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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from poland as well presses a head with a military operation on the west bank. at least 16 people have been killed. something has rarely full stop conducting rain earlier this week over coming up. tough response to the sol lincoln life attack. the german government announces new security on the bottom measures of the last week at least, dobbins linked to the so called a small mix states and the hong kong code finds to georgia. this is guilty of publishing content console to national security for submission convictions of the latest flow to press freedom of china tightens of grip on the category the
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welcome to the program as well. so as it's troops have killed a palestinian militant, come on the integrate in the occupied westbank. at least 16 palestinians have been killed in the operation that began late on tuesday. as well as the rate is in the palestinian militants. the human secretary general has called for the operation to and i'm telling you a good coverage cited for stealing an already explosive situation in the west bank feel. pression is focused on refugee camps and to boss janine, and to cut him here in the shattered streets of to cut him. israel says it has already achieved significant success. this is the largest military operation in the occupied west banking years. as it says, local islamic jihad leader mohammed john the scene here in file footage was killed in gun fight at
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a mosque is really troops had tried and failed before to eliminate java. he's accused of carrying a numerous attacks on his release. palestinian civilians are once again paying the cost of these rarely raids knew that we were asleep and woke up to the gunshots at around 3 30 am. i started waking my wife up, telling her the army or shooting at the house. i was barely able to wake her up and they hit the house with the rocket. we ran my wife and i to the other room. they fired another rocket. my son and his wife were on the 2nd floor. they hit them with a rocket, little volume. hello, how are you? his family was able to escape their home with their lives while others are afraid to go outside watching the chaos and fold around them. little that the situation is difficult. the army comes and goes their movements and not normal, and it's quieted the when the boaters just come, they destroy everything. but we're afraid he's. we hear the boat,
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those is the shooting. now there is bombing in garza, now there's plumbing and the refugee come is really forces roaming the streets in search of militants have also created serious problems for the health care system. in the areas being rated, medical workers say troops are blocking access to ambulances. in addition to sliding these really army refuses entirely to allow ambulances to enter, whether on coordinated or coordinated, even if we're allowed to enter. as you see, the ambulances cannot access the camps, or even reach humanitarian cases, and people with diseases and insanity. the u. n. is urging israel to ensure injured people can obtain medical care. it's also calling for a halt to the operation in the west bank, saying the campaign is fueling an already explosive situation. state of new corresponding tonya craigslist center. this update from the occupied westbank. i'm sending him the main road to the residence of cam,
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who are summit. so you can see here some of the military vehicles coming in. you're seeing seeing this in the course of the cost always go through a new came that was close. and so i would say it's a 10. we cannot go further at this point. this is where most of the join, unless you're standing right now. no, we came in through to a car in city and the city is almost desert as people we've been talking to in the morning. said to a big, big fan to go out of the houses and the safety of the house. the very worried about what is happening, of course, is not the 1st time experiencing such 10 situational military rates. military, it's happening across the, when was the, the occupied was thing on a daily basis. know also coming into the reference, you come here behind the come i see the islands this waiting. uh and uh, some of the fire brigades also waiting then uh to move in. now as well. it says this is a major account, a terrorism operation. um they say they go in because attacks uh,
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emanating from the north and uh, westbank. they also say that the comes are flooded uh with a reference infrastructure that was financed by uh, yvonne. now right now we're seeing some of the vehicles here, the fire brigade moving into the town. um, so people here saying, you know, they don't know how long this will take. oh, so the army said yesterday, this is the 1st phase. so we have to wait and see how long this large scale operation will take place in the northern western w. sonya name of the in the occupied westbank to now as well in the world health organization have agreed to begin a polio vaccination campaign for children in the golf. as for the campaign will start on sunday, consist of a series of zone 3 day pauses and fighting to allow health workers to administer
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polio vaccine come off phase of supporting the plan goals. hospital system has been devastated by the fighting since last october, leading to a general health crisis. one and a half year old elan barker is too weak to move. she lives to on this hospital bed with her mom and grandmother by her side. been tablets of miss checking me so if you to call nutrition, she's dehydrated, who is just up in my home a shift and it has co serious complications that she's lean, pulled off with as low potassium acid into blood. huh. and infection in both lungs . oh, i the, how about the us in these complications make constructing polio, potentially fatal for early on? now, with the 3 day truce agreed family hopes we can safely receive the much need to succeed
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. the truth begins on september, 1st with over 640000 children on to 10 years old. expect to be back to me is critical that we reach 90 percent vaccination. we've got 90 percent and $99090.00 explanation coverage during the beach routes that will be 2 routes. a split of 4 weeks that is needed. actually, you need 90 percent plus to stop the outbreak of the transmission within garza and prevent international straps. folio what aliens family has whole of avoiding the disease for another month and though it is too late and evinced info on some of do has become causes 1st pull the case it 25 years.
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because those are the only she started vomiting. once i stopped moving and had a fever and put on the bulk role and i took him to a locks and modest hospital where the suspect until after thanksgiving day, so fun to bottex and sending samples of jordan to go to call from the health industry consuming of do is the only detected case of all the sofa. it was a show much, and i'm a kind of miami living says she doesn't know if any treatment would help up to involve the truth may save hundreds of thousands from polio. it's only temporary off to the truth and the lives of those children in gaza in the families remain a terrific as the pull it all. drake is just one part of the larger public health
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catastrophe. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. or you can say is one of us made of 16 jets has crushed it comes just weeks after the long away the plane started operating inside the country. the ukrainian military stays the pilot died in the crash. the cost is under investigation. it's the 1st of all the law from f. 16 in ukraine. germans who the rebels have released footage showing the designation of a splendid oil tank of the red sea. the video shows most men swamping explosives around the greek on the west. so after it was attacked by who the fight of last week, the ron backed rebels have agreed to allow the tanker to be told the shore. i'm a fios from major oil. spill is prime minister phase haitian and canyon. fossils have launched a joint operation against criminal gang in the capital of port or prince canyon
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forces that are on the ground as part of the un security emission to haiti. hold in 3200 killings happened. report of the seal in the country due to scan wirelessly. now the german government, this type thing security m a violem lows of the last weeks. definitely stopping at a festival in solar and west germany. 3 people were killed, april wounded, the suspect doesn't those items, eco from civil whom the government filled the default. the new measures include a band on nights that's public events and on long distance buses and trains. bolingbrook also cuts social benefits for rejected asylum seekers. if they have claims in other european countries, refugees who travel to that home countries could also lose the protection status. the government also resumed to for patients of, of guns and civilians who have been convicted of serious criminal offenses or also suspected of being radical islamist. at the press conference to discuss the new
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measures, the german justice minister conceded the binding knives would not keep potential attack us from using them. the deputies political correspondent simon young was there. he told us why germany is still planning to move forward with the new restrictions. but he also given to that question, was that to defining these powers for police to band knives, it helps them to target the potential that extreme may send the dangerous people more effectively. what the government to coalition policies have said is that they have looked very specifically at what happens in zone and with this attack. and the response today is deliberately focused on taking measures that might've helped prevent it. so that's why they've had talked about limiting the caring of knives in public. as you mentioned at the festivals,
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scott sports events that markets exhibitions and other public gatherings like that, giving the power and police powers to impose bands where they think it's appropriate. also, i rail stations and on trains it on long distance spa services. and i think they think that full of that will help to, you know, focus the police efforts and weed out to people with bad intentions of cold and hong kong. have convicted to join the list of submission, the former editors of stand news, which has not been shut down well accused of inciting hatred against beijing. this marks the 1st such ruling against june this, since the form of british colony was handed back to china in 1997, a true toy cooling, arriving it. quote, the full, my editor in chief of stanton views, and no doubt about the seriousness of this case. and the light,
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can you verdict both he and another editor, patrick lamb, well arrested in december 2021. they were charged with conspiracy to publish and reproduce seditious publications which they both denied. on the same day, the offices of stange news were rated by police with computers and other materials taken away as evidence. the media outlet that began in 2014 was forced to shut down a picture and to a chinese language website that it becomes so important during the pro democracy protests that began in 2019 pro chest, that both china and the hong kong, most ortiz. so as a national security threat before, finally, stumping them out. press freedom in hong kong has been under. try it for
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some time. the popular newspaper apple daily has also been forced to close the goal. finally, time to come to quickly where it's full my own. uh, the media tycoon, jimmy ly, is already in jail and is still facing other challenges. now that these stand news editors have been found guilty of sedition. they to can expect prison sentences. the latest example, the beijing is cracked um, on free speech in hong kong. and the reminder of our top story, this our these rarely military science of killed a militant, palestinian, come on the northern west bank. israel has been conducting a big military operation in the occupied territories, tuesday nights. and that brings you up to date up next butcher's taking the stand against the factory from meat. stay tuned for that.
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you're fine. much one use on website dw, dot com and on also so media channels on the house. all right, thanks for watching the we are all set and we are watching to see all the to bring you the story behind the new, the will on about. com, biased information for free might do 10 in the okay, let's do this more. can you see.


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