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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news, live it from berlin, the pressure to correct dealing with migration here in germany. deportations to afghanistan, resume the 1st since vitale. bon returns of our the german government is promising to get tough on the asylum and security ahead of 2 regional elections this weekend . also coming up and us vice presidential for us, vice president rather come on, the harris spacing her 1st child questions as presidential candidate, including questions about the war in gauze. i am unequivocal and unwavering and my commitment, israel's defense and its ability to defend itself. the democratic party is not many defending her record as vice president and
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a wide ranging interview on cnn and ukraine, pushing for the go ahead to hit targets inside russia with us made a long range weapons, reports say the decisive meetings are due to start today. the hybrid gulf is good to have you with us on this friday, germany has resumed reporting rejected asylum seekers to afghanistan for the 1st time since the totally behind recheck power a flight with 28 convicted f u n. a vendors took off on friday, bound for a cobble germany. stopped supporting. ask in migrants back in 2021 due to human rights concerns the renew, deportations come. as the german government faces pressure to crack dealing with migration after a fatal one mail i. fram. page last week in which
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a syrian suspect was found to have invaded deforestation a little more. now i'm going to bring in the w security correspondent, thomas barrow. thomas. good to see you. look, let's talk 1st about the timing here. the german government resuming deportations right after a fatal knife attacked of this isn't a coincidence, isn't the timing is certainly very important here because it comes at a time when many people in germany where old political parties are specifically discussing the issue of the potations, especially the protections of failed asylum seekers and especially the protections they'll fail this item. see it goes from countries like syria and up, got it done. and this is the result specifically of the attack in zoning and a few days ago. but it's important to stress that this is probably not the direct result from what happened in zoning and these kinds of deportation. flights of plans with lots of time in advance. but only because of all the logistics involved
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here in germany also that negotiations that take place in this particular case, between germany on some of the countries in the region where i've gotten his son is located, the german government does not recognize the taliban government. but it has admitted that it had contracts i to technical level, specifically through an office in doha. so basically what this gives you what this gives us, that impression is that yes, the timing is obviously relevant, but it's not a direct connection, or at least a direct result from what happened in zoning that it's something that's being planned now for quite some time. so why we're the deportations stopped in 2021 and then awhile to continue now or they stopped after the taliban took power and they have now resumed. and this has to do with a series already several security incidents in recent months that have been linked to failed asylum. so it goes from these countries that we're talking about. and as
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a result, the german government decided that it was important to restart these deportation to flights. the thinking behind that it's a gemini, is national security, outweighs the claim for protection for failed asylum seekers. specifically those who have committed offenses have committed crimes. in fact, the 28th off guns that was the portage. now they are all convicted criminals, they're all after nationals all with an order for deportation. so the thinking that the german government has indicated is that the national security outweighs the claim for protects. and in the specific cases, all right, so we've got the deportations resuming this friday. and in just in 2 days we've got important regional elections here in germany. do you see a connection between the deportations and these upcoming elections property on in direct 100 has to do with the political debate? once again, the political debate around migration about asylum in general,
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about the potations that is a debate that, for example, has been particularly important for the far right alternative for germany potty, which is leading in the polls. and the 2 regions that are going to vote this sunday . so the big question given gemini, is to what extent this debate these decisions are actually going to impact? what is going to happen on sunday, the 2 german regions in the east and thomas, do you think that we are about to witness deportations from germany on a wider scale than we've seen in the past or the german government? such a lead tends to continue with these deportation flights, but there are many concerns from a political level from a legal perspective as well. and they're all of us to human rights concerns that are particularly important here. human rights organizations have criticized these deportation slides. thing that i've done is done and build a safe country for people to return to. and in fact, several politicians here in the country have also a voice that skepticism. so even though the government does want to continue with these slides, it is going to be a difficult process from
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a political perspective from a legal perspective, as well as from a human rights perspective. these 3 elements are very important. now when it comes to the political discussion around these deportations lights or security correspondence, almost buried with the latest here in berlin. thomas, as always, thank you for to the united states. now we're coming to harris has laid down some of her plans for the presidency and her 1st major interviews is becoming the democratic parties. presidential nominees, the current vice president, appeared on cnn the one side her vp running mate. tim was where she defended her record and that of the biden administration since starting her run for the presidency just over a month ago. cumberland harris has mostly appeared in front of a door in crowds like this one in georgia. on thursday night that changed when she sat down with cnn for the 1st big interview with the campaign. with americans deeply divided over the war and guns, the powers concerned,
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she would not stop on shipments to israel. i am unequivocal and an unwavering and my commitment, israel's defense, and its ability to defend itself. and that's not gonna change. far too many innocent palestinians have been killed and we have got to get a deal done. another issue, highland versus mines is migration with republican seeking to attack harris and the democrats over the issue even as a legal border crossings sunk the lowest level in years. last month, power explained to republican rival, donald trump looking efforts to cub irregular migration by part of some work, including some of the most conservative members of the united states congress. a bill was crafted, which we supported, which i support. and donald trump, that word of this bill that would have it contributed to securing our border. and
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because he believes that it would not have helped him politically. she told his folks in congress don't put it forward. he killed the bill with just 10 weeks ago before election day. harris has no time to waste introducing herself and her plans to the american public. the now, at least, as it seemed to be paying off with most polls, giving her a narrow lead of a trump ever more now i'm joined by boys form it. he's a professor of politics and director of the politics section and board college here in berlin. more is this going to have you with us on this friday? you watch the interview. this was the 1st sit down interview that we've seen with here is and with her v p running made. did it work as well? i mean, the political scientist took me once to say, we'll have to ask, we'll have to do pulse to be able to, to answer this. but i think what we're seeing here is a continuation of what we've seen at the democratic national convention. and i
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think it's a strategy that certainly seems interesting and seem to the pull numbers so far of proven are right. and what she's doing, i think, is to try and avoid identity politics. issues, questions of race and gender are obviously important, but they're not being at the center of the political debate. instead, what she's doing, i think, is focusing on the mini plus the question of losing off the cost of living problems, inflation it, but also migration. so these are really the 2 central concerns and i think it's a, it's a strategy that could work also for independence and moderate republicans. she said in this interview that her values have not changed, but her policies regarding fracking regarding border control and immigration, those policies they have changed so which, which one isn't more important? i guess. i mean,
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this is something the fox news in particular is trying to highlight that. she's a flip flopper, i think this is the kind of way that she's being psyched the portrayed. um, you know, i guess it's what i find interesting in this debate is that a trump has not even articulated the policy platform. and that's not something that's being discussed much. so yes, she has changed her position. i'm not sure how convincing her answer in this particular interview was it was a very short interview at that. so she will probably take a little deeper and, and come up with explanations at the same time for acting as an issue is not something that's on the top off everyone's minds. so right now, or what a lot of people are talking about is the situation in gaza that remains very divisive. even in the united states, there's been pressure on here is to differentiate herself from president biden. how different is she really though?
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i thought what she's done also at the democratic national convention also in this interview is quite interesting. which is to hold true thoughts at once, which seems to be very difficult. uh, which is to say that uh, domestic or itself was an atrocity. and that the war is creating horrible consequences and too many in this and for the students are living. and i think this is a complexity that somehow needs to be articulated and she's doing about obviously the debate is very polarized and very logical. and i'm not sure how many people she's going to convince from either side of the spectrum. but i think um, at least she is trying to articulate a position here. and we know that a lot of us politics is performative art, if you will, knowing that and based on what we saw in this interview, what do you expect to see when she and donald trump debate each other in about 10 days time? yeah, i think that's
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a good point about performing performing art. uh, even though i think there should be also some substance behind the war hold switch so to speak. and so yeah, and she hasn't had much time to explain that. i think what she is doing is trying to emphasize these 2 main points. the middle class focused. so questions of class and income and qualities and wealth inequalities and questions of migration and security. i think these are topics that in the last couple of decades, really, the democrats have not been very strong on. and so she's trying to recapture the political debate as far as foreman director politics it board college here in berlin. it's always worth we appreciate your time and your analysis. thank you. thank you, right. all right, let's take a look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world . at least 4 people have been killed in dozens more injured as x type, food change and trenches. japan was to rental rate land slide,
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and flood alerts and shut down travel industry, hundreds of miles from the tropical storm center. it was the 10th type food to hit japan. this season bangladesh is entering the government assigned to you in treaty to prevent enforced disappearance is at the hands of security officials. human rights watch says more than 600 people went missing and bangladesh during prime minister shakes, i've seen is 15 years in power. many were members of the political opposition. new zealand maureen king has died at the age of 69. he'd been recovering from heart surgery just days after celebrating his 18th year on the throne. he was the 7th monarch since the ceremonial post was created. the successor will be elected by a council of more he lead ukrainian officials are said to present the
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us with a list of targets that ukraine wants to hit inside russia that in meetings in washington that are expected today. as according to the ukranian lawmaker who spoke with us media, the meeting is supposed to convince the american government to lift its band on the use of its long range missiles inside russian territory. let's take a look now and how that might change the situation on the battlefield. so these are you with me. the tech comes missiles, with the range of 300 kilometers. the crane has used them to deadly effect on its own territory. destroying russian military assets in crimea and elsewhere. it is long wanted to use them on russian territory as well. are those in law? we continue to insist that their determination not lifting the restrictions on long range strikes for you crazy. now that will help us and the war as soon as possible in a fair way for ukraine and the weld as
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a whole. those of us deployed highmore as missiles gonna hit a target 77 kilometers away. but as this map shows, there aren't any major russian military assets in that range. if the was allowed ukraine to shoot, attack comes with their 300 kilometer range from its territory. it could strike up to $225.00 military assets, ranging from air defense, batteries, fuel and ammunition, depos, a high value targets like they looked at the air base, which russian uses to launch deputies and results using blind bombs. and the cruise means military base, which is a major staging ground for troops and equipment heading into cream from russia. ukraine has received multiple rounds of upgraded weapons, multiple rocket launchers like high mars and tanks, guided long range missiles and eventually have 16 jets ukraine also used timers, tanks and jets in its incursion into the course region of russia in parallel with
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massive drone attacks. but it hasn't been enough to hit model russian military assets. man, if i partners lifted all the current restrictions on the use of weapons on russian territory. but we would not have needs if basically, and so particularly the cost region to protect our ukranian citizens and the border communities and eliminate the rushes potential for regression. in shallow, i've meanwhile, russia has slowly advanced, despite all the deliveries and is making gains now in the don't bass region that may make it easier to attack the rest of ukraine. striking deep into russian territory as a gamble to change the terms of the war. but even if the us allowed it and its allies follow, it's not clear whether it will pay off for the new school year is about to start in russia and for peoples in some regions bordering. you crave that means classes
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under more time conditions. you cranes incursion into the course. the region is entering its 4th week, but it same school kids there and elsewhere in russia are being told everything's just far school will start soon for these russian children. they have been evacuated following ukraine's incursion into russia's course region. so you can see up, depending on the situation these consume, there will be remote learning and regions. people are moving to, to the hybrids here from my own person, shipping them easily. fortunately, i suppose the course as well as the neighboring belgrade region issue, elevate alerts on a daily basis and has started building shelters. elgar, its governor also nouns that schools in kindergartens and several districts will be covered with this protective feeling better on state tv. the school year seems to be starting smoothly, comes out to you. so that's why we're the preparations for the school year. see
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a plan that everything will be ready on time, ization federal junior. what's missing in the school? what would you do me? so we have received an amazing new model in school. all that seems to be part of the kremlin strategy to depict a new normal despite ukraine's ongoing offensive you the green ones. so keep russians in this state when they do not think about what's going on there. and if something is kept in in some troubles of aging, please, i'm slow. so of course is a place where not only for children killed the rain washed in certain way, but they appear on this can be influence. so if, as well, to the state and he's evening, news also shows of another new school with modern technical equipment and approaching portraits in the classroom. it is reportedly located in the sol
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caldwell hands, peoples, republic, and eastern ukraine. the russia annexed in 2022 state tv. it is shown as russian territory. the war already reached classrooms long before you cranes incursions classes that teach patriotism and the kremlin version of the war in ukraine had been added to the curriculum in 2022. there are special lessons where to choose from tolts about well, how the way us conspire against russia all the time and how russia was for a tourist formed over the course of the war. it has introduced mandatory basic military training and highschool. something that has become even more relevant now with ukraine and soldiers on russian territory. a israel says it's killed a nother senior palestinian militant as part of the big military operation in the
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west bank. the army said is really bored or police killed a senior from aust commander in a drone storage in the northern city of janine. now that's after a local islamic jihad commander was killed on thursday. at least 19 palestinians have been killed in the raids that began 3 days ago. the operation is focused on refugee camps in to box jeanine and to call them in the occupied west bank. the world health organization says it is real, has agreed to a limited pause in finding in the gaza strip to allow for a polio vaccination campaign to go ahead. health workers hope to treat over 600000 children. starting on sunday. mazda is also agreed to the plan because this hospital system has been devastated by fighting since last october, interrupting routine back to nations and allowing a polio to return the
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ban tablets of miss checking me. so if the side of my has a fast who just stuff in my home, a chef cuz i'm in my house. so is this a little off with, with us feel sad and how the, from the ups with them the oh i the how about the, the us in the okay, we apologize for that. we're having some technical problems with that story. i want to go now back to our story and that is the question of how you cream may or may
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not use us weapons inside russia. during me to discuss that is robin wagner of the greens party here in germany. mr. wagner is on the one this talks for an affairs committee. it's good to have you with us. are you worried about this move by ukraine in washington today to further list restrictions on the use of longer range weapons? i am not, we are always talking about the use of sauce ukrainian weapons s in the moment that western weapons are given to ukraine. they are ukrainian weapons and of cause in accordance to international law. this increa rightfully may defend itself against this russian aggressive is russell, more distressing tears. and it was actually let him get food, keeps the decision to make the territory of russia possible. this was, was his decision when he started this was,
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and it can be his decision to ended immediately. why do you withdraw says who's from your credit? stop these terrible techs, and we have seen in the last days to get everybody escalation by russell with the techs on energy infrastructure. he's a, mr. herman, let me ask you, how confident are you and your colleagues in the bonus tag that by allowing you credit military to shoot further into russia, that will be a winning strategy. i mean, are you convinced that if you loosen the restrictions that will be the key to ukraine winning this for i am not a military strategist, and i would not say that there is one seeing a key to winning this war. but what is very clear to me is that at the moment, there is no rush and willingness to really negotiate about peace. russia only you once told me that goes. and once you train, you can give up everything and give up a democracy and freedom. and the moments
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a lot of people team realizes that he cannot reach his go with the military. that's with them all on is that there is a place for the policy and peace negotiations. so this necessarily, this is craig asked me to, to be able to defend, to get dressed. and that means also text against military target on russian territory. why do you believe that the restrictions that are in place now? why didn't you believe that those restrictions were put in place to begin with? well, cause it's not an easy question we have talking about. there is really and i think this is, this is a good going to try to deescalate and not escalate any further. but we have to be very gmc, that when ever we have restrictions on our side leg and 14 uses that to escalate it seems to be done on the us as an excuse for escalation. and all the escalation comes directly from the credit. but the idea was to not escalate,
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but it does not work, letting it put to use any kind of weakness he sees in the west full for the escalation by him. and so it just for defendants against those terrible, the techs that are committed against civilian population, energy infrastructure. all those totally forbidding tara, in order to protect against them, is necessary to target the places from where the weapons i saw. to me ask you something about being a politician for the greens here in germany. your party stands on military support for ukraine. considered by many to be very hawkish. how much do you think that this is contributed to the greens decline in recent polls here in europe? i think it would be a great mistake. i'm considering questions of defending democracy and freedom just from trying the party to put it to good issues. and it is a mistake for all the accreditation. so one could use the defense oh democracy
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to fucking kind of where they put it to his trial. so we wouldn't have great wisdom failure when we do that. so this is actually not the question for me. what i, yes, is that there is to be supporting the green votes us. so i think this is the biggest support for strong support for ukraine. and we have very yet in our cost, but it's not because we think that because we want the pushing is the only one who runs a lot. and the military systems to ukraine is part of texas military assistant documentarian systems. we can only get assistance, the empty diplomacy, wherever that is done all around the world. to end this terrible robin wagner, a member of the green's party, a member of the german parliament. mr. morgan, and we appreciate your time on this friday. thank you. thank you. are you watching? dw,
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do is i'll be back at the top of the hour with more rolled news. i hope to see you then the,
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to the points of strong opinion, clear positions, international perspective. germany is still in shock after the nice attack and so willing and suspect came from syria and diluted terminal authorities triggering political debates about to partitions and asylum onto the point we ask after the nice attack. so terminate change to migration policy to the point. the next on d w no global trans without, but their carbon of the printer is disasters. shipping
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the transmission on water. how far has has come here as maritime transport in 45 minutes on d, w. the . so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and one different thing and some lines and your parents do i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to the doctor during the
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time and then when generation class, which now dw documentary, the germany is still in shock after the 9th attack in the western city of sol. again, where 3 people were killed and 8 wounded on a friday night. while families process the grief and hor, questions arise. why is germany subject to these types of attacks? the suspected perpetrator with alleged links to isis came from syria, eluded the german all stories and committed murder. the result heated political debates about the weapon laws, the protections and the site with all this just days before crucial state elections . on to the point we ask after this oregon nights attack to germany, change its migration policy. the.


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