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tv   [untitled]    November 19, 2023 12:00pm-12:29pm EET

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injured. and as a result of the night attack in the kyiv region, an infrastructural object was damaged, a fire broke out there - said the head of the kyiv regional administration, ruslan kravchenko. he added that experts are currently eliminating all consequences. let me remind you that at night our defenders shot down about a dozen shaheds in kyiv and on the approaches to the city. enemy drones entered the area in waves from different directions directions, while constantly changing the motion vectors. bohdan yermokhin, a mariupol teenager who was forcibly removed from his hometown by the occupiers, left russia. currently, he is in belarus with his sister, his lawyer told reporters. i will remind you, an orphan boy from mariupol, a few years ago, he lost both parents. after the city was occupied, the invaders forcibly took the boy to the suburbs of moscow, and recently bohdan was summoned to the moscow suburbs by the army to register, then
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the teenager wrote an appeal to the president of ukraine with a request to help him return to his homeland. the blockade of polish carriers continues, as of this morning, about two, more than 2,000 trucks have accumulated on the border with poland, said andrii demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine. the collapse occurs at three checkpoints: yagodin, ravarus. and krakow. protesters assume that several trucks can arrive in both directions in an hour. i will remind you that the action of polish carriers continues from november 6, and among the main things they demand to cancel the transport visa exemption granted to kyiv by the european union because of the war. a meeting on the implementation of the un convention on combating desertification was held in uzbekistan. ukraine called on 107 participants to include in the agenda
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a day-long discussion of the consequences of the russian terrorist attack on the kakhovsky gez. the first secretary of the embassy of ukraine in uzbekistan, yusuf kurchi, emphasized that as a result of the russian full-scale invasion, more than 2,000 hectares of ukrainian land were contaminated by russian mines and shells. separately, the representative of ukraine called for an analysis of all environmental threats created by russian aggression and, in particular, by the russian terrorist attack on kakhovsky gest. the representative of erefia, of course, rejected all the accusations and urged not to poison arefia's meeting. together, we must find common answers to all environmental threats created by russia's aggression. without this, there will be no return to a normal, stable life, and the echoes of the war will remain for a long time. in mine explosions that take lives in the pollution of water, soil, atmosphere and natural environment.
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she sings, cooks, adores cats, and of course she makes the weather forecast. as you may have guessed, it is about a well-known media forecaster, natalka didenko. november 19 is celebrated as world meteorologist day. on the occasion of a professional holiday, we decided to pay a visit to natalka, so let's go with us behind the scenes of the life of espresso weather forecaster. synoptic, hello to all, dear ukrainians, from the weather from natalka didenko. this is the evening routine of most espresso viewers. she is a well-known media expert who managed to combine her love for philology and meteorology acquaintance with a female meteorologist inspired natalya so much during her school years that she without a doubt entered the geography faculty of the department of meteorology of kyiv state university. today ms. natalya already has many fans, she starts her day by working on the forecast. he says he starts working as soon as he opens it. my eyes are just in bed,
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the weather forecast begins by studying the synoptic situation, i look at the forecast maps, this is a map of the air temperature, how it moves. it's weather charts, it's satellite images, mandatory study of atmospheric fronts, cyclones, how they move. on september 11, natalka celebrated her 30th wedding anniversary with serhiy didenko, an officer of the armed forces. on february 25, he signed up as a volunteer and then transferred to the armed forces of ukraine. natalka's husband, her support and motivation, says that he can calm her down for any reason in two minutes, and the secret of a strong marriage is very simple. marriage is a daily, daily, i emphasize, not weekly, not once a month, daily work on, balance, that's it, the main thing is that, people who live together, they have common values, and they were not only spouses, they were not only
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in love, that they were friends, common values, a common spirit, this is the most important thing, another love of hers - this is singing, the median is already five years old. natalya says that she adores khurbach not only for the music, but also because he gives them the opportunity to learn, develop and enjoy life, you know, it's just such happiness without exaggeration, because as we all wait for the rehearsal, by the way, i emphasize even more rehearsals than... well, it's very, very nice, because you study a lot, you learn a lot, we have an absolutely fantastic choirmaster, apart from the fact that she's a professional, of course, she has such charisma, and i'm sure that many of us even go to this choir precisely because of her. everyone
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who follows natalka's life cannot fail to know about the cat apelmon, he lived in the family for 17 years and became a favorite of millions of ukrainians. everyone who has lost animals understands perfectly well. what can i talk about and it's actually very difficult, i honestly am i didn't even think that it would be so difficult, by the way, i am very grateful to everyone who responded to this sad event, it was for me, it touched me very much and supported me a lot, although i cried there, of course, but you know that, it is very warm and very pleasant, natalya and sergey did not plan to have cats, but fate decided otherwise, family friends, actors taras zhirko and tetyana oleksenko, invited their grandfathers to their place in and it so happened that the actors' cat just gave birth to kittens. and we started to look at them, and my husband says to me: suddenly, maybe two, and i have, you know, some just like, well, i don’t even know how to explain it, i think, really, the two of them will be, brother and
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sister, they will have fun, they won’t cry, they, well, and in this way it happened completely spontaneously, i'm telling you, we didn't intend to, well, even take a kitten right away, even more so we didn't even think about two, but apparently somewhere there they know better. natali's house is very cozy and atmospheric. the family loves the works of folk artists, primarily ukrainian. the petrikiv painting and embroidered towels immediately catch your eye. well, for example, this towel was embroidered by my mother, well, in general , she embroidered, my grandmother also embroidered very well, and in principle, the whole family was like that, as they say, knew how to do something with their hands, by the way , unlike me, because i can embroider, but a long time ago did not do this. here is this violin for him. beauty, as you can see, so encrusted , beautiful, my grandfather made it with his own hands, he played this violin, of course, he played this mandolin, this is his mandolin. of course, like every person, our heroine has a dream, she says, she will try and work to make it a weather channel has appeared in ukraine, so fans
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of natalka didenko get ready, you will find a weather forecast in various formats, from scientific to entertainment content. i remind you about our collection. for the 27th separate rifle battalion, which destroys the russians in one of the eastern directions, for protection against enemy uavs, as well as for the continuous operation of starlink, timely charging of drones, tablets and other equipment, they urgently need two portable anti-drone shields, two generators and two chargers. our goal is uah 500,000. almost at the finish line we are now thanks to you, because we have collected more than 462 hryvnias, which is still very, very little. imagine that your donation can be decisive. you can now see all the details on your screens. this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks. stay with espresso,
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espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslaya barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant. guests are special names with myroslava barchuk sunday 17:10 at espresso. the shelter is in poor condition. where to apply? check the shelter yourself. instructions from the ozone public monitoring group will help with this. download it, check the shelter and pass the information to the representatives of the state administration in your area. they will pass on the comments to the person responsible for the state of the shelter balance. holder and control the performance and quality of work.
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everyone has the right to try safely. congratulations, friends, the saturday politclub, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaliy, are on the air portnikov. congratulations to all our viewers and listeners. as always, we will discuss the most hot social and political issues. topics not only within our country, but also about everything that has troubled the world these days , the first thing we will talk about is the russian-ukrainian war, the main trends, we will definitely mention what happened across the ocean and whether the planet manages to balance on the edge, maybe before, before the third world war, without exaggeration, and after that we will definitely remember the situation in the middle east, which is also dynamically developing. but above all the russian-ukrainian war and ivan krychevskyi, military expert
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defense express, is in touch with us. ivan navi ivan. good evening. so, let's start our conversation with the two main ones, i would say such sections of the front from the ukrainian offensive on the left bank of the dnieper, in the kherson region, and from the russian offensive attempts in the avdiivka area, which, as we can see, do not stop. how would you rate these two most important ones. situation, let's start with the kherson region, well with the kherson region, here we can literally talk about a new, let's say this, the wave of the counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine in the south, the only difference is that the geography of the hostilities is slightly different, the starting conditions are slightly different, maybe even more difficult than it was in the zaporizhia direction and maybe even more questions, because if there to localize geographically, why everything was tied around the village of krynky, well, maybe the difference is not so much in how large an area is held there
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by our troops, in the fact that krynky is a kind of buffer in front of the m14 highway, which then follows the shortest route, well, it seems there are 70 or 75 km to the administrative border with the temporarily occupied crimea, if we also assume that the general staff of the movement finally officially revealed on friday that one of the minimum tasks there is to push the russian artillery away from kherson, here it turns out, to literally accomplish... this task and orient yourself, for example, by the firing range of the 27 pion gun, then you need to move, well, somewhere deep, 40 km from the front, if you measure even there, well, tss howitzers caliber 152 mm, it is up to 30 km, that is, well, more than that, if we proceed from the official data that we have we can operate, it is unlikely that there are any significant forces of ours there that would allow us to break through right here, but judging by everything and the russians with the amount of forces they have there, somewhere roughly a group of 60,000 squads,
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the core of which is coastal troops and marines of the black sea fleet, they also lack this in order to create troops in the entire area of ​​​​the front, on which hostilities are taking place, plus such an important bonus, which is now taking place there, even if there are fortifications of the sorovikin line, the so-called, on luckily, they are not continuous, the russians did not have time to build a continuous line of defense there, well, that is, a certain window of opportunity is visible there, that is why there is so much attention to these battles that are taking place there, in fact, why the russians are storming so actively, and we can say that this is activity assaults at the level... well, how is it happening now near bahme , well, because the indicator of 100 assaults in this area is exactly the same as chess, to promise in advance that everything will work out for us there, we will all win, well, let's put it this way, here you should only speak military, but completely, i think it is clear why there is so much attention to this area now, and it is clearly connected
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only with the fact that just this week the fact of conducting such an operation was officially recognized. ivan, tell me, please, what is preventing the russians from transferring as much of their capabilities to this area as possible? we understand that they are proactive in six directions at once, but nevertheless, there are certain threats from our entrenchment on these bridgeheads, they are also looking at whether they have the resources to add to it, and therefore the paradox that now i maybe i'll say that terosiyan's reserves are not so rubbery that they can be stretched on six sections of the front at once, and now it is even on the seventh, and even in the grand scheme of things, kherson oblast already has eight of them, because they are now parallel to what opposes our troops in kherson oblast, they do not stop assaults in the zaporizhzhia direction, and the fact that, especially against this background , our troops continue to gain some positions there is in principle a miracle, the russians did not stop the offensive actions in the novogodar direction, the mariyansky direction is stable
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the hot, bakhmut direction, they attack both on the left and on the northern and on the southern flanks, that is, at the same time, the kupin and liman directions... the activity there does not decrease either, not to mention avdiivka, that is, they attack in eight areas at once, and this roughly speaking, we take a group of 440,000 russian troops, of which 150,000 are in the south, that is, in the zaporizhia region itself, and we understand that another 60,000 are in the kherson oblasts, and so it turns out that they have to break through with those forces and means , which are in fact, why they might, for some time, have discussed the idea of ​​a certain sub-grouping, a local act before the election, with a move to more favorable geographical positions in the kherson region, because really there, if you look at it this way, there are bigger, more favorable positions for the russians closer to the crimea, wherever they could, they would have a hard time, as they call it, and make it so that, in principle, we never went to the crimea, and so they had to play on the existing conditions, that is, to receive the available forces and means that
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part of the front, well, which they still have behind them are being held in the kherson region, i would like to talk about possible... missile strikes on ukraine , drone strikes, they have actually already started, this night was another such attack, and many say that as the weather cools down, russian attacks on ukraine will increase, because there will again be the idea that it is necessary to destroy ukrainian critical infrastructure, but here the issue of air strikes suddenly arose, after the country had already had long-term strikes several times in a row... air strikes in connection with the take-off of russian migs, the president of ukraine instructed to resolve the issue so that the country does not stop for the time being, but the question arises as to how technically realistic it is, precisely from the military-technical point of view and ensuring the security of those institutions, shopping centers, and other institutions that stop their work due to
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long-lasting alarms, how technically someone can give guarantees to citizens. safety in the event that he could really take off with an unknown purpose at the time of his lifting into the air, i am afraid that no one can give such guarantees, otherwise there would be some decisions on differentiation, let's call it the level of the trio, it would be accepted before this, because of course you can exchange rhetorical arguments in style as much as you want, but in britain during the battle of britain in the 40th year, they differentiated alarms if there was a wave bombers are one level... krigogy, if there is a single one, then another , but well, it happened once when these subsonic fo1 rockets flew over britain with such a terrible sound and terrible accuracy, well, i haven't found any data there yet. .. someone is there differentiated the alarms, there immediately, let's say, the whole country was in a state of alarm, plus, if you disassemble the statement that the capabilities of our air defense forces allow, well, forgive me,
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first of all, the mig-31 report is revealed, apparently , the country's radio equipment nato partners, well, because they have avax-type aircraft, which allow you to detect targets actually 800 km away, we don’t have them, it turns out that the migs took off, we will find out already through the link about... the fan, about what if they they fly there for a long time and whether they can spend it or not to carry out missile attacks, i think no one can give a guarantee, because there may be such an option that, for example, they raise the mig-31 earlier to barge into the air, and strategic bombers with sonic cruise missiles should come up there and conduct such a combined attack there, or just fly there for a long, long time and then strike with daggers using the suddenness factor, we can be saved here... conditional on the fact that, well, daggers do not demonstrate such a high accuracy of hitting military targets as it was this summer, but unfortunately for civilians, we have casualties, accordingly
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, considering how dangerous the kinjal itself is a missile, could 31 very fast, well, for illustration, a dagger at full range for 2000 km, well it can fly somewhere for a maximum of 10 minutes, no one can give a guarantee, it's just that there was such a political question from the other side that they said , well, why paralyze the country, if it could fly for 31 yes... in principle, we have one such obscure factor of paralysis , which is called the russian federation, we are not for it in principle we can live normally, cancel the action of the russian federation, we cannot yet, accordingly, apparently, we will have to apply the same approach to these annoying flights of the mih 31k, especially since, apparently, alarms are sounded only when the mih 31s fly precisely with a threat in our direction, well, because, linguistically speaking, when the same mih 31 flies somewhere over the border with norway, well, we don't raise alarms for that. is being dealt with by nato separately, well, it became clear today, literally there since yesterday, that the russian federation
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significantly increases its defense spending, and the state duma of the russian federation actually approves a budget with expenditures 30% higher than, well, literally a year before, we also recently followed how the verkhovna rada worked on...' the state budget for next year and we also have our own understanding that everything generated by the ukrainian economy is spent on ukrainian defense and on the maintenance of the ukrainian army, the fighting ukrainian army. i understand that it was probably incorrect to compare, but less so, ivan, the 30% increase on the part of the russians and what we predicted for the next year, as far as it is reasonable, i suggest here anyway... for greater visibility of the drifting, to go a little from the other side. if we look at the figures from the open sources of the ministry of defense of ukraine, we can see that , by and large, the
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ratio, compared even with conditionally peaceful times, i.e. even the year 2021, unfortunately has not changed, well, that is, the cost structure is approximately 80% of maintenance there. salary, uniform, food and the like, and 20% on weapons. it turns out that we, despite the fact that there have been many times the costs of we have a defense sector, we still... cannot afford to buy something valuable, expensive, high-tech there , relatively speaking, independently buy new f16s, independently buy new batteries of patriots or something like that, you can even conduct something like this comparison, we talk a lot about the fact that drones are needed there , volunteers talk about drones and the like, but it turns out that we simply have a level of poverty, a drone is the most affordable thing that can be bought, well, on a private initiative, for we can compare, while we are collecting for drones , well, the czechs are even collecting volunteers for tanks , rocket launchers, a blackhawk helicopter, in the end they are collecting, not to mention the brand new viktor tachankas, and or even
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for comparison, well, theoretically the private sector can buy m113 armored personnel carriers in europe, i.e., well, what we, let’s say , our so-called economic front, well, it is not perfecting, to put it mildly, we need to improve some kind of economic bases, so that we finally have our own money for the purchase new weapons, and not solely depend on... the status of western partners, this is a fact. why did i finally propose to go from that side, well, because if we deal only with the expenses of the russian defense budget, we will see that there are also many such moments, well, first of all, in them, well, okay, a 30% increase , it seems that they have more than, well, up to 6 trillion rubles , at the current dollar exchange rate, if converted in this way, roughly 65 billion dollars, everything is equal, well, that is, it is not much more , roughly 2-3 or up to 10, than what they spent in the period until 2015-2021, that is, they have inflation and sanctions, well, they eat up the potential for growth, that is, they are kept at the level , well, that they could afford before
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a full-scale invasion, plus there is also such a paradox that they, not taking into account the nature of hostilities against ukraine, well, fortunately for us, the programs there for the construction of expensive nuclear, submarines, ships, there are some unpromising, experimental and cultural works on ballistic missiles are not completed, the repair of this admiral kuznetsov and there nuclear cruisers, that too a separate interesting story, it turns out that they have a huge resource base, there are up to 6 trillion rubles, but in fact, well, they have what they have, but let me repeat, if we simply focus on the russians, we with our defense expenses, we will not find a normal, adequate golden mean in our economic expenses for the war. thank you, thank you, mr. ivan, ivan kyrychevskyi, military expert of defense express, was in touch with us and we discussed not the most important problems at the front, all these offensives, counter-offensives, that we're witnessing, which are pretty intense right now in terms of what 's going to happen in the coming weeks, because
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we're already moving into the winter season. it is possible to freeze these intense hostilities, at least for the time being, now we will take a break literally for a few minutes, but literally, after that we will return to our conversation with khrystyna, so do not switch, there are discounts for people from bronchial cough, 10% in plantain and oskad pharmacies. try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any pain. vinyl agency presents: december 3, 18:00, fest republily invites you to a fabulous concert by solomiya chchubai, lullabies for oleksa. time to believe in miracles. jalata group, rococo. school of arts of the free and indifferent. concert of light and goodness on mykolaiv
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for children with love december 3, 18:00 festreblik ticket equals charity live sound, dear citizens of ukraine, this morning president putin announced a special military operation in donbas. russia carried out strikes on our military infrastructure and ours. border guards, border detachments, explosions were heard in many cities of ukraine, we are imposing martial law on the entire territory of our country. i am a russian warship, i suggest you lay down your arms and surrender. the russian warship did go to the bottom. flagship and pride of the black sea fleet of muscovites. cruiser moskva sank. the european parliament supported
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granting ukraine the status of a candidate for eu membership. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. so the asia-pacific economic summit cooperation and meeting of joseph biden and sijin pina. was it possible to renew the documents required for co-existence? within one planet of these two states. from this we will start our conversation with the next guest. valery chaly, ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2015-19, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis medical center. congratulations mr. valeria. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory. well, let's try to understand, after all, what happened during the meeting between the president of the united states and the chairman.


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