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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 31, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballot. your crime please with the washington to the list. it's bad on the use of long range missiles, as russian bones rained down of ukrainian city of comp, case your current president says as far as, as need long range capabilities to strike military. i feel inside rush also coming up, the israel's military says it has killed a senior. how must come on and be occupied with funds on the 1st day of heavy fighting in the palestinian territory. the
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gab offers welcome to the program. ukraine is called on west and allies to lift the band on using long range weapons to strike targets deep inside russia. officials from keith have been holding talks in washington, hoping to gain approval for plans to extend the sol range. russia says keith is already attacked good cities. on friday, the governor of belgrade said, 5 people were killed and thousands injured by ukrainian rockets, which damaged residential building in the city which lies close to the border. and the ukrainian city of crockett emergency work has carried out the dramatic rescue of residents in a binding building, which is sorry to you said was hit by a russian bomb a at least 6 people died. and that's attacked, including a child president for the landscape, said the attack would not have happened if you crane could strike seals deep inside
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russia. another day in the war, another russian attack on ukrainian territory. this time shows hits an apartment block and children's playground in hockey ukraine, 2nd largest city. golf was like, i can't understand what kinds of people kind of talk a playground when children are playing in the middle of the day. i just don't know . but restrictions on long range weapons supply to ukraine, clients on ice main keys cannot easily strike back on russian territory. presidency . lensky has been lobbying western allies to lift those restrictions and the cause . we continue to insist that the determination are lifting the restrictions on long range strikes for you crate. and now that it will help us end the war as soon as possible in a fair way for ukraine as well as a whole. those of us supplied high miles. miss silas can hit target 77 kilometers
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away. but as this map shows, there aren't any major russian ministry assets in that range. this is washington allowed you crying to shoot. attack comes with that $300.00. could they me to range from its territory? it could strike up to 225 minute, 3 assets ranging from defense batteries, fuel munition, to post a high volume talk. it keeps request with the top of the agenda when e. u. defense ministers mentioned brussels ahead of the tulips. some countries with concern that allowing such strikes on russian territory would escalate the war. those include germany, which is reluctant to deliver its town of the messiah system. it has a range of 500 kilometers. after the meeting, e u foreign policy chief joseph bordeaux, dismissed as concerns, but announced that each member of state could decide for itself how keith can use the weapon stay supply even defends ministers to to facilitate the ukraine to respond to the russia, aggression in charge of russian territory using
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a cordless with international law, but member stays decided that this is something that belongs to bilateral decisions of age member to stage provide. and we moved, way to green as part of ukraine's efforts to loosen the restrictions keeps defense minister met with his us count about lloyd austin or at the pentagon. no us decision is expected until after an international meeting of donors next week crane this critical time. did of use benjamin of our, his group that has a moral on those talks in washington a decree and needs to strengthen its uh, defense. that was the main message, ukraine, defense minister, all metals, and the head of the office of the ukrainian presidency had for us officials here in washington. they brings them on the situation on the battlefields and asked them to deliver weapons from the defense packages which have already been announced as soon as possible. one of the goals is also to persuade us to allow long range weapons to
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strike russian targets within russia. something the washing has been reluctant to do. they will read out from the department of the defense and the national security council waive up to the wavering support for ukraine. but don't give up many more details on the talks and also on ukraine. squish just try crushing targets as a war and ukraine drags on teeth need. so only we have found support from the us, but also from its allies. they will meet or drum cheyenne basinger. i'm in the next week is part of the so called ukraine defense contact group, as well as military says that as killed to militants attempting to attack and security forces in separate locations in the west bank following its free de operation inside the occupied palestinian territory. in one of the attack, a vehicle exploded at the gas station elsewhere minutes and rammed a car into the gates of an israeli settlement. before being so dead. yeah, that it's improved a mazda praise the attempt to detox as
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a message of resistance. is there any forces, have failed, at least 20 people in the west bank in recent days, including a senior mazda mazda police julian children wait patiently by the side of the road. as the families tried to decide on the safe place to flee to following israel street on the west bank city of geneva, we left everything behind. i have a room 10 to 12 children in my house and all i wanted was to get them to a safe place available. the house can be replaced the size of the service snipers on top of every building and the eastern neighborhood shooting it. anyone who passes by the streets, if a couldn't move some day shots in, as for social media, there's no internet, no mobile connection, nothing here. i'm not my child here with diapers and it's been out of stock for the past 2 days. so what, what do we got? the city of janine has now become the center is really authoration, the east really police release. the students, if claims to show the troops queuing
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a senior leave though, from awesome jimmy. while he was driving the east really military says militant groups in the west bank have strength and, and conducted roughly 100 feet to attacks against these really forces and surveillance over the past. the engine mean local say, is really troops a surrounding the major routes leading into the city and was can you mission the real problems with the children? there's no baby milk available type goes to sick girl is home with a high fever. we weren't expecting such things on the islands. can't even reach us as often as the fall off. the little some police tv is claim civilians are the victims of the ease really rates flesh a rented here. and the young man was just a young man. nearly a child. what did he do wrong?
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they shot him in the head and his brother is in critical condition, the hospital despite them having done nothing wrong. although, since the october 7th, tara tex on israel is really raised in the west bank have increased significantly. this is israel's most intensive and prolonged operation in the west bank in more than the year, nearly $3000000.00 posting instantly the occupied territory or germany has resumed deportation slides to of gone this done on friday to where they had convicted criminals of africa and nationality arrived in kabul, they were the 1st deportees since the tale bound, take over and 2021. the german government is facing mounting pressure to track down on migration. following last week's fatal knife rampage in the zoning and the suspect was a rejected asylum seeker. this was the scene i'd like to add port just before doing security officials preparing the fast importation flight from gemini to of gone
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this done in 3 years on board with 28 convicted criminals, denied permission to remain in germany. such flights have been near, impossible to arrange since germany broke off diplomatic relations with. i've gotten this done after the tyler bond violently seize power and couple in august, 2021. to show up on you couldn't, we announced i had announced that we would also depaula to send us back to us dining stand. we have prepared this kathleen without talking about it too much because of such plans only succeed if you make connect, but if you do it carefully and very discreetly before that was carried out today, i would that would like to send everyone who helped to make this happen, so details a clear sign that anyone who commits criminal offenses cannot count on us, not deporting them, come, but then we will look for ways to do so. as you can see from this case and big is looking to support him in the business. i think the german government said the deal
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was not negotiated directly. was a tile on an instead with a help of what they called key regional partners. but they can see that they are also in direct contact with atalla bon or so i assume that's lose coverage. that's not positioned as the german government is very clear, as long as the general conditions as they are of autonomy button behaves the way they do that will be no efforts to normalize relations with autonomy, bonds, and then no money dealing with the entirety. bon and there are contacts on a technical level, especially through our representative office and don't have any buttons or people spill in, in, in, in to ha. they smocks a big change in germany's approach. the german government has been under pressure to step up to potations of projected asylum seekers, especially any one with a violent cost pressure that's intensified since $3.00 people was fatally stopped installing. and last week, the main suspect was
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a 26 year old syrian asylum seeker who was supposed to be deported. the operating by we are continuing to work at full speed to once again enable the return of dangerous persons and serious offenders to f. gotten this done in syria, we will also west together with representatives of the federal states and the biggest opposition policy and meet next week to discuss a possible fathom issues we provide to them last month to discuss with you fridays flight to cobble was the 1st entry years and if the german government has its way, it likely will be the last to the united kingdom now where the state of the national health service was a major issue in recent elections. the new labor government says it has inherited a broken hospital system. health experts say it will take a major effort to revive the an h. s. millions of people waiting for capt including children. young, getting your daughter to eat as a test of patients. so chloe could be sure to,
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your delilah almost always spits it out and only drinks from her bottle. this is good. now i'm a 2000 particularly 8. any say like as useful that i need food? i would say she eats a little bit all these chaise, and i mean this is how much isn't that ball that i offer and that doesn't even get a, an in a dies from other suspect on delilah, i might have an eating disorder that is related to autism, but she doesn't know for sure. the waiting time to see a specialist is to yes. wow. over 6000000 bridges, patients are waiting months. so even years for appointments with specialists, deals, conservative government has spent significantly less on the health system than other european countries. that was one of the big issues in the general election. last month's annual myosin is an emergency medicine physician. he says,
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and many hospitals, the situation is unbearable to emergency care is awful for clinicians for patients . we're seeing patients that have to sit in our waiting room stuff to sit in the carters waiting for care of people that are dying on the back services waiting to be brought in, say any dying in inside a or any departments and health workers are leaving around 100000 positions in england and field engine liason also knows colleagues who if the newer broad where the working conditions and pay of data often numerous dr. strikes across thing and the new labor government has made health priority. they want to shorten wasting time spent. also offering appointments on weekends and offering pay rises. they also want to train more adopters. but how long would it take before there was noticeable improvement? we all know that it's gonna take another 10 years to get the interest back to where it was. but there's likely another election in another 5 years,
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and they need to make sure that they deliver some significant improvements in that time. about 10 long chloe academy. should i need help quickly? she's worried about her thoughts as you to oh, the to the weight in there for child is just wrong. it's a serious thing. what she's going to be 5, what she's going to be bullied in school because she can only have formula. right? no matter what the mother tried to, she couldn't get her door to see any idea. as things done, little delilah won't cut her appointment until next year. at the earliest. and the reminder of our top story, the ukraine is calling on western allies for more ad defense as after a deadly russian strike of the city of car keys, presidents lensky, once it's part, as to lift advantage, using long range weapons inside russia to stop the attacks and israel's military says it has killed 2 militants attempting to attack it. security forces in separate locations in the officer, 5 westbank. it follows these roads and
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a 3 day operation inside the post indian territory, which has killed at least 20 feet. and that's it from me and the new seem uh have a wasn't, was updated for you at the top of the god of was in berlin from me and the news team. thanks for watching the get ready for an exciting. i've been to ask a little surprised. hi, i'm shopping and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children. to do you have you have a one, the front porch and the unexpected side to side. the togetherness, the place even just came off the anniversary.


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