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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EET

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classed switzerland among those states that actually oppose russia, against russian aggression, and uh, this had another rather negative consequence . which could issue documents to ukrainian children who returned from russia after being deported to ukraine, but without documents, in order to receive these documents for them and their guardian relatives, the mediation of some of the neutral states, which in their through their consular offices, for example the same uh, uh, consular offices, the consular service of switzerland offered its service, and this was officially reported, but russia refused it, and in fact, with this, it also narrowed the channel for submitting the transfer of ukrainian
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documents for the removal of ukrainian children from the territory of russia . actually, this is evidence that switzerland is not evaluated by russia as such a neutral state in the conflict, well, let's say it as it may be, serving kazakhstan, there or the same turkey, which can also play a role, by the way, this has a positive potential role protecting states in monitoring the situation with children, while monitoring the situation in which ukrainian prisoners of war are in the occupied territories or in the territory of the russian federation, this is a very important factor, it is a question of humanitarian law, which russia completely neglects today, and accordingly, this shows the weakness of this international system, the structure that was built, it is imperfect, it does not work in these matters, but at the same time, the possibility and potential
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such, let's say a reserve for a number of states, such like turkey itself, saudi arabia, maybe even the vatican, are involved in these issues, and here one way or another the issue will be to facilitate the liberation of ukrainian prisoners of war and the return of ukrainian children, and these issues actually lie in the humanitarian plane . thank you, oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights. yes, and the first month of the heating season was successfully completed, prime minister denys shmegal reported on this at the government meeting. he noted that today the country is provided with resources in sufficient quantity, there is currently no shortage of electricity. the situation in the energy sector is stable, there is no shortage of electricity now, the heating season has started in all regions. ukraine
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has now fully provided itself with the necessary amount of energy resources. we have almost 16 billion cubic meters of gas in our warehouses, 1.1 million tons of coal reserves in warehouses, and we continue repairs and protection of key energy nodes. we have already managed to restore almost 1.9 g of generating capacity, it is planned to do so by the end of the year restore another 1.3 g of additional power. volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs. razumkov, together with us, we congratulate you, i also congratulate you, mr. vladimir, what can you say based on the results of this first month of the heating season, you see , the weather has just changed, the russians have intensified their attacks, every night, now we have air alarms, they are intensifying their drone attacks , and in fact, recently in odesa, 2,000 families were left without electricity after the night shelling of the russians, because they hit the object
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of the energy infrastructure, which was rising fire, energy workers worked on restoration, what can be said about the beginning of the campaign? well, you know that for now you cannot compare this campaign of attacks by russian drones and missiles with last year's campaign, because i yes, there were local attacks, there were local attacks, so to speak, but massive such missile attacks, specifically on the energy infrastructure throughout in ukraine, this has never happened before, and mainly the frontline zones or individual local energy companies suffer today, and will there be mass attacks like were last year, well, it's difficult today.
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lead, there are several scenarios, but you need to prepare for the worst. yes, russia has accumulated about 800 missiles for data, according to ukrainian intelligence. which are capable of hitting energy targets in ukraine, but on the other hand, ukraine has strengthened its air defenses, this is firstly, secondly, ukraine was able to protect its objects with critical infrastructure infrastructure, or reinforced concrete, or anti-drone nets, in most cases, or other protective ones. births, therefore, in principle, we are today less affected between than last year, the fact that energy facilities in odesa region are the first to suffer, this indicates that the energy system of this region is the most vulnerable, well, this indicates that russia, russia does not use strikes
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on the entire territory of ukraine, as in the last year, but it is hitting odesa region, and indeed there are certain gaps. maybe in air defense, maybe yes, that is, it is difficult to say now, but again, for now, so far, these are only local strikes, but it does not make it easier for those residents who live, in the affected regions, regarding the accumulation of energy resources, well, generation as such, we remember statements from, well, let's say this , the heads of the energy transition, what about gas, we have everything, well, in principle, it is in order, we will pass in the winter, but regarding electricity, what might be the nuances of this winter, well, today, despite the shelling that took place in odesa, in the front-line areas, we
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still have power, in terms of power, it is enough until november, that is, we do not have a shortage of power, but again in december, in january, especially in february, when there will be significant frosts, possibly below 7°, then we may have certain, certain capacity deficits, primarily due to the fact that it was simply impossible to fully 100% repair the damaged destroyed equipment last year and this year in the winter, there may be a capacity deficit of up to 2 g, which will be largely covered by imported electrical energy, therefore... such a catastrophe is not foreseen, although there are definitely certain risks of massive shelling where it is possible to prepare for and it is necessary to prepare, but there is another option, which is different
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the hypothesis according to which there will be no such massive shelling of the energy infrastructure this year, and russia will focus on other goals , well, time will tell, as they say, but we will watch and count on the smallest losses and, of course, on the constant and reliable work of our anti-aircraft forces thank you, volodymyr melchenko, director of energy programs of the razunkov center. the ministry of community development, territories and infrastructure has established a headquarters to help ukrainian drivers stuck on the border with poland. his task to provide people with food, drinking water, medicine and fuel. at the three largest border points of yagodin, ravaruska and krakkivec, there has already been a crowd. almost 3,000 trucks, the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, andriy demchenko, said. these points are blocked by polish carriers, many ukrainian drivers are forced to cross the border through other checkpoints, however, queues are formed there as well, due to the increase in the flow of cars. it will be recalled that polish truck drivers have been blocking
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the three most popular border points for two weeks already. yes, ihor popov, a political scientist, will try it is possible to answer the question when these protest moods and actions of the field. at the border, they will be annihilated, we congratulate you, my congratulations, we actively discussed with our guests, maybe with you, on the air, and before and during the election processes in poland, it has already happened there, there have also been changes in the government in in the context of the fact that as soon as this pre-election march ends, the issue will be resolved immediately, but we can see that it is only growing protest moods, who or what, is it possible the european commission or someone in the eu, or inside. poland can affect positive solution? we can also see that the formation of the new polish government is not happening quickly and not very smoothly, that is, we can say that the internal political tension in poland remains, and apparently, after all, the blocking of the ukrainian
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border is connected, including with relations between the former government and the new government of poland, we really expect the intervention of the european commission , because ukraine signed the transport visa-free agreement with brussels, that is , last summer of 22, ukraine signed this agreement, got free access to the markets road transportation and one of the eu member states, as it turns out, more than a year has passed, was dissatisfied, that is , maybe they could solve this in their dialogue with brussels, and not block such an important thing as the ukrainian-polish border during the war. yes, we talked on our air with human rights defenders and political experts, they talk about what, in principle, the polish government has. have all the levers of influence on the carriers and they could settle the situation, and the fact that
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the situation is not settled now indicates that there is a certain interest of the polish government. i agree with these assessments that if it was a local initiative of only one association of motor carriers, then the polish government could apply all legal mechanisms, after all, in each country there is a rather serious... responsibility for blocking strategic transport communications, but if this they don't do it, it means that the problem is a bit deeper, the problem is that many of the polish politicians may feel a certain competition, and with ukraine, and therefore on the example of this conflict, they want to create mechanisms for the regulation of such competition for the future, but then, then the european commission should come to the fore, it turns out, because the same decision was made at the level of the european union, regarding the transport visa-free, the same decision is
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collegial, so we expect the intervention of brussels of the european commission, but we cannot count on them to solve all these problems, because there are already enough problems in the relations between warsaw and brussels , some decisions of the constitutional court and political decisions, and freedom of speech, and so on one problem does not mean that it will become a priority and be solved quickly. last week, on friday, the european commission seems to have announced that it would find mechanisms to influence and pressure the poles, but we see that slovakia is already joining this process, here the question is different, not about possible sanctions, fines , perhaps from the european commission, and what can the poles oppose to such rhetoric from brussels. now the new government, perhaps it will not be as eurosceptic as the previous one
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formed by the party law and justice, and after all, after the final formation of the polish government, the appointment of those ministers who are responsible for international policy and relations with the european union, with the european commission, it is possible that it will be important for this new government to find compromises with brussels. rather than increasing and exacerbating contradictions. well , not only slovakia is there, the hungarians there also looked at the situation and said that it's cool, a good option, maybe we'll join too. in this vein, i want orbán's latest statement for you to comment on, because he is at the congress of his party said that hungary should not leave the european union, but change it, because without radical changes, this is his quote.
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of the european union, according to orbán, the european union will simply fall apart, i wonder how the european union should be changed under the direction of hungary, what fashion it will be, in general, there is a big debate in the european union about the future of this organization, with on the one hand, there is a fairly strong lobby that speaks of the need to move to deeper integration, and actually to the creation of a confederation, i.e. to a political union, and not only the economic union, but on the other hand, economic problems, the war in europe on the territory of ukraine, they lead to the activation of eurosceptics, to the activation of right-wing parties in europe, which call for the opposite, if not for the withdrawal of their countries from the european union, then for the priority of the nation itself...' over joint decisions, and that's why it's a big debate in ukraine, we can
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get involved in it, we are a candidate member of the european union, and the same hungary, let's say, opposes the expansion of the union, first of all, into the territory of ukraine, and the commissioner for the expansion of the hungarian quota, too. oliver varghii therefore we have a task with an asterisk, let's say so. well, when this european commissioner came and gave his personal comments about which law on political figures should be adopted, again ukrainian politicians, many believed that this was the agreed position of the european union, although others believed that perhaps it was his personal opinion the european commissioner, so of course we respect all those who are official representatives of the european union, but we must separate subjective judgments and what is written in official documents. thank you to you, ihor popov, a political scientist, joined the joint telethon. yes, well, different topics,
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different guests, and more about the psychological and social support of those who return. from the front, various rehabilitation programs are already operating in the country, where soldiers are helped to recover from the scars of war , 55-year-old serviceman dmytro akilin, who was on the front line for more than a year, received contusions and undermined his health, is now rehabilitating himself and helps his comrades to cope with sports problems tourism and showcase sports, and more details about the project military, svitlana dovzhuk will tell more about this in the summer. there was nothing in the city, serviceman dmytro akilin, in august of this year, he decided to arrange a certain place of rest for those servicemen who now need psychological help and some rehabilitation. dmytro himself went through both the kherson direction and the donetsk direction, and now he is in the reserve and says that in this way he wants to help the families of military servicemen
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and immigrants, come and help them. in general , he has been engaged in steam sports all his life, he trained children and says... that he wants to continue doing this business, but already a little in a different direction, when questions arose that i myself need rehabilitation, then i have been engaged in sailing, water sports, actively engaged in sports tourism all my life , sports tourism is very often used by rehabilitators in rehabilitation programs, the elements are water, sun, fresh air, especially ours, sea, salt, only have a beneficial effect on health. in general, this base also has sailboats boats, catamarans, kayaks, but this is not the whole list. in the summer you can stay here with tents, well, but when the project can acquire a larger scale, they plan to build such more stable and monolithic houses here, in order for the rehabilitation center to work steadily and professionally, a certain team is currently being recruited, and in general , doctors will also stay, in order to
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be able to call it a full-fledged rehabilitation center. they have been vacationing here since last august. more than 10 families of military personnel and four by the way children from them have already decided to do sailing professionally, so now dmytro's team, those people who spent his sporting life with him, are now helping him bring this idea to life, in the future, when a rehabilitation center will open here, i would love to help, military children, military, to forget the problems on the shore. i already work with children, train them and already know the approach to some, i am ready to help the children of the military, rest and undergo full rehabilitation here all year round, because the most important thing for sailing is not stormy weather, but in general , dmytro shares that his idea is more
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strategic and large-scale, he plans to complete it within a year, in order to open a full-fledged rehabilitation center here. it will be necessary to build a certain shelter with the doctors, and get all certain permits. serhiy jerch, head of the public league of ukraine nato, senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the battalion medical center, with us, we welcome you, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, we just watched a story about rehabilitation, and i want appeal to your personal experience, tell me what types of activities best allow you to recover, reload the army. well, all the types that fighters, veterans like, after being wounded, that can switch them from thinking about something sad, to what you are doing, because when you concentrate, around what you are doing, then everything turns out, successfully and is having its effect, with a great
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deal of rehabilitation for the military has begun as such. ago in 18-19, but of course the large-scale invasion took its toll corrections, in general, medicine, it has undergone changes, but in this part we also need foreign experience and specialists, specialists in new specialties, how can you evaluate this move and, well, is the state still paying enough attention to this issue? well, there are nato standards, it is very important that they be implemented in the system of military medicine, in particular tactical... medicine, we , everything possible, interestingly, in the plan for combat medics, we involve all this, we train servicemen, medics, soldiers, er, shooters, paramedics, in the department, platoons
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companies, and medical posts, military medics, that is, they must first of all know this subject well, and be able to teach , show, convince, use all the necessary methods, soldiers, so that every soldier can give himself self-help, to be able to help a comrade, first of all, it is usually to stop the bleeding, because from these, from wounds, from blood loss, complications often occur and servicemen die, if there is no such opportunity to provide help, therefore every serviceman is equipped with a tourniquet, trained in how to use it, it is important that these trainings are carried out in harmonious conditions. to repeat more than once, you said about tactical medicine, but on the initiative of the ministry of defense, there is such an idea that when
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our victory is won, after that , intensive military training should be introduced for absolutely all ukrainians, and that everyone should take a course in tactical medicine, tell me, what is your vision, what should such lessons look like? such tactical medicine courses? well, it's a good idea to let's say that such people went to study, well, most of them are citizens of ukraine, maybe we just had a dilemma, do we need a contract or conscription army? in fact, in many countries, it is a mixed system, because the contract army is needed in order to ensure high professionalism, so that those soldiers who work... on complex equipment, they did all this qualitatively, achieved it, and at the same time, if society, will not be trained in
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the part of military science, military medicine, in particular, then this is a threat in the event of the necessary mobilization there, necessary, if such a general civil resistance the enemy, resistance, then the lack of these, the lack of these skills' as if, well, there are certain threats to the success of such countermeasures, so uh, a normal way, let's say, maybe there is not as much as a conscript army as such, like passing certain courses , so that men and women understand what the army is, what subordination is, how it all works, how orders are carried out, how they are given, how it is all formed, and to be able to handle weapons, so that in in case of mobilization in the future, so that a person immediately understands where he is going, understands there
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one's relations with one's comrades, one's role and task, against this background, of course , in such cases, to teach such medics aspects of military medicine, it is very necessary and important. and there is an opportunity and time to do it, because in principle, tactical medicine, it is, if it has such a militarized character, but in fact it is also used in civilian life, the state emergency service is also used there, just when there are some injuries on the roads, there are other cases of man-made nature, that is, in any case, to everyone it is necessary and useful, well, you see, from tactical medicine, we are smoothly transitioning to tactical aviation, because both tactical medicine and aviation are important components of ours, on the way to our victory, and here, in particular, vivid footage
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of ukrainian pilots performing combat missions, the air force showed on the front lines , the rapid flight of the mig-29 and su-25 can be seen, and in a moment , the rockets launched by them fly in the air with hundreds of lights, destroying enemy equipment and the occupiers on the ground. destroyer. f-16s will change the course of the war in ukraine and help drive russian aviation away from ukraine. this is what yuriy ignat, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, said, commenting on the statements of some foreign politicians who claim that the aircraft that ukraine may soon receive will not change the course of hostilities. i think that such aviation complexes, and a multi-purpose aircraft is precisely an aviation complex, because it solves a number of tasks, will be able to significantly affect the course of the war, with the help of aviation complexes such as the f-16, we will be able to drive the russian aviation away and cover it from the air our ground troops. mr. sergey, we often hear about
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that the russian aviation with their planes, it... significantly exceeds the capabilities of our aviation, but actually they dominate the sky, at least on the line of contact, yes, but for some reason, we hear such statements that receiving, f16, the same multi-purpose aircraft , it can't change anything practically in this war , so why so, if they have proven themselves for more than one decade in different wars, well, these are different assessments, you know, different situations, different types of combat operations. and it can be evaluated in different ways, of course now the russians dominate to some extent, because they have a larger number of aviation equipment , but they do not actually fly over the demarcation line into ukrainian territory, because we still have a strong air defense, but they use guided aerial bombs today, which are dropped there at a distance of 20-30 km or more from the contact line, and these half-ton bombs, 15 each... in
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principle, they cause damage to the civilian population, and of course to the ukrainian troops, although they are not very accurate, but still it a threat, so i think that the presence of aviation equipment, in particular, these f-16 platforms, the planes are powerful, it will still push the enemy further, because in principle, these radars, which are in the f6, they can see for hundreds of kilometers, there extremely different types, there are more than 100 km, 150 and more, there is such an opportunity to see the enemy, and in this way it can be inflicted on them, defeats, russian planes do not have such modern radars, their eyes, therefore, see much less, and this there is an opportunity to win in this, mr. sergey, we agree that these are just different assessments,
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as soon as... 16 appear in our country, we will analyze with you their properties and influence on the course of this war. thank you, serhiy jerch, head of the public league ukraine nato, senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, the head of the medical unit was just like that, batalno was that he is with us, we continue together with oleya. chevorons approaching victory, this year's winter promises to be difficult again. the enemy is targeting critical infrastructure facilities. so we have to prepare for
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the most difficult scenarios. keep warm insulate the houses, it will be difficult, but the fighting spirit cannot be borrowed from the ukrainians. think about an additional safe source of heat, everyone should be responsible this winter. invite your relatives, acquaintances from the regions that have suffered destruction, together, it is warmer and more fun. the best way to warm up is to engage in light sports, because our energy is enough to overcome any cold. stock up on flashlights and power banks, charge them. and stock up on food, water and warm clothes. warm up deliciously, fragrant tea or a hot dish gives warmth from the inside, and calories are not superfluous in winter. make friends with your neighbors, it is easier to beat the enemy in a group, and even more so to winter, and most importantly, support the armed forces. thanks to them, we have the opportunity to meet this winter. and as long as we are united, we are not afraid of enemies or cold weather.
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we hold each other. let's beat the winter together. warm country. ukrainian gives freedom. even the letters hide our determination and defiance. who else puts not just a dot over i, but two dots over i. ukrainian: the language of the free. fortify the borders of ukraine with drones, join the gathering border guards congratulations, ukrainians, you are with the only news marathon, the rada tv channel team is working for you. we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize the main points for you. together we are a force. the only news in the center of events. time of news on the air zaalno on.


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