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tv   [untitled]    November 6, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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such a promise was made by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhnyi in an interview with the washington post. he declared that the peninsula would be under ukrainian control, even if the allies were against it. the program of the ukrainian voice of america service, chas time, is broadcast from washington. i am maria prus. congratulations. former us president donald trump testified today in the supreme court of the state of new york, in a civil case regarding financial fraud. this is the first personal testimony of the ex-president in any case opened against him. trump and his associates are accused of overstating assets in financial statements to get better terms on loans and commercial real estate insurance. in september. in this case, a judge has already
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found trump guilty of fraud and is now assessing the amount of damages. my colleague oleksiy kovalenko watched the trial. hello oleksiy, tell me what happened in the new york court today. congratulations, yes, this lawsuit accuses former us president donald trump himself, his sons and his organization of deliberately lying to inflate, exaggerate the value of all assets, all real estate. in these assets, in general, of donald trump and his organization, in order to receive some special tax conditions, special lending conditions, and this is what is actually said in this case, that from 2011 to 2021, during these 10 years, the trump organization received additional profits from these special lending and taxation conditions, which they acquired due to the fact that the value of these assets was exaggerated by almost 250 million to and trump himself and all
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the accused do not admit their wrongdoing, they stated before the trial, and here the important point is that, unlike many cases against donald trump, this is not a criminal case, it is a civil case, that is, even if trump or someone else is found guilty in full, according to some article of the indictment , then they don't face any jail time, and this case is also a little... unique in the process itself, because even before the trial itself, the judge found tram trump and all the other defendants to some extent guilty of fraud, that is, and himself the trial already will determine the extent of this law, after all, how much additional income the organization has acquired and what will be the punishment for this fraud, and before the trial trump spoke and wrote about this in his social network
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that this is a hunt for vidium and that all the political hunting of his political opponents for him, and here is an interesting moment that during the speech before testifying in the court of the supreme court of new york, trump mentioned both ukraine and israel. if we have his quote, we can listen to it right now. while israel is under attack, while ukraine is under attack, while inflation is eating our country alive, i am here. this is all the work of my political opponents, the political advertising attacks of the biden administration. their ratings are terrible. you saw what happened today when the new york times and cbs released polls that put me in the top spot. this is a very unfair situation. this interference in the elections is what it is. this court is ridiculous. the numbers far exceed the financial statements.
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in total, 91 criminal charges have been brought against former president trump. oleksiy, why exactly is this civil case important? so, as we mentioned, there's just a range of different criminal charges brought against trump, as they say, it 's more than 90 criminal charges, and there 's a range of criminal charges from fraud charges, charges of falsifying financial documents in new york, to possession of secret documents from the white house to the residence of the president of the united states in marelago, as well as accusations of trying to interfere in the results of the 2020 presidential election, and on various articles trump's charges, if found guilty on these charges, face 10 to 20 years in prison, meaning the 77-year -old former us president, if convicted on one or two charges, could spend the rest of his life in prison. prison
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but the important point, as we said, it's not a criminal case, it's a civil case , but nevertheless, it's very important, and it's important because it's a blow to the heart, the heart of the empire, the billionaire real estate mogul of new york, it's about that he exaggerated his empire, overstated his asset ownership, the vast majority overstated his asset ownership in new york, and the prosecution, the new york attorney general, who is prosecuting the sorority, is seeking to have the trump organization dissolved in new york -york and trump couldn't do more work at all - his organization can't work anymore in this state. oleksiy, well, as you know, trump wants to run for president in next year's elections, how can these and other matters affect his presidential campaign? one point here, if we divide this question into two, if we look at it from a legal point of view, we can see
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that there is nothing at stake for the presidential campaign of donald trump, purely from a legal point of view, because the us constitution, it provides certain... requirements for candidates in the presidency, but among these requirements there is no requirement that the candidate must not have a criminal record, that is, even if donald trump was found guilty of one or another article of the indictment, whether criminal or civil the point is still trump can run for president and even if he is found guilty and even if he is in prison he would be eligible to run for president from prison and on the other hand another important point literally one year from today there will be a presidential election next year, and the important question here is how much it will affect, how much all these things will affect the preferences of the voters, and the important points, we
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heard that in the quote from the former president of the united states that we heard before that, what yesterday was the results of the new york times poll are published, and we have seen that in five of the key states that greatly affect the results of the presidential campaign, trump is winning, leading in the race against the current current president of the united states, joe biden, and in only one state , joe biden is in the lead if he ran against trump, but we saw that voters expressed dissatisfaction with both the former and current president of the united states in this poll, but they still preferred the former president in these five, six states. very interesting, oleksii, thank you, it was voice of america correspondent oleksii kovalenko. the un and international charities have called for an urgent humanitarian ceasefire in
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the gaza strip. there, the deaths of civilians from gas and the deprivation of more than 2 million palestinians from access to food, water, medicine and electricity were called outrageous. power in gaza is controlled by hamas. designated a terrorist organization by the us and other countries, it says more than 10,000 palestinians have been killed in a month of israeli military operations. at the same time, due to the group's attacks on october 7 killed at least 1,400 israelis. the militants continue to take more than 200 hostages, including american citizens. secretary of state anthony blinken discussed the situation in the region with the turkish authorities during his visit to ankara. blinkin, who is currently directing the title. the group of seven meeting in japan said washington is focusing efforts on the release of hamas hostages. efforts to prevent the conflict from spreading, as well as humanitarian aid to civilians. we are deeply aware
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suffering from the terrible burdens that palestinians bear in the gas, men, women and children, innocent and civilians. we share this concern and work on it every day. we 're talking about steps they can take to minimize civilian casualties. we are, as i said, very actively working to deliver more humanitarian aid in gas, and we have very specific ways to do that. i think you will see in a few days that this help can be greatly expanded so that more people can receive it and also so that people can continue to get off the gas. the world celebrates the international day for the prevention of eco-exploitation of the environment during war and armed conflicts. in the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine , they say that during the full-scale invasion , russia caused damage to the ukrainian ecology in the amount of 56 billion dollars. in particular,
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ecoactivists call the destruction of the kakhovskaya dam the second largest disaster in europe after the chas disaster. at the same time, estimates of the damage caused are preliminary, because part of ukrainian territories remains under occupation. how activists record and investigate ecocrimes often working under fire, lesya bakalets will tell. 11:20. two locations: snihorivka, ingulets river, this is the third expedition of let's do it ukraine ekorohu in the kherson and mykolaiv regions, activists are collecting data on the consequences of the destruction of the kakhov dam. we are taking samples of toxic metals, toxic substances, and after that, when the laboratory processes it, we will know how these toxic substances have affected the environment in general, the explosion of the kakhovskaya gas station on june 6 caused the flooding of several... areas at once, so the area for work in there are many ecoactivists, only a wave of water, which just
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went from the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, it went through 80 settlements for 200 km. the water took with it cemeteries, toilets, oil depots, factories , yes, through which it went, the wave also raised the groundwater level, and small rivers overflowed their banks, for example, we have two points... ingulets, where the river its normal course is 60 m, but the water diverged up to 15 km , great damage was done in nature, great damage was caused in nature, all the toxic substances that were at the bottom were lifted by the flow and they first got into the dniprobus estuary, then into the black sea. the task of activists is to collect as much data as possible for ukrainian and international scientists, but it is not easy, the main part of water intake points is located. it is not far from the front line.
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our volunteers last week at the third minute jumped into a car to escape from the shelling, what we are taking there in ochakiv, for example, is this in general, that is, volunteers are working, the military is helping, but this is a replacement beach, and again, it is an open area that shines through determined and in such conditions, it is still necessary to observe all the rules for taking water samples. the procedure is not as fast as you say, because we have to collect all these containers three times, wash them with the water that is there and then collect it, besides this, according to the protocol, we have to sign all these containers, then the samples are taken to the laboratory ukrainian scientific center of marine ecology. the conclusions of previous expeditions are disappointing. zinc, cadmium, arsenic were found in the water. these substances are present everywhere and even from an ecological point of view.
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they have exceeded the maximum permissible concentrations, besides being toxic in themselves, they are also carcinogenic, and carcinogenic substances, as we all know, are substances that cause cancer and accumulate in the body, a special danger for people who are in flooded areas territories, all these toxic substances that were in the water, they also got into wells and wells, the prosecutor general's office says that the un mission recently calculated the preliminary total damages from the destruction of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant. it is 11 million dollars , of which 58% is about 6 billion dollars - these are losses the surrounding natural environment. the general prosecutor's office is investigating the undermining of the kakhovskaya dam under the two articles of war crime and ecocide. ukraine is one of the first countries in the world to introduce such an article. ecocite, well, according to our national legislation, it is defined as mass destruction. objects of flora and fauna, pollution of atmospheric air and water
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resources, as well as any other actions that may lead to an ecological disaster. pity the environment, it has no borders, no citizenship, no nationality, usually such incidents as the destruction of the kakhovskaya dam, as well as other attacks there on industrial facilities and infrastructure facilities, are of a cross-border nature. in international legislation , the concept of ecocide is still missing, but ukraine, together with the world's eco organizations, is making efforts to recognize ecocide as an international crime. we insist on this, since there is no immunity for the international criminal court, even for the top leadership of the country. also, in this way it is possible to achieve a certain level of coherence between countries ukraine is very active in speaking out for the international recognition of ecocide. the country seems to speak for itself. we don't want anyone else to suffer the way we are suffering.
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since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the prosecutor general's office has been collecting evidence of ecocrimes in order to bring the perpetrators to justice in the future, both specific individuals and the aggressor country as a whole. this evidence can and will be used in an appropriate compensation mechanism, which has not yet been created, but will be created, which will consider all ukrainian recovery claims damage, including damage to the environment from the russian federation. and if for the reconstruction of a house or even an entire city, you can draw up a very specific estimate, then with the restoration of ecology, everything is much more complicated. scientists don't even take it. it is still difficult to predict how many years it will take for the ukrainian ecosystem to return to its pre-war level. lesya bakalets, voice of america. our next story is about a mother and daughter from mariupol, who survived the shelling for a month and barely
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made it out of the occupied city. now they live in the usa, do volunteer work and join the action in support of ukraine. and my colleague iryna shinkarenko found out that the family visited different cities in america, but above all they dream of returning to their hometown after the release, for security reasons we do not mention their surnames. here is a christmas tree near the drama theater, which is no longer there, near the drama theater we always had such a good time that it, like the ones lit up here in washington, we had such a thing in the center of the city. elena and her daughter miraculously managed to save photos from their favorite city, they deleted almost everything from their phones before the so-called filtering, which took place at russian checkpoints. the family fled mariupol after a month of living under occupation. well, our family lived in the primorsky district, well, we lived near the sea, our house was right on the sea, and since we lived in a private house in our house , ours is in a private one, and my husband
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is a master, he also has tools, and food, there were still some reserves. and our garden, and it was actually easier for us to survive, we hid in the garage there, people from multi-story buildings helped us there, but they did nothing at all we had, our little girl was in the garage, until recently elena and margarita could not tell their stories, they immediately started crying, under these bombs, under the planes, we saw everything, heard everything, we lived in the garage, our house was completely, completely destroyed, there is no nothing was there anymore, nothing was working, only bombs, bombs, bombs, planes, planes were flying, these bombs, bombs and everything, and we had no way to communicate even with other district residents, the family lived in informational isolation for a month, and when they decided to leave, they did not recognize the street
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native city, on the way we managed to take a few photos and videos of the streets on an old phone, and we left... later, we are at the end of march, then there were no such columns anymore, then it was the first time on march 15, 16, 17, people, and then who could. the family from mariupol was accepted by friends in the usa, volunteers helped them settle in philadelphia. they were in a very difficult psychological state last year, and i started inviting them here to various events, they said that they really want to volunteer, and it just... somehow supports their spirit, we grandfathers made, together with them, then margarita made such beautiful angels , signed them, and also sold them last year, then for that money we wove things for children in ukraine, orphans and also sent them, and we make different, well, some crafts
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, so that americans come to these sales fairs, they buy something, they are very interested, something related to the country, and all these funds are transferred to help the army, to help people, elena and margarita also took part in the ukrainian action summit in washington, where the congress talked about tragedy in mariupol, they manage to contact acquaintances who, for various reasons, are forced to stay in the city. children, ukrainian, russia takes them, how it accustoms them to their russian language, to their own, that they are there , we remained friends there, we correspond to this day and how bad it is for them there, i had a friend, yulia, yulia now she entered a russian lyceum to study as a naval doctor, well , it’s scary, this one is scary, people just survive, on the one hand, those who were lucky to survive, they couldn’t get out, but they were lucky
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to survive, it is difficult to even call it, well, honestly, lucky, they are forced to leave it there. and transport, money, nobody has anything, they survive as best they can. olena says that the main rule for people who stayed in mariupol is to keep quiet about their desire to live in ukraine. they killed our city here, now this is the city of russia, and that's how they do everything that is their city, they build something of their own there, they put their own workers there, and these mariupol people who are in mariupolka. they are just hiding somehow, there are partisans among them, they are drawing something somewhere, something somewhere, mariupol is ukraine, they are waiting for liberation, she found a job in the usa, but she believes that she will be able to return to her hometown, i want to go home, i really want to go home, well , i don’t have a home, but i want to go to my city,
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i really want to to my city, i want to go there, i don’t want to go anywhere else, i really want it to be the way it was before, i want life to be like before, the house can be rebuilt somehow , well, it needs to be the same, ukrainian... it became again. iryna shenkarenko, dmytro melnyk, dmytro savchuk, voice of america. one of the largest and most famous marathons in the world was held in new york on sunday. this year, almost 50,000 participants ran there, including from ukraine. only the ukrainian running club of new york was represented by 65 athletes. roman kashpur led the ukrainian marathon runners. he is a ukrainian soldier on a prosthesis who ran the new york marathon. ukrainian runners were met at the finish line by iryna solomko and pavlo terekhov. andrii kondarech finished his 42 km a long time ago. as planned, he covered the distance
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in three hours and 24 minutes. however, more than for himself, he was worried about another runner, ukrainian military officer roman kashpor, because it was andriy who invited the veteran, who in 2019 lost his leg due to a mine explosion, to run the new york marathon. andriy admits that although this is already his tenth marathon, he runs a team every time. this time he was inspired by a novel. additional motivation. i was thinking about a novel. roman, well done, second marathon, running. he shows everyone that there are none. just with the thought of the novel, regardless. that roman ran a marathon in washington just a week ago, he managed to reach his goal in new york, despite the fact that this is already the second marathon in a row, he managed to improve the result,
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the london and washington, i mean the marathon, that's why it's cool, he says, he's doing it for his brothers, and those , who continue to protect ukraine, and those who, like roman, lost their limbs and are now learning to live anew. kashpur himself lost his leg in 2019 in donetsk region, and the bells and whistles came. anti-personnel mine, volunteered to fight when he was only 19 years old, justice, she it should be, yes, she, when an enemy breaks into your house and says, you don't live here anymore, but wait, wait, stop, stop, i, what do you mean i don't live here, this is my home, there are parents, family , yes, my land, which i love, on which i was born, and only one flag will hang here, this is ours, and no other, the yellow-blue one we will fly, just as andriy is looking forward to the finish line... and his wife julia, she is his main support, it's cool! we met in the kharkiv hospital, where roman was taken after being wounded, and where yulia volunteered
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took care of the boys, after the injury, they were taken from intensive care to traumatology, the call, a woman's voice is pleasant on the receiver, hello, i 'm yulia, a volunteer from kharkiv, don't you mind, i'll come and visit, i say to her, but i don't seem to run away, they just brought me, so come in, well, somehow we made friends, got to know each other. well, until a good time, until i arrived with a backpack of things and said: let's live together. yulia is always next to her husband, together with roman she even ran a marathon in washington. i, as a wife, of course , am very worried, because the second marathon, i understand how stressful it is for the body, we will support you, we are always there morally and he feels it, he says, he is proud of what his husband does, because for him, participation in races is an opportunity to talk about the war in ukraine, as well as to raise funds for prosthetics brothers, for many he perceived disability as not a defect, but as an asset, and i always told him that it is not your defect, you became
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special, you became different from everyone else, and that is very cool, and when the boys will learn to realize this, then i think we are in for a new era cybergs, our ukrainian cybergs, who will glorify us all over the world, this is probably the coolest thing for a woman, when she can be proud of her forehead , i can say with confidence that i am so proud of my husband. roman admits that it was sports that saved him after losing his leg and gave him the strength to live fully. he calls sports the best form of rehabilitation, both physical and psychological, and with his actions he tries to convey to other injured people that it is possible to live fully with a prosthesis and even set records. that's why it's actually the 21st year, on december 2, i set a national record of ukraine, pulled a 16-ton summer. kan-26 at the chuguyiv airfield, decided to do it publicly, that is, they invited the press with the aim that as many military personnel and veterans as possible could see, indeed, that the protest is not
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a sentence, not a restriction and everything continues life to the fullest, here, then, more , when i didn't pull the plane, i started to think about the full marathon distance, but a full-scale invasion interfered with the plans and roman returned to the front to defend kharkiv with a prosthesis. i did not have time to make any prosthesis and i decided to go back to the front, you know, you can't run there with a bathing prosthesis, but when we went to the assault and the tank started firing, the houses just fell apart like brick houses. you know, houses of cards, i probably ran faster on it than bipeds. after six months at the front, roman returned to rehabilitation, fate brought him together with a foundation that helped with a high-quality prosthesis, and also fulfilled the athlete's dream of taking part in a marathon. roman had only three months to prepare for the race in london. i kind of thought i would more walking than running, but it so happened that in london i did a 40 km run or two. so, the idea of ​​the marathon itself in london, in principle already
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world marathons, yes. it consists in the fact that i motivate the boys, i try to motivate, yes, inspire, not only by example, but also by a concrete case. in london, he met andrii konderevich, who invited the veteran to come to new york and run a marathon. new york with its atmosphere, it cannot be compared with anything, and especially with the people who support it, and that is why there are so many people who want to participate in that marathon. so it happened that people, well, in the case of romana. they plan to run in a year, we had six months. the ukrainian running club of new york undertook to negotiate with the organizers about an additional place for roman. it is very important to show other people, other veterans, that everything is possible, the main thing is to have willpower, inspiration, and roman is also such that he really inspires others. one of roman's goals is to raise funds for prostheses for his brothers, so he ran the marathon in a t-shirt with a qr code for donations, and to support ukraine, he received
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a ukrainian one. with the emblem of his unit and signed by valery zaluzhnyi. while such a bloody war is going on, in ukraine we want to help our brothers as much as possible , both in terms of motivation and fundraising for prosthetics. the founder of the ukrainian running club of new york, anna shpuk , says that the organizers of the marathon support ukraine, because last time they responded to the call of ukrainian runners and did not allow russians to participate in the nation's parade. spuk calls it a small victory. such during the year, all races organized by runners organizers, started, started at a place where stood not only the american flag, but also the ukrainian flag, and this is very supportive, inspiring , when you start, well, in america, on wednesday in the heart of america, in new york, to run a race, and you see the ukrainian flag . shpuk says the club will try to bring more veterans to new york next year and is already in
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talks. with the organizers regarding additional places for participants, and after new york, roman dreams of running the rest of the world's main marathons. each race will continue to be dedicated to ukraine and its victory. with new york iryna solomko, pavlo terekhov, voice of america. we conclude with this, maria prus worked for you in the studio. see also our daily briefings from monday to friday at 6 pm on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live. thank you for your trust, see you on the air, congratulations, we are looking for this boy , his name is maksym pokalov, he is 15 years old, maksym disappeared on the first day of the full-scale
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invasion of russia, at least from... february 24, 22 of the year of communication with there is no boyfriend nothing is known about his fate at all, before the war maksym lived in the city of svatove, luhansk region, it was there that he was last seen, but after the russian occupation, the boy disappeared without a trace and until now there is no information about his whereabouts. so, if you know anything about maksym pokalov or about where he might be now, please inform the magnolia children's search service, and especially carefully in... look into the boy's face, i am asking the residents of luhansk region, specifically the city of svatove. you may see this video on youtube or social networks and you will recognize maxim. you can contact us at number 11630. this is the hotline of the child tracing service. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. if, for example, you are in the temporarily occupied territories and you do not have the opportunity to call us , please write to us on the site or in the chatbot
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of the search service. in telegram, i also call on you:


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