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tv   [untitled]    November 11, 2023 10:30pm-10:58pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] of artillery ammunition, as well as in ukraine, by the way, it means that the russian special services are involved, razezd, these movements of the employees of the game, the russian federation, in particular, on the territory of kazakhstan, testify to their criminal activity, and i would also note, first time, especially in during the twenty-second year, russia, from central asia, in particular from kazakhstan, too, but eh , specifically, not a single type of weapon, eh, that means, here we are, the investigation was conducted by our - civil activists, which means that we controlled trains, these are the movements of the russians - that is, weapons from the ranges that are available on the territory of kazakhstan, they
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took out a lot, especially... motor vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles, so they did not keep artillery as such here, but here are these heavy-duty systems and anti-aircraft defense systems , they took something out of here, but belonging to kazakhstan, so according to our data, nothing was exported, moreover, at the last meeting with macron, kazakhstan has an agreement on the supply: a blow to the csto, which insists strongly that everything the weapons that the bodb countries have, therefore, were only russian and soviet, former soviet, these are things from the agreements with turkey, as you know, after the transition of the kazakh army, now with france,
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these are serious steps towards withdrawal. .. and kazakhstan's military technologies and weapons, that's how i would note your question about weapons, about uranium , so there are very big problems here, kazakhstan sold a serious uranium deposit this year, the so-called budyonovskoe uranium deposit to russia, 15 billion of money, but these 15 billion, because the owners of the budyonovsky field were former citizens of kazakhstan, now citizens of great britain and russia, there oksenov klebanov sold the field, all funds in the amount of one and a half billion were taken out of the territory of kazakhstan, this is one
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problem, another today, it can be a plus , it can be said that kazakhstan agreed with france at the last meeting with macron, about the supply of kazakh uranium to france, as you know, france has problems, that which arose from her there, in africa, from there she received uranus , today they have problems there, and this agreement is now starting to work, even with this murano, which means that putin will conduct all these negotiations that are being held in ostana, not i know how it will turn out, will it hold up, takaev, taking into account the sale of part of the uranium deposits of russia, some objects of the ulba metallurgical combine, this is a serious enterprise, which supplies to
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russia, already... the object of the greatest interest of the russian federation, they most likely they are considering the issue of over-exploitation of their nuclear military potential, and uranium is very important, although it is low-enriched in kazakhstan, of course, but as you know, in russia these enterprises for enrichment and fairly rapid enrichment of the weapons cycle, so-called, are there, that’s you rightly noted that uranus has the most important strategic importance, within the framework of these negotiations. dear mr. general musayev, well , we understand that the key story will take place in a few days, it is extremely important meeting in san francisco between the president of the united states joseph biden and the chinese leader xi jinping. so we understand that they will most likely talk about deterring russian aggression,
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while at the same time they will mark the so-called spheres. in my opinion, china is completely a country historically that pursues only its own interests. cannot interact with some other clubs, that is, implement its own policy, take the shanghai organization, take brics, any community, it is not connected with personal policy, china's only request to somehow use this international policy is their one train, one road, this logistics system, but it is purely economic, it is not related to any policy, and even more so with military policy, it is not is connected, and the confrontation between the usa and china, it is connected for leadership, we all understand that china is gradually growing,
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despite the fact that there is economic activity, despite this, a huge territory, a huge population, a huge amount of various technologies that, means they have already... actively implemented, including space, all this puts it on the same level with the united states of america, this is an understandable situation, in these conditions, the usa, under the leadership of the democrats, uses methods, means diplomatic methods of regulating these of all global issues, will it be possible to somehow reorientate china during these negotiations? it is very unlikely, but at the same time, to interest him in interaction with
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the usa and western europe, which is, roughly speaking, which sinzimpen is showing today, it is gradually settling down, so to speak, because he cannot resolve many issues purely diplomatically, especially regarding taiwan, you know, there, that’s all, aggressive threats towards taiwan, they also remained within the framework of rhetoric, actions in the form of here are all the moving ships and planes, but that’s all, so to speak, within the framework of an equal relationship , dear mr. general musaev, in simple language, well, we understand, yes, one of the key problems is russian aggression against ukraine, and most likely president biden will hint sidzin pinu village
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says: well, do something so that putin's level of political aggression and testosterone will decrease somewhat, and accordingly , what xi jinping can say in response and whether he will be ready to influence putin at all, it is not about china being there, i don't know , to summon the russian ambassador, well, we know what hints are sometimes given by beijing? that we will talk about ukraine, there is no doubt, even more, we will directly talk about russia, about its behavior in relation to the entire geopolitical situation, first of all, of course, ukraine, secondly, the middle east, israel, which means africa, even... asia, but all these will not be listed directly, but above all, ukraine and the middle east will, of course, be affected, they will directly turn
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sizimpin in the face, to such global world issues, america may not have enough strength, but the topic will be definitely touched on if it is interested in... geopolitical moments that expand a certain cooling in the relationship between china and russia, of course it is quite possible, and even likely, i would like to appreciated i think you are read an article in the economist, and general zaluzhny quite clearly outlined the need for what is called strategic armament in order to change the current course of the war, zaluzhny’s article, of course, er, purely in a military way, very much the situation at the front, everyone
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knows that the confrontation is in such a way that there is a protracted, equivalent interaction between the two armies, the ukrainian army today - despite the difference in the population , the difference in armaments, which means the difference in quantity, i mean the armaments from russia. several times, today, i this is how i perceived the assessment of the worthy, he is in an equal, or equal confrontation, with the russian aggressor , and this is the main thing that i will avoid from this speech , about the fact that the front stopped at this situation, well, any person can see that, and it is not necessary
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he doesn’t speak any slogans, very... they focused on one single word from this speech, the word dead end, it was sounded by the brain there, but certain leaders of public opinion, uh, somehow uh focused on it, what if, it sounded very unpleasant, very competently, что залужны he does not give any repeated assessments, he gave one clear assessment of the situation, and - the political leadership of ukraine continues a competent political line of assessment of the entire situation at the front, there are even no doubts, it is clear that the russian federation will do everything possible to destabilize the situation in ukraine, this is a very important moment , they understand very well that the destabilization of the situation in russia itself, of course, will lead to the collapse of the russian
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federation in general, and it feels this and every little thing that is inside ukraine, these the crowbars are conducting, for them it is very important to get involved and destabilize, this is the opposite of direct confrontation at the front with the aggressor, the most important element is destabilization within the state, in this: relations ukraine is winning in my opinion, the weakness of russian propaganda is visible, and activity , the participation of even direct politicians of ukraine in such an information war, it is strong enough, it is funny to listen to russian politicians who are talking about some kind
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of destruction of their own population, not those who support the war have some kind of wild statement, in general, many wild ones have been declared within russia, ukraine does not suffer from this, but ukrainian leaders of public opinion, i cannot give any ratings to the real political military leadership of the ukrainian federation, but i consider it possible to give ratings the leaders of public opinion, even i always say to you, the leaders of public opinion of ukraine... should stick to the interests of ukraine, any statements and assessments they give, they should verify, is it in the interests of the struggle with the russian federation, that's about it, well, unfortunately, i have to end our conversation, thank you once again, mr. general, for this extremely deep conversation and the analysis carried out on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that now for them general alnur musaev, former head
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of the national security committee of the republic of kazakhstan, worked on the air. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and yours loved ones, see you on the air. day i will visit lviv in december. st. nicholas writes letters to nicholas in his own persona in maryana savka's christmas musical. lviv kapela dudarek orchestra and favorite soloists in a festive performance for the whole family. on december 10, exclusively at festreblik live sound. the story about new york girlfriends continues on megogo. turn on the new chapter of the adventures of carrie, miranda and charlotte and just like that,
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watch hbo, in ukrainian, with a subscription to megogo, wear treatment, let's start with washing and the first denunciation, of course, maridosa, there are discounts on maridosa, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and ochad. espresso celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2023. we are proud to present our new. ethereal appearance stay tuned for an updated espresso, because despite everything, we stay in touch. the information hour on the espresso tv channel continues. our viewers, who we are, are in touch with you. infinitely grateful for the trust. greetings, dear viewers, this is the big ether program on the espresso channel. espresso is 10 years old, we are developing and improving. well, we go further and talk about magnetic ones fight we are becoming even more dynamic, even more comfortable. the information day of tv channel is in full swing. we are modern design and sound. even more
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interesting programs and original projects. the occupying garrison was surrounded, cut off from the main forces and destroyed. they will try. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is none no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svoboda live frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with
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ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be. analyze the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names from myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. the national bank of ukraine presented new coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 hryvnias. 4g is already in ukraine. starting today, ukrainian mobile operators have launched fourth- generation communications. so far, it has worked in the largest cities. the escalation of the situation in the kenshytsky strait began this morning, in the early morning the border ship don rammed a
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ukrainian raiding tugboat in the waters of the black sea. later in the evening it became known that three ukrainian ships were captured by special forces of the russian federation, after a few hours of negotiations, the unification cathedral formed a new ukrainian orthodox church and elected metropolitan epiphanius of pereyaslavskyi and belotsarkivskyi to the post of superior, the subway works, it resembles a video game, but in reality. at the height, at the height of emotions, life has changed for all normal people. at 10:00 p.m., we go on patrol with the police, how long can you violate, good evening, we still have 5
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minutes, 1:00 p.m., do you know? for the dog, i welcome you, you don't have one, it's honestly a bit late, probably, i would also like to join this in a peaceful way, well, for now, we are doing our work and will do it, that is , we are used to living in the same conditions, and people, such, for us, war simply does not exist for them. hello everyone, this is donbas reality, but today we will not talk about donbas, today we will talk about kyiv. in this issue , we want to show you how the capital lives during a full-scale war between russia and ukraine. what has changed? we will talk about the curfew, show how the city is protected from missiles, and
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of course, talk to the residents of kyiv. well, i think that kyiv has become stronger, well, we are returning to ordinary life , but it is not ordinary life, yes , let’s live like this in moscow, and people value each day more, everything has changed, well, it is very difficult for a person to live, that’s why what do you think all the time about our military and let's not be. well, of course it has changed, first of all, it's the atmosphere. and secondly, of course, almost all
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friends are somewhere abroad, everyone, it is morning, the capital wakes up after curfew, kyiv comes to life, many people have returned to the city, in city were told that before the full-scale invasion in kyiv there were about four, now , according to the international organization for migration, although already with immigrants from other regions of ukraine, the capital is gradually returning to the initial number. now in kyiv, you cannot be outside from 12 at night until 5 in the morning, in other regions and cities it is different, in some places the restrictions start at 11 in the evening, and in some... they are not there at all, but today we we are talking about kyiv, yes, the subway, for example, works until 11 pm, and
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it is verified by personal experience, if you need to get to the left bank, it is better to be on time for it, otherwise you will have to pay a lot for a taxi, and if the anxiety starts, it is better to take the subway in time, but more about the anxiety later, the first change i want to start with is the curfew. more recently, cafes, bars and restaurants in kyiv were supposed to close by 10 p.m., but from september 1, their work was extended by an hour. and we, how do you go on duty, how do you check these cafes, that is, you go out and you have to come in, if the light is on, or what? let's go, eh we ask the administrator to come out, we inform you that protocol number seven of the defense of the city of kyiv for... that public catering establishments are prohibited from working, we warn them that the establishment is closed, and are there
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any fines for this, if it is open? at the moment, as many times as i represented, there was no such thing as proceeding to draw up a protocol , the admin commission exists, there needs to be a check that people bought alcohol after 11 o'clock, the commission will be there and they decide what kind of punishments for violators in fact , there is none now, but it has already been submitted to the cabinet of ministers hryvnias for the first violation, we move on. good day, good day, police captain, administrator, you can, yes, she's just, well, it's 10:11 a.m., now the police have issued a warning. the administrator must check this establishment
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at 11 o'clock to see if there is still, 15 minutes, a cashier shift, so our guests are all already settled, i can come with you later, check, at 11 o'clock, yes at 11, let's go, i then i find it here, visit at 11 , please, we will go with you, we will check that no one is there, okay, the outfit remains, now i am checking with the administrator that there are no visitors, the whole facility closes, the administrator also, the central street of the city of khreshchatyk, well, in fact, there are still many cars. but today is saturday, on a weekday it is not so busy here
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at this time, so we came to yaroslaviv val, it is one of the most popular streets of kyiv, there are many establishments, and the police are now checking whether they are all closed. good evening, i visited, now, i called, it will come out, it’s yours, you know that after 11 p.m., we know, we know, i’m guarding the furniture across the street, but you can hear here, okay, i’ll stay here, i’ll clean up, you you are cleaning, well, you close the establishment, if we are cleaning, i understood, thank you for your understanding, with the police in the streets near the golden gate, this district, like for example,
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the epicenter of meetings of the capital's youth, but a few minutes before midnight, it is practically empty here, those , who were delayed on bicycles and scooters, rush home, well, it's almost 12 o'clock, we're going to catch violators, well, at 5:12 on the clock, we drove to khreschat street. violators of the curfew are not too strictly. version of a preventive conversation, but more often they are taken to the department, where they take statements and are released in the morning. good afternoon, we already have 13 minutes, please, we still have 5
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minutes, you are gone for 5 minutes, it is already 10 o'clock, you are coming now. listen, now you are coming with us, giving an explanation of what you are doing here in the commando, everyone will understand everything, well, how much can you do, how much can you violate, yes, no, wait,
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people will come up with what is possible, but in is not confirmed, if a person says that she needs to go to the hospital, we can accompany her, her there is no need for this hospital, of such a plan,
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