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tv   [untitled]    November 10, 2023 10:30am-11:01am EET

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black, gray and blue colors , size range from 36 to 46, made of waterproof and wear-resistant fabric, which is insulated with a thermal insulation layer of polyurethane foam, warm breathable eco-fur inside. feel free to wear boots, both in the rain and even in 30-degree frost. thanks to the wide opening, the boots will fit any fullness and height. the velcro fastener will firmly fix the shoes on the foot, and the flexible sole that does not slide behind... the insert will reduce the load on the feet, thousands of buyers have appreciated the quality of comforrt shoes north, order warm , stylish and incredibly comfortable boots for only uah 799 , call, vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours... of your
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time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening for espresso. war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians. wins and losses. analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, serhiy rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this. people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future right now. the main and interesting thing is in the program verdict with serhiy rudenko, from monday to friday, at 8:00 p.m. 226 for, 196
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against. the lower house of the american congress passed a package of aid to israel worth more than 14 billion dollars, splitting along party lines. democrats mostly did not support it bill. the reason is that it does not have funds to support ukraine. president joseph biden proposed passing a joint $106 billion aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan, but the recently elected speaker of the house, trumpist republican mike johnson, opposed it. he said that israel is an indisputable ally of the united states, and if the white house wants to help ukraine, then let it, but on the condition that the american-mexico border, through which illegal migrants arrive in the united states en masse, will be strengthened. ukraine will appear in the near future. she will
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next, i said that we want to unite the security of borders with ukraine. if we are going to take care of the border in ukraine, then we should also take care of the american border. the future of the approved bill on aid to israel is doubtful in order to become a law, it must pass the upper house of congress, i.e. the senate, where the majority of the democrats and their leader chuck schumer have already declared that they will not bring the initiative to the vote. president joe biden is also threatening to veto the document in this form. in addition, for the simultaneous allocation of aid to ukraine and israel and taiwan, the leader of the republican minority in the senate, mitchell mcconnell, also speaks. he sees all three conflicts as a single challenge that the dictatorships have thrown to the west. think of it as an axis. the axis of evil, china, russia and iran, so this is not just a test for
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ukraine, this is a test for the united states and the free world, and the path to greater security for all of us is simple, help ukraine win the war. another of mcconnell's arguments is that the billions of dollars that the us allocates to ukraine eventually return to the us the economy defense enterprises in 38 states receive this money for the production and modernization of weapons, to replace those that. conveys to kyiv, but not all of mcconnell's fellow party members, both in the house of representatives and in the senate, agree with him, some of them are outspoken isolationists who are against even indirect participation in any conflicts abroad, others consider the actions of the biden administration to be a waste, they say the white house allocates funds to ukraine without any strategic goal. eight republicans this week the house of representatives sent a letter to biden
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with the conditions for further assistance. a simple strategy. you and i won't win yet, or we should win, we haven't. the strategy of victory, how ukraine will win and how long it will take, these estimates should not be exact, but we must understand the ultimate goal. is there such a strategy in the white house ? this week, defense secretary lloyd austin and secretary of state anthony blinken, during a senate budget committee hearing, persuaded senators to support joint aid package, they will not mention ukraine's victory. instead, they talked about the need not to give victory to putin. in ukraine, putin felt that he could wait. this is part of his strategy, a major part of his strategy. he hopes that the west will get tired of supporting ukraine and thus he will soon get his way. if that's the case, if we
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don't support ukraine and putin wins, he won't stop in ukraine. valery zaluzhny's article added fuel to the debate about ukraine. opponents to help they cling to the words of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces that the war has become positional and reached a dead end. supporters emphasize the need for increased aid in order to get out of this impasse. observers suggest that in the end, a compromise could be the allocation of an aid package to ukraine, but less than the $61.5 billion offered by biden. it is likely that the military component will not be touched, instead, budget support for kyiv may be reduced. this means that ukraine will have to think about where to get money for payments pensions and salaries of state employees. in any case, the controversy surrounding aid is a bad story for ukraine. the issue that united american politicians at the beginning of the full-scale invasion has become one that
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divides them. support for ukraine is also falling among ordinary americans. according to the october survey of the sociological company gelab, 41% of americans believe that the united states is doing too much for ukraine, which is almost twice as many as in august 2022. more than 60 us citizens believe that neither ukraine nor russia will win the war. three weeks of massaging airstrikes and the entry of tzahal troops into the territory of the gaza strip. good luck at the end of the fourth week of the war, the israeli army reported that it struck more than 12,000 villages on the territory of the enclave and destroyed dozens of high-ranking terrorists. yes, israel responds to the invasion of almost 3 armed hamas militants on october 7. then
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the terrorists broke into the outskirts of the city , shooting, raping, and beheading adults and children. according to the latest data, 1,400 israelis died that day. time about one and a half hundred victims various could not be identified. according to updated data, 242 people are held captive by terrorists, the smallest hostage is not even a year old. when i saw danielle's photo on tv, my heart almost stopped. on the one hand, my wife and i were shocked, and on the other, we were relieved to see her alive, until today we knew nothing about her. in four. hamas released four hostages, the others promise to return as soon as israel releases about 6,000 hamas fighters from prison, stops shelling and gasses everything necessary, primarily fuel, which is very necessary for terrorists to operate their tunnels. another hostage, a military soldier
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, was freed during a ground operation in gaza. the joint assessment of everyone, not only the members of the cabinet, but also the security forces and the military, is that the ground actions really provide an opportunity to get our hostages out, because hamas will not release the captives if the terrorists are not pressured. the situation in the gaza strip itself is critical. from the first day, the tzahal has been warning of shelling and calling for peace residents to evacuate to the south, closer to the border with egypt. hamas prevents this and often uses locals as a shield. for example, under one of the largest hospitals in gaza, the shifa hospital, according to tsahal intelligence, terrorists are in the dungeons. placed their control center. we eliminated a group of terrorists while they were in the jabalia refugee camp, along with the command headquarters and underground facilities located inside the buildings within the camp. this again demonstrates
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the cynical use by murderous terrorists like a human shield of the civilian population that we urged to evacuate to the south for their safety. this is a cynical tactic that the terrorists will continue... the closest neighbors, the egyptians, are in no hurry to help the peaceful residents of the gaza strip, only in the fourth week of the war they began to let in foreigners and the wounded little by little. the rocket attacks on the south and center of israel and the gas strip do not stop, many hits on residential buildings, so the rear command service, although it allowed the education system and many businesses to resume, asks the israelis and continue to follow their instructions and do not ignore the alarm signals. the population of border towns and kibbutzim, both in the south and in the north, remains under evacuation. in total, more than 3,000 israelis were forced to flee their homes due to shelling. and despite the constant attacks, some began to return. i think i am the first to open
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a facility in this industrial zone after the events of october 7th, because i could not afford not to open, but there are factories that are still closed. meanwhile, in the north on the border with lebanon. iran's proxy is the terrorist organization hezbollah also does not stop shelling the territory of israel. tzahal responds and delivers preemptive strikes and the opening of a full-fledged second front, until... it is said. we are strengthening the capability of the air force to respond to any threat that may arise from the north. hezbollah will pay a high price. we repeat, israel is not interested in war, but if anyone wants to provoke us, they will pay a very high price for this attempt. last week , yemen's houthis, an iran-backed militia , declared war on israel shiites-zeydites, which operates in the north. yemen, they have already announced several times about launching rockets and drones on the southernmost
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city of israel - eilat and boasted about it on social networks. so far, there has been no damage from these shellings. the first missiles were intercepted by the saudis and americans, several targets, the idf air force, but the general tension in the region remains. and the main question - whether other terrorist organizations and countries will join the war remains open. from israel. ulyana dryuchkova, for espresso tv channel. we are coming back, as you can see, we are in shelter, because an air alert has been announced in russia, throughout the territory of ukraine, somewhere there, a saba sleiki could have flown, which is potentially a dagger carrier, so do not ignore the alarm, we understand that after so much time everyone got used to it, that if it is not, then it is may be a training flight or simply psychological, it is not 100%. there is never a hundred percent guarantee that there will be no launches, so the shelter is still
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the most reliable option, the shelter, as roman and i do it, and we will now find out if we can already establish a connection from our shelter with guest, not yet we have confirmation, i will quote it at that time. well, you can of course play this game yourself, guess three times who said it, how he liked to play, remember, the fugitive traitor of ukraine, yanukovych, said who said it, oksana, it's a mystery to you, the european union should not start negotiations about membership with ukraine, and this is a clear position of hungary, the first attempt by hungarians, hungarians, and which hungarian said that, well, there are not many options, either orban, or ossia, or orbani should stop, that’s how, they are already blocking our european integration
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hungary, and in the meantime we established a telephone connection with doctor of legal sciences, former representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, boris babin, in connection with our studio, mr. boris, congratulations, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, good day mr. boris, we read just a few minutes ago the hysterical reaction of the russians, alya voenkoriv, ​​that somehow, somehow, the russian authorities neglected some safety rules, did not erect various roadblocks and allowed the ukrainians to destroy two of their boats, and they write that, it is they who write, it is not us, the loss, even of a few, will still be noticeable on the capabilities of the russian federation, on the fact that it will reduce their capabilities at sea, and increase the probability of gur landings in the crimea, tell me
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please, about the reaction in crimea, how did the military react, not the military, but someone else, like the people, how did the local people react , the military, well, let’s first, after all, i wouldn’t rule out all kinds of attempts by the russians to make relevant attempts at disinformation, because we all understand very well that there is nothing there it is not published just like that, but in fact the situation with small ships, boats , aggressors in the crimea... is specific, because they can transfer water with others through the inland waterways of russia through the still occupied strait of azov, and also deliver it by rail transport, in principle. they have a certain reserve of these ships, there are not one, not two of them, there it is measured by a dozen, plus or minus, they really have problems with the restoration of these ships, because the sanctions work, the sanctions limit, first of all, these are the engines, yes, that is, they can’t make normal engines for these ships, so they really, really used them, although according to the project
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, they are raspberry landing craft, primarily to strengthen their anti-ship, anti-missile and possibly anti-drone so -called defense, we see that unfortunately, regarding the population, there is already an interesting situation in crimea, unfortunately, we also have media , often still, well, they confuse the autonomous republic of crimea with the occupied, occupied sevastopol, so here are the occupiers of sevastopol, they constantly announce those aerial missile anxiety, so there is such a fake mr. governor, he entertains so much, he uses pr in this constantly, because he is there for himself. usurped the right to announce the air on alarms, he became a very quoted person. so, seriously, because of certain, let’s say, political fakes of the kremlin, chief, they forbid the announcement of air alarms in the occupied crimea, unlike in sevastopol, so their approach is purely political, you know, everything is calm in baghdad, that is, they are in nothing seems to be happening in crimea, so
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they are very nervous about their missions and see this one contrast, because in fact they learn about all the interesting events. that are happening around them after these events took place, and people, the only thing that notices this is really very high accuracy of the ukrainian collective forces, because all the events, yes, for which the ukrainian army, the ukrainian military took responsibility through the relevant statements scouts and so on, please note, they did not lead to any disproportionate losses due to the civilian for the civilian population, this is for the civilian objects of crimea, people also understand this, people also understand that the so-called the russian air force, it works very crookedly, yes, they people understand that provocations are possible, from the side of the occupiers, they are very nervous precisely because of this, yes indeed, this is the situation, everyone sees the weakness of the aggressor’s propaganda, so that attempts to tell that nothing happens, although social networks are filled
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with relevant videos, photos and so on, they will say so, well, pay off, of course, they are looking for some extremes. are trying to punish someone, there was a very resonant situation when the occupiers were stuck after another series of interesting events they made smoke on the crimean bridge, and the geography of this criminal bridge is such , it can be seen from almost the entire stretch, well, it was all visible on the coast, but then they demonstratively punished some person who posted it on social networks, just a smoky bridge, mr. boris , please tell me, we wanted to question you... we have a little bit of information from the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, we read a little bit from the russian media, i about the events of november 7, that is, two days ago, the deputy commander of the regiment, musurbekov, went to kobzon from the hospital , and that
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the story is that a little earlier a week ago, more precisely on november 1, two mos decided to beat their colonel, and musurbekov was already with the kobzon, how typical are such unconstitutional relations in the crimea, when privates kill a colonel, well, in principle , there are many interesting facts there, separate of them are silenced, of course by the occupiers, there were cases of, as they say, friendly suicides , of all kinds, and there were...' cases of actual injuries, but recently there was a brawl on a bus, there was a person from, well, representatives of the russian front cannon fodder was thrown at the passengers with a knife, that is, the occupiers were even forced to somehow react to it there, that is, to pull him out of the bus, then they let him go, however, well , it is logical that they let their own go, so the fact is
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that this is a fairly common phenomenon, new of course, crimea is saturated, oversaturated... with absolutely all kinds of divisions of the occupation structures, from time to time there are corresponding er, or tragic tragicomic situations, why do you know that there is no longer a standard, this has already happened seven or 10 times, when in some the institutions did not let in the military aggressor, well, first of all, because of their inadequate condition, everyone, and after that the events there were closed , fined, they said that this is the discrediting of the russian army because they do not let in these drug- or alcohol-intoxicated people, as they say characters, well, i assume there is some kind of public catering, or night clubs or so on. mr. bory, everything happens like this. mr. boris, we want to go back to the attack by the russians on a foreign
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ship, the day before yesterday it happened, it happened, one person died, it is a ukrainian, four more wounded. we understand, we understand, as ukrainians, who is to blame, who is responsible, but speaking from a legal point of view, we ask you, as a lawyer... first of all, is it possible in some way to hold the russians accountable for this strike and actually somehow force them, the ship was under a different flag, the ship was under a different flag, that is, how, how can all this be legally formalized and prosecuted, and is it possible now, well , there is a war, this act is a violation of the rules of warfare, because it is an attack on the neutral a ship, yes, that brought peaceful cargo. it was submitted for export, for the export, as they say, of absolutely non-military cargo, neutral citizens died, then our citizen died, three
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people from the crew were injured there, they are filipino citizens, three private soldiers, as far as i know, one is in the hospital , two, well, not so badly wounded, a ship under the liborian flag and in general, well, here we can say that a lot depends on the position of the first, the ship's master, right? the road from the administration of the flag ship, that is to force them we cannot do something, we can only propose, but at the same time we can inform international structures , first of all, these are the structures of the international maritime organization, as well as international insurance unions, maritime trade unions about the relevant fact so that they strengthen their response to the aggressor state , this in principle gives results, this is a strengthening of the sanctions policy, this is a strengthening of the policy of non- recognition of russian maritime documents. eh, that is, it cannot be said that this is an unfortunate incident, that this is another crime of russia, he
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there will be no reaction, there will be a reaction, and i also wanted to ask you about the crimean isthmus, because we haven't heard about the situation with the bridges on zhangari for a long time, how is the road to armyansk, maybe you know a little more, how does it look now, this is a question for our military, dear, do they think that something? can tell the audience, they will, the only thing i can say that is absolutely, well clearly there is a constant struggle, as they say, of these bats or spiders in a glass, and i mean the criminal so-called administration of the occupiers in granichivsk, melitopol, donetsk and simferopol, respectively, because there is such a thing as a criminal land corridor, along which goods go, huge goods on a huge road, these are huge funds, everyone understands this, this is a fight for opportunity, as they say , to milk, that's all, this is their main nerve of life, as they say, and it's just constant, you know, such
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incendiary conflicts between this triangle, i call it melitopol, grenichesk, simferopol, where there are different groups, they are a bit like that they say they add flavor to this the history of the land corridor, as an example recently in granychivsk, the occupiers announced that the administration would extend the curfew, but why would it be possible to crack down on these illegal carriers a little harder at night, well, this happens, it should be understood that for the occupiers, the whole situation with bridges and barriers is very painful, because it is their logistics, it is probably, as they say, a crisis, and a crisis in the field of fuel, it is a crisis in the field of building materials, all this directly affects the ability of the aggressor army . thank you, mr. boris, for so comprehensive thorough answer, boris babin, doctor of law, representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea in 17-18
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years. and half a minute of joy, the details of the sabotage raid, the rdk on the territory of russia, this, this russian volunteer corps, yes, here is an interesting video, in the bryansk region, the border administration confirmed that the russians fired at the uaz patriot. a fsb lieutenant colonel was sitting in the patriot’s window, now he is listening to kobzon, here is such interesting information already from bryansk region, a short pause, after which the news on espresso and we let's come back tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the compact and powerful strong saw from unbox tv is just for you. now you can easily trim trees and bushes. the strong saw is so convenient to use. and for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only uah 1,499, also a reliable battery is
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