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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 31, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the disappeared of the news night from berlin. ukraine plates with washington to lift a found on the use of long range missed idle. as russian bones rained down and been ukrainian city of hockey. your credit presidencies has both of need long range capabilities to slack military airfields inside russia also coming up is real safe and local. how mosque mando has been killed by board of police in the occupied best bang for the israeli police police footage. showing the shooting shootout in jeanine is where the authorities,
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if they've bought them, have them was involved in shooting and foaming attacks of the palestinian territory . the i'm the head. jodie. welcome to the program. ukraine has cold and western allies, the lift by a band on using long range weapons to swipe targets, beef inside russia. you're creating the officials have been holding talks in the us, where they've also repeated requests for strong and defensive to combat the russian bombardments the aftermath of the deadly russian striking the city of hog. keep presidents the landscape said ukraine needed phone decisions from his bottles. another day in the war, another russian attack on ukrainian territory. this time shows hits an apartment block and children's playground in khaki. ukraine 2nd largest switching was like,
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gee, i don't understand what kinds of people kind of talk a playground when children are playing in the middle of the day. i just don't know but restrictions on long range weapons supply to ukraine, clients on ice main. keith cannot easily strike back on russian territory. president savanski has been lobbying western allies to lift those restrictions. and we continue to insist that their determination not lifting the restrictions on long range strikes for you crate. and now that it will help us end the war as soon as possible in a fair way for ukraine as well as a whole. those of us supplied high miles. miss silas can hit target 77 kilometers away. but as this map shows, there aren't any major russian military assets in that range. this is washington allowed you crying to shoot. attack comes with that $300.00. could they me to range from its territory. it could strike up to 225 minute 3 assets ranging from at
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defense batteries, few and into munition that goes to high volume targets. keeps request with the top of the agenda when e. u. defense ministers matching brussels ahead of the tulips. some countries with concern that allowing such strikes on russian territory would escalate the war. those include germany, which is reluctant to deliver. it's telling us beside the system. it has a range of 500 kilometers. after the meeting, e u foreign policy chief joseph photo dismissed as concerns, but announced that each member of state could decide for itself how keith can use the weapons day supply, even defends ministers to, to facilitate the ukraine to respond to the russia, aggression in charge of russian territory using a cordless with international law, but member stays decided that this is something that belongs to bilateral decisions of age member to stage provide. and we moved, way to green as part of ukraine's efforts to loosen the restrictions keeps defense
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minister met with his us count about lloyd austin at the pentagon. no us decision is expected until after an international meeting of donors next week like rain. this william called me as an absent senior fellow at rand, a global policy pink tank, and he joins me now from washington, dc with him. thank you so much for being to the us. a simply locked in to allow you create the use of the long range missiles to attack targets on brushing. thirdly, why is that? as well from the beginning of the west as wanted to be sure that it did not escalate a fight so quickly or so sharply that russia might behave them away, which would be a responsible at the very beginning of a fight present pollutant was talking about nuclear weapons that is going back and forth, sometimes bored, hot and cold on that uh in 2022. choosing,
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taking the promoting warrant. him not to go notes here that put in was a little acquired or on that. but i think his time is going on, we have seen increased escalation of equipment and the russians have not really responded in irrational or irresponsible wires. so for example, your call, the germany was reluctant to supply the leopard tech until the us the plaza air by day one. that when it has a larger range artillery, other things have been supplied us far. russia may have escalated about as much as they can. now ukraine has hundreds of military targets in mind that wants to attack inside russia. what impact could that have on the water? it could have an impact on the war rusher will move some of those. uh, uh, filter assets, as of aircraft uh beyond the range of a package. if a tech comes are allowed to do is a part of our assets. and how's the printer is themselves or be able to do cruise missiles? now if they can attach fixed load service with cruise missiles,
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pretty effective was so even though the west has not provided equipment uh south or permission for its recruitment to be years of your credit is themselves are making up for a great deal of the gap. so if you want to get the go ahead, let's say, couldn't commercial simply move a smith law long chosen that crossed out of the range of american applicants as uh yes, uh, the code. those are uh, the range of items. but ukraine is developed in cruise missiles now that have a longer range than 8 talk ups. uh, cruise muscle, slice, slower, subsonic, so against mobile charges that may not be quite so effective. but guess fix progress that can be quite effective. oh, so your crane is making up for a lot of the difference here are compensated for the reluctance of western covers to allow their arms to be used for a long distance shots into the russia. you've mentioned the level tanks, not germany's also refusing to supply its long range tall. his miss aisles to
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ukraine. do you see a day when bowling and washington will budge? so i think that is possible service support in the us as growing for a growing all really all out to support your credit into this part of some months ago, a year ago, people wondered whether there was ukraine's to, to in fact, the recent polling charles, the post democrats and republicans really are supporters of the effort to defend their credit against russian aggression. oh, so i think it was positive spills and germany and the us were facing some greater flexibility of the past 2 and a half years of showed us that flexibility has continued to expand as the countries in the west have more experience in the side. that's for the i'm calling from thank . thank randy. thank you so much. you're welcome. let's look at some of the stories now, making headlines around the world. the governor of russia belgrade regions plays at
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least 5 people have been killed and thousands injured. often ukrainian rockets hit the embryo, the region, photos north and ukraine, and frequently comes on to drone off and living. a tex, the governor stays the area, was hit with cluster munitions. a supreme court judge in brazil has ordered the shut down of social media platform, x of the re refuse to name a legal representative, justice ali somebody the motorized face the decision was taken to tackle political this information and attacks on brazil's democracy, the owner of x a loan mosque has repeatedly claimed the judges actions amount, the censorship. a woman has stopped and funded 5 people on a bus in the west, on durham and city of vague and people have a rest of police, have a rest of the suspect and said there are no indications that was a federal risk attack. it comes just the week off the germany was blocked by a deadly stabbing, installing,
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and germany has supported a group of, of gun nationals for the 1st time since the fall of on to control of, of gone this done 3 years ago. these are the latest pictures from the of gone capital capital, where the 28 difficulties can be seen getting off of boss of the bank flowing out of germany. the german government is facing mounting pressure to crack down on migration following last week's fatal knife from pigeons. lincoln, the suspect has been due for deportation. space was the scene i'd like to add port just before doing security officials preparing the faster potations flight from gemini to i've gotten this done in 3 years. on board with 28 convicted criminals, denied permission to remain in germany. such flights have been near, impossible to arrange since germany broke off diplomatic relations with. i've gotten this done after the tyler bond violently seize power and couple in august, 2021. to show up on you couldn't,
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we announced i had announced that we would also deport. defend does back to us gun is done. we have prepared this kathleen without talking about it too much because of such plans. only succeed if you make connect, but if you do it carefully and very discreetly before that was carried out today, i would that would like to send everyone who helped to make this happen. so details a clear sign that anyone who commits criminal offenses size cannot count on us, not deporting them, come, but that we will look for ways to do so. as you can see from this case and big is looking to support him in the business. i think the german government said the deal was not negotiated directly. was a tile on an instead with a help of what they called key regional partners. but they can see that they are also in direct contact with a tele bon or how you doing that's lose coverage. it's not positioned as the german government is very clear, as long as the general conditions as they are of autonomy button behaved the way
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they do that will be no efforts to normalize relations with the type of bonds and then no money dealing with the entirety. bon and there are contacts on a technical level, especially through our representative office and don't have any buttons or people spill in, in, in, in to ha. they smocks a big change in germany's approach. the german government has been under pressure to step up to potations of projected asylum seekers, especially any one with a violent cost pressure that's intensified since $3.00 people was fatally stopped installing. and last week, the main suspect was a 26 year old syrian asylum seeker who was supposed to be deported to operate. but we are continuing to work at full speed to once again enable the return of dangerous persons and serious offenders to ask on this done in syria. we will also west together with representatives of the federal states and the biggest opposition policy and meet next week to discuss possible further measures we provide to them
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last month to discuss the fridays flight to cobble was the 1st entry is and if the german government has its way it likely will be the last is well says border police have killed a senior home off the mondo and the occupied westbank is rarely forces or pressing ahead with a major operation in the palestinian territory which began 3 days ago. as many as 20 people have now been for for the dead this is the workers left of the city of blue cross in the occupied westbank. roads damaged and homes completely destroyed. palestinians are now trying to pick up the pieces in the week of destructive destroying the dates of the gas canisters, and the store exploded to any bombs the whole house, including the furniture of what we started calling the civil defense and people to put up the fire because we didn't want the neighbors and children to get hurt in
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the living. we called people homeless, but they also lend the area for many were be interested and that's what the school is. tracy's. it started militants giving a low, put them under effect on me too. hot, the city of janine has now become the center of good strategy operations. they started, the police, released the footage. it's plans to assure its troops killing a senior leader from austin jeanine, why he was driving. they've started email it to save some money to groups, and the westbank have strengthened and conducted roughly $150.00 attacks against sally forces and civilians over the past year. and janine lucas fee is ready to start out doing the meet you to sleeping into the city. and it was pretty much the real problems with the children. there's no baby milk available. yeah, i know sometimes the closest sick girl is home with a high fever just because we weren't expecting such things. i'm the ambulance can't even reach us. this house was enough. the last little from palestinians claim
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civilians are the victims of days, dried reeds, flash a rented here and the young man was just a young man. nearly a child. what did he do wrong? they shot him in the head and his brother is in critical condition. the hospital despite them having done nothing wrong. although since the october 7th, it is a tax on this right. it started the dates and the west bank has increased significantly. this is, there's that ice most intensive and brilliant operation in the west bank in more than a year, nearly 3000000 palestinians live and occupied territory. and the reminder of our top story, this our, the ukraine is calling on best them allies for most and defensive, softer a deadly russian strike on the city of hockey. officials have also repeated calls to lift a band on using loan grange weapons inside russia with president savanski calling
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from decisions from it's possible that your up to date of travel show checked in is up next taking you to the city of florida. and it's me, you'll find much more news and analysis on our website, dw, dot com. and when our social media channels bye for watching the people in trucks injured, trying to feed the city center. the straight people's screens the around the world more than 150000000 people us
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we of mine because.


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