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tv   [untitled]    November 7, 2023 2:30am-2:59am EET

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[000:00:00;00] this is the rol-1 complex, which currently provides medical assistance to wounded and sick servicemen of the 15th mobile border detachment, if necessary, we can deploy anywhere, and at any time of the day, work autonomously, provide medical assistance to everyone wounded, what will be her needs. updated design and new sound for its ten-year anniversary , espresso tv channel presented itself to viewers in new clothes. what changes we prepared and what inspired the designers and composers, further in our material. updated design, improved logo and new sound. before its tenth anniversary, the espresso tv channel presented changes that will help viewers better perceive information and navigate
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our programs. we understood that by the 10th, by our 10th anniversary, we would like to give our viewers such a gift in the form of design, it has become more modern, it has become more dynamic, because we are a news channel, and now events are happening in ukraine , there are a lot of them in the world, and our graphics, our new design give us such a gift in the form of design, it has become more modern, it has become more dynamic , because we are a news tv channel, and now events are happening ... there are a lot of things in ukraine, in the world, and our graphics, our new design give us such a gift in the form of design, it has become more modern, it has become more dynamic, because we are a news tv channel, and now there are a lot of events happening in ukraine, in the world, and our graphics, our new design, dear tv viewers, there are more and more of you, more and more, espresso tv channel exists, continues to work, and your army is also growing, and this is the guarantee of our
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common. success and the success of our country, for which we all work , well, that is what yuliy fizar works for as well, who talks about what is happening in the world, yury, good evening, please have a word, good evening to you, vasyl , good evening to everyone who joined our broadcast, today the world of ukraine studio, well, that’s what it will be called, will be broadcast from a remote studio, but at the same time there is a lot of news, i hope to make it all in time for i have time, in particular today i will talk about this, don't forget: miloš zeman's kind of confession is being said about ukraine in brussels, it is the ex-president of the czech republic and the order axis adam kadyrov, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. well, i'll start with this: don't forget about ukraine, about it today -
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said the head of the european union. josep borel, giving a keynote address at the conference of ambassadors of eu member states abroad. according to joseph borel, both wars, that is, the war in ukraine and the war in israel is very different, but - says the main european diplomat, the war in the middle east already has a long-term, unfortunately, negative impact on the policy of the european union towards ukraine. and at the same time. mr. borel once again called for maximum efforts to find ways to end both wars as soon as possible and even called on the leaders of other countries in the world, for example, china, to get more actively involved in this. what exactly - said the chief european diplomat, let's watch and listen in his direct language. i have told our friends in china frankly what we expect more activity from them regarding ukraine. we
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understand that they will not accept ours. help and in convincing russia to withdraw its troops from ukraine, well, on the one hand, i will say a few good words about the fact that the european union, well, is trying, at least somehow , to communicate with china and is trying to convince the heavenly leadership of the heavenly leadership to be more active put pressure on russia with the demand to stop this ... aggressive and unmotivated war in ukraine and to withdraw all its troops from ukraine, on the other hand, well, it is clear to everyone that china, even though the fact that he says that he wants to end the war in ukraine, he does not benefit from the defeat of russia, he needs russia, exhausted, weak, but undefeated, and here is such a game on two fronts, however, what the chief
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european diplomat josep borel said today is also positive moment, because in this way brussels is trying to make it clear in beijing, to the leadership in beijing, that, well, by losing the european union, china could ... lose a lot of money, the money that it will not earn in russia, so, well, i hope, i hope , after all, that they will find leverage in brussels influence on, xi jinping and his government, well, the relations of the european union with china will develop in the future , taking into account the position of the heavenly authorities in relation to the russian war in ukraine, about this at the meeting with the ambassadors in brussels, which i just mentioned already started talking. said president of the european commission ursula funderlein. at the same time, the president, like josep borel, emphasized that the leadership of the european union should continue to interact with china
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so that its support for russia is as large as possible limited well, i will repeat again that here it is probably necessary to constantly emphasize to xi jinping and his members of his government, that , well, the money in the european union is much larger than in russia, and we need to think carefully about this, we are doing everything for peace and security in ukraine for russia, the minister of foreign affairs of the south african republic on lady pandora said this today during a meeting with her ukrainian colleague, the minister of foreign affairs of our country dmytro kuleba in pretoria, according to her, this is what her government is for. uses the african peace initiative. two points from 10, and this return of children and exchange of prisoners of war has already been done, but further efforts need to be strengthened. and then a short quote on lady pandora.
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it is important for us to unblock trade routes in the black sea for grain transportation. we are looking for opportunities for both sides of the conflict to sit down at the negotiating table. this stage has not yet been reached, but we continue our work , well, this stage will not be reached if we simply say, well, let the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy sit at the same table with the president of the aggressor country volodymyr putin, let them talk about something, and if there is no clause that russia must absolutely withdraw all its troops beyond the borders of ukraine, even beyond the borders of 1991, if there is no such clause, then we have this peace initiative, by the way: consists of ten points, as i said, it will not, well, it will not be effective, and in june 2023, it is about this initiative, two words, representatives of seven african countries, led by the president of the south african republic,
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cyril ramaphosa, visited first kyiv, then russia, and there they presented this peace initiative of theirs, but my personal impression is that it simply concerns, well , the end of the war, but primarily to unblock the transportation of grain from ukraine to the countries of africa and asia. well, australia, unlike others, does not stop, the official canberra has already introduced another package of anti-russian sanctions, this was reported in the ministry of foreign affairs of the green continent, according to the new order of the minister of foreign affairs. it is prohibited to export to erefia parts and spare parts for any tools with or without a mechanical drive, as well as for machines for milling, turning or screwdriving, and
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in addition, nuclear reactors and parts for them are also prohibited supply of electric cars and spare parts for them, any sound recording devices, loudspeakers and device speakers. for recording television image and sound. well, in one word, in australia, with their sanctions, they want to show that they will beat because of what russia will not be able to do it by itself, but what it needs very much. we are very grateful to the leadership of australia for this, well, i must also add that since march 2014, the government of this country has already introduced 20 six packages of anti-russian sanctions, and more than 1,000 individuals and more than 300 legal entities from russia have been added to canberra's sanctions list. still the russian one and still
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the federation, so we are very grateful to the government of the green continent for such support of ours, for such support of ukraine. western countries apply sanctions, and this is a completely different opinion, only when it is beneficial to their interests, and in fact, not the whole world supports the expediency of introducing anti-russian restrictions, he said in an interview with the italian newspaper corriere: sir, said indian foreign minister subrahman jay shanka, this is how he answered a journalist's question about why some asian countries, including india, are in no hurry to join the west's anti-russian sanctions. in his opinion, they are all harmful, meaning sanctions against these countries, and the west, on the contrary , thinks only about itself in this case, and about your own safety. next... the speech of the head of the indian foreign
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ministry about how the russian war in ukraine should end. quote: i don't know what i would advise, my prime minister, narend dramodi, at a meeting in samarkand with vladimir putin, said that in today's world, we do not consider war a solution to problems. at some point people have to sit down and talk india is always ready to lend a helping hand. well , again this call to put volodymyr zelenskyi and vladimir putin at the same table negotiations and talk about something with a person , a criminal, a murderer, whose army invaded our territory, i don't know about what, but two more words about, about india, look, the minister is talking about negotiations about sitting down at the table,
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agree, why the official nnyu can not with china, for example about the region of aksai chinin in the north of india, the region is located on the border of china, pakistan and india, this territory is now administered by china, but india has it, has set an eye on it, kaisyachin is one , one of the two leading territorial disputes between india and china, the second disputed territory is arunachal pradesh, this is another one... that is, they would sit down with china and come to an agreement, but no, there are constant shots on the border and on the border, unfortunately, i have a conflict between india and china, people are constantly dying, that's double standards, it seems to me. moving on, my biggest mistake was that i was completely wrong about vladimir putin, because only a stupid person could make such a tragic mistake as invading ukraine. about it in the interview. the ex-president of the czech republic told the czech tv channel nova
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milos zeman also added that russian aggression harmed not only ukraine, but also russia itself. i will remind you that zeman was famous for his pro-russian position, he was even called a friend of vladimir putin. in may 2015, he, unlike other western leaders, came to moscow for the victory parade and met with president erefi. however, after the start of the full-scale invasion of russian troops into ukraine, zemon condemned russia's aggression and called on the russian leadership to be adequate, to call on the russian leadership to be adequate is, well it is too late to drink borjomi, although on the other hand it is good that mr. milos zeman has admitted his mistakes, however, what he did with putin cannot be undone, on the other hand it is better
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late than never, but the irish government hopes by the end of this year introduce measures that will oblige ukrainian refugees to pay for accommodation, for their own accommodation in the country and change their social benefits, the country's prime minister leovakdar said during a visit to south korea, the irish times quoted him as saying. according to him, the details have yet to be agreed and any changes to social benefits will need to be legislated, but both initiatives will be introduced at the same time. the head of the irish government explained this necessity by the fact that his country spends a lot of money on ukrainian refugees, while many of them, meaning refugees, have not yet found a job and therefore cannot pay for their accommodation on their own, and he added that , we listen in
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direct speech. ukrainians will still be welcome here, no ukrainian who comes to the irish are not going to be kicked out, but the situation we have at the moment is that there are so many of them, it's putting a lot of pressure on our economy, we need to take measures to slow down the arrival of new refugees so that we have more time to solving accommodation and other problems, and in this context it makes sense for us to look at what other western european countries are doing, that is, other countries do not offer, for example, an unlimited amount of free public housing. well, thank you ireland, it is a small country, but about 1,000 ukrainian refugees have already been accepted in this country for more than a year and a half of the aggressive russian war in ukraine, so the conditions for survival for ukrainians there were actually not the best,
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among all the european countries where ukrainian refugees applied for asylum, well, today us-chinese arms control consultations took place in washington; the last such meeting between washington and beijing took place during the previous us president's tenure donald trump, it was in july 2019. thus, this dialogue has not been maintained for about four years, and experts consider the resumption of consultations as the next possible step. possible normalization of relations between washington and beijing. the american delegation at the consultations will be headed by assistant secretary of state for arms control, verification and compliance with security agreements mallory stewart, and her counterpart from china will be the director of the department of arms control of the chinese ministry of
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foreign affairs. well, this is real normalization some kind of relationship is observed between china and the united states, and i will remind you that quite recently, on october 26-28 , the minister of foreign affairs ivan nebesnaya came to washington and, earlier, anthony blinken, the secretary of state of the united states of america, in june of this year went to beijing, and the most anticipated event of this month, well, in a week or so, maybe a little more, from november 15 to 17 will take place, should take place, the meeting between the president of the united states of america, joe biden, and the chinese leader xi jinping in the american of the state of california, the city of san francisco. it is not yet known what they will talk about, but i hope that in the end, i am sure
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that they will talk about ukraine. and in conclusion, the president of chechnya, ramzan akhmatovovich, raised a worthy son who stands on the side of faith and truth, as his elders teach him. that's how they officially motivated the awarding of 15-year-old nelyud adam kadyrov, who kicks people, with two of the highest awards in karachay-cherkessia. first, the juvenile criminal was awarded an order for services to karachay-cherkessia, but the truth is, for which unknown, and then the head of the coordination center of the muslims of the north caucasus, mufti mufti. in cherkessia, ismail khadzhi berdiyev even awarded adam kadar kadyrov with the order for merit to the ummah of the first degree. well, let's just agree, it's a kind of horror, and earlier, the father of this inhuman, a man who calls himself the head of the chishna
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, ramzan kadyrov, even called his son a hero of all muslims. well, god sees. that's all, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch, good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue and it's time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, congratulations to the audience, congratulations to vasyl, the next few minutes. we will understand how the local people will be able to repay the debts that have been hanging since yanukovych's time, as well as what this year's harvest is and which enterprises are forced to stop their work, about this in detail in a moment. i'm
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oleksandr morchyk, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, so the ukrainian grain association has raised its expectations for harvest this year. more than 81 million tons of grain and oil crops are planned to be harvested from the fields. constant improvement is expected by analysts due to favorable weather conditions and also due to the fact that the yield of a number of agricultural crops is higher and better. the latest calculations were influenced by the increase in the harvest of corn and sunflower, experts say. i would like to add that last year , approximately 9 million tons of grain were collected in ukraine. less, well, such a nice result, a nice number, well , the only question remains, how best to export it all, well, i read it today, at least information that a new, new foreign ship is heading to the port of odessa. the tanker ship that has there, well, not a tanker, but this cargo, a carrier that is supposed to bring a newcomer, well, maybe it will be something
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from the new crop, the main thing is that these ships are also moving to odessa, i hope that everything will be fine in odessa, so i agree , vasyl, but there are also problems here, in particular, blocking the movement of trucks near three checkpoints on the polish-ukrainian border, this is a blow to the back of ukraine, it endangers the operation of the solidarity corridors, which grain transported to third countries. this was announced by the ambassador of our country in poland, vasyl zvarych. he called on the protesters to stop the action and choose other forms of asserting their rights that would not impede movement across the border. zvarych added that in the conditions of war, such methods only play into the hands of our common enemy, and also harm the interests of the whole of europe. well, just before this information , the organizers of the protest plan to let through one truck per hour, as well as a car with security cargo. and humanitarian purposes, well, polish ones carriers, vasyl, complain that our colleagues, their, well, their colleagues from
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ukraine are taking away their earnings in europe, well here of course, here we have to look at the numbers and whether it is only the fault of ukrainian carriers and ukrainian exporters, or maybe they occupy a niche somewhere , which is freely available or simply offers something better and cheaper, well, this is the market, this is competition, it seems to me that a similar story has been translated into checkpoints, the one that was with the dwarf, do you remember that ukrainian agricultural holdings, as it were, prevent polish farmers from working , well, it's that simple ukraine cannot, well, somehow be perceived as a competitor now on the european market, it obviously has certain preferences, well, but ukraine is not to blame for the fact that somewhere it can sell it cheaper, or maybe it has some other quality, well, listen, well, you can’t under everyone has to adapt as well, we also have to earn and survive, now even more so, unfortunately, ukrainian industry is adapting to the conditions, realities, following the mining and beneficiation plants that extracted manganese ore, the nikopol and
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zaporizhzhia ferroalloy plants have stopped, these the enterprises are part of the business empire of ihor kolomoisky, the management of the zaporizhzhya enterprise reported that the furnaces have stopped for the winter period, now they will focus on repairing the equipment to resume work in the spring, the plant needs uninterrupted supply of electricity and water supply, and there is currently no guarantee that all this will happen in the winter , and the orders of domestic buyers will be supplied with the remnants of already manufactured and available ferroalloys. the mission of the international monetary fund began work on the review program of cooperation with ukraine, it is about the allocation of the third tranche of the loan based on the results of this dialogue - the national bank reported. in order to continue financing, our government must implement as many as 19 beacons, structural, in various financial spheres. the results of this work will be discussed at the meeting, which is taking place essentially these days. let me remind you that
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our state already received the first tranche under the extended financing program in april, it is 2.5 billion dollars. in june , another 890 million dollars were added. well, really, vasyl, our state needs money, and this next week, the parliament is going to adopt the budget of our state for 2024, but kyiv will be threatened. took away $29 billion, well, if there is no further support from international partners, said our minister of finance, serhii marchenko, but i hear what the oppositionists are saying, who are obviously studying these articles of the budget and say that the problem is , that this budget, certain sums have already been laid down, which are actually intended so that they are not used, but simply stolen, well, such moments can also happen, so i do not know, of course, in ukraine, a lot of money is needed, but also now appeal to our partners when they... see that we have, let's say, a scandal worth a billion hryvnias of distribution to the ministry of defense, well, they think, friends, you are serious, and this is only one, now we have folders for the ministry of defense for
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3,000 one folder, 3,000 cardboard folders, well, that is, you just have to have a conscience, but again, it is not those who steal, but ordinary ukrainians who suffer, or local communities, in particular, the ministry of finance turns to both external partners and looks for money locally, so the ministry of finance wants to collect debts from local communities to vasyl, which were still artificially formed in so, in the association of cities, they ask the deputies at the expense of what? we ask this in the association directly as journalists. oleksandr slobozhan, executive director of the association of cities of ukraine, is in touch with us. good evening. good evening. mr. oleksandr, what kind of debts are these? in fact, average ukrainians have probably already forgotten about them, but local communities probably remember what sums they are talking about and what kind of initiative it is. the amount is almost uah 10 million, this is
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the period 2010-2013, if you remember, then the treasury blocked the accounts of local... budgets, and social expenditures by the azarov government were not carried out, and local self-government bodies, in order to provide educators, doctors, social workers, industries, sports, physical education, were forced to conditionally borrow money to pay for these expenses, when budget decentralization took place in our country, an order was given to... the government, accordingly, to write off these artificial, as you correctly noted, debts, because the funds went to pay the necessary expenses for wages, food, energy sources, what not
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provided directly by the government, for 11 years, the government of ukraine, well, the ministry of finance should have done it directly, it was not done, this year, well, it is not imposed... just on the head, literally on the night of november 2 to 3, the ministry of finance proposed such an initiative, precisely the funny thing is that these funds will not go to the state budget, that is why you also say that they are looking for it internally, it is simply, accordingly , the seizure of debts from local self-government bodies, and there is also the question of how they will extinguish akhtyrka, kherson 6 6 million, that the same chornomorsk or izmail, which are currently under fire, nikopel, pavlograd, zaporizhzhia, a list of more than 300 communities, and the second question, how will it happen in horlivka, lysiachansk, yalta, which are also indicated in these debtors, we understand, in this way, that this
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an artificially created problem, the purpose of which is solely the destabilization of the country, the destabilization of... financial support in local self-government bodies, why, because it is assumed that the second mechanism is bound by the debts of the district state administration of the old, yes, we have carried out administrative reform and there were old districts, these old debts became new districts , too, the second part of this norm in article 45 stipulates that the ministry of finance obliges newly formed communities to pay off, it is especially interesting in the sumy and kharkiv regions, how it will be implemented, and please tell me, well, if they did not pay, there is no money, they, they can somehow, in a court of law, collect it from the accounts of this community, or how to act then, well, first of all, it will be a forced withdrawal, it will be through the bodies of the state treasury, that is, any what funds


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