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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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in turn, china made efforts to stop the war there at the highest period of time. thank you for this honest conversation, one of the best ukrainian political experts, vitaliy kulyk, political scientist, director of the center for the study of civil society problems, was with us for a while. well, i solemnly hand over the floor to anna eva melnyk, news editor. anya, i congratulate you on your professional holiday, the day of television and radio broadcasting, but i am simply making this congratulatory offer to you. on the air, so that you, as soon as you have one able to celebrate this holiday well, the news team is working on the most important events, let's talk about this issue, i will start with how ukraine answered the russians to their shaheds,
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answer to the russians, ukraine started serial production of analogues of the shaheds, this was announced by the minister of strategic industries and industry oleksandr kamyshchyn to forbes. according to him, specialists produce dozens of ukrainian kamikaze drones every month, their name has not yet been disclosed, but it is known that the drones were created by the joint efforts of private companies and enterprises of ukroboronprom. these drones have already been tested in real battles and are now being ordered by the defense forces for their operations. both day and night, the commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, mykola oleschuk, showed how shahed fighters were shot down over ukraine today.
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russia launched 18 drones, our defenders of the sky shot down 16. is burning and burning, and the collection of the tv channel for the 27th separate rifle battalion, which destroys the russians in one of the eastern directions for protection against enemy air defense systems, as well as for the continuous work of starlink, timely charging drones, tablets and other equipment, they desperately need two portable anti-drone shields. two generators and two chargers. our goal is uah 500,000. thanks to you, we have already collected almost 4000. each one is very important, join our collection, you can see the details on the screen. we, the servicemen of the 27th separate rifle battalion, the 67th separate mechanized brigade, performing combat tasks in the kupyan-lyman direction, need your help. in assembly for two portable charging stations. two
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generator and anti-drone means. we will be grateful to everyone who will join this gathering. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. two people died. as a result of a car wreck in kyiv , a drunken 20-year-old girl caused the tragedy. the national police reported. the culprit borrowed a car from an acquaintance and drove with him through the streets of the capital. after the accident , the girl tried to run away, but she was quickly found and detained. recently, the horovodiya ko already had her driver's license revoked for driving while intoxicated, and now she faces 10 years in prison. no light on roads in the vinnytsia region due to partial electricity savings and voltage problems, some roads are not lit, it is darker early, pedestrians are less visible, so the number of road accidents is increasing. how to be noticeable while driving, see the story of my colleagues. a bicycle is the main means of transport
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for oleksandr, a resident of vinnytsia. a man switched to a two-wheeler after 20 years behind the wheel. he says it's more economical and healthier. during the entire time of driving the car, there was not a single accident. but while driving a bicycle, trouble happened. the ice did not run over the woman. not saw in the dark the lady was dressed in all black and did not have any reflective elements on her clothes. alexander himself is equipped with all repulsive flashlights. signs and tapes that make it visible on the track. they didn't turn on the headlights, that is, i have 30, 30 on top, and then how to move away, well, it's not visible, if you take it, well, that is, at least you can see that i'm driving, if it doesn't have one, well, it's already for side cars, then there is something that needs to be done, well, it’s unglued here, that’s how it should be on everything, well, most of the time, people all take black, because it’s not a market tipa, but it is not visible at all, convinces that
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clothes or shoes with flickering inserts, reflective accessories in the form of key chains or bracelets, should be at the disposal of every pedestrian and cyclist. such an element on clothes saves life... in the dark, they work , i have one, and i have been a driver for a long time, so of course, i am not at the last minute, well, something unexpected happens, but dear, it is better, it is always better , the same, when there will be blackouts, i kind of think, i hope not, so that the visibility is better, so that you can see it was better for people, the presence of reflective elements on pedestrians prevents at least 80% of possible road accidents, law enforcement officers explain. every time, the patrol police , with various promotions, remind us how important it is to have a bright ribbon on a bag or backpack, and in the dark, cross the road with a flashlight on. for the violation of clause 4.4 of the rules of the traffic rules, namely, they are prosecuted under the
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first part of article 127 of the code of ukraine on the administration of offenses. the amount of the fine is uah 255. this year we have 63 traffic accidents with victims, nine of them. pedestrians died, and 57 were injured. when driving with dipped beam, the distance at which you can notice a pedestrian in dark clothes is 25 m. and if a person has a flicker, it increases to 140 m. the average cost of reflective bracelets and ribbons for clothes is 20-50 uah. but the draft law on the absence of means of prevention, which was submitted to the verkhovna rada, provides for a fine that exceeds these amounts at least three times. anastasia. holoshivets, victoria voroshchak, from vinnytsia for the tv channel. putin plans to start a war in the balkans, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said during a press conference with representatives of the american media. according to him
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, russia and its ally iran are behind the events in the middle east. the head of state also mentioned moldova, where the russians are beginning to destabilize the situation and are interested in demolishing the pro-european. current government. zelenskyy emphasized: in this way, the russian federation wants to divide the attention of its partners and the assistance they provide to countries. pay attention to the balkans. believe me, we get information. russia has a long plan, the near east, the second distraction. there will be balkans, at least if the countries of the world are now partners. what is not done, there will be another such explosion, and again this is not a new story, there is a crisis in their relations and it has been for a long time, and therefore russia will invest in order for one country of the balkans to fight with another country today, to connect
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ukrainian lines to the russian power grid , the attorney general's office reported the suspicion to the state's energy minister terrorists, according to the investigation in 2022 the official signed orders regarding the connection of the kakhovska dzhankoi and kakhovska ostrovska overhead lines to the unified power grid of the russian federation. the suspect also violated the procedure for entering the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine and held a presentation about the launch of allegedly restored power lines there. in vain, russia hopes to wait out the war, hoping that it will lose in the west. to ukraine. this was stated by the new foreign minister of great britain, david cameron. during his visit to kyiv. he also emphasized that ukraine's support in the war started by russia will continue. great britain and our partners will support ukraine and its
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people for as long as it takes to achieve victory, the minister emphasized. over the past three months, ukraine has pushed russia away in the black sea. opened vital maritime trade routes. great britain is impressed by ukraine's successes in the black sea and will increase its support even further. he told about such a statement of the newly appointed british minister of foreign affairs, david cameron head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba. heads of departments held a working meeting in odessa. there they visited the port and discussed, among other things , the export of grain. the negotiations also concerned the expansion of the international water coalition in support of the peace formula and the provision of additional weapons to ukraine, in particular the strengthening of air defense. there is no panic, but 600 russian servicemen have already been evacuated due to explosions near volgograd in
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russia. this is reported by the local media. that night , a large-scale incident occurred on the territory of one of the military units in the village of kotluban fire. according to the local governor. the fire was quickly contained, traditionally, there were no damages and no casualties , however, the representative of the main intelligence department, andriy yusov, said in a public comment that the russians lost another military arsenal today, ukraine's involvement in the incident was not confirmed, that's the case for the moment, more about read important things on our site espresso tv, subscribe to our channels on social networks, espresso is on youtube, telegram, instagram, twitter, thank you for being near and see you on the air espresso, antin borkovskyi.
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dear tv viewers, the information day of the tv channel continues, the most important events and their proper interpretation. an important signal arrived after the meeting between the president of the united states joseph biden and the chinese leader xi jinping. so, i suggested. so to speak, an unequivocal statement from the chinese leader that china is ready to be a partner and friend of the united states of america. these statements have already caused hysteria, literally in and around the kremlin circles. i quote the chinese leader. so, china is willing to be a partner and friend of the united states, xi jinping said, the fundamental principles that china adheres to in relations with the united states are mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation,
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xi jinping explained that mutual respect implies understanding and respectful attitude of both countries to unique paths of development and social systems of each other. these two paths are different, but both are people's choices, both lead to the common values ​​of all mankind , and both should be respected, the chinese stressed leader. peaceful coexistence, according to xizenping, is the basic...norm of international relations that china and the united states must adhere to. that's why china never interferes in the internal affairs of the united states and has no intention of challenging them. well, an extremely positive signal, a key story, so that china now, so to speak, works more actively with its kremlin vassal. well, let me repeat, hysteria continues in russia. we are watching carefully, i am attaching it now. volunteer, human rights defender and director of the human and law charitable foundation boris zakharov. let's talk
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about our ukrainian affairs. glory to ukraine, mr. boris. glory to heroes. well, let 's start with the december 1 implementation of the decision on the procedure for passing and accounting for humanitarian aid under martial law. voluntary organizations criticized. i would ask you now. to tell what is being criticized and what we should all expect, because the volunteers took upon themselves very often tactical, tactical things, their solution, i think that this is not just criticism, it will be the collapse of humanitarian aid to ukraine, the destruction of the spontaneous volunteer movement as such and ukraine's failure to receive billions of dollars in humanitarian aid, i.e. goods for... ugh, i can explain why very quickly, and
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this aid does not provide at all, this system, this procedure, does not provide at all for the importation of humanitarian aid by individuals, we have a lot volunteers from , in particular, registered volunteers, as well as international volunteer missions, work individually. without charitable funds, if there were also public organizations, all this aid would be destroyed, it is simply impossible to provide aid individually, and it is tens of thousands persons who regularly bring aid to the front, and secondly, small and medium-sized charitable foundations that bring aid. and distribute directly, they work in the trenches, in hospitals, directly, and for
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military servicemen from hand to hand, as well as for residents of occupied and de-occupied territories, for example, somewhere in kupyansk, a combat zone, in these villages, yes, they help the civilians who live there, and all this help becomes impossible immediately. because only budgetary institutions, there are military units, hospitals and so on, can to be recipients, beneficiaries, recipients of humanitarian aid. that is, if i am the director of a charitable foundation, if i receive something, i must transfer it directly to the hospital, they must take it on balance, and before that give me a letter that they take it on balance, if it is the distribution of humanitarian aid hand-to-hand assistance, the resolution does not provide for this
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at all, yes, well, then import, well, our partners fond farpost ua, they have already imported more than 800 cars for the zsu, pickups, special equipment and so on, they import a certain amount pickup trucks, some of the spare parts are imported, they repair them in ukraine and hand them over to the front, this is impossible according to this resolution, because they have to bring a virtually new or immediately suitable pick-up truck, for which there is already a request from the military unit and immediately hand it over to the military unit, and they deliver, these cars are standing, being repaired and in order. are given to military units on request, that is, it destroys this whole system and makes the work of this fund much more difficult, see, filled, yes, either continue, or i wanted wanted to clarify who benefits, so the connection
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glitched, boris zakharov returned, who benefits. the implementation of such initiatives, well, in fact, the ministry of social policy, yes, yes, it is beneficial to whom, it is beneficial, in fact, what, yes, now boris zakharov is stabilizing his connection , well, history is extremely important, therefore, from december 1 , the procedure for the passage and accounting of humanitarian aid under martial law will come into force approved by cabinet of ministers resolution no. 953. a number of volunteer organizations have already appealed to the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky with a request to continue the simplified system of importing gumdopomo into ukraine, as the new procedure, according to the volunteers, will make it much more difficult, and in many cases impossible, to import
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goods needed by the defenders. we talk about this and other things with boris zakharov. i hope the connection will stabilize now. and so to speak, mr. boris is detailing, yes, mr. boris, he is not there yet , literally from minute to minute, but in the meantime , let me return to an important signal from the state customs service, in particular, it is about the importance of polish-ukrainian cooperation, we understand that in addition to military security, there is also economic security, so in january-october of 2023 , 11 tons of goods were exported from the customs territory of ukraine, 61% of which through checkpoints on the border with poland, yes, well, now we understand, the blocking of checkpoints on the border by polish protesters continues, we understand that this story should be given as much attention as possible and one or another formula should be found that would allow
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the border to be unblocked. and now i will add boris zakharov, a law volunteer, to our broadcast human rights activist, director of the human and law charitable foundation. mr. boris, the connection has stabilized, so let's go back to who benefits and why it was necessary to fence all the gardens in the first place, well, i think it's like in this russian and russian proverb, send a fool to god to pray, well, to be honest , i don't think that there is any, any evil intention here, it's just that we really have a problem with embezzlement of a part of the aid that is imported by trade networks, and that's why western partners are talking about it, and that's why it's necessary, somehow to strengthen control over this, instead of uniting
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registers there, creating state control mechanisms, they take and put , first of all, simply cut off the huge amount of humanitarian aid that goes to ukraine, because, well, our partners, western funds, they say, well, we simply won’t import, you don’t need it and we don’t need it, well, why do we need it , we won’t according to this law, which means, import more humanitarian aid to ukraine, just like, for example, i won’t be able to, our charity fund, a person, will not be able to huge the amount of humanitarian aid it imports. there will only be some large humanitarian aid, a separate one there, for example, there are large stations for the armed forces of ukraine, but immediately, take it into balance, take the request. is being done, and we are importing a certain batch of stations, and yes, to bring in one station at a time and hand it over specifically to military personnel, it will no longer work, cars will not work, first-aid kits
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, turnstiles, clothes, ah, uniforms, there, some other things, no it is clear that some individual mavics, drones , etc., which are transferred directly to military personnel, will not be delivered. only for a part, only massively, that is, this bill is designed only for large charitable foundations that work not in the trenches , for the ministry of defense, relatively speaking, so there, go astray or come back alive, they can afford to work under this bill, and work such medium funds. moreover, small ones, and medium and small ones are a big help, for example, our fund there is more than in the first year of the war, somewhere around 1.5 million dollars, for
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that amount in our country, yes, i know funds that are 40 million euros there, 100 million euros, a huge help provided during this time, these are medium-sized funds, they too will not be able to work under this system and bring in such aid as they are bringing in like this, so look, mr. boris, we understand that the cabinet of ministers, due to one reason or another, did decide, yes, they are launching this resolution number 953 from december 1, so we understand that the volunteers are against it, are they taking place, maybe they have heard some consultations with the office of the president or with representatives of the cabinet in order to work out some such formula that could remove this extremely painful and a bunch a potential problem, we understand that the volunteers , those who worked in the trenches, they did not earn, that is, they handed over, drove, the guys there gave, voiced these or other
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needs, and accordingly volunteers in manual mode, let there be at the level of two -three units, what was ordered there, they imported, there they collected funds from acquaintances , there they did not do this or that big pr on it, they simply covered the needs, very often those volunteers were relatives, soldiers, well, accordingly, it is necessary to work out some kind of such a formula that could, on the one hand, make life more difficult for those who profited, introduced humanitarians, on the other hand, to unblock the help of the trenches, the point is that those who profited will profit, because the mechanisms for profit can be found, is weak the link is not volunteers, the weak link is the state budget institutions, which are the recipients of humanitarian aid, they already after this small humanitarian aid, already after it is accepted by some institution, and then it ends up somewhere
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in an incomprehensible place, not necessarily definitely it is necessary to look for the reason in a private movement, as it were, and this situation makes it simply impossible for all this spontaneous volunteering... a movement that actually covered the whole country, but everyone has some friends, acquaintances and everyone tries to help somehow, so the crossing of goods across the border, with the help of volunteers, will become impossible, we will have to buy everything in ukraine, import it as goods, pay customs duty, and we will buy in ukraine, accumulate money and buy goods in ukraine already for which customs duty has been paid, this is simply nonsense , this is nonsense, ugh, well if in simple language, and there were some signals from the cabinet of ministers or from the office that they were ready , i don't know how to optimize this resolution, but we turned to the don, and the cabinet of ministers
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, after consultations, actually refused to change anything, and we asked for a postponement regulations, in addition, this system does not actually work yet. ok, tests, in test mode, there is nothing there, there is no way, my friends have already tried to test, they did not succeed, and it will simply lead to a collapse on december 1, even if someone wants to to establish it according to all the rules, there will be big obstacles, many people do not know about the instructions about this change of order from foreign countries, for example , volunteers who are taken there regularly, which i imagine will be at the border on december 1, it will be simply terrible. thank you, mr. boris, for what you do and for your participation in the live broadcast
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of the tv channel. he was in touch with us. borys zakharov, volunteer, human rights defender, director of the human and law charity fund, from december 1, dear volunteers , the order, the new order of admission and registration will come into force gum-aid in the conditions of martial law, there may be certain problems, well, let's talk about this and not only about this, in the future, yes, now there will be a short break in our broadcast, wait and i will continue the broadcast in a couple of minutes. there are discounts on nazoferon 10% in the psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. i flew, flew, and the cough stopped me. cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation. lordegial is an inhalant for cough. lordegial is a direct route to sputum removal. wears treatment, let's start with washing, and first before nose - usually maridoza. there are discounts on maridoz. 20% in psarynyk, bam and
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only for territories, it is also a war for minds, we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into transforming ukrainians to malorossiv. ukraine will become let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m. on espresso tv. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many have become like relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two
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hours vasyl winter's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. espresso - interesting facts. over 10 years , the tv channel's youtube channel has been viewed more than 3 billion times. for 10 years , the tv channel's youtube channel has been watched by more than 205 million hours. over 10 years, the tv channel's youtube channel has received more than 6 million comments. the information day of the tv channel continues, so what are the most important events and their proper coverage, the best, most informed experts will work for us this time for you, dear tv viewers, serhii bratchuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, will work. glory to ukraine, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations, friend, and i want to congratulate.


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