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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin and the pressure to crack down on migration here in germany. deportations to ref, ganna, stand resume. the 1st stance fatality been returned to power, the german government, promising to get tough on asylum in security. ahead of 2 regional elections this weekend. also coming up in ukraine, pushes for the go ahead to hit targets inside russia with us made long range weapons reported say decisive meetings are due to start today. and the head of the world health organization says inbox vaccines will arrive at the democratic republic of congo over the next few days. the african nation is at the epicenter of the latest outbreak that head sparks global. a lot.
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the i break off is good to have you with us on this friday, and we begin with something that has not happened here in years. deportation flights from germany to afghanistan on friday and germany resume deporting rejected asylum seekers to afghanistan for the 1st time since the totally bon. we took power in 2021. a flight with convicted afghani defenders took off bound for cobble. the german government is facing pressure to crack down on migration after a fatal knife rampage last week, allegedly carried out by a man who should have been deported. space was the sea, not light switch at port, just before doing security officials preparing the faster potations flight from gemini to af gone this done in 3 years. on board with 28 convicted criminals denied
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permission to remain in germany. such flights have been near, impossible to arrange since germany broke off diplomatic relations with. i've gotten this done after the tyler bond violently seized power and couple in august, 2021. to show up on you couldn't, we announced i had announced that we would also deport, defend does, back to us gun is done. we have prepared this carefully without talking about it too much because of such plans only succeed if you make connect, but if you do it carefully and very discreetly before that was carried out today, i would that would like to send everyone who helped to make this happen, so details a clear sign that anyone who commits criminal offenses cannot count on us, not deporting them, come, but that we will look for ways to do so. as you can see from this case and big is looking to support women in business. i think the gym and government said the deal was not negotiated directly with the taliban. and instead with
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a help of what they called key regional partners. but they can see that they are also in direct contact with atalla bon, how you doing that. so let's go, besides our position as the german government is very clear, as long as the general conditions, uh, as they are a totally bind behavior. the way they do that will be no efforts to normalize relations with the type of bonds and then no money dealing with the entirety. bon um, there are contacts on a technical level, especially through our representative office and don't have any buttons or people spill in. in, in, in to ha, they smocks a big change in germany's approach. the german government has been under pressure to step up to potations of projected asylum seekers. especially any one with a violent cost pressure that's intensified since $3.00 people was fatally stopped installing. and last week, the main suspect was a 26 year old syrian asylum seeker who was supposed to be deported to operate. but
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we are continuing to work at full speed to once again enable the return of dangerous persons in serious offenders to af, gone this done in syria. we will also west, together with representatives of the federal states and the biggest opposition policy and meet next week to discuss possible further measures, which if i took them last month to discuss friday, slight to cobble was the 1st in 3 years. and if the german government has its way, it likely will be the last inquiry and officials are said to present the united states with a list of targets that ukraine wants to hit inside russia. that's coming in meetings that are scheduled to take place in washington today. and this is according to a ukrainian lawmaker who spoke with us media. the meeting is supposed to convince the united states to lift its band on the use of its long range missiles in russian territory. we have a look now at how that might change the situation on the battlefield. these are you with me. the tech comes missiles,
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with the range of 300 kilometers. ukraine has used them to a deadly effect on its own territory. destroying russian military assets in crimea and elsewhere. it is long wanted to use them on russian territory as well as in law . we continue to insist that their determination on lifting the restrictions on long range strikes for you crate. and now that it will help us end the war as soon as possible in a fair way for ukraine as well as a whole. those of us deployed high mars missiles gonna hit a target 77 kilometers away. but as this map shows, there aren't any major russian military assets in that range. if the was allowed ukraine to shoot, attack comes with their 300 kilometer range from its territory. it could strike up to $225.00 military assets, ranging from air defense, batteries, fuel and ammunition depots, the high value targets, like they looked at the air base,
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which russian uses to launch deputies and results using blind bombs. and the cruise means military base, which is a major staging ground for troops and equipment heading into cream from russia. ukraine has received a multiple rounds of upgraded weapons, multiple rocket launchers like high mars and tanks, guided long range missiles and eventually have 16 jets ukraine also use timers, tanks and jets in its incursion into the course region of russia. in parallel with massive drone attacks. but it hasn't been enough to hit model russian military assets and we bought a man, if i partners lifted all the current restrictions on the use of weapons on russian territory, we would not have needs if basically, and so particularly the cost region to protect the ukrainian citizens and the border communities and eliminate rushes potential for regression. shallow i've.
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meanwhile, russia has slowly advanced despite all the deliveries and is making gains now with the don't bass region that may make it easier to attack the rest of ukraine. striking deep into russian territory as a gamble to change the terms of the war. but even if the us allowed it and its allies follow, it's not clear whether it will pay off. all right, i want to get more now from military analysts, marina monroe, and she joins me from munich read. it's good to see you again. there are more than $200.00 military targets. ukraine could strike if the u. s. a. well, ukraine to attack within the 300 kilometer range. what effect would that have? good evening brands? well, the 1st question is, what does the crating want to achieve? and essentially what her, as present as a lensky is saying that they want to end the poor. so they want to get the russians out. now the question is, if you crane is able to strikes as targets as these,
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the correct so called centers of gravity which will force put into withdrawal. his forces from ukraine. and the adult is lying, because ukraine will certainly complicate russian logistics and increase the costs of work for the russians. however, will the strikes have a game changing a fact or, and the desired effect on the battlefield? and i doubt so because for that you create needs deep strike capability combined with a ground maneuver which you creighton doesn't have to militarily then. is it worth it to give you crane a free hand with these weapons as well in military terms? as i said, if it would complicate the russian logistics, however, it wouldn't impair russian capabilities enough as to continue their war in ukraine. therefore, it might both the ukrainian morale, however, in military terms,
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in terms of significant changes on the battlefield. and it's very unlikely that these deep strikes will produce am. additionally, we have to understand how will they be conducted? how many other comes missiles, does the crating, how will it be single 10 years, or will it be one by one? and if we look at the russian bomb being combined, know if you crane it's been going on since 22 and has it achieved the desire. the fact has of force the green to surrender. and russia has a greater capabilities in terms of its air power and it's missile arsenal. so remind is where we go again. why is washington and so reluctant to change the rules? now perhaps there is a fee or off a potential escalation because allowing ukraine to strike deep into russian territory is not going to produce the desired military effect. however,
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it will have a political full out for washington. this is probably why washington is very reluctant to go ahead and give the green light to present the landscape to use as the accounts are read them are wrong with the latest marine of we appreciate your time in your analysis today. thank you. thank you for having me. all right, let's take a look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the is really army says board. the police have killed a senior homeless commander. and a drone striking the occupied westbank as after a local commander from the militant group as long jihad was killed on thursday. at least 19 palestinians have died so far in his really reads that begin 3 days ago. the world health organization says israel has agreed to limited pauses in the fighting and gaza to allow for hundreds of thousands of children to be backs and it is against polio. the campaign is said to start in central gaza on sunday. the 1st
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of a trio of 3 day pauses in different areas. the w h o says this will be followed by pauses in fighting and southern and northern gods. at least 4 people have been filled and dozens more injured. as the former type food it, shan, shan, drange is japan was the original rank landslide and for the lords and shut down, travelled in industry, hundreds of miles from the now tropical storm center. this was the 10th type food to hit japan. this sees germany's armed forces all withdrawing their troops fully from the share negotiations with the ruling content broke down earlier this year. new share which is in west africa, was a key base for western nations trying to contain terrorism. and the so help around a 100 in german troops have been stationed there and established
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a mission to train this area and forces transfer all off shoulds traveling to new here in 2022 to monitor progress and to hold talks with the president. but the cooperation fil a part when these years army seized control in a to last year, a more now from the w. as political correspondence, i'm young here in berlin and from b w as corresponded christine wonderful. who joins me from lago. it's good to see both of you. so i'm let me start with you. why was the one disappeared? the german military in is jeremy. what was their most important mission? yeah, brent. this a bonus. bad mission has been through a number of phases, but it began in 2016 when the germans set up a supply base in nice. yeah. which was really that to provide the district support for the there operations, a neighboring mall, a in particular, the german role as part of the united nations minnes,
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my stabilize ation mission for molly. but that came to an end in 2023 said stain. uh this uh base was really uh, used as a sort of evacuation pathway. uh for uh, for western trades. outside of that, molly uh they have also had some sort of co operation in training role as well in these yeah, itself, but that was essentially what they've been doing that. and so i mean, why does a bonus here? what do they have to leave the country so quickly? the yeah, the specific reason a is that the, the, the that was set that the contracts the agreement that could that that determines the conditions under which gym and traits can operate in these. yeah. the runs out at the end of august and they say there's no time to negotiate. it's a new one, but really overseas today with what you already mentioned,
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the military to in these yeah. in 2023. since then, the things of a very significantly changed in particular the, the, that the military government is looking much bored, was towards a known western allies. in particular. russia for its support is become much more difficult for western countries to operate that the french of left the united states military is also pulled back racing. the lease of the whole foundation of germany's role in the share it has really changed in christine, germany's withdrawal from this year is part of a, a wider story of the west and losing ground in west africa. and these help. what are the implications of this in the region as well, brain to, to a destabilizing effects that in the sense that way we've had these cruise in
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initiate in molly and put you in a fossil what has followed is the west being kicked out or pulling back and then the russians spinning that vacuum and what that's done is cell with diplomatic relations between neighbors who are now essentially kept into groups of those who are backed by russian. those that remain set firmly in, in the west and kemp for example, here in the region there is the body echo was with the 3 countries in question, multi book universe to initiate have left and formed their own lions. so we have a situation though we countries that were neighbors, essentially almost becoming enemies. remember that there was the threat of military intervention by which it was in tennessee as the results of that cruise last year. yeah, i remember that in christine, let's think about what should it appears to be benefiting from the withdrawal of western countries. assignment was mentioning, how is russia feeling? the vacuum that the west is leaving slow. we're seeing russia
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deepen, secure retire, securities highs with these countries in question in the region. we know that russia is providing the security for the june to leads in these countries. this, this a whole west africa happens to really be the epi center of practical if that of, of global terrorism. you have various groups linked to isis and, and al qaeda operating in these countries. the russians have joined forces with the june to is in these respective countries to fight these groups as well as separate his groups. there's also something in it for us. you, brent, in the sense that this is a region that is god foster deposits of mineral resources. i'm talking gold uh end of the resources that of course russia will then be benefiting from. as it's deepens it's partnerships and alliances with these countries in the realm of security. and so, i mean, i'll just pick up on a what christine's, it said there has germany's cell policy. has it failed?
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well, but i think you certainly could argue that in the sense that you know, they keep it particularly limited jim and military presence in countries like molly . i need say i was often perceived as bringing real little real benefits on the ground there. uh, is limited insurgencies, continue, we've got they so, so what was waiting towards russia. instability remains, and the bonus bass spent most of its tell him a sort of protecting itself rather than helping local people. on the other hand, development assistance will continue and also limited. so the technical things like medical supports and legal training assistance and so on, those things will go on and i think those 2 parts of the slow work of building a better relationships across the region. so mean young in berlin and christine boardwalk, in the law, goes to both of you. thank you. slower we are going to
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stay in africa now and then talk about the fight to contain the outbreak of impacts on the consummate one that has sparked a global health emergency. the w h o says the 1st delivery of vaccines is expected to arrive of the democratic republic of congo in the next few days. it's dealing with a new strain of the virus that has spread across parts of the continent. and we also have cases being reported outside of after the new m hook strain is spreading and changing fast. the virus is morphing in areas where experts, lots of funding and equipment to properly track it. meaning there are several unknowns about its severity and how it's transmitting. the new strain played one, b was 1st identified an 8 pro, in some posts collected from a gold mining tone in the democratic republic of congo. those side keys who
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prevents it is potentially more lee. so then the impulse that break in 2022 which is driven primarily by mail to male sexual contacts. the played one b strain can be transmitted through any kind of physical contact or contaminated material. the crowded conditions as com goes refugee camps have caused the virus to spread rapidly. on august, 13th and pulse was declared of public health and marriage and see in africa just a day later. the w. h. o released the statement by marcus. today, the emergency committee met and advised me that its view, the situation goodness that you, it's a public code emergency of international consent. the w. h o says that congo now has over 18 styles in cases and over 600 have died as
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a result of impulse this year. at least 12 countries across africa have registered a spike in cases of the virus to sweden was the 1st country outside of africa to record a case of the played one b variant or the other 2 from a person who had traveled to, to and effected area of africa, children have been disproportionately affected by this site break, accounting for approximately 70 percent of cases in congo. for you said children in the i did because they are always playing together. so did tend to did i did look at instead of both of these tasks associated these thought to be look at about that . so they play to get the order with the list together. and you can also see like unit in the house voice the event plus the night on this, on defend beds, children as well as pregnant women and those with weekend immune systems are more
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likely to suffer severe symptoms. and di children who can track the disease. i'm more than twice as likely to die. been adults. not on my map on the far. the congolese government hopes to start vaccination soon with children 1st in line. but the arrival of shots has been slow. efforts to contain this disease are becoming increasingly more difficult. while i'm joined now by the epidemiology, isn't helped economist eric fargo. the eric is co founder of the world health network, which was created during the coven pandemic. he joins me now from washington, dc. eric, it's good to see what. yeah. and it says the w h l, it says that what 230000 impacts vaccines are ready to be shipped to the d r c. to get things going in a couple of days. i mean, is that the solution we've had a back seen do the vaccinations and we will solve this problem as well. i think
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it's definitely the key part of the solution. the only problem is visual while they're shipping and allowing countries to buy the vaccine and donated to to d, r c has all actually formerly approved the vaccine yet. and so the vaccines approved by europe in the us of ga. but the w just still need 2 more weeks to actually approve it or they're thinking, but it's not said many countries, including spain. japan have already pledged a hundreds of thousands and millions of doses, but we still have to get the shots into arms, so to speak. and again, the deployment of this will still take a lot of time. so i think overall we need probably about 10000000 doses for africa . and we haven't even scratched the surface of that right now. what about people if he were back to needed 2 years ago when there was another outbreak of inbox, do they have protection and immunity from this latest strain as well?
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first of all, the vaccine is the same vaccine. uh, the, the genius maxine may bite the bavarian, nordic is the main vaccine and there's also another one made in japan, which is also can be used in children. the vaccines actually have formulas. you cannot change. we've already, we're just pulling these vaccines off the shelf for the previous cuz originally they were designed for smallpox, but they also work against monkey pox. and just today us approved another one of the older smallpox vaccine, the a cam vaccine for this if necessary, even though a cam is a little more severe in symptoms it's, there is a stockpile of these vaccines. the issue is, well the w to approve them seen enough. and, you know, the deployment is the greater issue because this of the stream is definitely much more transmissible than the one we had 2 years ago. yeah, i wanted to ask you about that. i mean, what, you know,
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the danger level here of this new strain where would you, where would you place it in terms of, you know, the imparts that we already know as the previous imparts. so it's definitely much more sexually transmitted in predominant. it's a close, close contact, not necessarily just us, you know, as a cd fluids per se. but right now on to 70 percent of the cases are children and are clearly shows that it's, it's clearly much more transmissible. it's not just actually a transmission transmission requirements. and i think there is the you don't actually know the details and turning machines, they don't know exactly what the mechanism is, but we think it's close contact and possibly there's an open to be about airborne. aerosol droplet spread as well. so right now they're being, they're investigating this is definitely much more transmissible. the severity,
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according to the usual, currently is about 3 for 3.5 percent mortality. it may not be that high because we're missing lot of on diagnose cases in africa. but it's still definitely not a mild illness, and there is serious mortality, especially among vulnerable children. the majority of the cases, the w h o has issued an emergency appeal to funding impacts, global strategic preparedness and response plan is basically to stop transmission of, of this virus. what should a global plan include as well? i think the last part of the plan includes us funding for the $10000000.00 doses of virtual has called for. and we're again, we're not even scratching the surface at 10000000. you're asking countries, other countries donates these funds and also this go to for the good these companies cut the price is good. currently the prices are $7200.00 for these
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vaccines and actually is not sustainable for, you know, africa. and i think right now ramping up production, trying to get permission these companies to have the tech transfer to produce these vaccines more efficiently and lower cost settings. and of course, the ramp up and getting more countries contribute. i think altogether they're part of their global issue uh you know, strategy, but right now there they haven't even scratched the surface. epidemiologist, eric michael dean from washington dc. eric is always good to see. we appreciate your valuable input in the story. thank you. thank you. take care. this is a reminder now of our top story. this, our germany has resumed to forwarding people back to afghanistan. deportations were halted in 2021 after the totally bon rechecked power. the german government is facing rising pressure to get tough on the silent rules and border security
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to the point is of next scale gale will be in this spot at the top of the next hour . with mobile news, i will see you next week the,
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to the point. strong opinion, clear position is international perspective to germany is still in shock after the nice attack and zoning and the main suspect came from syria and alluded terminal authorities, triggering political debates about to partitions and asylum on to the point we ask after the nice attack to terminate, change to migration policy. to the point the next. on
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d, w. the recalled the warriors of light. joe was witnesses. disciples of the eco gurus, former cult members, discuss codependency and self sacrifice, mental and physical abuse. difficult escape. hard goes back to life. in 45 minutes on the w, the database. but we will tell you what the story we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and
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for the future feelings about what's going on in the industry. instead of being discussed across the continent, dw news, africa every friday on the w germany, it is still in shock after the knife attack in the western city of sol again where 3 people were killed and 8 wounded on a friday night. while families process the grief and hor, questions arise. why is germany subject to these types of attacks? the suspected perpetrator with alleged links to isis came from syria, eluded the german all stories and committed murder. the result, it's heated political debates about the weapon laws, to partitions and asylum all this just days before crucial state elections. on to the point we ask after this oregon knife attack to germany change its migration policy. the.


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