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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2024 9:02pm-9:31pm CEST

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ready written is off and think they do better and the museums there has long been calls to begin using more green energy to combat climate change. and the transition to electric vehicles is a big part of that. but despite the initial boom, sales of the bees are slowing. and this addition of made we find out why much of today's program revolves around electro mobility. there's a lot of investment happening in the technology. but when they are, many buyers still holding back and for competitive reasons. many countries are using terrorists to protect important industries. chinese, these are still mainly coming to europe by ship. but b, y d is now building a new plant in hungary to avoid the threat of
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a you import duties. the new be likely to take a factory is being built in southeastern hungary, new the city of sic get right now. there are still construction vehicles here, but soon 1000 ease will roll off the production line here every day. the goal seems clear. b y d wants to become the leading manufacturer of tvs in europe and he was hungry as a spring board. if plans are successful, thousands of new jobs will be created. new one has been will grow. i think it's very good because it will create jobs since he put it there hasn't been much industry and our city so far, but now that's improving. if i'd be say, or simple on the one hand, good i think is it will create jobs, but i think it'll have a damaging impact on the environment. and that's not good at home. you any concerns that are shared 200 kilometers away through the city of get present. eva customer has founded us citizens initiative there and is quite against another major chinese
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corporation. c h e l is building a new battery factory, just a few kilometers from her home and is investing 7500000000 euros. 7 such factories are to be built in the area. some are all ready in operation. so i and the boss accurately the representative said this around it and settlements have no say whatsoever, no influence whatsoever on the project i've ever seen for a deal. sorry. so it's a good plan that no matter what the residents say, the factory will definitely bank bills. question i get the because look at the data and what plan is the hung, gary and government pursuing with this prime minister victor, oregon is heavily criticized in the u. he repeatedly opposes e u decisions and pushes back because the free press and the judiciary and hungry is under threat. the us frozen billions and payments. this is creating a huge hole in the hung gary and state coffers, which is why victor, oregon is seeking financial support from authoritarian states such as russia and
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above all, china, well hungry, in previous decades used. it's west started connections for financing it's economic development. it's now turned from the west to china for financing its economic development, it has relied on chinese funding for its infrastructure. and what does that mean for the people who live near the giant factories? because my interest citizens initiative carried out their own independent air measurements. they found that the emissions around the factory are above the norm. she also reports that toxic waste water from a suppliers factory has been discharged into a ditch nearby. the water pollution only came to light, thanks to information from locals. government agencies don't take it seriously,
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she says, and there is no supervision i thought i sang is, was simply as great as the ground pollution of air. and most of her she has also where is all the electricity for these factually tell me to come from. we say that the environment will be damaged and such, and then that will have to be the same. yes we would, i so yak. i had known kaiser inc ava caused by inter citizens initiative have nothing against the creation of new jobs, but they want your opinion environmental standards to apply to the chinese companies to be mobility arrived with high hopes. many sought to switch to more climate friendly electric vehicles would be quick and painless. but those hopes haven't materialized too expensive to few charging options to short a range. in many countries the electric vehicle has yet to fully catch on
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the electric vehicles or the v is promised cleaner energy, lower emissions, and a move away from fossil fuels. and soon as you ask them for the new technologies lead to long waiting times as demand outs stripped supply after the initial euphoria, the question is now what have you as an active site? the although the number of users risen rapidly in recent years, their share on the roads is still low. in 2023, they made up 40000000 out of almost 1500000 cars worldwide. why is that? get on the market? i, the market, especially in europe, is still in its infancy, even though, however, the visa now being massively promote time due to the high development costs of switching coal, still have to be paid off. the acquisition costs sometimes higher than the combustion engine for i buy a couple of, i know,
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and it's precisely the price that puts many customers off of what's more steep subsidies are slowly being phase down. and also in germany, which is reflected in the number of new registrations. so far more e b, 's have been registered every year. growth has been constant, but according to forecasts they are set default to the 1st time in 2024 by just under 14 percent, all quote and dodge 100 menu or for in germany, we're seeing again and again, the planning for ease is on the scale back also down to liquid normally in order for that subset. and of course, this is also related to the current slow down in sales to a you don't want to talk to them in new york this monday or tuesday popular condition of divorced in the media group. also wants to avoid stock piling its production and just cutting back production edits 1st, e factory gains, pick out a bar with allied houses. now we've gone from being an
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important lighthouse going to an important size, mcgrath the plant and speak out has been in all electric car factory since 2020. the conversion is cost. the group 1200000000 euros outside smart plug ins coach, the least amount of sales situation is difficult at the moment as the market is unsettled. what's that doing to the plant? of course we're noticing a decline in demand and have to react. technically, we're in a position to build $360000.00 units a year. we are currently in an output of around $240000.00 lanka last year. and by when it's finally sold. this means that 33 percent fewer cars leave the factory and an entire shift has been eliminated. uncertainty is spreading among the employees. the. anyone who has ever run a marathon knows their faces when things go wonderfully,
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but sometimes it hurts. it's crucial to maintain your willpower and focus and say we can do it. i can do it. i can get involved and move the location and the history forward, the all to see. not everyone at this location is there for hoping that the market will recover quickly. and confidence in the technology continues to growth, then i believe that things will pick up and production can be wrapped up again for technology is constantly evolving, ranges are increasing and prices are steadily falling. electronic stability is here to stay. so what happens if you opt to buy an e v instead of a car with an internal combustion engine, and then it breaks down. well, you always be able to find a repair shop close by and what type of different things that need to be serviced or repaired. let's take
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a closer look. this is a test level why with about 18000 kilometers on the clock. the car is ready to get service, but it's important to note, the tesla doesn't have a mandatory service scheduled owners can decide on their own when they want to have that caught check of the vital elements and keeping maintenance costs down as the motor for like a gasoline or diesel engine will have between one and 3000 components, depending on the size of the engine, say of the 6 or a 4 cylinder unit. and here we're talking about between the $2400.00 parts, which is a big difference. as you can see from the space, there's practically enough to sit inside the motor here, cut them on the quality of a fine that's and that's because in the combustion engine, there are a lot more moving parts and fluids compared to electric cost, as well as more things that need checking during $8.00 service basically there's
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nothing for us to check after 200000 kilometers. you might change the oil in the differential. the only oil it has that and otherwise, assuming it works, everything's okay for you this morning. so the engine is off the hook, but other fluids need to be checked in the air conditioning, for example, or your plastic wind screens. white fluids plus is the brake fluid still in top condition, but we're not just finished yet with the brakes. because electric engines means that costs actually use them less often. the problem here is the recuperation, like when you take your foot off the gas, the energy is like covered by the motor and then the brakes aren't used. a lot of carmakers don't allow you to activate some of the other, some like tests or do deactivating the less. so there are special settings ranges
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and most people, ones that energy recovered from and not using the break causes the disks just started for us. things were given daughters with the, the tips funds and just put notes in the finance or some of them. so to prevent this, some manufacturers have it programmed in so that the con, uses the breaks from time to time to get rid of that corrosion. so the brakes can become a safety worry and might need to be replaced earlier than in a combustion engine cost. there's also another source of concern on the testers on the side that can wear out sooner than in gasoline. pilot models the excell in 2023 . many tesla model, fries failed germany's mandatory inspection due to faulty ex or construction. the most obvious thing is the far greater weight. we have far more power going to use ice, which of course means in even greater burden on the actual we have enough to another component affected by the weights and power off electric cause of the tires, the more expensive and might need replacing more frequently. that's the case when
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if you own as go pedal to the metal more often as a result the tires are used up more quickly about the pod from the possibilities of mine are cost increases. the a whole bunch of things up send in an eco, that mechanics like philip would usually need to look at in a combustion engine car. i have us, of course i knew something anyone would notice is that we have no exhaust. it would normally start here at the engine and then the transmission and down here to the catalytic converter or particle filter and some of the rep, the rear. uh, you know, how many i know control from phone of the symptoms in gone is. if it's not the doesn't need to be service. this can lead to the overall servicing costs, which is what jennifer i might add as guerra and to coach with team have been experiencing after starting to service the cost of here years ago. but i'm gonna have to do with the regular engines. the cost can be more in the
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thousands of bureaus depending on the interval. and it's far less for electric vehicles may be one or $200.00. again, depending on the maker and a service intervals, estella, which is about $40.00 for independent repair shops, it can be a challenge financially as the on demand electric vehicles on the road. yes, the workforce required special high voltage training to deal with ease and special equipment is needed as well. and then we might need a separate workspace for that. plus the colleague in question needs to be able to work and piece of daily and a team is to have to cover each other. right. and have i do this application and that means they're not available for other repair jobs when i have a complete big. but what's the deal now there's an electric car going to cost me less or more than a combustion engine vehicle? in 2022, mr. kyle said, out of tech, of that question, the total cost for owning an electric call versus the costs of owning
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a fossil fuel cap and the results when the same for every contact. for example, when you look at small cost versus s u, v t. and to there the price difference, which we identified for the small and for the many cost segment, were significantly higher as for the middle class. and it has to be segment. and that's why they had a hard time, let's say, to achieve the cost beneficial situation over the years. so it's molly, these are a lot more expensive than the combustion engine count, deposit according to crowds analysis. but that's another big factor which impacts the total cost of ownership. if you have, for example, access to a private ball box at your home and or fix it, some blood work and that might be able to charge it there for a large majority of your trips that you are making. and you have, for example,
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a photo of, of type installation on your roof, then it might be factor or 3. you better then this, this, the energy price scenario. so in the middle class, the benefits would be about 10 to 12000 years over 15 years, which is quite right much. so the best option is to buy a mid range caught in charge of the home or at work if you can, relying on the public charging points, increases the overall costs. and total costs for these, as with gasoline models, depend on the model so much cheaper than a combustion engine. others not when it comes to products like steel, aluminum, or whiskey. competition on the global market is massive. with countries also want to protect their innovative technologies and domestic markets from the competition . one way to do that is terrace. what are punitive, carrots,
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punitive, carr, upstart fees, or country can levy on the import of certain goods. they are a way to protect the domestic industry or economy from global competition. and they are sometimes used when trade relations with other countries becomes strange. for example, if wages are low or in country, even in country, be the products manufactured in country a are generally cheaper raising a tire of fund important goods from country a wouldn't make their goods more expensive and to level the playing field. consumers and country be may then be more likely to buy from local producers. punitive tariffs can also be used to fight against dumping, for example, selling at an artificially low cost. if a branch of industry receives government subsidies, its products gain a competitive advantage on the market over those that do not. punitive tariffs are
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intended to protect domestic industry in the countries where there are no such subsidies. they can also serve as political leverage. but if tensions between countries escalate, a trade war can occur. a customs union such as the european union, protects its members from such problems. free trade agreements also enabled the import and export of goods without surcharges. this can also boost the domestic economy. protecting the domestic economy with subsidies or punitive tariffs on imported products can intensifying global competition and it's actually destroying some industries in other countries. like in indonesia, for example, the autopay solving seems to go longer as busy as usual currently on the fly for christmas created. but normally the small sized government
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industry has 50 workers, sorry, is one of the lucky few who comes to work here. for the mother of to this makes a lot how about the last one? yeah, come in and of course i'm worried about being laid off. i have 2 children. i usually earn up to 900000 group as for a week. now it's at most $200000.00. now it's very quiet when working. i come at the moment. good. i'm good. yeah, i thought you might not going to. okay. you don't need just like style and government industries are in deep trouble. thousands of textile workers were laid off from january to june. one of the main costs is as an influx of cheap, china is like styled products of the $8000.00 small and medium textile industry. businesses registered to no one that was probably hundreds of thousands of walk us out of work and that's on the in west java got up. this is worry and they have too many cheetham products, notes that are killing the industry. most of them are from china and whatnot and
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tie them caused by the question i see for the import tariffs, regulation be implemented and how effective would it be to get the good at that bad state and government is considering imposing powers of up to 200 percent on certain time is to make products to protect the domestic industry from done peach tree good by western countries, treat war with between since 201936 solid factories in southeast asia as largest economy have shut down operations. others suffered massive layoffs including the sex operating factory in with java. that's one of the worst affected areas. the problem is thousands of containers of ready to wear clothing are ready to enter the country. of those containers, get to you without safe got regulation. it will be very dangerous, increasing import tariffs as a must to protect industry and the domestic market. the textile industry will not
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survive in 2024. there is no concrete intervention from the government. in doing so, they don't even government implemented an emergency exit plan, which led to the backlog of over 26000 containers by the up to the sky at major ports speech. acosta and sort of by the government is also working to click done on illegal imports, which has worse than the situation. however, many in the industry are concerned about the potential consequences of the new type plan. yeah, in this video game and the found it's a very react if you need less room move, it's could trigger backlash if china dust retaliate over imposing high a tear of this on only one country can be seen as a discrimination of trait. and don't forget that some of our clothing in the street still needs chinese roll, takes title and materials in the next year. as many textile workers for you,
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but straight for is coming action, one of 300 employees who lost her job at a tech cell factory in bundled west. java has never seen such dire circumstances in her 18 years in the industry. she fears things will get worse before they get better get back or why not? i said good. yeah. so i'm lined up. i'm glad i worked for 18 years, but when the company went bankrupt, i was not given my rights 6 months salary and severance pay have not been paid. i used to get around 200 year olds per month. but now even 50 euro is, is very difficult because up, i'm now living in a room with 2 people in the sporting house because i can't afford to pay for now. and she is preparing food for street stall to make ends meet the 40 years old leaves don't use just fix sol, industry needs for reform. even if such change comes too late for her. what are the options for avoiding high tariffs on imported products?
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well, one solution is to become less reliant on imports. indonesia is trying to do just that. the country used to source a large part of its sugar and bio ethanol requirements from other countries. but now the focus is turning to domestic production. the next 3 months will be hard for $400.00 plus whatever kind of the fence. 12 hours the dates, cut, the sugar thing is pills in the room at 3 all helping denisia and it's patients to become the next press. you can see that the less likely on bio f, a know as a fuel source. you know, that is with you on your phone. yeah, i got i'll be happy if the plantation expands, so i don't have to look for another job to make ends meet. i hope the sugar effects or we can operate smoothly because it will affect my income to provide for my
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family. the sugar to it is processed into spectra. $1000.00 trucks come every day. the products are sugar and molasses, which is then 3rd into by the show wants to blend 10 percent bite with an o into all it's gasoline by 2030. but to do that, a lot more sugarcane is needed. the problem is farmers are reluctant, fast industry. but yep, we'll have to have them buy me. yeah. many sugar cane farms that has been changed into housing sites and many farm us prefer more of the profitable crops. we're trying to support them so that they can stay in the sugar business. we try to facilitate the timely procurement of such allies as good seats and also financial support. you young goose, the under the preventative this spectrum here has
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a clear idea of what needs to happen to change things. this is where the on the green castle, in the shy speak purchase effector equals, make 5 times to buy a pet them. but they're only client is the state own gas company for time. you know, they don't need much of the product alicia, so far only has a 5 percent buy it with a no mix of vailable have gas station since they must be more than happy months. i want to laugh. i thought i cool that v original tory framework around the entire by with another project is not yet in place of it. he meant from fuel produces a so low simply because there are no rules requiring them to offer a bio with an old product. if this came, we would go full in production, and so all the bio ethanol only if there's enough pro material conditions like this one or 2 of us are set to go for a couple of us to government events to the big an open 700000 heck,
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there's of new sugar in patients at the moment or the health of the country soon. gasoline is important. creating self sufficiency and inspector will actually solve 2 problems at generating gum for harvest. workers like the that's it for another edition of made. electro mobility remains controversial. with both high expectations and increasing resistance and complex inter dependence in international trade. see you next week and take care the to the point of strong opinion. clear position. international perspective.
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germany is still in shock after the nice attack and zoning and suspects came from syria and deluded german authorities, triggering political debates about to partitions and asylum onto the point we ask after the nice attacks the germany changed to migration policy to the point the next on d, w no global trans without, but their carbon footprint is disasters. shipping. the transition on water. how far has has come of maritime transport in 2 hours, on the w, the, the business. but we
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will tell you the we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw, and use africa every friday on the w. on the long voyage through the ocean. and motor home back with account. for a long time, they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have to come, they protect the
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ocean, dw, the germany. it is still in shock after the 9th attack in the western city of sol again where 3 people were killed and 8 wounded on a friday night, while families process the grief and hor, questions arise. why is germany subject to these types of attacks? the suspected perpetrator with alleged links to isis came from syria, eluded the german all stories and committed murder. the result, heated political debates about weapon, laws, partitions and asylum all this just days before crucial state elections. on to the point we ask after this oregon knife attack to germany change its migration policy . the.


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