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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2023 6:30pm-6:56pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] first of all, during this time there was a change in the leadership of the special service, general malyuk, who headed the sbu, he began to act so radically, although the beginning of his assumption of office was accompanied by an unpleasant, actually statement about poroshenko's bot farms, then, as we can see, the time confirmed that there are no bot farms, but in fact, it seems to me, it was like this... an appearance, more precisely, a declaration of loyalty to the bank, and subsequent actions, the special services testified that the state is still defending itself, in particular, a strange story happened with the presentation of the general baby on the head the members of the verkhovna rada did not react, what about dubinsky, i want to remind you that dubinsky was for a long time the curator of the servants
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of the people in kyivska ob. he essentially selected all majoritarian candidates, and it is interesting how these majoritarian candidates will sing now, after such difficult accusations in the state council, and even more so that, if dubinsky is really suspected of working for the russians , the candidates in the kiev region from dubinsky, whom he co-opted into districts, may be his, so to speak... henchmen, this is the first, second, very strange the story with the servant of the people party itself, because, well, we remember, for example, the traitor kovalev in the kherson region, but now here is dubinsky, and what is interesting is that dubinsky, the servant of the people, and this connection of the servant of the people and the rumor is still not revised by the servants
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, we see the last votes for the budget, where... in fact, the country's budget for the next year was voted by the servants and opzzh and well, by half of the vote, which, in fact, against the background of this investigation, suggests that almost half of the ukrainian government is imbued with some haunting, but nowhere to go the circumstances, both internal political and foreign political, develop in such a way that either the government begins to defend itself and act according to the doctrine of army, language, faith, or, well, then it becomes an accomplice of the occupiers, well, actually, as you think, the case of dubinsky will be brought to a logical conclusion completion, and what other people can appear in this story, well, except for the jerk, when, well, in a word, dubinsky is a buratino in our country, will it reach the actual deadline, or is dubinsky already saying that this is
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once again politically revenged on him. revenge and revenge them endlessly, well, it looks strange, that's why first of all, dubinsky is a person from kolomoiskyi's orbit, he has always been a person from kolomoiskyi's orbit, this is the first, secondly, they are taking revenge, if kolomoiskyi is involved in the afta of a number of enterprises, then i do not rule out that part of those information services, which he provided... including to kolomoisky and his corporation, so to speak, a political corporation, it is also connected and not only, well, let's say, to the service of an external enemy, but also connected with large corruption devices , because well,
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today, in fact, kolomoiskyi looks like the biggest figure being developed by the anti-corruption bodies, well, in this case it is also the security service and the economic security bureau, although the anti-corruption bodies there have more formal charges against kolomoiskyi, and i am surprised that dubinskyi has not been linked to kolomoiskyi yet, well and one more question, europe, it will be implemented, and why did representatives of the european commission have questions about this law? well, it seems to me that this law seriously affects the politics of local self-government itself, as you know, from the modern government, quite radically began to deprive the whole, a number of rights and powers of local self-government, local communities, makes local budgets simply unable to support
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hospitals, kindergartens, or schools. but the main thing, the most important thing is that on the way to the eu, ukraine had no right to interfere in the activities of local self-government, because the basic concept that ensures the balance of power in the european union is respect for the opportunities and rights of local self-government. systemic an attack on local self-government, and here it ends, in essence, with the exsanguination of local budgets and, well, in essence, a statement, a statement on full support... from the central authority of local self-government, let's see, let's remember, it all started with an attack on the mayor of the city in an illegal way rivnoh, well, the situation in sumy
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is very interesting, where the mayor was embroiled in a scandal with a bribe of 2 million, but those, well, how it is played, because the local self-government in sumy, even... on compromises in order to, secretary of the city council to appoint a nomination from a servant balances, instead the party itself recalled its secretary, that is, there is obviously a mechanism that they tried in other places, the creation of military administrations, in order to get rid of, well, like in chernihiv, instead of local self-government, they created its military administration, and this military administration began, eh , that actually this signal will be heard, there are many signals, because the struggle continues with local self-government, and now they are being implemented. thank you very much for participating, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr tsybulko, the people
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a deputy of the fourth convocation, a political observer, was in touch with us, they discussed several scandalous topics, and you see, they do not continue to discuss the sources of ukrainian truth, they report that allegedly in the leadership of the state, rustem meru should submit a petition for dismissal . the head of the medical forces, tetyana ostashchenko , well, there were certain questions, but the commander of the operational and strategic grouping of tavria troops, oleksandr tern, of the zaporizhia direction, well, it is quite strange, here in this company, the commander of the combined forces, general and the hero of ukraine, serhii nayev, we will monitor the situation, but now we will talk more about the war with serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense agency and the host of the daily military summaries section, serhii, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, not about scandals let's talk about the political and military from the people in the positions, let's talk about aviation, today we received comforting news from the neighboring state of romania that ukrainian pilots have already started real training, have already taken to
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the sky on f16 fighters, from this moment until when these fighters will appear in the sky of ukraine, how much time can pass, well, i think, after all, we are in a little hurry, because it is about the opening of the european training center in romania, they flew there literally five days ago... the first planes from of the netherlands, there will be from 12 to 18 planes, which will then be used for the training of ukrainian and romanian planes, because there are certain procedures, i think that in the best case, somewhere in a month, if they are there, literally in a few days, they will go to romania, then somewhere in a month they will really reach the first flights of these f-16s, but in any case this is a positive moment, because it is about opening another training site, we have an american base and a base in romania, it will really speed things up. receiving f-16 aircraft in the armed forces. when it will be, well, during the first quarter of the armed forces of ukraine. and then about other directions, we will talk about the strange message of the russian ministry of defense about
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the withdrawal of its troops from the left bank of the dnieper, about the situation in certain areas of the front in a conversation with our military and about how american radio stations in the hands of our military volunteers help both in defense and offensive, about this in a moment, such a strange event with a message from the state information agencies of the aggressor country, with reference to the ministry of defense of the racists, they spread the news that the dnipro group, the dnieper, which occupies the left bank of the kherson region, will be diverted to more favorable positions further east. from the dnipro river, i.e. this is another gesture of goodwill, but the news with such content lasted literally a few the ukrainian side created such a fake account of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, and russian agencies followed it, there will probably be other versions as to whether
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it is really possible to assume that the enemy will withdraw its troops from the left bank of the dnieper, i think that these are still premature expectations , because there is information about the successful... actions of the defense forces on the left bank of the dnieper in the district of kherson, in particular, it is about the actions of the armed forces and the defense forces in the district , the systematic creation and expansion of bridgeheads and cutting by forces defense, communication routes that run along the dnieper, there are actually two lines of communication there, if you see now on the infographic, one is the road that goes from oleshok through pishchannivka, there to the cossack camps, krynka and to novaya kakhovka, it is the closest the road to these, to the dnipro, although there is a road in front of it, is extremely difficult, there are also swampy parts of the territory, it is extremely difficult to approach there. and further on, at a distance
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of about 3 km from krynyk, there is another road, precisely the movement from krynyk to this road is just as extremely dangerous to the enemy, because it will another manual road, which is used by the enemy, is cut. so, in fact, this whole direction is really dangerous for the enemy , but it should be understood that carrying out such an amphibious operation requires understanding all the risks of such an operation, although we understand that the enemy can also... use such information approaches in order to to create such a provocative action, talking about the withdrawal of one's troops, of course this is not happening, and we understand that the fog of war over this part of the front persists and that's all will depend on the further actions of our military and how russia will try to build its defense there, but in any case, this part of the front line, and half of them fell on bahmud, avdiivka and maryano. that is, each of the directions of the front is extremely
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responsible, and now we are joined by an officer of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr afanasev - this is the 54th separate mechanized brigade operating in the siversk solidar direction. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear you. yes, uh, if you can hear me normally now, a word. i would like to ask you which one now the situation is in the zone. of your brigade, because it is actually standing close to bahmu, this is the seversko-solidarity direction, which is also extremely important for our defense and for the actions of the enemy, as now the actions of the enemy in your area are correlated with the fact that the enemy is trying to intensify their actions precisely in the north and in the south of bakhmut, how does it affect their capture of siversk, our brigade has been fighting here for almost a year and a half. we have been performing our tasks since the time when bahmud and solidar
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was still under the protection of the armed forces of ukraine, we carry out our tasks, and the enemy always wanted to capture our city, where we hold the defense, the main task of our brigade, and i think also of our k2 battalion, is precisely to destroy the enemy and draw on a large number of reserves that could have been used in other battles, bombs, and will simply destroy the city of seversk aviation, and as a rule... from his experience, if, then he is preparing for an offensive here as well. and about the accumulation of enemy manpower, equipment in your direction, or any new information that speaks about the fact that, well, the offensive is being prepared not only on the basis of signs of the use of air defense systems of otsemikabs and other signs, no, their reserves are always there, reserves are always more than ours, they asked for more for themselves, and those units that they
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were forced to stand on the front edge, they were actively destroyed so that they could bring as many infantry, light or heavy armored vehicles as possible from the reserves to the front line, we have been doing this for one and a half years this year, and what is happening with the artillery on both sides, because literally yesterday i was reading a publication there in the municipality, they are there calculated that there was the intensity of use in the last month and a half in terms of quantity, four months ago, when our attack on the roosters began. what is with the artillery now, is there any parity, what is the general picture? i think that everything is cool in our artillery, if we remove the enemy drones, fpv drones that already fly at 12-15 km, as well as ours, which fly in from the zone, basing the artillery itself and destroying it, then let’s say that in everything is fine with the artillery, they work, i fought on your wooden model of the leopard irugo and used
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there are drones for strikes on this layout, what do you say about enemy drones now, that is, have they become more picky about targets, what exactly is happening in this direction of counteraction with the enemy, well, yesterday the enemy worked out a thousand-point guided aerial bomb, i think that this is also a result, even those civilians who held on to the last, because it works, it is 203 mm , the most guns, work on civilian infrastructure, on people, on houses, and already those people who even held on to the last are already forced to collect things and zizzjat, because such huge fabs as 1000 km. they simply destroy the city to nothing, how many civilian residents are left in the city? i think that in the region of thousands, in the region of thousands, because relatively speaking, if the enemy uses fabs, we have powerful artillery there, then one way or another, let's say this, the defense systems must be constantly restored,
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are there technical means for this, or you have to rely on your powerful hands first of all, well understand, fab 100, fab 500 will not save anything, no fortification, because these are high-explosive bombs, you have fortified on the level of the blind shaka, this is death and the destruction of the living force, if there are false targets, or a place of dislocation, we work with all the means we have, so somehow it is so, mr. oleksandr, and now what about the weather with the weather conditions, rain, no rain, how does it affect the situation, as usual, that is, it rains here and after the rain the tanks cannot go into the fields, the t-72 tank, which after the rain, even if a week has passed after the heavy rain, it cannot go more than a few kilometers there starts boil and it becomes,
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because it is so rowdy that tanks are afraid of the swamp, they are not afraid of the swamp, it is not true, they are afraid, but what are the needs of our units now, which need prompt such prompt supplies, in particular , i went to your facebook, where you thanked your community, which helped there with a bead for your brigades, clans, the main desire is that the army does not become some kind of cadre army, but remains a people 's army, because we are, in principle, a part of our people, if we see in kyiv and in other cities, any in the rear in ukraine, that there is no war, and young people the boys are at home. and they are bringing reinforcements for 55-year-old men with pathological diseases, then i have a big question, how do we want to win this war, we need young soldiers, i joined the army for 18 years, i met the war in the donbas for 20 years, i think that war is the business of young people and we need soldiers, and the sooner our people understand that we need to solve this issue, win the war and then
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we will live a civilian life together, build a free and independent ukraine, and how is the process of replenishing your... you say that such people are coming elderly people with diseases, and fortunately we have a large number, which is a bone. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much, well, for your service, for what you do for our country, and your brothers in your brigade . brigade, fighters. which are now acting in the north-solidarity direction and restraining the enemy's intentions to advance deep into our land, and then to another topic, to the technology of what we can actually do there count the number of tanks, artillery, ammunition, but there are things that are actually
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extremely irreplaceable and even more necessary than certain types of weapons, we are talking about what provides control, what provides... interactions between units , actually, these are communication systems. and now serhii chepel is joining us, he is the managing partner of the l3 company in ukraine, as well as the head of the company. congratulations navzay. and i would like to explain to our viewers that l3 harris is a company that provides, well, the supply of military radio stations to ukraine, i already think that for 10 years, if not more, these radio stations are the basis of the board of our most combat-capable military units, and mr. sergey, i wanted to ask you about what general zaluzhnyi in his, in his essay on how to avoid positional as a necessary component of combat effectiveness, i want, i would like you to explain to our viewers, exactly how
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harris radios serve the needs of the armed forces, how many there are, why they are cool, how they are used. we will try to answer very briefly, well, stations are not easy cool, there is nothing in principle to replace them, now and in the near future equipment failure, radio equipment for combat control systems, currently there are many of these radio stations, but this is a drop in the ocean in relation to the number of radio stations that we need, it is many tens of thousands, but ... firstly, this is not enough in itself, secondly , radio stations fail, as a result of the loss of combatants and equipment, and unfortunately with people, but nevertheless, as you correctly said, this is equipment , which is used primarily by
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the most combat-ready units, is very good saturated forces of special operations, this is not a secret for the enemy , this is an absolutely known fact, the most combat brigades of amphibious assault troops, marines, equipped with these ... knows how to use it, understands that this is a technique, better, which does not exist, this simply the best radio station in the world, of all classes, and ukha, and multi-band, and short-wave, so the question is in qualified use, and in combat control systems, it is an absolutely reliable er, technologically proven and correct element, which is used in systems' combat management of the above-mentioned units.
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mr. sergey, why did i decide to talk about american radio stations again, because you attached a video to me, where you, an employee, is probably examining a radio station that was at the epicenter of hostilities, when a russian projectile or rocket hit the location of the unit there, but all the same, the radio station was in such a state that it basically... one worked, and the other had to be connected to something there, connect the plug and it worked again, but to what extent such examples indicate that this is true, let's say so , well, it's a cool device, and we just need to increase the number of these radio stations in the armed forces, we need to increase the number of these radio stations and we need to increase the number of qualified operators, to train people, this is a problem. regarding my personnel, i would like to thank my team, and this particular employee
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of mine, he was right next to the arrival that damaged all the radio stations, and he collected them later, thank god, he lived healthy, with which i and congratulations, it has already pleased him twice, that is let it all end there, uh, but the radio stations are really reliable, and uh, i would just...' on a tangent, i would briefly touch on the topic of repairs here, because people who do not understand the situation say that repairs must be launched, in fact, you understand from this video what has to happen to the radio station for it to fail, but unfortunately, the accessories fail, not the radio station, it is not repairable, but the repair of accessories, their supply, this should be increased, order, buy with budget funds, pay in advance, because... because antennas, headsets, cables, connectors
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, etc., it fails, and we don't have time, i'll tell you frankly, to deal with it within the framework of the armed forces, especially since i have, let's say, most of the backbone of my people, they are several times more numerous in the ranks, well, this is such a problem that is quite difficult to solve during the war, i am sorry, i threw everything in a heap in order to have time to say it. mr. serhiy, relatively speaking, you said that tens of thousands were placed nearby radio stations, as i understand the real need, these are hundreds of thousands of radio stations, and these radio stations are such that, first of all, they are protected, they work in the conditions of the rap of the enemy, they in any case give the possibility of rap, and at the same time, we understand that now the american side supplies us, as i understand it, with high-level radio stations, in particular harris 3 and plus , that is... actually the most advanced models, and then the question arises, there is harris 2, that is , previous generations, which are also no less
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effective, as i was told, and then it is possible it is necessary to seek help from l3harries to take older radio stations, but also to saturate more in this way, i know for sure that this is an unrealistic scheme, because even microchips and all electronics that are produced, well, microelectronics, let
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