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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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our viewers, to whom we are infinitely grateful for their trust, are in touch with you. greetings, dear viewers, this is velikiyter program on the espresso tv channel. espresso is 10 years old, we are developing and improving. well, we go further and talk about magnetic vores. we are becoming even more dynamic, even more comfortable. the information day of tv channel is in full swing. we are modern design and sound, even more interesting programs and original projects. the garrison of the occupiers was surrounded, cut off from. main forces and destroyed, they will try, dawn, remain unchanged our values ​​and the ukrainian point of view. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of this project. and actually, who will be the guest of the studio?
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we will find out already this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on the radio freedom. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks. political analytics. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. the information day of the tv channel is in full swing. the air alarm let go. 14:30 minute. we work in the mode of direct communication, well, it adds.
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arseniy prylipka, head of the public relations service of the 72nd separate unit, is now going to the marathon mechanized brigade named after black zaporozhets. glory to ukraine, i congratulate you, i am not sure if i am hearing you well, but in any case, i understand that the frontline situation in the district coal mine remains extremely important, mr. arseniy, i would like to ask you to share news from this operational direction. good afternoon, now the situation has stabilized, but for a week and a half it was quite hot here, because the enemy tried to form our positions, but he did not succeed, we destroyed about 90% of the equipment with which he tried to storm the ugledar, that's it left the enemy with nothing, this is to be brief, but if it is a little more detailed, in particular, when it comes to... about the offensive attempts of the enemy,
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how active, approximately, what forces the enemy has at its disposal in the ughledar direction, if possible, i would like to ask in detail, for example, the situation with artillery shelling from the enemy, artillery shelling, they continue every day, the city of ughledar itself, the adjacent front -line villages, villages, i apologize, they are shelling, they also use aviation, they also use artillery in preparation for assaults, they use tanks , for example, from closed positions, when it goes alone, the assaults themselves, their assault groups, that's why they use armored vehicles, tanks and bmps. when the assault took place, if in more detail, then combat equipment, their armor was destroyed by our means of fire artillery, kemikaze drones, mine barriers.
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it is quite interesting that some of the mini-nulls they ran into their own mine barriers, that is , we can assume that there is a certain lack of communication between the units of the engineer-satan troops there, the enemy and the infantry, because they ran into their own, well, mr. arseniy, well, for our tv viewers, most of whom are civilians or relatives of our fighters, in such a simple... an offensive enemy attack, well, what do they use, for example, tactical additional approaches, well, in general, how it all looks, to put it simply, they are preparing for an assault, the preparation is artillery fire, then the actual movement of the equipment begins, which we record when our aerial reconnaissance fixes the movement of equipment, she
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passes on the command, according to the senior, he started there, there is the company commander, the commander, the battalion commander, the brigade commander, and then the decision is made accordingly, step by step according to the means of the uraat, first there is the artillery, it can get further. uh, anti-tank means, mortars, then when, if there is already a rush of the enemy, on the way to our positions, and they, they are closer, approach the position of the infantry, the infantry uses their means, there, aggression, machine gun, mortars, units, also work on foot, that is, in short, this is how the mechanism works. we can see all this from the air, because our air reconnaissance works quite well, well, i think that is the lion's share , that we just see what the enemy is doing, we immediately adjust our actions, adjust in the action of fire means, and that's enough,
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this whole organism works quite successfully to repel the attack and not to give the city, to give the city to the enemy, ugh, and what in your opinion and tactical goals is the command of the enemy in your tactical direction, that is, they really hope to take ugledar by storm , are they trying to cut off some of our units or are they just trying to maintain a high tone of fire? i would not say about the tone, but we have been in this direction for quite a long time, more than a year, and from the very beginning we understood that lugledar is a commanding height, he, she is important for the enemy. it is very important, if he takes this height, it will be easier for them to advance further, it will be more difficult for us, because the nezina goes further, and in the nezina it is extremely difficult and illogical to hold the defense, well, not according to the rules of war, here, we also understand that
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it is quite close to the wave balance, there is the essential node of the transporters, and it worries them a lot, because under certain circumstances it can... become a bone in the throat, so the ugledar is a fortress, it must be held, which is what we actually do, well i completely agree with you, maybe you have some additional information on the situation, in particular in marienka , so we understand that this is not ugledal, not ugledar, but we also understand that the direction of marienka is extremely hot, extremely dangerous, it is also about ugledar , if of course you have one information, unfortunately, is not within my competence, so i cannot answer this question. uh, what about aviation, mr. arseny, how intensively the enemy is using it, it only applies to, i don't know, tactical aviation, do they also include, i don't know, strategic bomber raids with appropriate strikes,
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uh, it's the use of guided aerial bombs, when they fail to carry out assaults, they demolish the city simply from the ground. their goal, maybe they want to turn the ugledar into a namaryanka, so that it will be harder for us to hold, well, but only time can tell about that, and the fact that they are destroying the city, there is not a single sleazy house there and it is simply collapsing, this is a fact, aviation works every day, two two, two-long air bombs, they salute each other. and the situation with the drone, with... the enemy, how high is the concentration, how actively are they using fpv drones, their concentration is high, let's not come, they have unmanned aerial vehicles, it's good enough, it's, let's put it this way,
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like any -what means of defeat makes e, us to adjust our actions, not to give up our plans there, but to adjust something, we are also not standing still, we are increasing our efforts, making an unpleasant mess with our means, but it is worth noting that, yes, unmanned aerial vehicles are quite active and there are a lot of them. well, this is about fpv, do they use more, for example, the same shaheds, er, not shaheds, but lancets, fpv, also a lot, or rather constantly. there are scouts, that is, they have enough of this good, you mentioned guided aerial bombs, two or three guided aerial bombs every day, yes, at least, and if, for example, predict prospects, how much more actively the enemy can use aviation and
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guided aerial bombs, have they perhaps reached a certain limit of their capabilities? whether they will be active and how actively they will be used, it depends on their reserves, on reserves, i can’t tell you that, well, if i give you an example, back there mariyanka, ugh, marianka, she is almost gone, but... our neighbor the unit did not retreat, so we can draw conclusions. thank you, mr. arseny, for this extraordinary an important conversation on the air of the tv channel. we were contacted by arseniy prylipka, head of the public relations service of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade of the black zaporozhets. now, dear viewers, there will be a short break and after it we will continue to analyze the most important things, wait for us. undead, hit def silver immediately. the
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we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become, we counter russian information attacks in the project chronicles of information war, with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. espresso - interesting facts. 10 years ago, the espresso tv channel began broadcasting with a live broadcast of the opposition rally on november 24, 2013. today, espresso is a ukrainian information media brand, which includes a tv channel, a portal, and social media pages. and an innovative mobile application. the shelter is in bad condition, where to turn?
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check the shelter yourself. instructions from the ozone public monitoring group will help with this. download it, check the shelter and pass the information to the representatives of the state administration in your area. they will pass on the comments to the person responsible for the condition of the shelter, the balance-keeper, and will monitor the performance and quality of the work. everyone has the right to try in safety. the tv channel's information day is going on, well, what an extremely important piece of news came to xijinping for the first time in six years arrived in the united states of america in 2008 and will talk with president biden, in particular about ukraine. the corresponding video of the beginning of the visit has already appeared. xi jinping arrived in san francisco by his plane at the runway, he was met by a motorcade on the runway . in addition to talks
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with president biden, xijin ping will participate in the annual summit of the asia-pacific economic cooperation forum. formerly in the white house declared that one of the topics of the debate between biden and xi jinping will be russia's war against ukraine. but we understand that the key story will be an attempt to reconcile, so to speak, the geopolitical ones. clocks or hands on the geopolitical clock between beijing and washington, we understand that china has now succeeded in achieving its extremely important goal, that is, they have displaced the russian federation, which fell under their influence due to economic dependence, managed to dislodge the russians, so to speak , from a large chessboard , but the united states also extremely clearly set a certain restrictive perimeter for china , well, the key task is how actively the president of the united states will work
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for the benefit of ukraine and how ready xi jinping will be to hear proposals or perhaps unspoken demands from the american administration, in particular, it is not only about the ukrainian issue, it is said and about the situation with the state of israel and aggression by arab terrorist groups, and of course the key story of taiwan, this is extremely important for china, we understand. that taiwan is not about the city is not about a small island and a state, it is specifically about the sea and sea routes. well, now i will add literally for. oleksandra tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, we will talk about the situation in the kherson region on both sides of the front line. glory to ukraine. i congratulate you. glory, congratulations. well, explosions rang out again in the center of kherson. in particular, it is about today. unfortunately, it becomes scary, bloody,
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but routine. but maybe there are some additional circumstances that can testify. about additional the intentions of the enemy, you have my word, indeed, kherson and its suburbs are being shelled this morning, there is already a report that one of the schools was destroyed after the shelling, the suburbs, it is in antonivka, also the russians once again shelled berislav, it was almost completely destroyed there.. the air bomb shop, the shop, the food factory, well, a lot of things there have already been destroyed, unfortunately, fortunately, there were no casualties, so far this day, let’s hope that it will be like that, but the shipbuilding area is close by, today there was also, in the middle of the place, look, mr. oleksandr, wanted
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would like to clarify, are we talking about random, so-called shelling, or are we talking about... targeted attacks, for example, using aircraft and so on, are they using the same anti-aircraft guns and some kind of artillery, well, they are artillery, for themselves, tanks, mortars they use aviation every day in kherson, fortunately not like that, often, but now they have started hitting boryslav very hard with air bombs again, purposefully hitting, just like the day before yesterday they hit: in the center, in critical infrastructure, in admin buildings, this building court, building of the maritime academy and hospitals, hospitals are often raided and it cannot be called a targeted attack, it is a targeted attack on civilian infrastructure, and above all on hospitals,
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schools, kindergartens and institutions of administrative buildings, administrative buildings of various institutions. dear mr. head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration , the news has arrived, the official news that our artillerymen destroyed the barracks of the russian army in the village of brylivka in the kherson region and destroyed two platoons of the invaders. gunners and aerial scouts destroyed the barracks of the russian army in the village of brylivka, a corresponding video has already appeared. i quote: air reconnaissance fighters of the f' unit conducted a large-scale operation to clear russian barracks near the village of brylivka , kherson region, which has been under occupation since february 22. according to the authors of the video, thanks to their efforts in targeting our artillery, at least two platoons of the enemy were liquidated. perhaps share, be kind, information about what this village of brelivka is. and in general,
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perhaps there are already details of this successful operation? well, this is an ordinary village, really, like other villages, which are on the left. were occupied in the first days of the occupation, in february of last year, and we hope to free it in the near future , i think even in the next few months, but really there was a concentration of occupiers, which our artillerymen successfully worked on, this is not the only the object on which they successfully completed their work last day. i think that if it is possible to tell about everything , they will definitely tell, but this is very, well, good news already from the left bank, and the fact that we are moving there little by little and destroying them, i think that in the near future they will make a gesture of goodwill and run away.
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mr. oleksandr, i understand how delicate this situation is, in particular, it is about the left bank, so we understand how actively the same... american analyst from the institute for the study of war is working, certain information appeared, which was voiced by the head of the presidential office andriy yarmak in the united states during the speech, so i would ask you everything you can, about this case, well, really, well, people ask, it’s not just about certain symbolism, it’s about very specific military successes, if it is possible, here is everything that is not prohibited regarding this extremely important deployment of our fire mission, and in particular it is about the possible landing of personnel on the left bank of the coast, to be honest, to be honest, everything is prohibited, what i can say is that the work was going on and that. the results of such a long work in this direction, it’s not for nothing, they came, they took hold there, it took more than a month to work on this, it’s a lot of destroyed
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occupiers, and our guys are well done, and it was a very difficult and important event, it was very difficult to do, but they did it, got a foothold and we are waiting for the next results, they will be soon, and accordingly i would like to ask if you could possibly comment on this delay on the part of the occupiers, they are already beginning to complain in their publications that thanks to the extremely skillful actions of our artillery, they managed to cut the logistics between the kinbur spit , shingles and new tiles, yes, i will not specify what plan of action our fighters are pursuing, but i would ask you to tell me what this logistical connection between the above -mentioned settlements is. what is it for the enemy, well, this is a road, a road that ran along the dnipro river, and of course it was not very comfortable for them to drive on it even before that,
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because when our armed forces had just worked out this direction, and when they blocked it, in principle, with this bridgehead , partly, of course, no one from the occupiers goes there anymore, they have to go around there, through the fields, on country roads, it is of course also, especially in such weather, not out of hand at all, and therefore, we expect in the near future that they it won't be necessary at all when they run away, well, we understand that the enemy can make a gesture or other ill-will, which, as a result of the action of our military, turns into good will when they withdraw or withdraw the combat troops, but on the other hand, we are also aware of how powerful the enemy's group is, and there is one more such interesting moment, in particular, the enemy is also trying to do something, in particular, it is about the activation of the enemy across
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the dnipro river, but recently a video appeared, in particular, our national guard is glorious, leaked the video, and you can see how a drone destroyed an enemy boat in the kherson region, yes, how active the enemy is is trying to force, well, maybe for tactical... purposes, the dnipro river and so on , and what kind of plan does he use watercraft, well , they stole the watercraft first of all from the civilian population, together with the engines, they planned to compensate for something, but there is not a single report about the fact that the boats taken by the administration, the occupants, were compensated for something, the fact that they are moving there along the river, they are primarily moving along the river, all attempts have already ended when they died there in large numbers, during an attempt to overturn the drg, and so they at least
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are trying to move along the river, but they can't do that either, because our armed forces, our , er army of drones, captures all this and destroys them only as soon as they plan to do just that, well, finally, mr. head of the press... office would like to ask you about the specifics of the evacuation. the official news arrived that about 91 children were evacuated from dangerous areas of the kherson region. which areas are in question, and in general, please share, be kind with the specifics of the evacuation local population. yes, out of 20, out of 23 dangerous settlements, forced evacuation was announced on october 24 , and at that time, as of yesterday, more than 500 children had already been taken out by their families, a little more than 300 remained,
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today there are still 91, i hope i hope that next week we will close this issue, of course, i think that, unfortunately, there will be those people who will stay there until the end, will not leave, despite everything, despite common sense, but... 95% of the majority are there hope to close next week. well, god forbid everything will be fine and the evacuation will proceed in a proper manner. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for this important conversation, we were contacted by oleksandr tolokonnikov, head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, and now i would like to draw your attention, dear viewers, to an extremely important topic. when we talk about volunteering, we usually understand that we are talking about drones and those. or other additional devices that provide our fighters with communication or perhaps even correction of certain fire initiatives, but
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a story about ambulances. also extremely important, i was surprised when i heard the touching statistics that one resuscitation car can save up to five lives per day. let's watch the story of our colleagues that two ambulances went to donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions, let's watch together, and after that we will work for you again. two nurses are sent from the capital to marganets and kurakhovo hospitals. cell phones thanks to such vehicles, more than five lives can be saved per day in the conditions of active hostilities. greenmobiles of class b. this cars are fully equipped with the latest equipment. that is, there is a defibrillator and a suction device and a patient monitor. these are new ambulances with new, modern equipment that allows, there is oxygen here, which can, these ambulances, can transport the patient to the place of requirement from the stabilization point. to
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the hospital, where highly professional resuscitation care will be provided. from kyiv, cars leave for shchen loaded, they also carry help at the request of our defenders, necessary drugs, high-quality first-aid kits for soldiers and equipment for military medics. antibiotics are, a complete bandage, this is pain relief, antibiotics that... antibiotics of salvation. such cars came from the european union. the cost of one together with the equipment is about €50,000. this convoy was organized at the expense of the belgian organization bfo ukraine. reanimobile can work as intended immediately after receiving. only a resuscitator and a driver are missing. new defibrillators, sets of batteries for defibrillators. all
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guidelines in full. because the equipment is new in order to be used as a refresher this car, and it was possible to use it from 12 to 12 years old, since the cars were traveling through europe, the only thing that looks, looks a little like a boo, is this cylinder, why, because we bought these cylinders in poland, that's why that europe does not allow to transport, is a full cylinder of oxygen. before leaving kyiv, the cars were consecrated by a health chaplain. father pavlo is also part of another direction of assistance of the psychological support charity fund. together with psychologists, he provides mental help to ukrainian defenders. priest is a spiritual authority for most military personnel. and he can communicate with them on various religious topics, can interest them and also provides
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psychological. help, that is, spiritual advice, life advice. in the direction of psychological assistance, mobile groups are working, six special cars are involved, and a psychological center is functioning. all consultations for servicemen, veterans and their families are free of charge. in particular, such converted ambulances go to any part of ukraine when there is a need. these cars they go to military units, upon request, in the team, in each car there is always a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and sometimes we can add someone else, either a neurologist or a rehabilitator, or there can be two psychologists, two psychiatrists, depending on the request. charity and health foundation helps more than 35 hospitals in the east. since the beginning of the great war, they have brought more than a hundred cars to ukraine. 80 of them were ambulances, and more than 20 cars
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were handed over at the request of the military. currently, they already have more than 200 unprocessed requests, after all the need for ambulances is very great. we are fighting for our own, that is, we are fighting and we are winning it back. good afternoon to everyone from espresso, this is news and the news team will tell you about the most important events at the moment, i will start with the situation in zaporizhzhia, the russians killed two rescuers when they arrived at the site of the impact in zaporizhzhia, vitaly nakaryakov and serhiy dorogokupli will forever remain 31 and 34 years, the surname service reported.


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