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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this, the state of the news live from berlin as well. press the head with a major military operation in the west bank when you came to closing. so i would say says 10, why it's here. we cannot go further at this point as well, claims as full scale them as law makes you health come on don't in a shootout at the most. ok. respondent is on the ground. also coming up kenyan police them hate the launch and operation to oust criminal gangs. from photo prints, really talk to a jaundiced on the ground about how effective the un mission hudson and the hong kong code finds to join in is guilty of publishing content. humphries,
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to national security. the solution, convictions of the latest, low depressed freedom of china. items of chris on the welcome to the program. as well say is it's troops have killed a palestinian militants, come on the no rate and the occupied best bank. at least 16 palestinians have been killed in the operations that began late on tuesday. is real safe. the rate is aimed at the study and militants, the un secretary general, has called for the, for the operations. and i'm telling you a good time or said it was feeling and already explosive situation in the west bank . the operation is focused on refugee camps into boss, janine, and told cut them here in the shattered streets of toys caught him is real, says it has already achieved significant success. this is the largest military
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operation in the occupied westbank in years. it says local islamic jihad leader mohammed java. the scene here in file footage was killed in gun fight at a mosque is rarely troops had tried and failed before to eliminate java. he's accused of carrying a numerous attacks on his re lease palestinian civilians are once again paying the cost of these rarely raids knew that we were asleep and woke up to the gunshots at around 3 30 am. i started waking my wife up, telling her the army or shooting at the house. i was barely able to wake her up and they hit the house with the rocket. we ran my wife and i to the other room. they fired another rocket, my son and his wife were on the 2nd floor. they hit them with a rocket, little volume general, whose family was able to escape their home with their lives while others are afraid to go outside watching the chaos and fold around them. little that the situation is
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difficult, the army comes and goes their movements and not normal and it's quieted. but when the boaters just come, they destroy everything. but we're afraid we hear the boat, those is the shooting. now there is bombing in garza, now there's plumbing and the refugee come is really forces roaming the streets in search of militants have also created serious problems for the health care system. in the areas being rated, medical workers say troops are blocking access to ambulances. the addition to sliding these really army refuses entirely to allow ambulances to enter whether uncoordinated or coordinated, even if we are allowed to enter. as you see, the ambulances cannot access the camps, or even reach humanitarian cases, and people with diseases insanity. the u. n. is urging israel to ensure injured people can obtain medical care. it's also calling for a halt to the operation in the west bank, saying the campaign is fueling an already explosive situation. stayed up there.
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corresponding tonya kramer sent us this update from the occupied westbank. so i'm sending him the main way to the refuge account who are summit. so you can see here is some of the military vehicles coming in. you're seeing seeing this in the course of the cost also. so when you came that was close in that i would say it's a 10 y it's yes, we cannot go further at this point. this is for most of the joining this. you're standing right now. no. we came into 2 car in city and the city is almost as large as people we've been talking to in the morning. said to a big, big, fairly go out of the houses and the safety of the house. the very worried about what is happening, of course, it's not the 1st time the experiencing such 10 situation, no military rates, military, it's happening across the when's the occupied westbank on a daily basis. now also coming into the rest that you come here behind the come
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over to the islands this waiting. uh and uh, some of the fire brigades also waiting then uh to move in. now as well. it says this is a major counter terrorism operation. um they say they go in because attacks uh, emanating from the north and uh, westbank. they also say that the comes are flooded uh with a reference infrastructure that is financed by uh, yvonne. now right now we're seeing some of the vehicles here, the fire brigade, uh, moving into the town. um, so people are you guys saying, you know, they don't know how long this will take. oh, so the army said uh yesterday, this is the 1st phase. so we have to wait and see uh how long this uh long skin operation will take place in the northern west, then that will state up this tonya cramer and be occupied westbank. let's take a look now what some of the stories making headlines around the world for the world
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health organization sites as well, has agreed to limit the pauses in the fighting and also to allow for hundreds of thousands of children to be vaccinated. again, told you the campaign is set to start in central garza on sunday. i'm gonna continue for 3 days. view it you'll save that will be it'll be followed by pauses and fighting in both southern and northern gospel. ukraine sees one of fits us made of succeeding jets have crushed. it comes just week soft of the long away. the plane started operating inside the country. few cleaning military stays, the pilot died in the crash and the cost is now $1.00. the investigation is the 1st reported loss of and that's 16 ukraine. humans who the rebels have released fluid showing the destination of 1st funded oil tanker in the red sea. the video shows most men wanting explosives around the greek on the west, so i'll say it was attacked by who p fighters last week. the around backed rebels have agreed to allow the tank that to be told to show and feels like
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a major point to haiti now, where police working with full so send from can you have launched a joint operation to force criminal gangs out of the capital port opens 85 minutes to meet the announcement while visiting the hospital. treating officer enjoy the initial top audio this week canyon photos that are on the graph as part of the humans security emission to 18. more than 3200 killings have some default of the sale. due to gain by them is just 5 minutes to get a car needs. calling for haitians to support the operation of digital classroom, i'm tired of coming to visit police officers who been injured by bullets. we'll see it on the side of attempting the funerals of police offices. this must be resolved by the fact it's going to take time. it's going to take patients, it's no, it's going to be quick. no, but we know it's backing down. it requires the commitments of the whole society to so the diversity of all haitian and we're asking the haitian people to play that
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part during the vet, lo, melbourne, co joins me now from portal. prince lo, thank you so much for being here. what's more, can you tell us about this? and the gang corporation was down. see, there was, you know, this enjoy integration by the ation, national police. and also um, for us is from kenya, from anybody, services was injured, discharging the separation duties announced that, you know, many members have the cube my so far. we don't have hundreds um, you know, a tiny or what happened. uh huh. not kenyon, police forces have been in haiti since june. so have they made a difference so far? well, i don't think i'd be, have made that much of a difference. for instance, 80 percent of the 80 type of disability still under the control of gigs. uh, more than half a 1000000 people are displeased by getting vitamins. so we have,
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you know, tens of thousands of them, you know, when you know, if it is so we have, you know, thousands of people, uh, in camps uh, all of the 80 costing tools are leaving. and that being said, their own house is today and you know, the keys are too many neighbors. and so, um we uh actually see uh, some sort of changing the don't the nation if you go to the internet. so people are more critical of these photos. as you know, things are not improving. speaking about the people who's been displaced? well, the estimate is around 600000 haitians have been forced out of the homes. can you tell us a bit about what the situation is like for them? well, it's a very difficult situation. most of these people when the south of the country, and this is a place that was already struggling with so many issues in 2021. and i guess they
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suffered the major of the week. many schools in minnesota key 1st issues including rooms that have not been reviewed since there is a place that surf and also from the defense to inconvenience those things. the 16 stories that destroyed so many interesting choosing between patients. this region is the really from this catastrophe, is that 802, no more patients that they see in the overwhelms the of the i see an increase in terms of, uh, 6, revisions including unions is uh, they also see, you know, so many kids ministry to be the parents and what about the civilians who are living in neighborhoods of run by gangs? what's life life for them? just briefly please? well, life is extremely difficult. so when games came to
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a neighborhood, when they settled in your neighborhood, every between the, every aspect of life is confirmed by them. the, you know, around sac counties, you know, q to and the do you do also do many sexual matters. that's jonas below medical input opens. thank you so much. thank you. or a cold in hong kong has convicted 2 journalists of sedition, the former editor of the news, which has now been shut down, well accused of and fighting hatred against beijing. this marks the 1st such ruling against journalist since the former british colony was handed back to china in 1997 to toy cooling, arriving at quote, the full, my editor in chief of stanton views in no doubt about the seriousness of this case . and the light can he budget?
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both he and another editor, patrick lum, arrested in december 2021. they were charged with conspiracy to publish and reproduce dishes publications which they both denied. on the same day, the offices of stange news were rated by police with computers and other materials taken away as evidence. the media outlets that began in 2014 was forced to shut down a bit to run to a chinese language website. digit becomes so important during the pro democracy protests that began in 2019 pro chest that both china and the phone call most storage fees. so as a national security threat before. finally stumping them out. press freedom in hong kong has been under threat for some time. the popular newspaper
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apple daily has also been forced to close the goal, lead time to come, to click where it's full. my own uh, the media tycoon. jimmy lie is already in jail and is still facing all the challenges. now that the spend news editors have been found guilty of sedition. they too can expect prison sentences, or the latest example the beijing is cracked um, on free speech in hong kong. tom grundy is the head of the hong kong free press. and we also earlier about the specific, suspicious publications reference to this case. so complicated said that it's done, is it tied to a 5 patriot against the government? we've content that promoting radical political ideology is 17 articles were in question. these one editorials, by the way. uh but interviews with democrats profiles all the activities,
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a feature about the pro tasks and even the hard news piece about a right surprise. but so i think 11 would be 17 articles today was tends to be seditious. judge clark saying that tongue alone knew up and agree with this, the, this with intention of the articles. and they provided style news as an application platforms who inside hatred against on call in china. i found this did have a pro democracy slams that arose from the asked about the, the 2014 moxie umbrella movement. it rose to prominence during the 2019 unrest and pro test was very much a go to sol. so the demonstrations on the streets. but it's the code 19 restrictions on the new security mold. set those protests away again later in 2020 uh long on the stand news news room was rated by $200.00 and national security police about $9000000.00 us dollars of their assets are frozen. einstein
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new deleted it's website. uh, shortly afterwards. if you're up to date, you can always get more news on our website, dw, dot com or on our social media try to i'm they have jolly thanks for watching. the my name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called com. so hold back. cool and crazy cars made from wood waste plastic poles, furniture electronic waves or even cannabis. that's a tough.


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