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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CEST

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as it comes out of whales, the remotes of ocean conservation september the most the full stake nature of full grunted. we don't think much about the trees all around us, for example. well, either way, gone, it would be a disaster. they provide so many services, so show economic and above all environmental theories and forest a by to, to the health of the planets. i would need to protect them. i am curriculum. so lagos, nigeria with a new edition of eco africa. yes. what's coming up?
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my sy, women, and can yeah, are learning new skills to help prevent forest loss. why comfortable trees from portugal also popular? and threatens crocodiles, how low goes and gone out of savings? they are happy to offer reports. fix those to you. gund, clean drinking water pressure results that can be hard to come by. and that's not just a pump, letting me re areas from damage bull holes of the countryside to polluted wells in the capital budget tool. a sustainable technology is helping improve people's access to safe water. they tag tens the top one. it gets inserted into the read, at least you know wellbeing center. you can go and do what flows a
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good. did you guys seem to want to use that one? not it looks like a mobile phone service. i can spell enough can. ready make a phone call without credit to a new phone. that's what you might know. we have gotten wise, fluid, soft wayne, jimmy year cigna abdul sam came up with the idea. you covered the tab that is issued to you. you'd bring it to do with us us, you can set it to an a specific area. then give his credit. there his intent involve me to pin, then it will allow you to start switching. village just loads the tab with mobile money via cell phone, getting up to 3000 liters of clean water for the equivalent of a boat when he was killed. the community of reason, the cost, which is supplemented with donations from the non profit organization, so to maintain the wills and the reason important psychological effect. the fact that people already stored what does free the ability to usage. you find
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a person and it's only one day to con bussey, but she doesn't care if you can force under what dispute is out. ok. but whenever they realize there is a very you slice one, your telephone attached to that to that data can different k a more than earlier before to protect like you don't just allowed to to get a copy of. some does confound, also uses the digital technology solution to money to the state of the wills receives data in real time that showed the pay as a necessary allows him to advise local authorities a month to misuse. the international institute for environment and development saves that more than $360000000.00. oh, hosted in portland, maintained wells enough for people to fix this to most issues, families and trust pirate and c from the government setting every household,
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no matter how big the from that is you have to pay it without without insurance. so even if you are alone, you have to pay every month because i was on, which was not noon for the small come for the small pharmacies. no, in fact or so people are complaining. that's why some people will bit high that school didn't pay. but wouldn't put that 15. no, everyone is fios page and the initiative supports up on families in many of the company to compile us for areas. people rely on wells like this, one of what terry's of been contaminated with c. cool, my desk. susan, a couple go know uses a space should gary can to this effect, the water will have 6 children after about 4 to 6 hours in the sun, out to violate the trees. and the high temperature has killed a gems in the water without having to be boiled,
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cutting on some work. so most of work while i'm on your mind on the media thing, i knew it was difficult for me to afford to chuckle for cooking and boiling water every day. and that's incredible, really them. sometimes my children would get sick from drinking and say for to amazon to, to, to contracting diseases like typhoid and diarrhea and drug there was to enough for me to have on patient the more let you. but getting this, jerry can, has been a relief i purified tea on our drinking water with that that will, can you on the phone with them and e and kelvin. why so donated the jury? can you confounded student support and fill out the therapy program and then prophy took in addition, that encourages students to get involved in the communities to obtain $1000.00. kenny says from a swedish company some debated some financed by he's looking at a fission. according to you wouldn't want to move on top of you've been this
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45000000 inhabitants have no access to say for to supply waste. so has a plan for what happens on these with the sun doesn't shine, then he encourages people to blow their water with fuels made to a little tentative to would. so the next couple of good uses break. it's made of organic waste e. mrs. tov donated by student support. 2 we're encouraging how so is that in the to the sun is not existing. can you use this book gets on the possible we are being we are able to provide the fewest saving stoves for you to be able to at least cut because some sort of chuckle bias in good percentage in the opposite of the sun. so this is when we speak a solution that we're trying to promote, that the in the end still promotes without compromising the issue of, of, of suddenly tasing the what stood promote the fundraising of what,
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but also protects them. vital bits. these initiatives in rural, i'm a bun, uganda bringing the country closer to it's goal of clean more to 4 by $25.00 now to 10. yeah. and the forest of the greats up myra. no. monday kept to her. those traditionally rely on this forest for water shelter and to feed the large store, but drought is increasingly coming. and the woods are also at risk from the legal login. so my side women from traditional capital funding communities are expanding the skills to adapt to the changing times. the new query forest of this nature reserve in southwest and kenya is and us what it's greatest enemies are, extreme weather conditions and deforestation. but there is hope, local messiah we when are helping new activate. they've changed the powerful and
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they can be able to manage it on their own fact. it's becoming a threat to them, but is good because at the same time, meet the info as the whole family and the community. i'm digit or they're going to never, nobody really knows that defense. now that i'm, you know, i'm ever been an engine. not what did natalie? well, behind milks, oak house, and that's all we had to order. how you doing drought would each was fruits and cook them for children, or that they don't go hungry. as momma lucy's, i'd say the form of well let me see has really helps women. and she has helped us as well. but for example, i guess she and the women sets up the father to be hides here. using women k is messiah herself and grew up here. in 1996, she founded an environmental protection initiative with indigenous women. she has trained around 700 messiah room and even you clearly area sofa,
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the line new skills such as growing different types of vegetables in their own gardens, such as spinach and k. and also about the need to protect the forest. and do that info is not coming as it used to. and so by training them and trying to give them way they should do, make sure that they protect the photos and also be able to, to have and they know to bun chuckle as it used to be. because that was a big fight around here. it was really and those are logging in the communities neighboring communities cut the traditional trees which are very important for find out. c the most i remain tradition, any welcome visitors with some non or national drug. let's say you gave the women line for the organizations and results center, which includes a day more fun. she was impressed by losing women case project and donate had 5 a cuz the equivalent of about 3 football peaches. now more of a but yeah,
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and i keep on the absolute, i decided to give the women the piece of land because they came to my home and asked me if i could provide them with a place where they could develop their project. and now i decided to give them a section of my land that we land have also teamed up with the forest changes in the conservation area here, then wondering the local, tumbling population they have also planted trees with the women and educated them about the importance of protecting the forest yeah, the same were missing, the english said, you'll see a forest has important what i mean. yeah. and we do not want to destroy it. yeah. who 1891 to so that the animals disagree in. yeah. and eventually we use our life level without more than i'd be sick. the atlanta will get less. yeah. i see less.
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yeah. we speak to the people walking to protect the conservancy of both of us here . and progress has been good about us. i had this i all i know it to a must have the it you can see that our land is less degraded and god, although there was a few sections that what damage to be like. but we have been able to restore those sections back to how they will get tumble. indigenous people make up just over 6 percent of the global population. but that's 6 percent protect a 2 percent of the walls, remaining, biodiversity, all that. and then the women planned to mainly native trees to help renew the forest. oh my god, i do, i can be sure of a nighttime gotten that. i know what actually it. alrighty. now what i'm kind of in the cutting down trees has contributed to the problem directed me,
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but in places that i've visited, i have seen that we have people of planted trees and there is still enough rainfall . i'm in the world. yeah, we'll get what it's noon, wouldn't it got west thing and i see how you live or have followed suit and planted more than 5000 trees. if they have us, it is for the women can now fall back on cross. they've learned to make themselves such as traditional be to jewelry. and so, you know, by selling those products, they can keep this, i mean, the float even doing the dry season. remember when you do get the money i do get think they hold was so is his way reading the like i'm putting them here in your credit and the most i women are visual us now that they have to have us decide the skills from funding to making 2 living, they are protecting the environment in the process. and crucially,
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they are also pressing on the knowledge to the children. well, now we had to euro and to poland. home to the 20243 of the. yeah. it can top in the annual contest that celebrates our relationship with nature. it's a magnificent red beach that looks pretty strong. and that's a 542 centuries. but it still needs a lot of looking after. that's your local conservation, east comment. chairs the 6 doing your bits. a victory in southwestern, poland has been a witness to history, including 2 world wars and a shifting of national borders. it stands in the arboretum voya swampy set near the city and brought swamps at is called the heart of the garden. the confir beach,
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also known as a purple beach, is deeply rooted in the past. the auto pay skin to the front office european tree of the year. it has to be an exceptional tree of symbolic, not only for poland, but for europe. the idea behind the competition is to celebrate unusual trees. some of our just not necessarily the biggest oldest strings here, so they want us with the story. the tell us something put an end of the value when the beach was planted at the start of the 19th century. it's leaf color was a rarity that only a few could admire the issue out to them. ok, so 200 years ago this tree was planted here to the team. i didn't have a green, i'm only in for the plant purple ones. so it was something quite extraordinary. little people were amazed by something that's why the oldest and most beautiful tree and this with the purple, the answer phone and your castles,
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palaces and manor house is sort of annual you. she split to come the truth. i'm cups. apollo outsets and vote ok. but might, as it looked, the tree wasn't immune to disease. it fell victim to phone guy. little by little year by year large branches began to dine. the arborists in the botanical garden refused to give up on their peach tree and prescribe to cure with the chains. infected parts of the tree were cut off. the sewing all round, the beach was improved. and slowly but surely, the tree is coming back to life. thanks to their efforts, this national treasure can remain the heart of the garden for many years to come. a fellow read bitchy in poland to cock oak trees. in portugal, the country supplies a wide range of industries with the sustainable much area is the only forest
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industry where the trees are not cops down. i've talked oaks also store large amounts of carbon during the lifetime. but these days cork is so popular that almost having difficulty keeping up at court harvesting in portugal, it takes of practice 10 like carlos they had us to harvest this valuable bark every summer he repeats the peeling process just like his father and grandfather before him with the little ones, the fellow very exhausting, very hot. the harvest is hard work. we have to be careful because if we injured the tree, it will scar badly, obviously. so meant by to take this wound, for example, like let's say here the tree no longer produces its bar for more for the luxury level one over the course. farming is a longstanding tradition here, and important for the local economy of portugal is the world's largest court producers. the climate friendly and renewable material is in higher demand than
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ever. for 60 year old antonio shall say, my tears scurrying up the trees as no problem at all. even in a $35.00 degree celsius heat. what i'm thinking is, i'm still, i've been doing this work every summer for 43 years. so for the meal, the season last 3 months, i feel like i can handle it. what i want to in the mean, it's no trouble for me to be up here for the pacifying the slow growing far because can only be harvested every 9 years. antonio can salvage this, had us from the u. n. a c forestry association says that's why the material is so special. when we look to a court coke, we see as our foss and our future, our stories here for them all the generations that through it has made it possible to be here today in the future because it protects the files if it has
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a lot of bio diversity harvested cort clark is sent to factories for further processing. it is heated press and as shown here, cut into small slices for champagne, corks. millions per day. one of particles, quartz regions, and one of only a handful in the world is kusha. at this expedition, the 1st time material is showcased in all its glory. while more change explains, there's a lot more to court, then corks. according to equity, found them in the cars cut directly from the bark, lay equal squints mint to those or so that's, that's up. and the rest of the court plank is then processed for installation material them in well elements or corks made from the brand new ols all with that mission. but as i said, for this, a global dot at the university of
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a viable clean miguel, no vice is working on sustainable building materials to rise from court. the material is light and elastic and could be an effective alternative to conventional synthetic materials, which although efficient are bad for the environment. the fuse car came to as of these materials which are not renewable and clark is. we are decreasing several orders of magnitude not only the amount of energy that we're required to produce clark, 20 times know or, or more. and also the c o 2 emission associated with the car production. in addition, cork is a good insulator and fire resistant. the trees evolve their unique part to protect themselves against forest fires. court is used everywhere. even in nasa spacecraft . we're sure to have a lot to learn from nature. i think it's the best guidelines for our future because we, as humans, tend to use all sorts of different materials to combine them together very
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efficiently. but then we know, nowadays there is a huge problem connected with the recycled ability of such materials back on the corks plantation. the harvest is now well underway. but carlos is worried, as fewer and fewer people are choosing to go into the profession. you have if there's a lot of i got fluids, they're going to be it's difficult to find people, these data, somebody or i like working here just like my father before me the middle so i carry on general. it's good for me, but i just put them on is out in the fresh air and a 5. i'm not at a desk, not a fit out here. we have all the freedom we need to be put on. the valve, like, you know, from business is booming. the courts production cannot be stuffed up indefinitely. it takes up to 40 years before the bar cause a young cork ok matures enough for harvest. when it comes to this climate friendly materials. good things certainly come to those who wait. we
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return to africa for the next reports about a crate, but definitely those knew how to wait a couple dells. now most people are afraid of these very patient, probable predators they often do is all day in the water and then southerly strike . the pre up like may speed bolt in. pa got around the gun, a crocodile, as i can see. that's that. create a look who's a worried about the a health this is part of a town in northern gonna if you want to wait cuz the souls of the dead, you need to bring a live chicken. according to the legend, the souls of the ancestors live on inside the crocodiles lurking in the village. ponds that are local. i'm not listening. they're actually surprisingly friendly. bunch are to go to frontier this in drugs. if you talk to it,
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it will hear you. if they hear language telephone, if it is moving and you ask it to lay down, is it when it goes anywhere and you call it back? it will oh bad. this is, it won't move again to alondo. do it more than a 100 crocodiles live in the pond. some of them are at least 80 years old, but despite their venerable status, they're not doing well. the pond is full of plastic waste and it's also drying up visa hawk. oh, my hama has been bringing tourists here for a long time. they come to see the tame crocodiles. the visitor is bringing a lot of revenue for the town. but my hama says things are changing and goes this the way a lot of place around here. because there were no houses i don't to, that's that there was enough place. and then the place was so
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a bushy and then you can see ben pearlman green by 9 because of the climate change. and then at the same time, if we're in question the last, so it's like the ballistic change, like this silly model, a lead to is also worried about environmental degradation. whenever he has time, he collects garbage around the pond. he doesn't want his ancestors to have to swim and plastic waste and the clean pond is healthier for the crocodiles. if you don't drink moves, the plastic ways of the crocodile will think it is food and it will swallow it. just a drop on the disturbing plastic waves isn't the only problem. more and more houses in factories are being built directly around the pond. these once per steam, babbling brooks have turned into rivers of waste. and the water doesn't always
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reach the pond because it gets used for other purposes like irrigating crops. even these last green oases are now under threat. the population is growing in need space. a good business model for some our chief new like the do you have, you have to separate them through. so this one and these 2 of them. so i still have the felice, maybe one d. we may lose here because it's very important to us to move out for you to lose. you see what i see then there's climate change. it's getting hotter and hotter and there's little rain. another reason that there's less than less water in the pond. residents here want to prevent the worst, although the resources are limited in those this the fact that what that for domestic samples above the community, by now what's on on that you're going to come in and fetch water sending to the
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community. the souls of the dead would be grateful to their descendants if the pond is preserved and the survival of the pocket crocodiles is an important symbol of biodiversity preservation and gonna, which is already lost more than 40 percent of its wetlands. what's amazing creat silsbee, uh, if you liked the story or if you'd like to see all the reports in on that particular environmental issue, then please drive to us at eco, at the top be dot com. would love to hear from you or love to hear what you think for now is good buy from me, chris, the lamps and i to area. thanks for watching. don't forget to head to equal offer. go online for moist, pirated stories. so you all again, next week the
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10:00 pm
. this is dw news line from the germany resumes deportations to afghanistan for the 1st time since the tyler bound to return to power. the 1st task on nashville was to be returned to arrive in kabul. the german government says the 28th on board. the flies will convicted criminals who did not have the right to stay. also on the program. the rescue operation in the aftermath of a russian strike of the training and city of hawk. if several people are killed trains president says these policies need long range capabilities to strive inside russia. and israel says the local high must command that has been killed by board. the police in the off.


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