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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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thank you very much for such interesting explanations , i think that we will still contact you for clarifications and comments, i would like to remind our viewers that yuriy voytenko, the founder and head of the wireless p2p technologies company, was on the air of klasspresso. this company is located in sweden and manufactures technological products both for the swedish army and for other armies of the alliance. something may be getting into ukraine, but it's probably after... we'll find out what exactly after the victory. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news more on vasyl zimi's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. i thank serhii zgorets, and i thank his guests. these were the military results of the day. there is still a lot of interesting interior ahead.
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with the people's deputy of ukraine, we will talk about the budget for 2024 and the fact that the court ruled that the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate is not ukrainian at all, also the world about ukraine, money during the war, cultural news with yulina chechenina, and the weather from natalki didenko, and just now news for your attention: russians they do not leave kherson oblast alone. the occupiers hit the amber of the belozersk community. a 52-year-old man was injured, he was hospitalized, the regional military administration reported. in the south, a zaga. they hit kherson itself, the residential quarters of the korabel and ostriv microrandoms were targeted, one person died, unfortunately three more were injured, four high-rise buildings, an educational institution and a church were damaged. the court did not choose a preventive measure for the suspect, colonel andrii tymchenko, who gave grenades to the assistant of the soldier gennadiy chastyakov, a hearing was held in the pechersk district court of kyiv, the prosecutors insisted on house arrest, but the judge was not satisfied. request a serviceman from
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the office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is accused of acquiring, storing, carrying and selling explosive devices without the permission required by law. the lawyer noted that the officer will not comment while the investigation is ongoing, so it is not known where he got the grenades, especially foreign ones. punishment in the form of round-the-clock house arrest. such the pechersk district court of the capital chose a preventive measure for people's deputy andrii. the death of an 18-year-old girl in the zhytomyr region. during the meeting , the prosecutors insisted on preventive measures in the form of detention without bail, but the court did not satisfy the prosecution's request. upon returning home, the three children and their families were returned to the territory controlled by ukraine. oleksandr prokudin, head of the kherson military administration, announced this. currently, families are provided necessary medical assistance, and
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psychologists work with them. in general, since the beginning of the 23rd year, 146 children who were illegally taken away from the kherson region by the occupiers have been returned to ukraine. illegal export in kropyvnytskyi, the security service detained a man who was illegally exporting dual purpose goods from ukraine. in particular, it is about gas turbine engines, navigation equipment and other components for mi-8 helicopters. when. an official of the kropyvnytskyi detention center tried to sell the aircraft unit to foreign customers for transportation used international services and entered false information in product declarations. currently, law enforcement officers are determining who the female recipient of this equipment is. amphetam was sold all over ukraine. operatives detained drug dealers in zhytomyr region, a 31-year-old resident of the region set up two laboratories in one of the villages there. together with
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an accomplice and produced dangerous psychotropic substances, and the men sold their goods in batches under fabricated questionnaire data, over 2.5 million uah were seized from the suspects' equipment. sanctioned was carried out searches in the zhytomyr and kyiv regions , the entrances of which were seized, objects outwardly similar to grenades, objects outwardly similar to pistols, and also laboratory equipment intended for the production of the psychotropic substance amphetamine and the cultivation of the particularly dangerous narcotic drug cannabis. 22 tourists, including four children, got stuck on a broken lift in transcarpathia. this is reported in the emergency service . on bosnychka mountain , the chairlift stopped in an emergency at a height of 5 m for two hours, the rescuers evacuated all the people, fortunately no one in this story.
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injured, well, in zhytomyr, an employee of the territorial picking center was beaten, the victim filed a report with the police, previously the applicant and his colleagues were near... a local store on official business, later an unknown person attacked one of them and caused bodily injuries. the police have already identified the attacker. now the man is wanted, there is a suspicion that he has left the borders of the region. a man in the military blew up a grenade on a bus in odesa uniform, asked to give him a ride, and on the way he began to demand money from the driver, and then detonated a grenade. a child was injured as a result of the explosion. now she is in the hospital, the regional police report. the criminal fled from the scene, to detain the man, law enforcement officers introduced a siren plan. the circumstances of the incident are currently being established. the conflict in the gaza strip is like a forest fire that can spread to the entire region,
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said the united nations under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, martin griffiths, during a conference on gaza in paris. he added that if the united nations allows the situation to continue. which is currently taking place in the enclave, it will only be a parody of the true activities of the organization. we cannot wait another minute for a humanitarian ceasefire in the gaza strip for all civilians there, nor can we wait another minute for the lifting of the blockade, which is the collective punishment of a million children, without a ceasefire, without lifting the siege, and without an end to the indiscriminate bombing and war, the destruction of human life will continue. because of the war, victoria and elena came from donetsk region to poltava. in the new city, the women resumed business and began to sew branded clothes with author's embroidery.
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anna morozova will tell how they decided to revive their own business after the war. now we can make green fabrics there, for example , and see how it will look on the green, it will look like this, olyna shows the embroidery design for the dress, transfers the drawing from the computer to the typewriter and starts the process. olena and victoria met after the start of the war in 2014, the girls left semi-occupied cities to the controlled territory, applied for a grant and started to create a brand to make clothes and decorate them with embroidery, and the attack of the russians in 2020 the second forced to leave home and work again for safety, we went out, we made volunteer orders, military guys started to apply, there are some repairs there, there, because it all started so chaotically, we felt some flags for free, or just
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something to occupy ourselves, the work on which we worked for several years had to be started from the beginning, life goes on, we have to do something, then there is it, or you need to sell it, because it is standing, or... you need to evacuate and come up with something and do it, well, start from scratch, and what to do? well, they started from scratch, moved the equipment, all the furniture remained there, the seamstresses went the way of creating clothes, at the same time, stylish with ukrainian motifs. we offer sweatshirts, hoodies, t-shirts, pants, dresses. we carry the message that embroidery is not the same as embroidery, that it can and should be worn in everyday life. victoria is responsible for the development of clothing design. and his writing, and olena for embroidery, almost everything the girls’ original design, we look at how they withstand washing, how they wear there, what is needed, what changes, what adjustments, only then we let them into the collection, the girls admit, it is difficult to start all over,
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but the support of relatives and faith in the armed forces ukraine gives strength, so dressmakers will continue to spread ukrainian motifs in everyday life. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for the tv channel. on one and the same, and now we will talk about two key topics, maybe we will succeed to discuss, well, i will decide what is worth discussing, the humanitarian aspect of spending in the budget, well, in general, the budget for the year 2024, which was adopted today by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and also in yesterday's ruling of the sixth court of appeal, where it was actually determined, and what is actually the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate and to whom it is subordinate. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. mykola, i congratulate you , today the budget for 2024 was approved by the verkhovna rada, i would like to briefly a general assessment of this budget, how realistic it is, first of all, and then maybe about the humanitarian component, whether this year at least
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something was achieved and in what areas should it be allocated for the development of culture? well, whether it is realistic or not, it is difficult to say, because we are in our budget... completely dependent on our donors, in this case, on the united states of america and on the european union, whether funds will be allocated to us or not, we do not know all the time , obviously there is a big deficit in the budget, this deficit is planned to be covered at the expense of other revenues, but we live with our budget, well, we actually receive half of the budget, or even 60%, from donors , and we live in such a situation that we do not think about what will happen next year, when these revenues will decrease, but that they will decrease of course, and the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america writes and talks about this quite a lot , a man who... says that in fact the ukrainian state should already include in this budget incentives for the development
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of ukrainian production, for ukrainian weapons production, for other industries, in order for us to start earning our own funds, and we do not earn these funds, so we can say that to a large extent this is a kind of social budget for eating, if we talk about culture, then i spoke today during the budget process , we allocate, for example, again to the telethon, to all these series. on uh, the so-called foreign speech, because what we have is foreign speech, you cannot call it, because we do not convince our allies, their parliaments, to vote for our support, but we are making russian-language programs for ukrainians, and more than 15 billion hryvnias have been allocated for all this, which is two times more than what was allocated last year, and as a result, everything else is just a minimum budget, so to speak, a budget for the institute ... existed, but not in order for them to develop, this can be understood, because we should be focused
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on defense, and it would be all right, if there were no more of these, these expenses that ukraine allocates for the so-called telethon , in fact, budget funds finance large oligarchic tv channels and continues censorship, by the way, this was also mentioned in the conclusions of the european commission, it is very important for us, so that our process of integration does not slow down, opponents of ukraine as candidates from the republican party use this in their pre-election speeches, they are already criticizing ukraine for this so-called telethon and to continue all this disgrace by putting it in the budget, of course it is wrong, it is also wrong what was voted today and obviously it became a component of the budget, the draft law that became has not yet become a law, because we submitted blocking resolutions that the so-called pddfo tax, which is paid by representatives of the law enforcement agencies, went to
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the central budget, because the fact is that from next year it will be in this central budget blur and there is no control over these expenses, many people rightly criticize local self-government bodies for the fact that they do not always spend money effectively, as they say, not on drones, on stadiums, but in local self-government we have various examples and where did these funds of the so-called pdf come from, of course, military units, mainly of territorial defense, were registered in the regions, but it is not only this money, even in those cities where there are no such units, in fact all the taxes paid there by police officers, sbu employees , other law enforcement agencies, all these taxes, which used to go to local budgets, are now taken away by the state, and thus the budgets of large cities become deficient, and if they become deficient, it is not that there will not be enough money for the stadium, there will not be enough money for receiving cultural institutions. today is the day of the cultural worker, by the way, i congratulate everyone, educational institutions and many other
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very important directions, so there are a lot of various problems in the budget. yes, well, and the second question, well, actually about the tv series, i just wanted to ask if the tv series were selected, if you said that the marathon series were selected, well, in principle, then the main direction is clear, but i would also like to ask about the decision that was made yesterday voiced, the sixth court of appeals recognized that the russian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, well, actually under the control of the russian orthodox church. under the command of, let's say, patriarch kirill, who gives this decision of the appeals court and how the judicial history should develop further, this decision related to the ancient, adopted during the term of the last parliament, the so-called law on renaming, where it was said that the church, in particular, the church of the aggressor country has no right to mislead ukrainians and call itself ukrainian, they should be called the russian church in ukraine. and this russian church tried to challenge it in court,
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appealed for a very long time, in general, they all lost in the courts, the appeals court essentially put an end to this process, and the constitutional court said a long time ago that this law corresponds to the current legislation and the constitution of ukraine, but unfortunately, it is not implemented by the authorities executive. there were positive attempts in the chernivtsi region, after that there was pressure on the representatives of the relevant departments. and registrars who forced the russian church to change its name in the chernivtsi region were dismissed from their jobs, in other regions this process in fact does not move and is blocked by the authorities, so this law, this is a decision. of course, is very important, but if the authorities will not implement the law, then it doesn’t matter whether it exists or not, and actually, whether there are any hopes, i will casually ask about the consideration of the draft law in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, what do you think about the ban on the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, or is there actually a pause on this for the time being and that law will be implemented, another government law, which, which
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the deputies voted for, well, our goal, the government law the law as it is passed. in the first reading, transfer the basic norms that were in our law 8221 on the prohibition of the activities of the russian church in ukraine into a government law, and so far it is possible to find an understanding with the majority of deputies, we jointly signed the amendments and will consider and implement them in the government law at the committee, in order for it to turn from the inactive draft into a truly effective draft law, i hope that this year we can pass it, if it is not passed, in in any case, it will be adopted without our amendments, we will insist on the consideration of our law 8221. thank you very much for your participation, thank you for your professional comments, mykola knyazhyts, people's deputy of ukraine about, the budget that was adopted today, well
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regarding the transfer of pdf from the cities to the center, for now it is blocked by certain resolutions that were, initiatives that were adopted, well , we will monitor this, and now we will listen to yuli fizer, what is important in the world, yury, good evening, please , you have a word, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, in particular in the column world about ukraine i will tell you about the following, the president of the united states of america, joe biden has no doubt that ukraine is capable of regaining the temporarily occupied territories, hungary is going to all- to put the brakes on the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union. well , the american republicans are quarreling over aid to ukraine, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, i'll start with like this: russia must pay for the violence that it started in ukraine more than a year and a half
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ago, and until it does, the sebton will not pay, the united states of america will not return. about 300 billion dollars are frozen, james o'brien, the assistant secretary of state for european affairs of the united states of america, said during the hearings in the foreign affairs committee of the senate, the us congress. according to mr. o'brien, the president of the united states of america said this during a meeting with colleagues from the group of seven. joe biden, and mr. o'brien added, quote: so we have leverage in this debate. well, i want to remind you that yesterday, for example , i talked about the fact that the same committee decided to recommend the use of these 300 billion frozen american and russian money, i apologize, for helping ukraine, for the post-war reconstruction of ukraine.
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it is not known how this recommendation will pass through the two chambers of the american congress, and whether it will pass is still unknown, but this recommendation inspires confidence. we have no doubt that ukrainians will be able to continue to achieve success on the battlefield. this was said the day before during a briefing, the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house security council, john kirby. according to him, washington will continue to provide all kinds of military support to kyiv, so that the armed forces of ukraine can make the most of the time remaining until winter. and at the same time mr. admiral kirby added , quote: as for the question of whether the president of the united states of america, joe biden, believes that the ukrainians will be able to return their territories, he absolutely believes, i i think that ukrainians were underestimated from the very beginning of this war. and also, during this briefing, admiral john kirby said that the united states of america has already spent more than
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90% of the funds to provide military aid to ukraine, and that now the pentagon has about 1 billion 100 million dollars left for these purposes, that is, for aid to ukraine, and added a quote from mr. kirby: if we consider all the funds of more than 60 billion dollars that we have allocated to help ukraine since the beginning of hostilities there, then we have already spent about 96%, it is about money, not only for military aid, but also for financial and economic support and humanitarian aid. the victory of ukraine, the victory of russia in its aggressive war in ukraine will be the defeat of the entire civilized world, which is why we must continue to help the ukrainians. the president of the czech republic petr pavel said this today during a speech at the diplomacy and security conference at the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic. at
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the same time, he added that western support should be in various areas and continue until the complete victory of ukraine. well then, a short quote peter paul. the positive point is that we are on the side of ukraine, we simply have no other. well, it is very nice that there are countries such as, for example, the czech republic, poland, and the baltic states , which say that there is no other option, because the victory of russia is the defeat of the entire civilized world, and it is very unfortunate that there are other countries, for example, hungary , who do not understand this and try with all their might to put sticks in the wheels. together with ukraine , war would come to the european union, which we clearly do not want and cannot want. yes, yesterday's recommendation of the european commission to the governments of the member states of the european union that it is possible to start negotiations with kyiv on joining the european union, commented
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the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, peter szijártó on his facebook page, and at the same time he added: expansion should be aimed at preserving peace, and not bringing war to the european union. according to the head of the hungarian foreign policy department. such negotiations are not yet on time, and mr. sijarto is motivated by the fact that ukraine has fulfilled the conditions for membership, but not fulfilled the conditions for membership. according to his words according to official budapest , a strategic discussion in the european union about the future policy of the community towards ukraine is much more timely. well, that's why i have such a bad feeling that at the summit of the leaders of the member states of the european union, which will be held on december 14 and 15 in brussels and where this issue should be raised, about the start of negotiations
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between the member states of the eu and ukraine regarding the accession of ukraine to the european union , there hungary will still block it, i have this feeling, i would like to, and at the same time two more words about hungary. the government of hungary believes that. the european union, instead of ukraine joining its membership, could offer kyiv a kind of privileged partner status, rather than a member of the eu. this was stated at a meeting with journalists by the head of the office of the prime minister of hungary, hergei guyash, commenting on yesterday's recommendation of the european commission, and further, his quote: it is definitely worth offering ukraine some special relations. some kind of privileged partnership, but there is no way to start accession negotiations with her, and that's it
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it's not good, well, we'll wait for december and see how the summit of the leaders of the eu countries will take place there. well, now to the united states of america, the dispute within the republican party of the united states of america, regarding the support of ukraine, seems similar. is intensifying and growing, and yesterday's debate of candidates from this political force for the 2024 presidential elections proved it , donald trump again ignored them, but even without him, you could often hear statements that it is not worth spending american taxpayers' money on ukraine. for example, the governor of florida, ron desantis , called the large amount of aid that the white house requested for ukraine, quote: a senseless loss. of taxpayers' money, and another candidate, vivek ramaswamy, generally said that he was pleased to see how his competitors' approaches
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to funding ukraine, which he called, quote, not a model of democracy, changed with each round of the debate, but fortunately there were such candidates , such as senator tom scott, who stated that the weakening of the russian army with american weapons is in the interests of the united states america, and was there once... the permanent representative of oon shapra, niki gale, i suggest you listen to her direct speech. first, we all remember what this thug did when he invaded ukraine. we all know that half a million people died because of putin, and now this freedom-loving country is fighting for its survival and its democracy. no, i don't think we should give them cash, i think we should...give them the equipment and the ammunition to win, and i'll tell you this, if biden had done that when they first asked him, then this war would already be over. thanks to ms.
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niki haley for her position. it's just a pity that she has a low rating and she has little chance to become the president of the united states of america in the upcoming elections, at least not even a president, but a presidential candidate. and the fact that she called putin a bandit is also very, very nice. well, donald trump is again scaring not only the americans, but also the whole world about the third world war. this is the 45th. the president of the united states of america said the day before during a meeting with supporters in the us state of florida and called the fact that this war is approaching due to the incompetence of the current leadership of the us, according to him, according to trump, the following is a quote, this is not a prediction, because i would never make such predictions, it's terrible to say it, but we never were not so close to the third world war, and there is only one reason,
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incompetent people speak for us. this is the end of his quote, and at the same time , the ex-owner of the white house added that during the presidency of the current head of the american joe biden, the u.s. turned into a dumping ground for the world. it did not go by without donald trump's self-praise and without ukraine. what exactly did he say? we listen in direct language. the main task is to make america safe again. for four years for the administration. trump: i kept america safe, i kept israel safe , i kept ukraine safe, i kept the world safe, neither israel nor ukraine would have happened under the trump administration, there was no chance of that happening. this is bragging, i ensured the safety of ukraine, well, horror, well, but donald trump's words that he
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thought a lot about security itself. ukraine at this meeting was contradicted by his son trump, jr. while praising his father in front of supporters gathered in florida, he said that average americans do not consider aid to ukraine a priority for the united states of america, while he asked those present at the event whether they consider financing ukraine one of the three or at least 10 us priorities. in response , it was predicted, as for me, that i received confirmation of what i wanted. to hear, that is, that ukraine is not a priority for americans. well, yes, then donald trump, jr. summarized, quote, did anyone raise their hand for the fact that financing ukraine is included in the top ten priority directions, or 10 thousand people who gathered here, no one raised their hand, and it’s a pity that yes yes, it's a shame that his father, donald trump jr., currently has the highest ratings and is the most likely candidate of the ...
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republicans for the presidential election in 2024, well, in closing the column, i just want, well, in closing the topic of trump, i just want to say that at yesterday's meeting, in fact it was not even a meeting, but after it in an interview with one of the tv channels, he said that when he was asked, who is he, what is his candidacy for the position of vice president, donald trump said that there are many candidates, but one of them is tucker carlson. the former host of the fox news tv channel carlson, who has been speaking very badly about ukraine lately, and it is also very bad for us. well, for today i have everything in the section world about ukraine, everything only for today, because tomorrow will be more and there will be more in the future of our broadcast, in particular, a few minutes after the commercial, wait for my colleague oleksandr morschuk, who, as always, will tell you about
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