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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] this, if the embargo on oil, gas, all supplies is complete, but it would be a short period, well, i think a year, and then it would be a completely different story, well, as we see, what you say, everyone is trying, first to do together, and if the same hungary, at the request of moscow at least, said that it does not want any sanctions on nuclear power, gas, oil, that is why it is very difficult to have a common position, therefore, on the one hand, a single position , and here we still need to have a unified position, at least a transatlantic one, because it is difficult to calculate of course, on china, on india, this is a loophole, unfortunately, created by these large countries for russian war crimes, and thus , in principle, the pressure has been increasing, increasing, and now even the dynamics of increasing
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sanctions have fallen, this is very bad. because we didn't make sanctions a tool, sanctions work quickly, cutting off the country's ability to respond, and yes, giving a year or two to find ways, you'll find 50 ways around, enter, just keep imposing bans, other companies will open , will be imported, except this it is not clear why in resatam, why vatam, well, there are a lot of interests , there is also the dependence of russian... components and fuel , money is invested there, stations are built there, after all, the cerienka, who managed rosatov, is close to putin, that is, here there is money, where there is money, it is very difficult to talk about moran, mr. valery, for the past few weeks, if not months, the western media have been pumping up the topic of possible negotiations, peace negotiations with the russian federation, all
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the time. this one is thrown in with different sauces information with reference to some sources named or unnamed sources, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba commented on the calls of western officials for peace talks between ukraine and russia, i will quote his tweet, kuleba says, for those who have a short memory from 2014 to 2022 year, ukraine held about 200 rounds of negotiations with russia, during this period 20 ceasefire agreements were reached, all of which were quickly broken by russia, none of the 200 rounds of negotiations or 20 ceasefire agreements, did not prevent putin from launching a brutal all-out invasion of ukraine on february 24, 2022, those who claim that ukraine should negotiate with russia now are either ignorant, misguided, or they are siding with russia, want putin to take
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a pause before even greater aggression, those who claim that ukraine should conduct negotiations with russia now are either ignorant, and this is already a repeat, sorry, that is, kuleba clearly says that there is nothing to talk about with russia, and any negotiations, what you say, when the moment will come when we will enter the negotiation process with russia, if not directly, then at least at two round tables, where there will be ukraine and a representative of... the world community there of various countries or international organizations, on the other hand , the russian federation, sooner or later such a moment must come, i really see three types of negotiations that will most likely take place, the first are negotiations during the war about the exchange of prisoners, by the way, it has slowed down somewhat now, unfortunately, and ours are there, do not forget
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thousands... thousands our fellow citizens in captivity, there azov is in captivity, there are our people butkevich, who was taken to an unknown place, we need to raise this public, they are taking our prisoners somewhere, what is happening to them, we don't know, it's just a disaster, it's not that the rules in geneva conventions, the game has already moved on, so let's not forget that it is possible to negotiate, change the parties, there are questions. which relate to such humanitarian moments during the war, it is possible, and for this you do not need a level, there is a president, it is clear what to do with putin negotiations are no longer necessary, now the second type of negotiations that you mentioned with russia following the results of the war, i really hope that such negotiations will not take place, i will explain, if only there will be, forget about the various options
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for reparations there. russia, forget about gaa, at least until the russians themselves surrender there , that is, as happened with milosevic, forget about everything. this scenario is very bad for ukraine, direct negotiations with russia. yes, as you said, at two tables, well, as we saw during the so-called zert deal, yes, i also believe that this is a surrogate, it is, in fact , between russia and ukraine, by and large, and it is unlikely that it will solve the issue in such a formula. there may be meetings or decisions of a specially created international structure. which will speak its verdict and speak with ukraine and with russia, it may be, but i do not see a formal peace for ukraine-russia to sign in the coming years,
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despite the fact that we can achieve significant results next year, and the hot phase of the war can really be translated into more like this, a war, well, i don't know how we had an atom, yes, to the fact that across the border, even after the deoccupation, the russians will still constantly fire at us, i have no doubt about this, as long as there is such a regime, they should not do this, because russia is led by a group that does not recognize it, headed by putin , it does not recognize the right to the existence of the ukrainian people, it does not recognize the right to the existence of the state, what is there to talk about, this war will go on until the fundamental situation changes, and then there will be third negotiations, and they will definitely take place. about russian payments, about russian capitulation, it will be either with the collapse of russia, which i do not know whether the next periods will happen, some say that everything is possible, or with a change of power, when there will be a new, new, if
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the regime accepted into the international club changes, demands will be made, that the sanctions themselves, they want to become them, and there will be demands, so god forbid all the formal signings go there. next year, and that's why i think that our, our leadership absolutely understands, the authorities understand this, so no matter who raises this issue, they will even say, we you don't have weapons, so what, so what , we'll produce it ourselves, we'll do all this ourselves , i'm against the kind of war that 's going on now, it's really the first world war, when... they die, just because the fact that, well, we have someone who is ready to throw away thousands, tens of thousands of his fellow citizens, we are forced to actually adapt to this format, we must try to go beyond
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this format, remember that we were promised support, political pressure on russia for on all fronts, not only, well, on all fronts, i will say one front, but now we need to strengthen it pressure on russia isolation. and the actions, those that were consolidated enough, and the european union, the united states, there would be strengthened once again to make such a spurt, serious, push, they can be pushed, it is possible, and this is a chance, if all efforts are consolidated, if jozev succeeds in convincing biden's trip to san francisco, there in a week, that it's still more profitable not to stand on po if all these stars align, i'm sure that we will have a very good result next year, but only joint, it's not only the front, now various others come into play again
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factors, if there are successes on the front and there are quick actions of deoccupation, while other factors recede into the background, if there is a positional war and we, well, except for the sea there, of course. our successes are huge on the black sea, in the crimea, well, from there, according to the reporting line, you can see in terms of position, so this is more or less around the same settlements, so here we need to strengthen other factors, maximum financial aid to ukraine, sanctions, isolation of russia, negotiations with all important countries, search for joint actions and concentration of all efforts for the next months, a maximum of six months, and then... we will see what to talk about, but i emphasize once again, god forbid, we will formally sign an agreement with russia, some kind of renegade, which she will then throw out as usual and continue to attack us, we must understand, this regime is not
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able to negotiate at all, so what is there to talk about, well, look, putin was once a person with a good memory, i can testify to that, we will. so he participated in the ukrainian delegation, what is happening to him now? he writes down surnames, names, he forgets the names of his closest associates. a person who also came from somewhere in the same spheres, president takayev, he can no longer remember the name of the president with whom he communicates very often, that means what is happening to him, well, yes, and you want to be with such a person to sign that, well, you have to, you have to, you have already mentioned takayev, about putin's visit to astana and what happened there, we have a small story, a video, how
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he reacted to the fact that putin confused him again name, as in his father's name, he began to speak in a fairy tale, let's see. there was a 10-year-old honor ishinende well, you just have to look at the faces of the russians, how they reacted, well, but don’t learn that takay is your name, kasyn zhamar, also, in principle, it’s very strange, but here’s how takaev reacted, what is it, what does it mean
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, that he was simply fed up with being treated as some second-rate state leader there, or is it in principle that feeling the power of china, which has a presence, a large presence in kazakhstan, nevertheless gives strength to itokayev to behave more loosely with the russians, well , despite the fact that china's influence is cut there, of course kazakhstan, and kazakhstan received certain assurances and support from china, but everything is the same ... russia remains serious, militarily, kazakhstan is vulnerable to the russian army, well, not now, when ukraine has actually taken all this upon itself, all the blows and all, combat-capable, russian units, well, not all , but 80% for sure, and that's why the kazakhs now have a certain pause and can speak more boldly, in the economy, they understood that these are all customs unions, the whole space. all this
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is interpreted by the russians only in their own way, therefore, i i think that the position of kazakhstan will be bolder, but it depends on the results of our progress with russia. let's talk more, mr. valery, about the situation in the united states of america, there is information that a step has been taken in the united states of america regarding the transfer. of the russian federation in ukraine. the foreign affairs committees of the house of representatives of the congress supported by a majority of votes a bipartisan and bicameral bill on the use of frozen russian assets to help ukraine. of course, this has to end to be approved and when it enters into force, 108-180 days after its entry into force, it will be possible to operate these assets that are in russia, c.
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on the territory of the united states of america, as soon as the united states of america will do it, does this mean that other states will apply similar practices in relation to russian assets for the benefit of ukraine, or is the united states of america the marker, the indicator for others . well, this is exactly the way of compensation, it is a realistic way, that is, not what you and i are doing they said that russia would sign the capitulation right now. and sanctions, including reparations, restitutions, substitutions, will be paid, or they will replace the stolen goods, but there may be compensation, so the americans are very right to try to introduce certain changes even in their regulation, in order to simplify this procedure, this is a difficult issue, but it seems political... in the usa they have already decided
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to move in this direction, there is not only anglo-saxon law here, and indeed it may be easier where there is more anglo-saxon right, there are even precedents there, it is more difficult in europe, but nevertheless, if it goes here, there will be some real steps in the usa, in canada, then they are there in britain, then i think that it will go, it will go easier and uh, it is clear that all of them are in one way or another focused on the results of the next presidential elections, which will be held in the united states of america , and everyone is trying to understand how the policy regarding ukraine in the united states of america will change or not, the former permanent representative of the united states of america at oon, nikki haley, the representative of the republican party of the united states of america, says that the states should
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continue to provide ukraine with ammunition and other assistance, let's hear what she has to say. first, we all remember what this thug did when he invaded ukraine. we all know that half a million people died because of putin, and now this freedom-loving country is fighting for its survival and its democracy. no, i don't think we should give them cash, i think we should give them equipment and ammunition to win, and i let me tell you this, if biden had done this when they first asked him, this war. would have ended already. well, we also have a small fragment of the speech of the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, who again scares americans with the third world war and says that he once ensured security, including ukraine. let's listen.
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the main task is to make america safe again. for four years under the trump administration, i provided without. america, i ensured the security of israel, i ensured the security of ukraine, i ensured world security, neither israel nor ukraine would have happened under the trump administration, there was no way it would have happened. mr. valery, you know american politics and american politicians very well, what trump says is, of course, pre-election rhetoric, but to what extent it corresponds to what trump can do and in what way trump can do it, because these statements about , that in 24 hours, i agreed with putin on ending the war in ukraine, and everything else, what he says and what he does, as far as it
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differs, much less than we expect, his actions are very similar to what he says, the other thing is that sometimes this entire american bureaucratic machine does not give the opportunity to fully realize all intentions. if president trump, when he was president, had the ability to not be held back by any bureaucracy, you would see a lot of interesting things as a result, and we read it in the books, very quickly came out after his presidency, so he's not kidding , he is all about you. he means a lot simply, he already said that if ukraine does not agree to stop at that moment, on those territories that are de-occupied, then he will stop supplying ukraine with weapons, and if putin does not agree to stop at that moment, then he will give ukraine much
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more weapons than today, it is true, but what kind of peace are we talking about, about a stable peace , hardly, that is, i think that it is not an illusion, and it is not only a pre-election struggle, it is also a calculation of what will be happen by the end of next year if you sit down and look carefully at all the factors in the world, what will happen next, the end of next year, then i think you would be less surprised by these words, i really hope that this scenario will not happen, but...' well, donald trump, despite his image, and indeed he very often he speaks by flattering the public, he simplifies some things to make it clear to his voters, but in general it is a convoluted strategy, and it is, frankly, very
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dangerous for ukraine and for the world, so we will see, i am more, more alarmed by the way he is now is running this campaign, not at all like the last one. he used to want to to attract such more moderate republicans, that is why he had a vice presidential candidate, his running mate, a completely different person who spoke differently and continues to support ukraine, and now he said today that he is ready to take him as a running mate, actually with the possibility of becoming a vice - the president, carlson, that is... i think everyone knows this political spectator, who is absolutely pro-russian, in many respects anti-ukrainian, and has been leading this line for a very long time, so... well, tucker carlson, the vice president, well, i such a
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i couldn’t imagine it before, but now it can become a reality if trump convinces, so everything will continue to change in america, you see, we talked about polls recently, journalists in ukraine talked about six swing states, well, voters are divided there, close democrats , republicans change, if, some win, then others, and five states ... six showed trump's advantage, and tuesday's election, which showed a completely different picture, the democrats won, so let's go gradually, until next year , and now it is necessary to work with the current administration , joseph biden, to believe that they will achieve the goals of helping ukraine, because it is in their interests, and to work, to look carefully at the development of the situation with it can be very difficult there in the eighth of next year, so at the same time we need to think about
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the autumn of next year, i am convinced , and i am repeating this not for the first time, i do not see threats to the supply of weapons, aid, financial, somewhere like that until the summer of next year, there will be enough of these funds, everything, but in the fall, when planning will be the following, that is, it is necessary to understand what we will do when in america , it is true, there will be a quite, quite turbulent situation, to the point that there may be a shutdown lasting several weeks, when everyone will be electrified, not knowing what to do, and very tough the presidential campaign, well, not only the presidential campaign, there will also be congressional elections, gubernatorial elections, so you have to look one step ahead, i think you have to have different plans, work with everyone and anticipate any situation, in the end. where we cannot influence, and we certainly will not influence in america on what will happen, except
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with our victories together with the americans, and it will really give the voters the opportunity to show the result , so then it would be ideal, but so we, let them choose the presidents, we just have to react, after all, i will conclude by saying, i'm still in favor of not letting all these things alone. well, for example, one of the candidates stated at the debate, something like that, towards our president, volodymyr zelenskyi, he said things that border on the russian narrative, yes, you must, well, you mean ramaswamy, who said that a nazi, zelsky is a nazi, yes, we have to react , i know it's unpleasant, i know when candidate trump, in the last election, said that the crimea... belongs to russia, i reacted as an ambassador, i know what i listened to, after this reaction, but believe me
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, everything was checked, everything was clear, lawyers were watching, everyone was watching, i published an interview in leading american publications that crimea is ukraine, and explained later personally to president trump, what is the situation, and in ukraine i received devastating criticism for what i i interfere in american politics there. it was amazing to watch. i believe that we should react where our basic positions are touched, if the president of ukraine is called a nazi or if they try to give such an image, i still listened carefully, well, there are nuances, there they have already started to explain something, to say that it wasn't like that, well, it's fine, they understood that it would be a blow to them, well, the americans did it, for this rhetoric, because it 's such anti-semitic rhetoric that it doesn't go to the head , and this ramasvani, where he climbs,
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where does he even want to climb with such rhetoric that's why they hit him on the head, and it's not necessary to keep quiet that our candidates will discuss in the states what they want, he will put hungary, and if someone gets out who cannot claim leadership and calls the head of a country at war with russia a nazi, then i ... i also think that we should express ourselves, we should say, calm down, convey our position somewhere. well, by the way, there is no reaction from zelensky or there, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, or the ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, but there is a reaction from zelensky to the possible presidency of donald trump, let's listen. is it good or not bad, i don't know, i hope that the american president... will always consider the attitude of the people of the society. if american society supports ukraine, if we share the same values,
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problems, if we understand all these challenges. the result and damage of the war, i think that any president, i don't know who it will be , will help ukraine, you said that the end of next year will be quite difficult for the united states of america and for ukraine, including , who will be the president of the united states of america, or will depend our future is so tight, are there any structures and institutions that will not allow the united states of america to be in a zone of turbulence regarding ukraine. we have already been through this, and we know very well that in america it is important not only who is the president, although this is really very important, but what configuration the president has, two houses in congress, the senate, the house of representatives, one
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house, like the democrats now have, senate, republicans, house of representatives, is it the opposition congress, the president in general, and a lot depends on it, personally, which the result of the campaign, what kind of train is going, what nuances arise, what are the trust of the partners, that is, there are a lot of factors, factors that play a role, of course, the president of the united states can, if he wishes, take a very short period, a lot of such isolationist steps, at least if he does not sign military aid to ukraine, that's all. no one agrees with him, he will not sign everything, and the pentagon, intelligence comrade, whoever, can’t change him, the opposition, congress also could not change this situation, so i think that in principle, well, you don’t need to think about personnel , it is necessary to understand that the whole configuration depends,
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well, and then, and why is there such an uproar now: right now that donald trump, he will be president again, is not a fact. joseph biden shows that this is a good result in the election , so we will see how things will develop, but we need to understand, the key is that there will be turbulence, it is unlikely that we will be able to get another aid package, as it is now, we are considering now, how will the americans there accept the aid package for ukraine, and who told you that we don't need it there will be this assistance next year, another package for next year, and if we already foresee that it may not be there, or there may be difficulties, then what we need to do, we need to think at the expense of what we will close this issue, for what should be considered, the further development of events, and not to guess whether it will be president trump or president biden, thank you, thank you, mr. valery, for an interesting conversation with you, it was
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valery chaly, a politician and diplomat, the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states states america. friends, we are live tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube , please take part in our vote, we are asking you whether there is a place for opzzzh deputies in the current government, yes, no, and we will continue this poll in the second part of our program . in addition, we are conducting a survey by phone, what do you think about whether mps from opzh have a place in the current government, so at this moment we have more than 800 people voting, 5% say that opzh has a place in the ukrainian government, 95, no , continue to vote, in our survey, in the second half of the program, which will start in 15 minutes, we will continue this voting and we will have people's deputies of ukraine from three
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political parties, we will talk about why opzzh is still sitting in the parliament, we will talk about this and other things in the second part of the program, wait, congratulations, bbc news ukraine is on the air, jafer umera is working in the studio in london, for the next 15 minutes we are talking about the israeli war and the hamas group. western leaders call on israel to take humanitarian breaks, for the sake of order. tons of civilians, while since the beginning of the war, more than 10,000 people have died in the gas sector in more than a month, according to the local health ministry, this war between israel and the hamas group


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