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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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no position yet. people's deputy, former journalist 1.1 serhiy shvets also has no position. after nestor shufrych went to jail, only two deputies remained in the committee on freedom of speech, and one of them is serhiy shvets. and by the way, how do you feel about opening the parliament to journalists' access to the work of the verkhovna rada? i don't care at all. i am equal. there are both pros and cons. well, personally for or against? i... i say, i want to hear all, i want all arguments to be voiced in the hall, as for, yes and against, and you don't have your position, and then i will form my position, your position regarding the access of journalists to the verkhovna rada, full access should be given, and why is it not given, what to confuse is not the deputies, but the mono majority, we decide repeatedly put the resolution, a- admission, b- broadcast, well, complete openness, what arguments, we do not hear clear arguments, as for security.
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well, i am like no other a professional in the field of security, which is the same security that is for me, i think, completely, or for any people's deputy it may and should be with ukrainian journalists, but, that is, you as a former head have nowhere to go, well, i am next to you in the same way, or you and i do not mind that we will be in the same shelter, it seems to me that it is very harmful for the parliament as well , for the country as a whole, for how many years since the time of kovid, in fact, the parliament is closed, there are no broadcasts , well, let's be honest, it corrupts the parliament, it is, on the one hand, the middle, and on the outside, it desubjectivizes the parliament, that is, people do not know , what the parliament does, is the maximum stupid, that we are closed, i honestly do not see any, not that it makes sense, but even logic, well, that is, you all know when we sit down, you all follow, including my telegram channel, well, what is the point in therefore , we are afraid that russia will find out that the meeting is still in the council.
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3,000 staff of the verkhovna rada, a bunch of assistants, this reformer in quotation marks from berdyansk panamar, yes, in my opinion, with the state council, shuri with the state council, these are deputies, well they are deputies, messages are still sent to them that we are sitting, serhiy andrushko, author of this material , journalist-investigator of the schema program, has already joined our studio, serhiy, there is such a thing, one of yours told you. interlocutor, you can't let people into the verkhovna rada, listen, it actually sounded very comical, but did you answer the question to yourself, why are journalists not allowed in, well , that's a good question, why are journalists not allowed in, a fact, well, i can do assumptions, why they don't let you in, well, do it, well , i don't know, maybe it's more comfortable, so when there are no journalists, but here we need clear documents and facts, because why do we rely on
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documents and the information on which we are based , in view of this i can only say that we have not been allowed there for two 20th months after the start of the full-scale invasion, hence the 20th month, and during all this time, in fact, journalists are not allowed to enter the building of the verkhovna rada to cover the work of people's deputies, the document itself , which would be a... the council was not shown to us, was not provided even after a request for informative in accordance with the law on access to public information, nor to a journalistic request, so far we have not received an answer , that is, it simply does not exist, it is difficult for me to say, it may not be in nature, but it may, it
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may be classified, for example, some part, but if it is classified, then it is desirable that they still told what the documents were about, why they were classified, and he, too, for some reason, we do not know, we do not know this yet, but here we go , we journalists understand why it is important for journalists to be in the verkhovna rada, now i am i think many people who are not journalists look at us and they think, well , we don't go and you don't go, well, relatively speaking, why is it important for journalists to be in the verkhovna rada, and what do others, other citizens, get from this? well, first of all, it must be said that the parliament is one of the most open institutions in ukraine, at least it was like that before the full-scale invasion, and this is in russia, as far as i remember, there was such a phrase - the parliament is not a place for discussions, i think , this is not a place for discussions, yes literally, i hope so ukraine this is not russia, not even a book
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wrote one of the previous presidents, and while we journalists are not in the verkhovna rada, the people 's deputies themselves do the work of journalists, they conduct live broadcasts. for example, as people's deputy oleksiy goncharenko, he walks around the session hall with a selfie stick and broadcasts, why is this a question at all, for example, our editors raised it, because we started sending information requests back in august, please provide us with information about the names of the assistants, the information that was previously on the website of the parliament, before this program the scheme investigated how many relatives of people's deputies... work for the people's deputies themselves, but this information is not currently on the website and is not provided in response to information requests, and they also do not provide information about the foreign business trips of deputies, there is no information with regard to a number of committees, for example, the law enforcement committee
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, there is none at all, well, at least it was so before the publication of our transcripts or minutes of the meeting, and what do they actually do there, we are not talking about closed ones, if there are any: the closure of what is open is available, other committees, some of them publish it on the website of the verkhovna rada, but for example, the law enforcement committee, it does not publish at all, and at our request, provide unclosed, open protocols, transcripts to find out what you are doing there , in general, they told us, and it generally costs 1,000 hryvnias for copying there, about a thousand, provide us with these funds, we will send them to you, that was the answer, that is, it is necessary to understand that we are asking such a question. to the discussion in society, you can say, what, or really it is necessary for the 20th month to be full of staff war to continue to prevent journalists, journalists, when the deputies, for example , do not make a decision, what do you remember, the first decision was when they did not want to open
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declarations, if there were, for example, journalists in the verkhovna rada , they approached those deputies who did not support it, asked them, dear people's deputy, why didn't you vote for this decision? why? and there is no one to ask, because there are no journalists, and there is the rada tv channel, the rada tv channel, yes, well, actually, i don't know if you watch the rada tv channel, if you look at the rada tv channel on youtube, a significant part or a large part of the information content of the rada tv channel, which is actually a parliamentary tv channel, and should cover the work from beginning to end, is on me the opinion of the work of people's deputies, what they do there, in fact, i did not confuse, in general, about other things, about work, well, about news in general, i would say so, but the work of deputies there is limited, and opposition deputies, for example, complain that this is how they really record the plenary sessions, but show them late
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at night, when people are already going to bed, ugh, one more question, i understand that now society is also limited in what information. deputies come to the verkhovna rada in cars, are these cars covered or not, because before, when this entire government quarter was open and access to the building was free, you could come and see what cars the deputy came in, open his declaration, see , is there this car or not, and now this one informed information is also hidden from society, well, it has become much more difficult, because the government quarter is closed, they can enter there from different directions, and well, there are certain restrictions on the work of journalists, of course it has become... more difficult, we are there, we managed to be on the approaches to the verkhovna rada and we managed to film maybachs there in a short time, these are hundreds of thousands of dollars, let me remind you, the cars on which the owners have their public debut there, for example, and so on, very expensive cars, and of course this
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the information could also become, well, known to society, in particular to investigative journalists, it would leave their jobs, because in fact the magazine'. different, someone needs to monitor how a deputy votes, what issues he raises , and others monitor journalists, actually, and how a people's deputy actually lives, what is his life like, does it correspond to his, his fortune, what he is on where he goes, where he goes, where he is there, what he wears, thank you very much, sergey, i just want to tell our audience, our viewers the material... serhii andrushka, you can watch on the website, on the youtube channel of radio liberty, the program of the scheme made a material about why the verkhovna rada itself is still closed to journalists, and the most important thing is that they did not find a document that would, so to speak, justify the need in the limitation
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of information, in the limitation of access for journalists to the verkhovna rada, and , as far as i understand, mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the head of the president's office, joined our broadcast just now, good day, good. good evening, i think you heard part of ours conversations with serhii, and do you think it might be time to open the verkhovna rada to journalists, perhaps i will come at all. a person who belongs to the category of those who believe that communication is the only format that allows you to explain your position, and if you want to dominate in something, then you need to be professional and explain why you make certain decisions, but it 's still a bit off the mark, because it's up to the parliament, to the deputies, they have to make a decision and, accordingly, whether for or against to open the sidelines for the work of journalists, and do you think you want the sidelines of the verkhovna rada to be open for
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the work of journalists? i emphasize once again, i believe that it is necessary to constantly communicate with journalists, and therefore, of course, the sidelines can be open, if you are ready to communicate with them, and are ready to responsibly, more accurately answer the questions that will arise from them, it turns out that the people mps who work for ukrainian money, for tax money, are not ready to communicate with these very ukrainian taxpayers, you ask the question a little, a little manipulatively, i am not ready to answer what the deputies are ready for, what the deputies are not ready for, this should definitely be asked of the deputies, and i think that they will make the appropriate decisions, and why not do it in the president's office such a statement, a political statement that the legislative body of the country should be open, well, if we enter europe, and not all of us will enter, well, because after all, this is the relevant branch of government, i mean the legislative branch, and
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they make their own regulations set for themselves, i think, taking into account the fact in which the period they are in today, what are the risks for them, and they can definitely discuss in the hall, discuss this issue and make an appropriate decision, if it would not be quite correct if the office of the president would, let's say, give recommendations to all branches of government, publicly, to do or not to do some there to make some decisions , doesn't the president's office give some public and non-public recommendations in the verkhovna rada, what is to be done? and we give, not publicly or publicly, i don't know, we don't give publicly no recommendations to the legislative, law-making body, he accordingly makes certain decisions himself. mr. podolyak, as a citizen of ukraine, you would like the verkhovna rada to be open to journalists, right? no, as a citizen of ukraine, i answer once again, i generally belong to the category
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of people who believe that journalists have the right to ask any questions and should work anywhere every day and receive all their answers. so the answer is yes, you would like the verkhovna rada to be opened, insanely, definitely, uh, uh, i think it's important record that the adviser to the head of the president's office, he is from information policy, would like to... the verkhovna rada was open to journalists, then let's do something else, but let's do the encirclement again, this is my position, of course, but from the point of view of how the deputies consider it necessary, they can discuss and make certain decisions , it will be within their right, deputies conduct streams from the verkhovna rada, and we always need streams, streams from the verkhovna rada, i don’t know, always or not always, i just i state that they are streaming from the verkhovna rada. and you are absolutely right, look, we are discussing something that is not, well, at least my
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competence, and you are absolutely right, the deputies themselves conduct the streams, the deputies can discuss, vote and make relevant decisions as they see fit, and i, on the contrary, believe , that yes, the more transparent you are, the less there are speculative opportunities to accuse you of something, but again, this is an internal discussion of the parliamentarians, they make a decision, respectively for or against, and it works as they see fit. well, one more thing then question, it also concerns information policy, the day before the european commission gave, well, some say, green, some say, yellow light for further negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union, so the report of this european commission on ukraine's fulfillment of the conditions for the start of negotiations on accession to the eu emphasizes if necessary, restore an independent medial shaft. the report states that in the spring of 2nd, everything can be seen there, the authorities launched the telethon "edinyi novyni", and disconnected three opposition
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tv channels from digital broadcasting. let me quote from of this report. next year, ukraine must develop a road map to support the restoration of a pluralistic, transparent and independent post-war medical industry. how will ukraine do it? we will discuss, this is precisely what is included in the list of next steps that ukraine must take, that is , discuss and make appropriate decisions, but let's face it, the war is not over with us, the decision to create, let's say, a single... well, that is, the marathon is the only news, and accordingly it was accepted not just like that, yes, but for certain reasons, and these the reasons were an immediate full-scale invasion, there were a full-scale invasion of the russian federation, the war is not over today and definitely, from the point of view of a more or less understandable information policy of the state, well, they
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continue to work on the relevant solutions, this is the first and the second component, but today it is not possible. .. information, that is, there is no possibility to get any information, including alternatively from one or other sources and so on, that is, it is necessary to say that the state has some kind of monopoly, well are there any censorship tools introduced there that work and do not allow you to receive any information in the state as much as possible, is there such a problem? well, if we are talking about the marathon, then yes, there is such information, once again. the marathon, accordingly, the decision to launch the only news as a marathon , which included a number of tv channels that were ready to do it, by the way, from the first day, accordingly, it was taken directly with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, today the war will continue and the state must have certain opportunities to influence informationally what is happening in the country, well, explaining these
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or other necessary things and so on, but does it interfere, i ask the question, is it for... a person considers it, if he wants to get an alternative point of view, like you say, well, that is, to get access to this or that information there, to get this information, can it receive alternative information, is only the marathon working in ukraine today, and everything else is under the ban and so on and so on, not everything is under prohibited, but still the state has the biggest monopoly on information in ukraine, not quite so, by the way, can i ask? we have a war, and i still see no reason why we should complete the marathon itself, as a marathon , as one of the tools, and i emphasize once again that we in ukraine today have the opportunity to get a pluralistic, as you say, point of view on those or other events, to discuss,
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there are many opportunities, there are many platforms, tools, you can also have any discussions and you will receive a large number viewers, well, there are listeners who will be interested enough to get your expert positions, and this suggests that the landscape is not monopolized, there is only one option called the marathon, but there are dozens of other opportunities, to get other points vision, and that's fine, but the state, look, the state during war can use several important tools, or generally limit... the distribution of this or that information, or introduce strict censorship, or get a platform where the state will uh, let's say yes, to work informationally with what the state needs, but in addition, it does not prohibit alternative platforms, ukraine has chosen for itself the third way, well, that is, there is a marathon, where several
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television companies have united, and there are other opportunities on other platforms to work with alternative points of view, that's it, and that's it, i urge you once again to subscribe to the pages of radio svoboda on the internet, instagram, telegram , facebook, twitter, viber, operational news on the website radiosvooboda, and subscribe to the channels of radiosvoboda on youtube , two channels, like this broadcast, this way you support our work and support independent journalism in general, and freedom, will be back on the air tomorrow. bleeding and inflammation of the gums, my advice is lacalout. lacalutktive active.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. the war in ukraine is the main thing topic for ukrainians. victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, serhii rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this. people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future right now, the main and interesting thing in the verdict with serhii rudenko program, from monday to friday, at 8:00 p.m. espresso - interesting facts. over 10 years
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226 for 196 against. the lower house of the us congress passed a package of aid to israel worth more than 14 billion dollars, split along party lines. democrats mostly did not support the bill. the reason is that it does not have funds to support ukraine. president joseph. biden proposed to adopt a joint aid package worth 106 billion dollars for ukraine, israel and taiwan. but the recently elected speaker of the house,
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trumpist republican mike johnson, spoke out against it. like, israel is an undisputed ally of the usa, and if the white house wants to help ukraine, then let him, but on the condition that the american-mexico border, through which many people arrive in the united states, will be strengthened. illegal migrants. ukraine will appear in the near future, it will be next. i said that we want to unify border security with ukraine. if we are going to take care of the border in ukraine, then we should also take care of the american border. the future of the passed israel aid bill is in doubt, it must pass the upper house of congress, i.e. the senate, to become law. and there the majority of the democrats and theirs leader chuck schumer has already said he won't put the initiative on the ballot. the president, joe biden, threatens to veto the document in
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this form, in addition, the leader of the republican minority in the senate, mitchell mcconnell, is also in favor of the simultaneous allocation of aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, he considers all three conflicts as a single challenge that dictatorships gave up. think of it as an axis, an axis of evil, china, russia, and iran, so it's not just a test for ukraine, it's a test for the united states and the free world, but a path to greater security for all of us is simple, help ukraine win the war. another of mcconnell's arguments is that the billions of dollars that the united states allocates to ukraine eventually return to the american economy. defense enterprises in 38 states receive this money for the production and modernization of weapons to replace those that washington gives to kyiv. but not all of mcconnell's fellow party members, both in the house
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of representatives and in the senate , agree with him, some of them are outright isolationists who are against even indirect participation in any conflicts abroad, others consider the actions of the biden administration wasteful, saying that the white house allocates funds to ukraine without any strategic purpose. this week, eight republicans in the house of representatives sent a letter to president biden with the conditions for further assistance. a simple strategy, you and i will not win yet, or we must win, is not a winning strategy, how ukraine will win, how long it will take, even if these estimates do not have to be exact, but we must understand the ultimate goal. is there such a strategy in at the white house, this week defense secretary lloydin and secretary of state anthony blinken, during a hearing in the senate
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budget committee, convinced senators to support a joint aid package, they did not mention ukraine's victory, but instead talked about the need not to give victory to putin. in ukraine, putin felt that he could wait, this is part of his strategy, the main part of his strategy. he hopes that the west will get tired of supporting ukraine and thus he will soon get his way. if it is, if we don't we will support ukraine, and putin will win, he will not stop in ukraine. valery zaluzhny's article added fuel to the debate about ukraine. opponents of aid cling to the words of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, that the war has become positional and reached a dead end. supporters emphasize the need for increased aid in order to get out of this impasse. observers assume that in the end, a compromise could be the allocation of an aid package to ukraine, but less than
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the $61.5 billion offered by biden. probably the military component will not be touched, instead , budget support for kyiv may be reduced, which means that ukraine will have to think about where to get money to pay pensions and salaries to state employees. in any case, the controversy surrounding aid is a bad story for ukraine. the issue that united american politicians at the beginning of the full-scale invasion has become one that divides them. according to data, support for ukraine is also falling among average americans. october survey of the sociological company gelab, 41% of americans believe that the united states is doing it is too much for ukraine, it is almost twice as much as in august 2022. more than 60 us citizens believe that neither ukraine nor russia will win the war. congratulations.
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russian propagandists abruptly lost all interest in the gas sector, the palestinians, the war that is taking place in israel, so much so that , for example, in skabiyeva, in two days there were never any discussions or conversations about this, that is, something was mentioned there, something it is happening there, and nothing more, and actually it is understandable, because the israeli army entered gas sector, it is conducting an operation, maybe slowly, maybe quickly, we will not talk about it now, but it is conducting it quite successfully, it is not stopping and none of israel's neighbors are involved in this war, as russia would like, moreover, it must be said that such an interesting thing happened these days, which shows that israel in this information war with world terrorism, in principle, took several such very powerful steps and


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