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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the the, you're watching the, the, the, you know who's going to live from berlin is really for says, put down a parent reprisal attacks in the occupied west bank to car bombs, explode one near and is rarely settlement this as israel presses a head with a large scale military operation for a 4th day. also a head on the program, germany readies for regional elections with a national impact. both the far left and the far right could make big games with the voters concerned about migration and the war and ukraine. the
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choir richardson welcome is rails large scale operation in the west bank is continuing for a 4th a day with clashes and explosions in the northern city of janine is rel, says it is targeting terrorist walk, but your opinions top diplomat says, the operation is a disaster. in the making overnight, israel's military set it killed. 2 people attempting to carry out attacks with 2 car bombs, exploding one near and is rarely settlement email. what's under group? how mosse praise be attempted attacks as a message of resistance is rarely forces have killed at least 20 people in the west bank in recent days, including a senior, how mos commander police to me and children. we patients the by the side of the road. as the families try to decide on the safe place to lead to following
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israel street on the west bank city of geneva, why we left everything behind. i have around 10 to 12 children to my house and all i wanted was to get them to a safe place available. the house can be replaced the size of the stairs snipers on top of every building and the eastern neighborhood shooting it. anyone who passes by the streets, if a couldn't move some day shots in, as for social media, there's no internet, no mobile connection, nothing here. i'm not my child here with diapers and they've been out of stock for the past 2 days. so what, what do we got? the city of janine has now become the center, is really operations to the east, really police release, the students, if claims to show the troops queuing a senior leave though, from awesome jimmy. while he was driving the east really military says we lived in groups in the west bank, have strength and, and conducted roughly 150 attacks against these really forces and civilians over
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the past. the engine mean local say, is really troops a surrounding the major routes leading into the city and was, can you make sure the real problems with the children? there's no baby milk available. yeah, i know sometimes the closest sick girl is home with a high fever. let's look at that. we weren't expecting such things on the islands. can't even reach us as often as enough. the last little some police tv is claim civilians are the victims of the ease really rates flash a rented here and the young man was just a young man. nearly a child. what did he do wrong? they shot him in the head, and his brother was in critical condition, the hospital despite them having done nothing wrong. the product. since the october 7, tara tax on israel is really raised in the west bank have increased significantly. this is israel's most intensive and prolonged operation in the west bank in more
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than the year, nearly 3000000 post team and so the occupied territories. i'd like to bring in journalist police letting covering events for us from tell of you've got to see you again. can you bring us up to speed with the latest we are seeing what the situation in the west bank as well was talking about to patients where there has been some developments since this morning. the thought with the wrong that the 2 mountains that there would be 2 attackers that uh, conducted the attack yesterday. and then the uh, who should see you in the area where maybe the both of them are from matthew braun bridge. the these lady horses are seen right now the area and they have a rest of the 6 people uh, suspended. so thinking about uh, being involved in the these attacks. um uh that's just a matter of, um the me to say what happened yesterday in short um,
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these 2 attacks were unsuccessful using car bol, the both of them were killed and one is ready. the soldier was wounded. but the b and zack and then the use age of the car, bombs. that means that there are a lot of development on the usage of the best explosives that, that it was successful that would have of course, that caused a lot of damage. and a lot of casualties in be supplements and maybe insight as rep proper as well. so the and you need that right now. let's just be mean these really forces under the militants there. um that's the only location where the problem is. the more of the bigger uh, peroration that starts as this were red days ago directly. and that's the only uh, the senior reports. one is one of the soldier was killed. 4 of those were wounded as some of them, even in critical condition. as until now we're talking about when the 6 the see in middleton, sec killed and more than 30 a risk that the,
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the full version is still continuing that so this hour and the less than the big change in the fire is very dense. according to the point that we're getting from being so highly volatile situation here on friday, the u. k said that it was deeply concerned about this operation of the use for and policy chief has called at a disaster in the making. you tell us what israel's goal is here and, and what kind of impacts the operation could have on regional stability as well. i started got the ais rated for administer. um i, yesterday. yeah. put other statements on the x or twitter rest saying that this one has no choice after all kinds of the reno regina supplying or trying to actually open another runs with israel and with bank of state here. the fact that in april of this year there was a large amount of apparently large amounts of weapons and deliver to the bank. and
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we can see that also by the usage of bed, these explosive devices, uh, just a couple of weeks ago. uh 1st and uh with a lot of explosives. uh they know the in the heart of still a be uh that the tech wasn't successful in this and no casualties were um, uh, we quoted uh other than the uh, man militants himself. of course. um, but uh the fact that this continues in the choice then actually this uh, a very big operation with thousands of soldiers that you see already finished in them. places like full time monday at the jordan valley, but i still continue to visa. and as you mean that these really positions for now because they don't want to wait until something but for 7 tested and then and conduct such offers. okay, thank you for letting that out for us. those journalists, elisa slipped in in tel aviv. we appreciate your time and german politicians are making their final campaign pushes ahead of sundays
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elections into eastern states, which could have a dramatic impact on the national political same current polls. the address of the far right alternative for germany for a f d could win the most votes in the states of teresa and saxony, another anti establishment party, the newly created left wing populist alliance. sarah wagner, and special is also expected to do well. both parties oppose germany's ongoing military support for ukraine and its war with russia. a piano, a small town between dresden and the check border. it's early morning and already members of the far right and alternative for germany party are up campaigning. polls indicate their party could win at least 30 percent and regional elections. their best results yet high above their election tend a dove of peace. the of d is making germany is foreign policy. a big issue locally, especially it stands and rushes warren ukraine. so is why we, okay, you know,
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crime and people have the willingness to speak the end. this was kind of fun, but ken ones still talk with the rush at all because i simply say you can do it to anyone. you just have to do it. that's up and i also think that a piece totes around the horizon as the food team will definitely be willing to talk of the issue of getting further data provide side. this message resonates with some voters. many here oppose germany, support for ukraine. they say the war concerns them more than domestic issues. the switch to say it's the most important thing for me is piece, kind of not an arms race dialogue. surprises change my interest. i wish for peace in the world soon been dodge, and i would like germany not to get involved in this more even more simple. if you had me out with me a elsewhere and pure enough, there's skepticism about the influence original vote can have on geo politics. the
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piece is nice, but you shouldn't talk about that to the people here. you should tell it to mr. booted. you really have to think about what the science and government can do with washington county head. yet, what does the state parliament infection they have to do with foreign policy issue? it's always been position teams which one, and it's not just the a f d the newly formed the left wing. that of i can connect to lions or b s. w has centered its entire campaign around peace. a. it's a node which strikes a chord in east germany. we're in a stall, gym for the regions. socialist passed and resentment towards the us and nato are still strong. more than a 1000 supporters have gathered in downtown dresden to hear the founder and face of the party. a band plays a russian song to warm up the crowd. but not everyone likes what they're hearing. many say wagner, can this piece narrative is playing along with poor teams. propaganda efforts is
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now 14, this increase, the pressure is a war criminal who started this war of aggression and he belongs before the call within the hate. and how is that? how about connections out of oregon? connect is practically his spokeswoman in germany. she's spreading his life, signed by the vault. in contrast, rejects this criticism. say not, don't let your sales be filled by tales that we are friends when we are the ones advocating for peace and diplomacy. whether these messages prove effective, is ultimately down to voters on sunday. and joining me in the studio for more, we have the date of these political correspondent, juliet, sound deli, julia. good to see you. we heard there in that report how pritchens war in ukraine has been a topic in these regional german elections. can you tell us a little bit more about how that works? yes, so it's been one of the main campaigning topics for one of the parties that were is going to probably be one of the, the revelations of,
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of these local elections. that's why there's also a lot of focus from the media and just on servers in germany on these local elections. and that is the a, if the, the far right a, if the and the party has complained a lot on the war and ukraine, they have said that they are against support for ukraine coming from the central government. they have called for more dialogue with russia, and there have also been a investigations and reports looking into the a if these ties with putting on with russia. and so this has been a big campaigning topic and we will likely see if the pools aren't completely off, which is unlikely. the a if the coming in 1st in one of the 2 states into india. and that would be the 1st time a far right party, a wins a state or federal election in germany since the nazi era. and again, the warden, you create a big campaign issue, but also migration. the sd wants to push for much stricter rules on migration. that is something that has into, to resonates in these parts of the country. so if the poles are correct and
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a half deep does when in at least one, or perhaps both of these 2 states, does that mean we will actually see them govern? well, that is unlikely because we've seen from the other parties running in the state elections, into india and saxony. they have vowed not to form any government alliances with the far right. and the they said they want don't want to have anything to do with them. any cooperation with them, which means that the, if they will likely say out of the government, but they would still have quite a big share of seats in the local parliaments and they could cause some disruption . they're blocking motions and etc. but this also means that it will likely be very tricky to form governments in these 2 states because of the winning parties are the parties that get the most share of the votes. for example, the conservative seed, you won't have any other parties to form alliances with because we expect to the other sort of mainstream german parties that are in government and berlin to do quite terribly. so there is some risk of instability in the states and that would
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also mean again a success for the if the now it's really just briefly before i let you go. we've spoken a little bit about as are that these are a volume. thanks a lions give to us more about this party. it's kind of pretty quick rise in the polls, isn't it? yes, this could be another one of the big revelations of these a to say to election cycle volume that is a former left wing politicians. she was part of the socialist, less party, a which she abandoned to start her own alliance, which didn't exist a year ago. and now it's likely to come in 3rd or maybe even 2nd. and these elections. and she has also come pains on the topics that have been strong for the a if the so one thing to stop support for ukraine when to go into dialogue with russia and to have stricter measures on migration. but she doesn't use the right wing and far right rhetoric of the a, f d. so that makes it more a appetizing for voters to vote for her who don't want to have anything to do with
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the far right. thank you so much for breaking that all down for us. i just need all these political correspondent, julia, so deli and that is our so if you want more news and analysis, don't forget you can find it online at d, w dot com. i'm quite richardson in berlin. thank you so much for joining us. the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in the current use events analyzed by experts and critical thinking is. this is the weekdays on d w my name is the calls back saved now.


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