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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2023 7:30am-7:57am EET

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[000:00:00;00] holes and windows, because it is a very dangerous place, the russians are shelling there from the left bank with direct fire, and what is happening now in the occupied parts of the kherson region, people there are also suffering from shelling, this is how to increase the disorder and its crimes, as well as mobilization, this is being prepared en masse ... the lists are already going round by yard in populated areas, so that people come and order the lists at the local military commissariats, and those who do not have a passport continue this one too, well, there are also a lot of them,
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as far as i have read in the last two days, many cultural and mass events are held, children are forced to be slaughtered by the occupiers, letters are sent to the front with thanks, well, that is, they continue to try and try to zombify both young people and the population in principle, this is after all on the left bank of the dnieper, it has been reported for a week that armed ukrainian forces, there are many reports, are trying to create a bridgehead. on the left bank near the village of krynky, and what can you say, what can you hear, what can be said at the moment? to be honest, i know that the left bank is being protected by our soldiers, themselves report that heavy equipment from the armed forces of ukraine may have been transferred there, and it was also reported that there is already a considerable contingent on
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the left bank and that this bridgehead is now being expanded, heavy fighting is going on in this direction, an attempt by the ukrainian breakthrough precisely from on this side, it can be quite promising, if it is possible to gain a foothold, the russians themselves write about this, well, i will remember such a story at the very end, on the day of the liberation of kherson, the russians also somehow tried to celebrate, and in simferopol they opened a memorial exhibition. collaborator and self-proclaimed deputy governor of the kherson region kyryll stremousov, it is reported that his personal belongings were exhibited, in particular some underwear , he was engaged in the raw food of the kherson people for a long time, are there people in the city now who also remember him fondly, posted his picture,
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did not remember with an evil silent word. well, i don't know, i'm one of those who don't hate him, i haven't met him, i've met with journalists, by the way, we can, if necessary, send some vegetables to the exhibition for strymotroy's exhibition. as for strymousov himself, they said that there are our kherson journalists who knew him and said that, apparently, he has a wife there, that there are many children, and in principle, they say that even the woman did not remember him with a kind word, because there they had such a difficult relationship, as with a person, and with regard to the person himself, he did that it was just, as they called, a fortune teller, he always ran from
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owner to owner and caught up, therefore, i understand that in agerzon no one took it seriously, then he was a local, a bit of a city lunatic, a clown, but fathers, and here are the people who organized this exhibition in simferopol, maybe you know them, who are these people, maybe you recognize some faces, what am i, well, these are some people who, yes, i don’t know, where are they from they took up and why this exhibition. uhu, okay, well, they are going to lenina, they are also putting together an exhibition, okay, well, well, you know, the enemy must be known by their face, what is their name, maybe they will want to come back one day, so that we simply do not forget where they were, what they were doing, under during the war with ukraine, and to whom they prayed, well, you know, there is a banoshka they put, buried under the ground, and we are there, and we will tell them, and who organized the exhibition in
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simferopol two, who was arrested there on the 12th, november 23rd of the year and that’s it, well, i think it’s not the first nor the last, such , their humorous event, which we will include. i will laugh, well, let them do it, mr. oleksandr, i wanted to ask you one last question, the publication of the mushkiv community, which unfortunately remains under occupation, and you know, the report is not very, not very funny, out of a population of 38 thousand, they say that in the oleshkiv community you can talk about that the 9,000 people living there are the survivors. those who survived the occupation, those who survived the flooding, as a result of the explosion of the kakhovskaya gs, and those who survived, and now people live for two weeks without electricity, can you tell us anything more about
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such survival in the oleshkiv community, well, one hundred percent, you know , we must, if we evacuate people here, we help people evacuate here. from these dangerous coastal areas, the people there, unfortunately, have to do it themselves, and it would be much easier for our armed forces to work for the russians if was not among the civilian population and our kherson citizens, so we really need to leave, try to leave to safer districts, and if there is of course an opportunity to leave and to ukraine itself, return to the border crossing point under the control of sums and we will already and then call us, we will already we will help, because
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the situation is really difficult in oleshki, in the bare harbor, in principle in the coastal settlements, which are on the line of the border of the conflict. thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandrnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration talked about the anniversary of the liberation of kherson and about the liberation, and also talked about what is happening in the occupied territories, and how in the occupied crimea, they mentioned the collaborator strimousov, and also the traveler and the raw, a person who can consume only raw food for a long time , and that was his long signature when he appeared on television, the signature is long , life is short, and you see, raw food kills, literally proof, straight to the point, let’s start a conversation, let’s ask how the night was in kharkiv, sir bohdan, good morning
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did kharkiv manage to sleep? good morning, i managed to sleep well, at least at night i did not hear and there is no public information about shelling, but the shelling was last night, somewhere around 158. ah, several events, rockets flew both in the city and in the region, there is information , what it was, the public reports, well, we understand, it was most likely s-300 ballistics, and one flew to the shevchenkivskyi district, where i am located, it was very loud and visible, and, according to information, a civilian was injured object, which and what they do not report, there is no information yet, what other objects, suffered on the territory of the city and also around it, no further information has yet been provided regarding yesterday's shelling of the city of kharkiv, well, besides the fact that the russians
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shelled kharkiv the night before, kharkiv was also unlucky these days with the weather, you know that they lowered it, because it is not really the highest, it seems, in ukraine , the flagpole on which the blue-yellow flag is flying, it is located in kharkiv, let it go, eh, and in general, the bad weather caused a little trouble in kharkiv, mr. bohdan, so with about the flag, the last, let's say, the last storm, it was two weeks ago, the flag was also lowered, but it was taken too late, it was simply torn by the wind, it was so stormy, such stormy gusts. that it was torn and another one was being raised and he was also injured, that is, that was the situation, so now to anticipate that everything is fine with him, indeed, this is the largest flag, it can be seen from almost, well, from almost the entire city
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of kharkiv, it is quite large, and it was like that before itself, before the very attack of the 24th, it was installed, it was like that, let’s say, a chip on of ukraine, the installation of such flags, in the 21st year it was installed e. what else can i add about the evacuation, what is happening now in kupyansk, they took out, approximately 250, 249, as reported by the children and their the parents have been taken out, there are still left, singu said, a little less than 50 children who are planned to be evacuated , the shelling does not stop, they are going along the border and along the front, of course, so this, let's say, it was done correctly, because we have a place to accept them these children, it is they who must be protected and to live there under shelling, i also read what the minister said.
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of culture finally removed the monument to pushkin in kharkiv from the register of cultural monuments, the monument itself was dismantled about exactly a year ago, and almost exactly a year ago it was sent for storage, for storage, but its fate was, if i so i understand, it is not specified, the pedestal was protected with sandbags so that nothing would happen to it, just in case they suddenly want to put something back there, well, maybe they will suddenly put something back there, in the end everything happens, well... but here it is like now it looks like this, we are reminding how it was dismantled and in such a way that this is possible , so this monument is no longer officially a cultural monument, what to do with it now, maybe it can be put up for auction, i don't know , sell, i think that there will definitely be some rich russians who will want to buy it, and we will use this money to buy some weapons and ammunition, and pushkin will serve a good cause, so to speak, i remember
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when the largest in ukraine was overthrown monument to lena, i was also present there, and let's say, the people of kharkiv, some with bulgarian women, some with something, ran to him, they cut off pieces of him, they tried to do everything like this in the middle of the night, well, a healthy monument, i also know, then there is a piece of this bronze from him, grabbed it and i still have it, but what do i want to say, it was gone by morning, it was taken away by the communal workers, and as far as i understand, this bronze came in handy, because it really is a huge monument, although it is empty inside, but after all, bronzes are fine there, and i know what's up a lot of such nice, beautiful monuments were made, which were installed in the former gorky park, now it is the central park of kharkiv, there are such children walking there, there is something else, and by the way, they were fired upon and these
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monuments were also pierced the bronze crucibles are like this. so nice, but they were also beaten by fragments under these, after this battle, so lenin went to work, with the reason for where pushkin will go, well, it is difficult for me to say, we will definitely not have any business with the russians, but for now he is there stored i think that our communal workers, our government will always come up with something, where and what the children will do and where and how they will earn, i have no doubt about that, but there is such a thing, maybe i don’t know, i see how sometimes in the baltic countries, they dismantle there i don't know some t-34s, and then for some years all the pensioners with flowers go to this or that holy place on the mulberry trees and put flowers there for may 9, are there also, are there people in kharkiv who are very nostalgic, in principle, missile alarms do not give them much opportunity to cool off, well, we are not here kharkiv people are not as tolerant as in the baltic countries at the moment, and no one in our country plans to wear flowers anywhere, if they do, i think it will be quickly stopped, because kharkiv residents already know
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that from one extreme in the other, then here they went, they supported russian peace at rallies there, then this cotton wool went around, and now it’s the other way around, here just start talking about russian peace, so you’re sorry and facebook will be crowded, that’s why no one plans to carry any flowers anywhere and if it happens, we will not give it, in principle, kharkiv has already become a city such a more stable ukrainian city, we will not mention terikhov, who learned the ukrainian language and communicates normally, although at first he filed something in the courts there, he tried to somehow fight it, but he already understood that both the officials and he speak ukrainian in the language, well, at least someone is trying, someone is studying, that is, it has all moved on, like a train of ru moves and moves, and here are all the vatians, soviets, soviets, let's say there. flowers,
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no one needs all this, it all goes to the dustbin, the dustbin of history, thank you, mr. bohdan, to you for the conversation, have a good day to you and all of kharkiv, kharkiv region , bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, was in touch with us, we are going for a short break, then we will come back and talk about how the night passed in the dnipro and how in dnipro , one teacher demanded from her student to speak exclusively in russian, which she eventually taught. it happened because we see that in the case of iryna farion, who said that the military should speak ukrainian, they are now demanding that farion be transferred to dnipro. and to transfer that to lviv and see what happens, this would be a wonderful exchange , dear friends, and then, and then here those who survived after a year should be brought back, dear friends, i think farivan survived, we are going to take a break,
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of 160%. order focus plus folding magnifying glasses complete with a case at a sale price. just for 199 uah, but hurry up, the number is limited, call, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of the radio. svoboda, top-guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, inclusion live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. the war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians. wins
7:49 am
and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics. serhiy rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this. people with information and form. public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future is already now, the main and interesting thing in the verdict with serhiy rudenko program, from monday to friday at 20:00. espresso interesting facts. for 10 years of existence, the logo of the tv channel. changed several times, or rather, changed four times. the current logo is the fifth in a row. so, dear
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friends, we are returning to the air, and now we will talk about what is happening in the dnipro and dnipropetrovsk region, we will be in touch. nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, and we also ask her about the language scandal there exploded, a teacher at a medical university told a student to answer a pair of propaedeutics, ah, a propaedek of internal diseases, that a third-year student should not answer in ukrainian, only answer in russian during practical classes, and if she wants to speak ukrainian... she said teacher: then this student should go to cambridge to study or to lviv, because she wants to hear the russian language in her practical classes, why don't i go to cambridge... i understand, cambridge is also ours, each to
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its own, cambridge , lviv, cambridge - this ukraine, cambridge for ukraine, yes, so we are waiting for kateryna nemchenko to appear on our airwaves, she is already appearing, lady , how did you sleep last night, tell us in dnipro, in the dnipropetrovsk region, today, as every night, unfortunately , searched the nikopol district, this is the marganetska and chervonogrigorivska communities for... today, the consequences there are still being clarified, whether there will be destruction there, what the exact scale is, so far not everything is officially known, but the most important thing is that there are no victims beforehand and, well, in principle, people , he did not pursue the victims in nikopol it stops, it’s heavy artillery and hail, it’s just , well, they take such small breaks and then they start again, and last night too... they were doing the same thing, and in the evening there were many consequences of damage to private houses,
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here, but there were no victims either, fortunately, this is actually a miracle, because this week, or rather poppies, well, but tonight passed without victims, fortunately, fortunately, so we can move on to another topic, about the sacrifice of a teacher who demands now, the second year will soon be here, the second anniversary, even better to say, a full-scale invasion, and 10 years since russia started a war against ukraine in general, exclusively in the ukrainian language, if she wants to answer, she sends it in russian, yes, if she wants to answer in ukrainian, here is this teacher , her last name is typically ukrainian, navazhenina , lyudmila ivanovna, or lyubov ivanovna, already. now i will say more precisely that no , lyudmila ivannivna, here she tells the student that if she wants to speak ukrainian, then she should go to
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cambridge or lviv, mrs. kateryna, what is being said in the dnipro about this situation, it is great sorry for language scandals, it happens, it's another one, it 's a teacher, don't be mistaken, you're either a medical academy or a medical school, well, it's medics. it was a couple of some, well, medical, some direction, as far as i know, and indeed the student answered in ukrainian, and the teacher told her that , judging by the context, it was said not so aggressively, but rather with some kind of sarcasm and a smile, about ukrainian language, as if it is normal that in the dnipro, well , someone will tell someone not
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to speak ukrainian, as if russian in the dnipro the most popular one, well, in fact, i personally do not understand at all how this can be, if the ministry of education, all textbooks, tests, external examinations, when they start school and, in principle, all the education of children in ukraine, it is conducted in ukrainian, there is already a question of this educational institution, it is probably a university or this academy, because it turns out that the teacher taught in russian, that is, a lot of questions arise here, because if she said to answer in russian according to the materials of her, well, there lectures, then most likely she and gave lectures in russian, this it's really strange what they say, well, we know that there are people in the dnipro who are more or less
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calm about russian, but the fact that a person forbids to communicate in ukrainian is completely abnormal, because if, for example , , there are indeed people in dnipro who in everyday life, well, 90 percent of them communicate in russian with each other, well, let them communicate for now, if it's so direct. well , it is more convenient for people in everyday life, but at lectures in public life, and if a person communicates in ukrainian, forbid him to do so, well, that’s it it's simple, i'm sure that this teacher will be fired, which is unknown, mrs. kateryna, and you studied in dnipro, yes, but tell me, in your classes, when you went out in pairs, the teachers there spoke ukrainian, the students answered in ukrainian, how was it and when it was, how long ago, it was in oh, let me remember,
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well, it was in 2021, i finished my last master's degree. eh, i studied at two universities, in which they studied exclusively ukrainian, mm, despite the fact that i entered in 2015, and in principle all the teachers also communicated of ukrainian in both universities, well, there were cases, frankly speaking, when teachers just among themselves, well, for example, a couple goes, communicate within the framework of a lecture, and then someone there wants to discuss something, well, i don’t know, something separately with the teacher, well, sometimes , they very rarely switched to such a kind of personal communication between a student and a teacher, but officially it was always in ukrainian , never, well, i don’t know what would happen to me personally if i were told somewhere in ukraine, in the dnipro or somewhere else , that in russian, oh, more precisely, that in ukrainian, no talk to me, please, well, i think the situation before the 14th year was a little
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different, after all, after the 14th year already in ukraine... very serious changes began, in particular in politics, regarding, regarding education , for example, i remember , we had, we had a case, i actually said it more than once , well, let me briefly remind you that we had a case when i was still studying in lviv, then we had a group of students from, from of ukrainian origin from argentina, who were initially sent to odessa, and they were faced with the fact that they did not understand anything, because everything was explained
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