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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues live it from berlin, the pressure to crank down on migration here in germany. deportations to afghanistan resumed the 1st since the tel, we bought and return to power. the german government, promising to get tough on asylum and security headed to regional elections this weekend. also coming up is really agrees to limited pauses in fighting, and the gods is stripped to allow the children more than half a 1000000 to be vaccinated against polio, the
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fiber. god is good to have you. with this, we begin this friday with something that has not happened to your in years deportation. flights from germany to afghanistan on friday, germany resumed reporting rejected asylum seekers to afghanistan for the 1st time since the totally bond retained power in 2021. a flight with convicted afghanis vendors took off bound for cobbled. the german government is facing pressure to crack down on migration after a fatal knife rampage last week, allegedly carried out by a man who should have been deported. space was the scene. i'd like to add port just before doing security officials preparing the faster potations flight from gemini to af gone this done in 3 years. on board with 28 convicted criminals denied permission to remain in germany. such flights have been near, impossible to arrange since germany broke off diplomatic relations with afghanistan . after the taliban violently seized power and couple in august,
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2021 dish of under couldn't. we announced i had announced that we would also deport . defend does. back to us guy nissan. we have prepared this kathleen without talking about it too much because of such plans only succeed if you make connect, but if you do it carefully, i'm very disagreeing before that was carried out today. i would that would like to send everyone who helped to make this happen. details a clear sign that anyone who commits criminal offenses cannot count on us, not deporting them, come by, that we will look for ways to do so. as you can see from this case and big is looking to support him in that business, i think the german government said the deal was not negotiated directly with the television. and instead with the help of what they called key regional partners. but they can see that they are also in direct contact with atalla bon or one. so i assume that's lose coverage. that's not positioned as the german government is very
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clear, as long as the general conditions uh, as they are of autonomy button behaved the way they do that will be no efforts to normalize relations with the type of bonds and then no money to you over the entirety, bon and there are contacts on a technical level, especially through our representative office in doha. the buttons are people still in, in, in, in to ha, they smocks, a big change in germany's approach. the german government has been under pressure to step up to potations of projected asylum seekers, especially a new one with a violent cost pressure that's intensified since $3.00 people was fatally stopped enrolling. and last week, the main suspect was the 26 year old syrian asylum seeker who was supposed to be deported to operating by we are continuing to work at full speed to once again enable the return of dangerous persons and serious offenders to af, gone. this done in syria, we will also west, together with representatives of the federal states and the biggest opposition policy and meet next week to discuss possible further measures provide to them last
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month, so to speak. in friday. slight to cobble was the 1st entry is and if the german government has its way, it likely will be the last. when he w security corresponded thomas sparrow. he gave us his take on the timing of the deportations. so timing is certainly very important here because it comes at a time when many people in germany where old political parties are specifically discussing the issue of deportation and especially portez from the failed asylum seekers and especially the protections of fail this item. see, it goes from countries like syria and up gun is done, and this is the result specifically of the attack in zoning and a few days ago. but it's important to stress that this is probably not a direct result from what happened in zoning and these kinds of deportation in flights of plans with lots of time in advance. but only because of all the logistics involved here in germany also that negotiations that take place in this
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particular case, between germany and some of the countries in the region where i've gotten his son is located, the german government does not recognize the taliban government. but it has admitted that it had contact i to technical level, specifically through an office in doha. so basically what this gives you what this gives us, that impression is that yes, the timing is always the relevant, but it's not a direct connection or at least direct result from what happened in zoning that it's something that's been plan now for quite some time that was dw security correspondent, thomas sparrow. there. israel says that it's killed another senior palestinian militants as part of the big military operation. in the west bank, the army said is really board. a police killed a senior homeless commander in a drone striking the northern city of jeanine. that's after a local islamic jihad commander was killed on thursday. at least 19 palestinians
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have been killed in the range that began 3 days ago. the operation is focused on refugee camps in to bos janine and to cut in in the occupied west bank. the withdrawal is falling, sliding joins me now from tel aviv. probably good to see you. do we know why is israel carrying out these exercises? these encourages, what do you want to call them? now, is there a change in strategy here? well, the way the changes strategy and apparently this comes after years of raids, continue was raised that uh israel has conducted the throughout the late the, the uh, the past 2 years. but apparently is running now was uh met confirming that they have been uh, guarding the results that they were needed out of them. so uh now at the uh, grades are much larger, were talking about to pre, gave a,
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working inside the woods back right now. so that the thousands of soldiers, including special unit that offer rate and that will kind of janine and also in the jordan valley in order to deal with the and what they are describing does that, or as the operations into was ben, they want to take down all the brigades that they operate, the in the bay area, specifically in blue cuttings. and this comes after concerns the from the military on they also these to go to branches and drilling israel. and that the, the uh with bank could be another run that would the course guess the challenge for these really military, especially when we're still talking about the warning cause of course, the front to have with the head board. and then also they want to bracket down on that these military right now as, as quickly as possible in order to, um, uh to a through with the eliminate that school it leads to the possible future challenging
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the such cases of falling. do we know, is there a link with what is happening right now in, gosh, a well, definitely a list of course talking about the motives that belongs to islamic jihad. and then i'm also both of these are groups. of course the uh, my control garza and the flight that these ready military there and the is the wants to send the message that this is going to be the case in the bank and like the same as in god the if the militants in the day was spent continued the operation against his lady target. that's one of the points of but how we can see if they have the link between the 2 front, but also at the uranium our presence here. because after all the is really military has said that this last april around a, using the smugglers from syria and jordan were successful in supplying gave lots of
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exclusive devices to the west bank and, and may encourage them to conduct operation in cases really targets the last one was not successful, but it wasn't been hard to still leave a couple of weeks ago where unexplored most of the devices was that were actually exploded in the am a, it will, it gets and preemptively, so before it reach it, it's go and the only one that was killed was actually the minutes of the camera that's supposed to be biased. if that device was a did explode in a bus, for example, in any um, a other place. we might be a now talking about $30.00 to $40.00 people killed. so isn't wants to send the message though, and that's basically one of the less of the woodlands from october 7th that we don't want to wait until something like this happens and then go out and operation . we want to deal with it right now. has there been international reaction to these rates? the yes, well the,
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the bridge government today saying that the condemned the information on deckles for is that the strain, the end of may and to calm down the, the situation and do was bad. some think some of the wizard, also from the spanish for and ministry. and of course the you and the chief bethany gutierrez said that the is right. and should the immediate police see as far as the the, the operations in the woods back? we haven't heard any official response of that lease from these lady government, but i meant the staff to the position for these re government is clear that we don't need to wait until something like october 7th happens. and with the bank, we're still seeing that many of these middle things, gary, operating against israeli soldiers, and of course, is really stuff there isn't even inside israel. and this could lead to a bigger escalation. so let's deal with that right here, right now. i'm not wait for a larger operation to what might that might even escalate the situation even more.
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we haven't heard that official statement, but that's of it's down to what we're hearing and where they're standing from. these ready government in general buildings funding was the latest from tel aviv is always bloody. we appreciate your reporting. thank you. well, the world health organization says it is real, has agreed to a limited pause and fighting and the gaza strip to allow a polio vaccination campaign to go ahead. health workers have to treat within 600000 children. starting on sunday, mazda is also agreed to the plan. now the more in gaza has disrupted routine vaccinations, allowing polio to reach her one and a half year to week. leona becker is too weak to move. she lives still on this hospital bed with her mom and grandmother by her sight. that's been solved but it's of miss checking me. so if you to mail nutrition, she's dehydrated,
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who just after me? i'm a chef and it has co serious complications that she's lean, pulled off with as low potassium as to, to, into blood ha, an infection in both lungs. oh, i'd just like to have a good a, as in these complications make conflicting for you, potentially stated for the year and now with the trial for t. b pauses agreed. early on us family hopes she can see for you to see the much needed vaccine. the 1st boss begins on september 1st, with over $640000.00 children under 10 years or expected to be vaccinated is critical. that'd be reached 90 percent vaccination that we've got 90 percent and $999.00. 0 explanation covers during each route that will be 2 routes
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and explain to 4 weeks at that is needed. actually, you needs 90 percent less to stop the outbreaks. the transmission within garza and prevent international straps, folio via next family has hope of avoiding the disease part and not their mother. though it's too late. moving these infant son up to it has become gods at 1st for your gift in 25 years. because those are the only she started vomiting once i stopped moving and had a fever including the full crow. and i took him to lots and lots of hospital where the suspect until after 15 days of antibiotics and sending samples to jordan. no, i got a call from the health ministry consuming of do is the only detective case of all the sofa. it was a show and much, and i'm a kind of,
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of miami may find the face. she doesn't noise any treatment which has the n y. a deposit is may fif hundreds of thousands from boil. it's only temporary after the buzzers in the life of those children in garza and their families remain at risk. as the boy you outbreak is just one part of the larger public health disaster was. ambrose is in gaza. he's the director of planning for the human agency for palestinians, which is known as on ro. i asked him how they planned to go about vaccinating over 600000 children in gauze. look, it's very, very difficult in the same way that doing anything right now in gaza is difficult. it's been difficult to get the vaccines and they are now in. it's difficult to move them around. we've only just had last night. the pause is that we've been calling
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for for so long. have now been agreed to. we welcome them and we've got to go through detail, detail planning. got unreal. will be administering about half of those vaccines to hospice the children will be doing in health clinics. that's what we would normally do in any given year. and last year we vaccinated $99.00, a sense of children, but most people now where they were when we were doing those vaccinations, which is why the outbreak has broken out. one reason for it, so it'd be vaccinating some people in our clinics, but otherwise, in mobile health points that we set up in the hands of, of schools that are functioning, a shell says, and then we'll be going 10 to 10 with on monday. it says with a fax and it says with our registration clause to, to, to, to vaccinate the children. like you said old children on the 10 needs received 2 doses of the vaccine the same. i talked to me about how this was in today, but it happened. the fact that we've seen a polio emerge in gauze,
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the most people watching would assume that polio had, has been eradicated completely. yes, absolutely. and it was eradication from guys the vin, no cases, the body of in gauze and for the past 25 years. and this outbreak is a direct result of the conflicts and the, the, the, the kind of multiple interrelated elements of the complex in terms of the destination of the health sector, hospitals, health clinics that have affected our ability to provide vaccine coverage as we would normally do it as a consequence of the bombardments of the disruption of homes, of infrastructure. the fact that so many people on the move in a now living next to you know, positive sewage on one side amounts in a row on the other. as a consequence of the mound, nutrition is your, your reports, and as a consequence of, of,
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of immune systems being so suppressed by war people. and in this case, children had to go through on a daily daily basis in fair lives, the less than any 11 months. now. i know it's a places around the world, there is vis or reticence among parents to have their children vaccinated for, for anything. i mean, do you expect to see any of that? they're in a gauze. i mean, i'm trusting parents. i mean misinformation is a, is a feature of our lives in the these days. but look, what i can say is that the vaccination coverage in gaza has always been excellent, like i said, the eradication of communicable diseases and so on. and so now largely because of the, the, the, the solid health system that we have in place including unreal, which is the largest primary healthcare provider in the gaza strip. we, as and ralph very much accepted and bedded within those communities. so there's
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a high degree of trust in health workers. there's a high degree of trust. and number staff and in the fax, in a says from other partners who will be working on it. so we are working closely with the community. lead is through mosques, through social media to get the message out with confidence that any misinformation that exists we'll be able to accounts uh, sam, rows with even agency propel us any refugees. and we appreciate you taking the time to talk with this or doing some valuable work getting this weekend. thank you. thank you. here's the looking out, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. at least 4 people have been killed in dozens more injured. in what remains of the time for me . shan chat which drenched japan with the rental rank landslide and for the lord said, shut down, travelling industry, hundreds of miles from the tropical storm center. it was the 10th type,
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proved to hit japan, but caesar almost the whole event as well. it has been plunged into darkness due to the blackout communications minister as blame the event of the sabotage of the national electric grid in this way. legs, periods is frequent blackouts, which the mature of government often blames on the united states or their political opposition. a new zealand more, a king has done to the age of $69.00, and he had been recovering from heart surgery just days after celebrating his 18th year on the wrong. he was the 7th morning monarch since the ceremonial post was created. the successor will be elected by a council lead, sorry to turkey now and a legal battle of oppressive freedom involving deutsche a village journal is. bullitt roommate on a works for d, w. 's turkish service and was convicted last year over
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a series of critical social media post about a construction company with ties to the government. he was handed a suspended sentence, which was upheld by a higher court to the assembled. dw is appealing that decision. we're going to hear more from our colleague in just a moment, but 1st you w is julia han, now on the wider fight over journalism. in church, a street interview, canada and you in jail in tucking 33 year old and all about from east me. it was arrested earlier this month after she criticized president ridge of tie of the avalon on the popular turkish youtube channel. totally was saying you read in june the 21st century hunting. the entire republic of tacky to one mind means he'll treat it like his father's farm. who to give you a call on that. who has just been released, pending trial. but she could still face up to 3 years in prison. lawyer told us, for allegedly insulting the president and inciting public hatred,
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defenders and investigations being launched. and they're looking for elements of the crime. all the statements for them, the right to freedom of opinion moved. it looks like they want to prevent citizens from expressing public criticism. and do my best case. that's just one of the many in touch with freedom of expression and freedom of the press has come under immense pressure and recent news. media rights group report is without bored as ranks turkey. $158.00 out of $180.00 countries. and it's the most recent world press freedom index and accuses ad one's government of state hostility towards the press and undermining an independent journalism. and the government has taken the control of over 85 percent of the national, the private media market. and this was the policy that used to add on conducted when he came to, to cover the amys to appeal to
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a society wedge. and that is uh, actually have taken national enough roles have also tightened ad one's control over all 9 sites and social media at least 131 john, and as to what detained in turkey in the last decade report is when for the says and hundreds prosecuted for that was the one of them is the double use for lunch. my, for criticized on the east double construction company was ties to the government on social media in 2020. my was handed a suspended sentence of one year is 8 months in prison. for illegally publishing personal data and he contents, he was doing journalistic work, dw director general p telephone book, described the accusations as unfounded saying in wilma, is a feel is experienced and critical journalist from the tackle sorties appear,
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intend on silencing dw says it will challenge the conviction that toby's constitutional court a spark of hope for food and who am i and to other tuckers journalists who say they won't be silenced, and continue to do their jobs well before his return to turkey, our chief political correspondent, editor mikaela customers spoke with the move man, about what the suspended sentence means for his work and his life in turkey. my, you're receiving a lot of solidarity for the talk is called court upholding to a suspended sentence. the international press institute has published a statement condemning this. the pen club assigned this as well, but where will this leave you as you return to techie? well, i mean i can forecasts what will happen and thank you when i go back. but the thing is that's kind of statements that kind of decorations like a very important for us because we version goes youngest until we got used to that
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kind of problems. but that kind of supports make us feel that we're not the loan, that i don't think that that kind of stimulus might change the decisions into a key. as we know how the judgment system has been designed by the palest regime. but still they are working for us, we feel our sales much more secure. and we know that with that support we can continue to join as a so you feel more secure because is receiving international solidarity. at the same time, you have the suspended sentence hanging over you. so that means if you have any kind of perceived misconduct, what would happen that? well, even though if i come meet, you cry like having a traffic accident or enjoying someone, then i will be put in jail for 20 months that, i mean, i don't think that's going to happen. but the aim is they just want to what they would just want to do it. that's a scare us to stop us through another journalism to make a site to make us be silent. but it's not going to happen. death never happened. how can you walk in that kind of climate of intimidation? well, if you're a journalist into a key you've got to use to leave under the pressure, well,
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sidewall seems more than 10 years. he's getting his you, he's getting much more with the critic as we know. but we would, you would also have any other chance that only 2 is real quick joining using more of you continue doing that. what we're trying to do is trying to do object music in a very fine line without making any journalistic mistakes and continue to reflect the reality strong. hey, you're not alone. reporters without voters says that 5 people working in the media are currently in prison. talkie is on place 158 of 180 on the press freedom index of what kind of support are you hoping for from governments like germany or european? well, i do understand that the real politics are very important. we know the turkey is very important in some international ties and rules and problems, etc, especially, and you crank raise or between any crazy me the lease etc. but the thing is sometimes to the i see some people christine install, invest in democracy that they stop criticizing or putting pressure on turkey,
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about the human rights level of violence, kentucky. now this will potentially go to the constitutional court and talk you, what's your expectation that what i don't think anything we're going to change because of the constitutional quotes of judges and all the status of the, of the, of the you. the shooter system has been designed and assigned by are due on the pointed by, i don't know the judge, so i don't think something will change of for more than to use. i have to be silent . that expecting to be to be cited with, i'm not gonna what's the personal impact on your life? well, personally, i love that scared, but i know that my, my beloved ones, my wife, my family are much more let's say that they're much more scared than me. but the thing is, i'm just trying to do the things that i do. i would indeed in my past life and continue to my life. and i am time to just give to my cheerful way to my parents and to my friends that they shouldn't be said who lives in my thank you very much for talking to us. thank you. you're watching dw news up next climate change and invasive spc squared by human ex activity. you're taking
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a total of the world's floor and phone of that is up next in eco india. i'll be back in the top of the hour with more of old news. i hope to see you then the
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to see co india the house is cross and the account needs to take ross calls off time on that do a race and with extinction because the main fits soul is disappearing. environmentalists that fishermen pricing for the survival of the stress b. c. eco india. next on d, w to the point a strong and clear position. international perspective. germany is still in shock after the nice attack and zoning and rain
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suspect came from syria and diluted german authorities, triggering political debates about to partitions and asylum on to the point we ask after the nice attack. so terminate. change to migration to the point in 62 minutes on d w, the little guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for offices use these issues and share ideas. the, you know, or the side that will be a north of bridge attached and then it gets top of applicants. population is really fast. the young people clearly have
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the solution. the future is 77 percent every weekend on dw, the the dates around to fish, and they might just mtv ocean. hello and welcome. i'm sorry, got the body. and you are watching the world why life organization tells us that would seem to be in people across the world rely on ceasing. and this isn't a very good sign because to see and the food i both understand. but not all hope is lost that our efforts being made to prism are moving.


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