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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news live from the germany resumes deportations to afghanistan for the 1st time since a tile. they found to be tons of power. both ends promising to get tough on assignment, unsecure, say i have to regional election space. we can also on the program the war in the ukraine top see agenda as a meeting of the you defense ministers in brussels agrees and training an additional $15000.00 ukranian sold just by the end of the year and discuss military support for keith. we assessed your crime pushes to be allowed to use us, made long range weapons to hit targets inside investor before the site decisive
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meetings. the juices begin in washington today the i'm feel good who welcome to the program to them the resume, deportation slides to afghanistan. today for the 1st time since a tally about re to pilot in 2021. rejected ask on asylum seekers will be returned today. slide to cobble was carrying config to defend this german government's facing pressure to crack down on migration following last week's fatal knife front page in the building and the suspect to turn himself into police had been to for the for taishan space was the scene i'd like to add port just before doing security officials preparing the faster potations flight from gemini to af gone this done in 3 years. on board with 28 convicted criminals denied permission to remain in germany. such flights have been near,
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impossible to arrange since germany broke off diplomatic relations with afghanistan after the tyler bond violently seized power and couple in august, 2021 dish of under couldn't. we announced i had announced that we would also deport . defend does back to us guidance done. we have prepared this carefully without talking about it too much because of such plans only succeed if you make connect, but if you do it carefully, i'm very disagree. 3 to 4 that was carried out today. i would back would like to send everyone who helped to make this happen. so details a clear sign that anyone who commits criminal offenses i cannot count on us, not deporting them, come by, that we will look for ways to do so. as you can see from this case and big is looking to support women in business, i think the german government said the deal was not negotiated directly with a television. and instead with the help of what they called key regional partners.
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but they can see that they are also in direct contact with atalla. bon, a lot of doom that's lose coverage. it's not positioned. as the german government is very clear, as long as the general conditions as they are of autonomy button behaves the way they do. there will be no efforts to normalize relations with the type of bonds and then no money dealing with the entirety. bon and there are contacts on a technical level, especially through our representative office. and don't have any buttons or people spill in, in, in, in to ha. they smocks a big change in germany's approach. the german government has been under pressure to step up to potations of projected asylum seekers. especially any one with a violent tossed pressure that's intensified since 3 people was fatally stopped enrolling in last week. the main suspect was a 26 year old syrian asylum seeker who was supposed to be deported. the operating by we are continuing to work at full speed to once again enable the return of
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dangerous persons and serious offenders to have gone this done in syria. we will also west together with representatives of the federal states and the biggest opposition policy and meet next week to discuss a possible 5 dimensions we provide to them last month to discuss with you fridays flight to cobble was the 1st entry years. and if the german government has its way, it likely will be the last well, the w security correspondence is thomas spiral. welcome thomas. so is that you haven't governments resumption of these deportation fights to afghanistan related to last week's faithful knife attack, insulting not directly fail. no, i mean because these flights these deportation flights need quite some time to plan on carry out. but only here in germany when he comes to logistics when he comes to bringing those people to the airport when he comes to making sure the paperwork is ready. but also discussing with some of the countries in the region how this deportation flights can actually take place. so it is not something that comes as
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a result of the attack involving and however, the timing is obviously important. it's interesting. it's being debated here in germany and it comes at a time when everyone here in the country when all political parties are discussing the big topic of deportation, the big topic of how to the ports fail asylum seekers in particular from countries like sir, we all of us gotten this done on this, this debate as a result of what happened involving an a few days ago, so that the port taishan flight is not a direct result of solving, but it is happening at the time when everyone here in germany is focusing specifically on the issue of migration, right? so take us $5.00 to 2021. when these diem for patients was stopped. why would they stopped and why have they been allowed to continue? now? they essentially stopped when the taliban took power and why they're resuming now, because the german government considers that it's national security outweighs the
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claim for protection that failed asylum seekers in particular to fail the side of the cars that are also convicted. criminals might have, they have been in recent months, several very serious security incidents involving failed asylum seekers from countries like syria, like afghanistan. the latest of those, obviously the talk in is all in good and bad, has put a lot of pressure on the german government to change tact to resume those deportations. so now based on that argument, that national security outweighs the claim for protection. the government government has decided to review those deportation flights, but it's important to stress feel that this is not without controversy. several political parties view these deportation flights critical. there are human rights organizations that are viewing this very critically saying that i've done this, that is not a safe place. fulfilled asylum seekers for people who want to return or who have to
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return to the country. so even though the german government wants to continue with this, even though the german government has not resumed this, this is not something that is without controversy here in germany. ok, so this is a big topic, a in germany at the moment. the country has 2 important regional elections coming up this weekend. is that likely to apply to parts and government thinking as again in directly. so this is something that's being planned for a long time, but undoubtedly the topic of migration and the topic of these deportation of flights is one that is being used by political parties in one way or another ahead of those regional elections on sundays. so for example, the far right alternative for germany whose main topic is migration have already begun to use that for their own political purposes on every other political party has also positioned themselves on one side of the other when it comes to this big topic. so it will be very interesting to see, to what extent the political debate here in germany will influence the result of those 2 regional elections on sunday. perfect thomas thomas,
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spider is dw security correspondent. we'll take a look at some of the orders making headlines. these randy armies says, boy, the police have killed a scene, the a harmless commander and a drug and striking me occupied westbank. that's after a local commander from the militant group is lon beach. you had was killed on thursday. at least 19 palestinians have been killed in rights that began 3 days ago . the world health organization says israel has agreed to limit to the policy is in the fighting in gaza to allow hundreds of thousands of children to be fascinated against polio. the vaccination campaign is due to staffing central gaza on sunday and continued for 3 days at w. h. so says this will be followed by pauses in fighting. it's southern and northern gossip. the defense ministers have agreed to increase the number of ukrainian troops they hoped to try. and by the end of the year of his father's amazing and brussels when the tops of the agenda trainings
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currently taking place in germany and poland uses 60000 to training soldiers have gone through the process. this summer. ministers also discussed plans to move some of the operation inside ukraine, as well as the keys requesting loose need conditions on west and supplied weapons which prevent the use to strike targets inside russia. for the summit press conference in brussels has just concluded our correspondent and child both both right. is that a welcome angel at $1010.00, a small events around the ministers decision on where to train. you train ukrainian troops? well below sub was the, the, according to train, more troops in ukraine's neighborhood. but he did not specify exactly where i started talking to one of our sources in his office. and i was informed to that streaming, as we already know, is happening in germany and poland. but he seemed to believe that was already going pretty well. it's important is that no country's name was mentioned. but equally
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important to notice that they will be some changes. they will be countries near the ukraine. however, ukraine's request was quite specific. your queen wants training to happen inside ukraine because it's cost effective, but also because it's going to be local conditions of france has a back to this idea of 20 as back decide. yeah. but others by levity, like germany have not for 2 private reasons. one is it could lead to as good an escalation bluecross your father, but also how to protect you to him as if this into how the board did say the member states accepted his idea to set up all organizations self saw. so with a couple of people who will be, who will have domain expertise, he did not say whether they will be soldiers or not, but he did say that, you know, they will not be siblings. so they will be some sort of coordination. so that's that you plans to set up in kids. okay, let's joseph beretta. we're talking about that the use top diplomats and what was said about kids repeating request that it be allowed to use western supplied
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weapons to hit deep inside russia as well. again, resistance on that's on from germany as well. and there is some reason for that. again, germany does not want uh to provoke russia. and you know that this being a demand from ukraine to have the taurus messiahs, which a long range attack besides from germany. but so far this being hesitancy and reluctance because the range of these, my size is 500 kilometer plus, and that's some what the distance between uh, you know, your planes border to moscow. so there is hesitancy there as well. and though we were informed that there's no decision on this front either, and resistance on destruct continues. however, a few months ago, you may remember, you know, both germany and the us had agreed that these weapons could be used when russia was attacking car kids. so that's one case in point. thank you for that contract. i'm
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tell her in brussels. when you kind a stepping off, it's pushed to convince the united states to lift its bound on the use of long range missiles inside russian territory. officials are expected to present the us with a list of tockets, so they won't take it in b things today. here's a look at how that might change the situation on the battlefield. these are you with me. the tech comes missiles with a range of 300 kilometers. the grain has used them to deadly effect on its own territory. destroying the russian military assets in crimea and elsewhere. it is long wanted to use them on russian territory as well. or the cause we continued to insist that their determination honest, lifting the restrictions on long range strikes for you crate. and now that it will help us end the war as soon as possible in a fair way for ukraine and the world as a whole people. so us applied highmark missiles, gonna hit a target,
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77 kilometers away. but as this map shows, there aren't any major russian military assets in that range. if the us allowed ukraine to shoot, attack comes with their 300 kilometer range from its territory. it could strike up to $225.00 military assets ranging from air defense, batteries, fuel and ammunition, depos, a high value targets like they looked at the air base, which rushing uses to launch deaf as these in the end results using the line bombs . and the cars mean military base, which is a major staging ground for troops and equipment heading into crane from russia. ukraine has received multiple rounds of upgraded weapons, multiple rocket launchers like high mars and tanks, guided long range missiles and eventually have 16 jets ukraine also use timers, tanks and jets in its incursion into the course region of russia in parallel with
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massive drone attacks. but it hasn't been enough to hit model russian military assets and we bought a man, if i partners lifted all the current restrictions on the use of weapons on russian territory, we would not have needs if basically, and so particularly the cost region to protect our ukranian citizens in the border communities and eliminate rushes potential for aggression with internal. okay. meanwhile, russia has slowly advanced despite all the deliveries and is making gains now with the don't bass region that may make it easier to attack the rest of ukraine. striking deep into russian territory as a gamble to change the terms of the war. but even if the us allowed it and its allies follow, it's not clear whether it will pay off 6 months it to, up to date. i'll have more world news at the top of the our next here on dw doc fell meats 5 people who started new lives after leaving account of good.
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the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. you guys would have being nosy, bay, like get everyone talking to me. you're healthy award winning called called don't call back the.


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