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tv   [untitled]    November 18, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] we will stand, not knowing fear, for everyone who flew into the vortex like an unconquered bird , a proud nation was able to bring down the empire, the russian ship, go, times when it is so necessary, we grew wings, and the stronger the spring was compressed, the more strength appeared, often, when everything was so necessary, we had strength, and the tighter the life was compressed. and all the more our wings rang out, our wings, we have grown wings,
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the glory that draws nearer to victory. through a wild whistle, under the explosions of mines, gathering all our will, we go to ours. let's free together our lands, join our fighters, the people's national police brigade. the questionnaire can be filled out on the nabir npgo website or by calling 097, 725-25-13. dear, how are you? now it is so difficult for many to relax, and especially when you are at school alone, when i am very tense, i do an exercise that always helps me, i open my mouth like that crocodile and yawn sweetly, the first time i can make an effort, and then the jaw relaxes and opens itself, i feel better and even want to sleep, do like mom to relax or fall asleep. on
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on the website how' caring people from the mental health program and their friends from unicef ​​have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress. apply the rules of two sockets: turn on a powerful electrical appliance, turn off an equivalent one instead. simple rules of a warm country. let's beat the winter together. greetings friends, my summary on fridays sounds like this, it's friday again, and again we have the opportunity to discuss those events that happened and happened during the week that passes, well, there were a lot of such events, there were a lot of statements and the main thing of them of course, the meeting between presidents biden and xi jinping, we really want the experts to explain to us what this meeting was about and
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what its consequences were, because they always expect something decisive from such... this meeting, is there going to be any particular twist, was it successful, we'll talk about that and we'll talk about it, and now, and in a flash, what happened during this week, well, yes, then i have to add my traditional part, what we're talking about again international events and so on the extent to which they are now one big event and how it started the log, how it will affect what is happening here and in the whole of europe, so let's introduce the usual. oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council of ukrainian prism. good evening. good evening. mr. alexander. maksym yakovlyu, head of the department of international relations, director of the school of political analytics, kyomyan academy. good evening. glad to see. you are beautiful as always with a tie. butterfly, i'm sorry, and oleksandr khare, an expert at the center for defense strategies, a diplomat. good evening. let's start with this long awaited event. everyone came to biden, but on the contrary, does it mean anything, how
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you read these things. calm communiques on how it all happened, i will start with a quote, if you allow , the other day, colleagues from the rozumkov center presented the ukrainian translation of sipri, a report on armaments, security there and so on, and samarra, that is, a squeeze, so to speak, a report 2023, and there on page 40-34, who will read, there is a quote from sullivan, 2021 online about the online meeting between xi jinping and trump in 2021, and there is a phrase. behind the quotes it is written that so-and-so , strategic cooperation to reduce tension back and forth, just if you cut out a piece of a paragraph, then in essence the statements two years later on the same day, do you think, yes, in essence are the same, that is, this the course and the desire to somehow defuse the situation, roughly speaking, to somehow improve these strategies, how to interact there, live in the world , they drag on, the least recorded, i say in the report, well, which was written for the year 2022, that is, this idea, i think, god , which is deja vu,
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that is, it is the desire of two supers. states in the world to solve something with itself strategically among itself somehow, not to conflict and make it easier has already happened, but like the quotes of the ukrainian president, it has already happened, and what to do with it, how the world is moving, but i believe that in general this... "decreasing tension, let's make friends somehow, we need to live more peacefully in the world , this whole discourse, it's coming back to life , as i say, it just has a long history, you know, i read it, don't make friends, let's find a formula, how we let's solve other people's problems, what are they looking for and can't find it in any way, well, probably their own question, it is very good that in the end they resumed the dialogue along the lines of the ministry of defense, the military, because they said that this working group will work. people exchanged phones, it's very good, there's even such an expression, which means that they called so that there would be no conflict, but on the other hand, they didn't pick up the phone, and of course, that's the same for us, i would call at night on duty, so very good , remind viewers when they stopped working,
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stopped, it was last august, when then-speaker of the house pilos visited taiwan, it's a ball ball - it's true, but for the chinese it was absolutely unacceptable that a politician of this level, was from visited taiwan, it's a sensitive ordinary so sick and fifth, of course, that is, it's one story, by and large, you can say that this is the beginning of management and escalation and the beginning of getting out of such a crisis that has developed, this visit is not historical, it is for sure, the second moment, most likely there will be misunderstandings, because if you look at what the chinese wrote after the meeting, that we we have understand each other better, this is the first thing, there should be a dialogue, and then there are painful issues for the chinese - this is the economy, this is decapling, that is, the separation of the economy and technology, and then there are human contacts, because human contacts are also an important thing, and we
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we know that in the united states there are police stations, chinese, chinese, there are informal, yes, which monitor and pressurize the chinese studying there, or expats , that is, in principle, it is very important. thing, but from the american side they wanted to solve the first conflict avoidance, the second moment, it's actually, right away, and what, first of all, i'll give it, i won't give it, no, not yet, because they just outlined, let's say, the program and said that it is necessary to move, even the panda, they returned to the zoo, and this, well, you know, with the chinese, this kind of symbolism is very important, but if you go to a higher level, what it's all about , that is, it's about the 21st thing, where there can be two centers of influence, for the united states and china there will be a place on this earth, like they said, the most important thing, of course for the chinese, is the economy, 15 trillion debts
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cities, towns and provinces in china, the economic growth is not 10%, as it was for several decades in a row, but 3.9, 4.5%, during, you can, i ask you in order to supplement your general knowledge about this moment, look, you say that they have a production problem there, but it didn’t come when , for example, the russian-ukrainian war started, it’s true, it started earlier, yes, before that there was covid, what am i leading to, a precursor qidzenpingya, he set up china's economy, and he made it efficient, there were, i don't know, technology parks in china, skyscrapers appeared in china, that's all, the country began to resemble such communist capitalism, an oxymoron, i understand, but something like that, and, that is, it... shined, the truth is, here comes, so this xijinping, so comes in a strange method, almost seizes power, which happened at the last congress , for example, when one of the functionaries and functionaries was taken out there on a handout, and he says: damn,
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i have problems, and he goes to solve them like this, so to biden, and, and, or, should we understand that, that it is specifically the fault of this guy for economic problems, yes, yes, and the second question, does this mean that he cannot start a war, as with such problems, well, actually, i would start a little more here with another, let's remember that xi jinping, a few years ago at one of the big meetings ccp, he announced that a new era has arrived, the dragon of massacre has spread its wings and china will lead the whole world into a bright socialist future. the previous presidents still worked in the era of the dragon sleeps, if translated from chinese to human, it means that china is accumulating resources, forces, potential, political, but for the first time. queue economic, with the advent we all saw essentially an expansive growth of chinese infusions, in the global south, africa , latin america, southeast asia, confucius institutes received funding that they had never seen before, essentially we
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can talk about what is the political, cultural and economic expansion of china, this is already a modern stage, i remind you of the soviet union, when the expansion took place, there was no food, and people walked in slippers, well, sorry, communism, it is not communism. well, in what sauce, how much you don't make him a capitalist, he remains a communist, so the question is still , yes, he is largely to blame for this, but no, we see such degrading, degrading processes of the world. economy, the last five years, they were in principle common to almost everyone, a small clarification that the withdrawal of investors' funds, those who, well, i'm not an economist, because it should be noted here, but, if western companies, the demographic factor should be checked first , but some colleagues say that really the increase in the cost of labor, i looked at what concerns me to the academic environment, what is it like in china, this is their chinese style, there is a whole village , for example, imprisoned in order to take these tests, which are held there for two days, it is terrible, our style is just some, that is, the increase in the cost
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of labor, secondly, changing this, not only political, it is not enough that the textbooks introduce, but if the functionaries at the level of the minister of foreign affairs just disappear, and the minister of defense, for a second, just disappears, this is the second moment, the third feeling of western investors in order to produce something in china , must well, if you get a profit, it can be withdrawn or reinvested, and the fact that these profits are withdrawn, investors essentially bring money from china, and they are no longer interested there, that is, well, conditionally, the business world, as far as we can comment as political scientists, the funds are clearly not, well does not build in front of china, this is precisely the connection of politics , economics, a sense of instability, where china is moving, is it possible to start some small victorious war at the same time, well, i personally doubt it, because it seems to me that these are signals, maybe my colleagues will correct me , but a signal that first somehow complicate the situation inside the country, i remind you, by the way, that foreign affairs, just issue for september-october, a whole article about china under the current leader and stagnation, some certain zasti, i think that he, understands,
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that is not worth it, brezhniv, brezhniv came to china, well, not exactly, because brezhniv, it was the status quo, he did not want changes, and actually, that is why we have the final acts of the year 75, that is, already communism did not export to europe and to other countries, here it is completely different, on the contrary, it is exactly the same your afghanistan, well, that's that, that's okay, but look very important from the economic point of view, the model that they implemented in the last few decades, it gave its results. but people started to get, well, you know, if there is economic power, then you want political power as well, and the communist party wanted to suppress it a little, because it has a leading role to lead, this is a very important point , and we have seen that antsi and other large corporations that they began to separate, especially in the financial services market, that is, it was already a threat to the political power of the communists, and this was a very important moment, the second moment, this is the ambitions of sydzenpin himself and others from the point of view of the fact that it would be a century, that is, revolutions, as such, we have until that
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moment, at best without weapons to return taiwan, the native harbor, if not, by the 27th year, the armed forces should be ready to do it, then they are preparing for it, but now kovid is the first moment, then demographics really played a role and what is actually called this decaplin and decrease the influx of technology to the chinese, the last figure, 60% of investments in strategic industries from last year, that is, money for western or global ones, they felt that it is better not to go there and do not invest, as we know further that access to high, high-quality is actually limited chips, and the future ones that are produced in taiwan there and in holland, that is, the idea of ​​containment, and of course that this containment pushes mr. xi to react in some way, or normalize relations, or perhaps,
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realizing that he will have fall and economically, and in general power, maybe then he will solve the issue, decide, solve the issue and taiwan by force of arms, they are not ready now, but authoritarian regimes make mistakes, hitler too, when he started attacking neighboring countries, he had, well, bad ones matters in finance, putin too, when he started attacking us, he was not all right in the economy, yes, by and large, there are covids again, other things, that's why and even more so, you mentioned huzintao, huzintau's last trailer , yes, that is, it was within their framework closed, political culture, at least some alternative opinion, now there are exclusively all like-minded people who say the right thing, right dear comrades, and correctly i understand that the fact that xi came to negotiate, and xi says that let's search, says that he is determined to conduct a dialogue and solve these problems, and accordingly he is ready to listen, let's say, at least he needs it, at least he is adequate... adequate, so that, unlike putin, he is
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adequate enough to understand border their capabilities, colleagues correctly pointed out the modernization of the chinese armed forces, if we recall the american intelligence reports from the beginning of this year, the main element of this modernization is the nuclear armed forces, by the beginning of 2027, the chinese want to increase the arsenal in fact by almost 3.5 times, from about 400, because this is china, we don't have the exact data, to almost 1,500 warheads, and basically, what my fellow military experts have told me, these are the warheads that can keep... the coast of china safe, respectively , south china sea, the philippines, taiwan, the area closest to them, that is, shizenpin sees the situation, the economy is not in the best shape, to put it mildly, it is stagnant, but very cool under...' covered by the fact that china does not give real numbers, the army is in the process of modernization , half ready, half not ready, it was not clear how it was going to move, by the way, judging by the fact that the minister of defense disappeared, it is not all, it is not getting the best, yes, by the way, regarding the communist party, just to add before that, remember covid, remember the situation with the respective ones provinces, where the covid gained the worst
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momentum, what the communist party did in the background, replaced all local functionaries, well, that is, not the political elite, with their political proteges, that is. then, remembering the soviet union, it is essentially the same, we replace ordinary administrators with our own, because we do not trust them, that is, a situation of relative political instability, relative economic stagnation, the middle of the transformation of the army, and of course we must say what was the red line in hitler that he went to war, what kind, i apologize, what, what a turn discussions, i think, did not mention it, by the way, it wasn't me, right? it seems to me that there is a certain limitation in the use of historical analogies, i will say here why, perhaps, if it is a stretch, i am not talking about samo on the globe, but still, if you take a stretch, the moment that i think china distinguishes , well, hitler has something similar in common with china, yes, there is a certain ideology that is focused on itself, in china there is really an idea that we do not need to spread our way of life to the whole world, no,
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we need to control our people, we need spread your economic model, we built you an airport or a port or something expensive, we have money, especially in africa, this is good for us , and on the other hand, you know the idea of ​​your own exclusivity, but for the chinese, john wu , we are centrally there, the center of the navel of the earth, everything around us varber, i’m all for what the europeans called big-nosed monkeys, something like that, yes, hitler, and hitler had his own idea, that he was privileging the mari nation there, something like that, but china’s expansionist policy is still a conquest, a conquest of territories it really looks like something of its own, somehow allusions to the russians, there are names , cities in russia, in chinese, here is a different type of expansion , rather some kind of economic dependence, the economy is no longer working, colleagues rightly noted where you disagree, from the point of view of expansion physical, the south china sea, artificial islands in order to claim that, that is, the firstle island chain, that is, the first row of these islands, it is extremely important from
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the point of view of security, i am asking when he can go, he could, because it authoritarian leader, he can do it next year. in fact , the american exit had no expressed reasons to start a war in hitler, just like in putin, right? it's hard to say, in fact hitler had the passivity and unpreparedness of the european years to oppose him, by the way, mentioning the islands, why in the situation, and i'm telling you the red line he's drawing, because of which i went crazy, well, he'll explain later , for example, the election in taiwan, next year the election in taiwan, if they come to power there, actually the situation in taiwan is very simple, one third say that we are for the status quo is unlimited in time, that is, we are actually for independence, but we do not want to annoy the chinese, well, that is, the metric ones , the other third says that in the foreseeable future it is not necessary to raise the issue, that is, they are also for independence, but in theory they can go further, someone undecided, and there seems to be somewhere around 5-7% of those who want
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to become one as soon as possible, well, chinese for protests against the visit, remember, there were protests there, if you'll allow me a moment, if i don't agree, i don't agree. after all, the idea of ​​which judicial chinese should be protected, annexed, after all, it is different, because for the strait, which is important, yes, influence, well, to control the possibility of exporting, importing and protecting the territory, after all, there is no expansion, that we will annex territories, except for some claims to, well , of course, to taiwan, with the mongols there a little bit, but china , by the way, i will correct myself, probably the model that the chinese sell to other dictators is this digital concentration camp, as they do with the uyghurs, technologists are beautiful, interesting, others call the ideal society, the rating is social, yes, this tracking face, everyone has a placement there, everyone has to be placed somewhere, this model , i think, is chinese, and other dictators, if putin had such tools, technical capabilities, well, i think, pleasure, by the way, orban bought the same model, let's not forget that huawei currently processes and supports 95% of all state communications
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, the ministry of defense, the ministry of emergency situations, internal communications, huawei does this in hungary, and accordingly they are now little by little planting the idea of ​​what is possible is controlled by budapest, it's terrible, but let's have the same system, why not, the hungarians are ready, well, the hungarians are ready, because they don't have a media that will say no, in fact, the hungarians are not ready for this, but that's what it says mr. maksym, another dictator, about the red lines, you didn’t say anything, that means sydzenpin, he is completely uncontrollable, unpredictable, and we cannot predict where his button is, you know, it is very difficult to predict, first of all, because they even covid, you know , that the intelligence community of the united states the most powerful problem is that first there were scandals, there were exposures, and a large number of those who worked for the americans were arrested. the 19th century of covid, well, you understand, it was impossible to work in such conditions, and therefore there is a shortage, they immediately called where
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he escaped from, there is a shortage, a shortage, that means human intelligence, that is, data from the agency, let’s say intelligence, but there is only digital , the chinese say a lot, but it is a rather difficult culture to understand, although they have everything in fact in public, yes, that is, they have and by the way, i would like to add that on the one hand it control of the territory is so old, that is, physical, then through... control, and the third, they have global initiatives, they say , look, the world of the 21st century, where we will play the most important role, here we have a global security initiative and so on, that is, they are already giving us these signals, the only thing is that we all do not really like living in the chinese world, and thank god that , in principle, europe has already almost decided the world, except for hungary, maybe it will join there, too will join, so i have a provocative thing like that, look. if we look at it from the concept of the reds, i'm the only provocateur here, i'll try, if we look at it from the point of view of the red lines, then there is something that we must not do, because we
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will anger the chinese, but let's look at it from the other side, as far as we need to put a lot of pressure on the chinese so that they don't think about any red lines , this is what you and i started talking about, that hitler, he had what the americans call killer instinct, he felt weak, he used my weakness opinion, we need the same approach to china, we cannot show the prasil islands, why they started to be built, because the world's reaction was, well, let's talk about it, maybe there are certain interests, maybe we don't understand something, but let's look at history, no yes, we cannot as a world, as a part of the democratic world, show our weakness to the chinese, then there is no need for female red lines, they will feel the weakness and use it, we know this very well, but not everything is so clear-cut, but what happened in washington, weakness is shown that exactly sameden made three laps, so he was trying to show that he is not weak , very nice, they have the beginning of the transcript of this meeting begins, we recognize that we are
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opponents, we are competitors, but let 's talk about the climate, let's talk about fentanyl, let's about ukraine and hamas, that is, the americans are trying to show that do not think that what we are talking to you about is that we love you, we simply understand our responsibility with you, let's do it then, i will give one quote that i think we need turn the conversation back a little, the chinese foreign ministry said that the negotiations with biden in no way change beijing's position that the war in ukraine, while chinese officials call the war in ukraine a crisis, israel's war against hamas a conflict, ah yes, to us, what is good about us, in i have another quote, so you have read the chinese, i understand you, so i will tell you that you are a chinese agent, so good, no, i am a ukrainian agent, i have another quote, president biden, this is a resolution, an official press release, for as a result of the visit, the president biden: affirmed that the united states, together with allies, partners, will continue to support the defense of ukraine against russian aggression to ensure that ukraine emerges from this
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war as a democratic, independent, sovereign, prosperous nation that can receive and defend itself against future aggression, the topic of ukraine sounded, in what way and the conclusions, if at least as i think, cursory, but we should remember the phrase that sounded during the meeting between xi and putin, that they are doing something that happens once in 100 years. is happening, that is, in principle, they started for the reshaping of the world, the second moment, i will quote one of the chinese journalists who said, what do you want us to help you deal with russia, and you concentrated your forces to restrain china, so this is basically a simple phrase, a simple formula, why the chinese will to support putin as much as possible, but in such a way as not to upset the europeans, first of all, and then the americans a little, so that was definitely the case here with ukraine. precautionary, but in principle nothing will change, and you don't think that yermak's visit
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to shizenpin's visit, he intended such certain preparatory work to introduce the ukrainian agenda to this meeting, in a word, to say something about ukraine, and so that it would be a shame not to mention it at the beideden meeting, well, in fact, this is a continuation of our principle of nothing about ukraine without ukraine, it was an initiative from our side that, well , let's give some common framework, and what the americans mentioned about it, well, this is the max, the maximum, which they themselves, turns out to be allowed during this meeting, but here it is necessary this is an important detail the first meeting, the most important thing to take away from this is that this format will continue , well, first of all, it's positive for everyone, because in fact, it 's not only that, they two grandfathers got together, talked, everything was fine, parted ways, before each such a meeting involves many months of work at the level of advisers, deputy ministers, ministers, even at the level of presidents, that is, the fact that ukraine is not... mentioned now does not mean that the americans will not raise it again, it is implied, it is not mentioned so , as we would like, paraphrasing, that is, this does not
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mean that this topic is forgotten, we see the americans continue to pedal it, they continue to... put pressure on it and then the americans did not give up on those words that blinkin said last year in beijing, he clearly said that if china begins to help russia to the extent that russia wants, let me remind you, back in march of last year, russia asked for ballistic missiles , drones, and equipment, anything, then sanctions will be imposed against china, not publicly, they say that the same sanctions as against russia, and in principle the americans continue to hold china, in this balance, the word dictator launched by biden in the back, it changes to several ballistic missiles. or not, i don't think so, no, after all, 45% of chinese foreign trade is usa + eu. i do not think that 45% of foreign trade with the most technological and richest markets in the world, china will exchange for ballistic missiles for putin. i don’t know what kind of emotional intelligence they have, you understand, and how the word dictator is indicated on it, well, how dictator is translated into chinese, i understand that chinese scholars have nothing to translate here, yes, i
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will turn the discussion a little, maybe there are some there once in a while. what am i kidding, but i would like to talk about ukraine in this context, how to talk, yesterday i was online at a conference with indonesians, which was dedicated there, there were indeed many ukrainian representatives, this online was just the final session of mine, and the topic was about middle power, medium powers, and we discussed with an indonesian, there were australians, singapore was wondering what it is to define as a medium power at all, an indonesian who was physically there says: i read somewhere that even ukraine is considered... medium power, because we, well it is clear that there are great powers, superpowers, that is, there are only two superpowers, of course, it is precisely china that we are discussing, but the middle powers, like us, only know about this, which, i think, they understand economically, because i have already i mentioned the strait of malacca and in general the competition in the sea strait there is the cream of the crop, by the way, the efforts of the indians to invest in some ports in africa, they also have an attempt, but they are not economically viable, it
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really is, let’s see, it is a matter of political culture, for the chinese and dominion, restoration of proper place in world - this is a chip, but for the indians it is not, they solve primarily their own issues of middle powers, colleagues, let's return to the middle powers, and then we will move to india with pleasure, yes, so what is the understanding of the middle powers, how should we be, how should we to live, for them, i understood from the position of the indonesians, well, at least those who were present, after all, they are university experts, that we do not take anyone's side, because what we reached a consensus on, they have an understanding to we did not want a superpower... states to dictate the political the agenda, what should we do, where to enter, with whom to interact, in their understanding, ukraine, which, well, they really use in their discourse the conflict, except for australia, because the australian one was very representative, and in their understanding, these meetings are the interaction of china , america, what should we medium-sized countries do, because there are even smaller ones than us, we have a certain regional leadership, we play an important role, and the economy is important to them, the opportunity to implement their foreign and
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domestic policies without interference, and they they are looking at what will come out of this war, how we will win, what will happen next , that is, they are watching it, because it can be, well, if not a model, then a model in the sense of how to build a peterna, yes indeed, as such a model, thank you, as such a model, how to interact, the next question, a provocation, come on, at least i'm honestly talking about it, and i, to support the discussion, please tell me, this rasmussen plan, let's call it, first of all, the kissinger plan, first of all, the plan, the plan there, francis fokoyama and so on, who wrote about it? look, there are two two koreas, look frr, and all kinds of possibilities after the end of the war, and its continuation, solving problems , already by political means, because they do not talk about what we mean, and we agree that that territory is not ours forever, but somehow it is, first, how do you assess the fact that
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such a proposal is being heard again, do you associate it with a certain...' time and place and with certain events in the global world and in general, how do you think, is this a working proposal on the table, well if i may, i just appreciate that this is a completely unrealistic thing, for several reasons, the first one the moment, the most important thing, the nuclear factor has not gone anywhere, and just as they did not close the sky to us last year, did not shoot down missiles, did not shoot at russian planes, but at missiles, so this will not happen this year and, accordingly, they will not give us, let's say so , membership in nato, part of our territory. the second point, similar nonsense was considered by the germans before they reunified , that is, united, and the germans were ready to make concessions to gorbachev in this sense, the americans said that it is impossible to divide security, there can be no frg, that means in nato, the eastern your germany will not be in nato. therefore, this is the second moment, the third moment, let's imagine, we have


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