know, it's much larger and much more intensive. you seem to have the machinery in the images that you showed there were helicopters involved that drones and bolts that were strikes. and so this is a really large scale incursion operation in the risk on that you haven't seen the late in several years. so there is a major concern apparently on these rating sides that the situation may be majorly escalate and the respond and they doing this brand. definitely. analysts say the west bank is at this point in time at boiling point, the un has called for an immediate halt to the res cook. this operation turned the west bank into the next gaza. so to say, well we, we hope not because i mean guys i, it's really no longer existing as far as infrastructure is concerned. but of course, there is with these kind of bring them to for many general patients as we are in
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the extremely 10 situation in the region at more 10 said to be seen in many, many years, any escalation on any aspects by any side or base pairs the major danger off getting out of hand inadvertently slipping into a more larger scale regional worst situation. so this is of course a, another problem that exacerbates the situation. how does this tie into the larger campaign against her moss and is luminous extremism in the region? what is it containing the mass really has to be send in dallas. i must us exist in the best bang, but it's nowhere near applies. and structures or implants is concerned simply because of the fact that our competitors, these lab mix state is stronger in the bestbuy infiniti. there wasn't garza now that on his team and resistance groups, some islamic terrorists that are competing with i'm us. and then of course,
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that's the palestinian national authority, who's not going to be strengthened by this master for military rate or security forces. also, a pause is for mr. extremism. if i'm us, who are danger to the dna, ask how to israel does on sac option. let director the counter extremism project. thank you. always great speaking to you. thank you so much i and before we continue, there are some breaking news on the war and gaza that we want to share with you according to the world health organization. israel has agreed to 3 days of humanitarian pauses, starting on sunday. they will take place in different parts of district business to allow for polio, vaccinations to be given to hundreds of thousands of children under the age of 10 comes after a baby in the palestinian territory. a contract of the 1st confirmed case in 25 years. here in germany, the government is tightening security and asylum was after. last week's deadly
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stabbing at a festival enrolling in west germany. 3 people were killed and aid more were seriously wounded. this aspect was an asylum seeker from syria whom the government had failed to deport the new measures will include a ban on nines at public events and on long distance buses and trains. berlin will also cons social benefits for rejected asylum seekers. if they have claims in other european countries, refugees who travel to their home countries could lose their protection status. the government will also resume deportations of afghans and syrians who have been convicted of serious criminal offenses or are suspected of being radical islam. this we can get more from our political correspondence. i'm young, follow the story for us today. so i'm in the press conference. the justice minister themselves said that banding knives will not keep potential attackers from using them. so why do this, or yeah, they call the, the old. so given to that question was that to defining these powers for police
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to band knives, it helps them to target the potential at extremists and the dangerous people more effectively. what the government coalition policies have said is that they have looked very specifically at what happens in zone again with this attack. and that their response today is deliberately focused on taking measures that might've helped prevent it. so that's why they've had talked about limiting and becoming of knives in public. as you mentioned at the festivals, got sports events at markets, exhibitions and other public gatherings like that, giving the power and police powers to impose bands where they think it's appropriate. also at royal stations and on trains it on long distance spa services . and i think they think that full of that will help to, you know,
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focus the police efforts and weed out to people with bad intentions. germany wants to make sure are people who aren't allowed to stay, don't stay. but that's not only up to germany as a and they don't, there are some of the you countries even like, it's really which uh, you know, refused to take people back in. they say that they're writing this all in the system is overloaded, but the issue here was that the, the, the main suspect in the zoning, an attack had already been told you have no right to stay in germany and then know that a you country, namely bulgaria had in fact, accepted that he could be deported their thoughts when the gym and police went to the place where he was supposed to be out at to the full team and they didn't find him. so one of the responses, again, is to change that, give the police a more powers to use or for instance, all the digital tools that disposal it to,
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to sort of track people down and make sure that they can to pull them and get it. i think is this a is, this is partly about bureaucracy as well in among the various different police and immigration with or just making sure that they are fully coordinated. jeremy also wants to restart deportations to have got to stand in syria, but it doesn't have to pull medic relations with either of those countries. really . what does that mean then for today's announcement? well, the government says that same tools we've both seriana have gotten installed to return people. verify can it's tricky. in both cases. i've got a sounds run by the taliban doesn't respect human rights. makes it a difficult negotiating. thought. the parts of syria are still at war, so it will only be in limited cases, but it will be possible to return people to those places. but the general thought to say is essential what they do, particularly in the case of people who have committed serious crimes or who
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represent a terrorist threat to the general public. was our political correspondence when young in berlin, thanks so much. i and a quick look at some other stories from around the world. of course in hong kong has convicted 2 journalists of sedition tomb. fully equipped and patrick lamb were found guilty of publishing content harmful to national security. the 2 men were editors at the now defunct liberal outlets stand news. it's the 1st ruling of its kind says the territory was handed back to china in 1997 types of insurance on as ripped into japan, southern kia issue island with wind gusts of up to 200 kilometers per hour. strong, a storm to make land fall in decades blue moves from buildings and haul to transport surfaces. sorento rains are expected to bring flooding and land slides as the typhon moves north. and that's all the news i have for you at this moment, but stay with us because of next rab discovers the wireless most innovative cards
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