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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2023 12:30am-1:00am EET

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[000:00:00;00] the procedure for nominating candidates, well, the election of the president of ukraine, at least, because i understand that we are not talking about the elections to the verkhovna rada, we are talking about a certain amount of time when it is necessary to nominate parties and candidates, to nominate candidates, then to nominate, then to plan there debates, plan a campaign, that is, everything is written there in the law, you can't just do it like that, in your opinion, someone will pay attention to this law suddenly, well, in the end, there will be an understanding somewhere after december, that let's have elections anyway look here there is still a story that we have an election code, which law on elections has always been changed by by-elections and anything can happen, it is the law, it can be voted out, changed, but i hope that this will not happen, i sincerely want to believe, that really, maybe someone in one region overdid it and started such a stakhanov movement, we will see the results of which official investigations, why
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it was done, who initiated it, well, we should see the statements of the president's office, because it is through their vertical that such a story is happening, well 100 %, someone in the office is responsible for what he oversees kyiv region, and even more so, for any things, such as the creation of political passports, there are still some, it also provides for certain funds, these same funds will be sent, then someone will master them, then nothing will be done, the money will disappear, well, that is , i would very much like that neither time, nor money, nor resources were wasted on this, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your work. in order to follow the events and voice these interesting facts, iryna fedoriv, ​​journalist, public activist, about this initiative to create political passports, we will track any gunpowder in order to signal to the society in time that oh, oh, someone really wants elections, but elections are not on time, on time at the moment, whether we want it or not, but war and the way to victory, and we will pro-war to talk more with serhiy zgurets, director of the defense agency, host of the military summaries of the day column, sergey
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, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our information on the situation in zaporizhzhia, and i read an interesting report that the armed forces of ukraine occupied, or rather occupied, knocked out an enemy from one of the villages, not specified in zaporizhzhya direction, it is now in the gray zone, this village, but the russians were knocked out of there, they fled, and this operation was carried out not at the expense of assault groups even there, but at the expense of a large number of drones, which successfully attacked the enemy and artillery. eh, something about the fact that tactics are really changing and we need more, more, more artillery, professional, high-quality, and this can give results on the battlefield. well, you are absolutely right. in fact, we need artillery and drones because right now we are arriving at the formation stage, as far as i'm concerned precisely new tactics that can be used to destroy the enemy force and minimize losses among our own personnel, because we see that fpv drones in such a symbiosis with artillery, well, they will provide a good result on the example of what you mentioned with
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the destruction of our village on one from the areas of the front, and what is happening in other areas of the front, we will talk in our military column, as well as about which complexes of the latest anti-missile systems ukraine will receive, and about what technologies the armed forces need to break through the minefields that the enemy was building for his defense, more on that in a moment. it seems we are getting closer to the appearance of f16 fighters in our skies, but so far the first five f-16 aircraft have landed in romania, they will be used to train ukrainian pilots as part of a european initiative. these aircraft are from the netherlands air force, they are three single-seater and two two-seater f16 aircraft. these aircraft will operate as part of the european training center,
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which is currently being established. near the city of fetishti, which is in the southeast of romania, the netherlands generally plans to provide a warehouse this center from 12 to 18 f-16 aircraft, and the ministry of defense of romania provides this air base for pilot training, and the american company lock martin, which is in the development and manufacture of f-16 aircraft, maintenance and training of personnel, and this will be done through subcontractor, the draken international company, which has been engaged in pilot training and other air services for a long time and systematically. initially, these aircraft will be used to train f-16 instructors, who will be recruited for this european center training, after that the training of new pilots, both
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ukrainian and romanian, will begin. for ukraine , these trainings in romania will complement the efforts in the united states, where currently ukrainian pilots are already training on the f-16, at the base of the national air force. arizona guard, so in any case, we understand that progress is being made and the time for these aircraft to appear in our skies is getting closer and closer. and also positive news is that volodymyr zelenskyi said that two more complexes of us, which we received from our partners. let me remind you that until now we already had two zrns, now there are two more, and there are at least four samples that are currently being manufactured. in the united states and canada, these complexes essentially improve the capabilities of our air defense, and it is also positive news that, in addition to the nasams, it is also known that a complex
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capable of combating dagger-like ballistic missiles, in particular the french the italian sampt complex, this complex actually has the same capabilities as also has rkkiot, it can shoot down ballistic targets at a distance of up to 25 km, and aircraft up to 150 km, and this is also evidence that now our p is being strengthened by modern examples of air defense, and we understand that this is an extremely important component of strengthening our defense capabilities in general, taking into account the risks posed by russian missiles, with which the enemy tries to attack our cities and military facilities. and further to the front line, and this time we will talk in more detail about the kupyan direction. this is the section of the front extremely important and difficult, literally a couple
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of days ago, it seems on november 4, the commander of the ground forces, oleksandr silsky , said that in the area of ​​the front, there is a berry kupyansk node. the russian army suffered significant losses, but continues to accumulate. forces are preparing to continue offensive actions, here the enemy's goal is to reach the kupyansk junction, which is such an important transport hub, and further, to reach the road that actually provides our troops from kupiansk to svatovoy, so that the situation there is so important from the point of view operational understanding and perspectives of control over this section of the front, and what is happening on this section of the front, we will talk. with our next guest, we are joined by serhiy dibrov, he is a senior lieutenant, head of the public relations service of the 21st separate mechanized brigade operating in the kupinsky direction. mr. sergey, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you.
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good evening and glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. what is the current situation in the area of ​​responsibility of the brigade, because it seems that, after certain assaults by the enemy, it seems that there it looks like there is a pause, although... from the point of view of the general staff, we can see that the dynamics in this direction remain quite the same, well, not easy, what is it right now on your part of the front? well, of course, the area is quite large, it is tens of kilometers, and the enemy cannot advance along the entire length, so he chose key directions for himself, this is kupinski nodal, this is kupinski, in our case, on all others he creates, he holds ... units, he creates, well, at least separate ones, makes attempts to storm, attempts to shell, attempts to check whether we are not redeploying our forces, whether we are not shaving off certain areas of the front there , so we too, we feel that
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they really need an operational pause, we see movement, we see some kind of rotation, we see that new forces are starting up, in that among ours on our site, that is, the enemy is planning something, carrying out something, fortunately so far without any major tangible successes in our direction. and regarding the enemy's use of armored vehicles in your direction, now we see, we saw the video, when at the expense of drones russian armor was destroyed, what about the enemy's use of heavy equipment in your area, and how are our military personnel fighting it? there is heavy equipment, for several months we have been hearing about hundreds of tanks standing in our direction and preparing to attack, we do not see hundreds of tanks on the front line, uh, what happens to the column of tanks that approaches the front line during the day, we all saw the video that was distributed by the armed forces of ukraine, this is a target in fact, because
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the range of the tank is much lower, than the capabilities of anti-tank systems, so we have periodic tank shelling, but each such shelling is the result of a very long-planned, long -prepared... in fact, an operation that somehow allows a tank to approach us imperceptibly, move to a position convenient for shelling and carry out such shelling well, i will say, for fairness, we work in the same way from our side. that is, we are planning such operations, various forces are involved, and sappers and radio electronic warfare, and actually tankers and units, escorts, support, infantrymen in order to carry out combat tasks with the help of tanks, which become quite difficult, they are quite difficult for both infantry and artillery, our tanks also work, but our unmanned aviation works, that is, the work of russian tanks does not go unpunished, here recently
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another tank was hit by our fighters and even now i am waiting for a video of this, that is, the situation is such that the capabilities of anti-tank weapons are increasing and constantly increasing, but the capabilities of tanks, they are also evolving, they are also spreading, but not so quickly, therefore today, the use of tanks is a very difficult task for commanders, tank operators, first of all, this is a completely new situation, which , i think , has never happened in world military history, mr. officer, but what about the destruction of enemy equipment there and manpower at the expense of artillery and fpv drones, can we say that there is already some parity there and or fpvs are slowly coming to the fore? well, first of all , the work of artillery and fpv drones is currently the work of intelligence and now it is primarily aerial reconnaissance aerial reconnaissance allows you to find targets without risk to the rescue team, without risk to people's lives, and then
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the teams decide what means to use. in order to destroy them, that is, either the artillery of our brigade, or drones, or it is possible to invite the help of neighbors or the leadership, if the target is such that it is worthy of something more difficult than than a 122 mm gun, for example, that is, the work of artillery today - this is about 80-90% of the work of unmanned aircraft, and where there is unmanned aircraft, then the drone can react the fastest, if he has something to drop, he can immediately find a target and immediately attack it, but still, you should not discount artillery yet, it remains the most powerful firepower of our brigade, i consider all the armed forces of ukraine, tanks - artillery, which has its own application features, will be the main striking force for more or less serious purposes for a long time. we apply it, of course, but how does the state of the weather
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now and the expected changes in the weather there affect the introduction of hostilities, they limit now the possibility of using drones there, as it is now, the climatic and meteorological conditions affect the specifics of the situation on the front line, well, if in the summer, the summer was very convenient for the use of drones, because there were almost no rainy days, cloudy days. it was possible to plan, it was possible to predict in advance how to act during, let's say, a week. now the weather changes, well, every hour , let's say, in the morning there can be pure sun, but now, for example, it has rained, and of course, unmanned aviation is already limited in its opportunities, i.e. autumn first of all, due to cloudiness, due to fogs, it imposes its own, its certain peculiarities there, in addition, the rainy weather, the fighters from... what will not be affected, they
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noticed the peculiarities of the soil in this territory, the impression that it is not soaked in moisture, that is, if it rains, the ground remains wet and slippery for a very long time, and the passability for military equipment deteriorates, again , that is, for some rapid operations, advances, tank attacks, these are already more difficult conditions and rather everything, yes, he us prevails, but still, i repeat once again, the possibilities, our combat capabilities , together with the weather conditions, greatly reduce his possibilities of using his forces in our direction, well, here we can conclude that in the near future, with the strengthening of the rains there, the enemy will be able to conduct any offensive actions using armored vehicles will be almost impossible, and then it just limits his offensive potential and destroys those plans to go to kupyansk there or to the highway as he combines kupyansk matchmakers, this can give
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him new opportunities, for example, he can withdraw some forces from our, our area, transfer them to places where contact battles are already underway, where shooting battles are already underway, where they have already been able to pass in a certain way, maybe pass the support strip, that is, minefields, maybe he will be able to transfer them there, and then of course our command will also have to react in some way, and besides, already from autumn , despite the fact that the weather is mostly warm, still... after all, trees are being planted, leaves are falling from the trees, and this will also change camouflage tactics, and accordingly and the tactics of using technology, because again today, camouflage is the main... perhaps a tactical task for equipment, taking into account the possibility of damage from the enemy or ours. mr. sergey, thank you very much for your explanations for our viewers, for what you and your comrades are doing to protect our country, i would like to remind our viewers that this was sergey dibrov, senior lieutenant, head of
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the public relations service of the 21st separate of the mechanized brigade, which is currently defending near kupyansk. and then we will talk about new technologies. which are needed in order to avoid the transition of the war to the positional stage, however , valery zaluzhnyi spoke about this in his article for the economist publication, he talked about five areas that are extremely important, we remember this, it is precisely to ensure an advantage in in the air, using not so much piloted aircraft there as unmanned systems , improved means of radio-electronic warfare, enhanced counter-battery capabilities, new demining technologies, which we desperately need, and it was about the possibility of mobilizing and qualitatively training personnel folds, one of these five directions is just new demining technologies , so we understand that they are the ones that cause headaches for both our military and
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the enemy, because actually the density of demining affects offensive and defensive actions , and what technologies are now... optimally used, taking into account the recommendations that valery zaluzhnyi prescribed in his article, we will talk about this with our next guest, we are joined by anton semenov, this is the director of the ukrainian research institute of defense technologies, mr. anton, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear. good evening, i know that your structure provides our sappers with the necessary systems, devices , kits, and i also know that you personally participated in several events with the participation of representatives of nato countries, where the situation related to demining was discussed, as form optimal tactics for the passage of such powerful minefields, and i would like you to generally
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outline in a little more detail the possibilities for solving this problem, because valery zaluzhnyi in in his publication, he talked about technological directions and about such sometimes, well, unexpected solutions, in particular, how to use jet engines there in order to fire mines, use water pressure, use systems that ensure the detection of mines, that is, many such technological solutions that are still in practice, they are not implemented, what do you think about this, what are the most rational practices to solve this problem, well, combat demining. thank you for the question about the general general's proposals well, i can say one thing, it's really, really good that he's talking about technology, and the use of, for example, there jet engines, water jet systems, cluster
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artillery ammunition, is actually quite effective, is quite an effective technology, why, because these methods, they allow very fast demining, large volumes in minefields. i also want to say that in terms of technology, it is possible to expand and use robots, sapper robots, drones and magnetometers. mr. anton, now, as i understand, it is still more there is no point in delving into these directions in detail, because they requires certain technical knowledge and certain technical explanations, which will not be entirely possible for our viewers to understand, and on the other hand, we have the practice of using these american or european rapid demining systems, these machines there58 mikliks, there other means
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that allow at the expense of such remote -controlled explosive devices to ensure passage through minefields, how effective these solutions are now on the battlefield, what are their features, and why we are not using them now we actively use, as in the first stage of the breakthrough there, when we conducted combat operations there near the robot, uh, thank you, in fact , such machines as you said m59, miclik and ur-77, they are quite effective, in demining directly mines. here, because they can simultaneously destroy a very large number of mines and other munitions, here is what significantly increases the speed and safety of demining, one... it should be noted that the effectiveness of the use of these means directly depends on several
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factors, such as for example , the type of these mines, which are demined, the depth of these mines, that is directly the conditions of demining, because, for example, machine demining, it is less effective in difficult conditions, such as, for example, there are forests, there is dense vegetation or rough terrain, and when more such best practices that allow, well, to quickly detect the location of mines on the replacement site, which are the most such advanced solutions currently available in the world that we can adapt to solve our own tasks on the battlefield, well, actually there is there are several methods of fairly prompt detection and detonation, detection of the location of mines and explosive objects on the site, these are standard magnetometers, metal detectors and induction detectors, that is, the first ones, they
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detect mines by their minefield by field, the other by the metal case, here is induction, by their electrical , here, but now i can say that there are more advanced solutions, that is, using directly unmanned aerial vehicles, robots, robots. and interactive maps, interactive maps, which actually have, let's say, separate information that directly helps in demining the sapper and the operator , well, he can't give more detailed information on the maps, yes, but how do our sappers typically act now when demining when demining the territory, here 's how our
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typical tactics of clearing passages for further actions by assault groups, well, as for typical tactics , demining, actions of sappers of the armed forces of ukraine, better, directly, the armed forces of ukraine will comment, yes, regarding, as you know, from the open, from the open from the open sources of information, i can say the following that demining in general depends directly on the availability of equipment and resources at their disposal, this is the demining tactic, it is divided very simply into detection, and demining, demining, in turn, is also divided into two there , well game, very roughly two methods , it is when it is taken out and when it is destroyed directly on the spot, mr. anton, you mentioned that the tactics and effectiveness of demining depends on the equipment of... groups of sappers with one or another equipment, those or other systems, what are the biggest
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requests from our sappers regarding their equipment, and i would like you to demonstrate this with the example of your company, because your company supplies our military with special demining kits, what is their special feature and whether the order for the products of your company in view of the urgent needs of our military. thank you for the question, well the main question, you know, is safety, efficiency and mobility, safety is actually the use of innovative materials and materials that correspond to modern times, the way of war, and efficiency is directly, directly to manufacture such means for sappers that would enable them to detect mines very quickly and accurately, in terms of mobility, i can say that on
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the example of our company, we have developed , an individual set of detection, marking and demining, which in itself has a cat, directly, a probe, and a marking system , which, which we have patented, well, this is very short, concise, and regarding the request for this product from our law enforcement agencies , is it procured or is it supplied through ordering through volunteers? request, well, at the moment, speaking, i can't tell you very, very much, so regarding the supply , currently we supply by our own forces, directly to some units, regarding the increase in the order from the ministry of defense, i can say that this is how it is increasing. and does your enterprise have sufficient capacity to ensure the maximum demand for your products, if
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it will grow from the side of our power structures, and yes, we have sufficient capacity and we discussed this issue with the direct customer about a week ago, currently we can talk about the fact that we can produce 5,000 such sets every month. mr. anton, thank you very much for these explanations for our viewers, for the work you do for the defense forces, i will remind our viewers that it was anton semenov, the director of the company. the ukrainian research institute of defense technologies, which provides our sappers with unique demining kits. these were the main military results of this era, and more international ones of economic news later on
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vasyl zima's broadcast. good evening, we are from ukraine. these were the military results of the day, thank you to serhiy zgurts, thank you to his guests, let's go ahead , the world during the war with yuri fizer, money with oleksandr morchevka, sport news with yevhen pastoch and the weather from natalka didenko, all this within the next hour, we start from the news eight times during the day, russians raided the nikopol district, killed with drones and artillery, a 39-year-old man was injured, his condition is satisfactory, the leader said serhiy lesak of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration. administrative building and infrastructure facility. in ponivechyno, 14 private homes, 13 commercial structures and three cars were also affected by several power lines. the russians fired artillery at kherson. a 56-year-old resident was injured. at the time of the enemy attack, he was on the street, now the man is in the hospital, said the head of the oblast oleksandr
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prokudin. residential buildings and motor vehicles were damaged. in the first reading, the verkhovna rada supported the bill on simplification 298 people's deputies voted for the procedure for obtaining the status of a participant in hostilities. it is proposed to shorten the period of obtaining the ubdd to 6 days and to introduce an electronic procedure for acquiring the status of a participant in hostilities. the basis for obtaining the status should be a combat order of the commander, which he must send to the unified state register of war veterans. according to the ministry of defense, as of august 23, only about 96,000 people received the status of a participant in hostilities, which is approximately 15%. an accident, the main version of the death of the assistant commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, major gennadiya chastyakovova, communications adviser of the state bureau of investigation tetyana salyan told about this on the air of the telethon. among the possible versions are also considered, such as
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a murder on the order of the special services of the russian federation, a murder due to hostile relations , an attempt to kill another officer from the commander-in-chief's office by the russian special services. as you know, on november 6 , a soldier and his 13-year-old son were seriously injured in a hand grenade explosion in the kyiv region. unfortunately , he hasn't died yet, but he already has an article. the malanovsky court of odesa sentenced kherson collaborator volodymyr salda in absentia to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. it is reported. forms of balance found guilty of treason under martial law, collaborative activities, justifying the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, heroizing its participants. the gauleiter of the temporarily occupied kherson region is prohibited from holding official positions in government bodies for 15 years, life imprisonment was not imposed due to the advanced age of the convict. as you know, the balance came to the side of the enemy and performs the duties of the so-called governor of
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the temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region. and the verkhovna rada of ukraine supported the presidential bills on the extension of martial law and general mobilization, formally extending it for another 90 days until february 14 next year, starting from february 24, 2022, martial law has already been extended several times, and taking into account today's votes, it is already in the ninth nardepe also supported the law. on the redistribution of the military tax on the incomes of individuals will be taken away from local communities part of the funds. in general, we are talking about almost uah 200 billion. recently, they have been actively using them for landscaping and non-urgent repairs. we are talking about uah 96 billion. 45% of this amount will go to drones and maritime drones,


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