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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EET

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invaders who died defending our country with you. so, a moment of silence, let's remember and honor those who are no longer with us. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this edition we talk about the following topics: russian troops do not stop trying to surround avdiivka, the general staff reports, and the military expert of the german publication bill ryobki believes that russia has moved to the tactics of foot encirclement, because in recent weeks it has lost about 270 units of armored vehicles in this direction. what is the situation in avdiivka, what tactics are russian forces using in their attempts to surround the city? stop the economy and sow panic among the civilian population. this is the purpose of long-term air strikes in ukraine - said president zelskyi and tasked the military and the government to resolve the issue of long-term air strikes. is it possible to counteract this and is it possible to ignore the alarm if
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a russian mig takes off, we are talking to an expert, its were deported from occupied mariupol, were not allowed to leave russia, and were invited to the military in the moscow region before they came of age. bohdan yermokhin returned to ukraine on his 18th birthday. how it was possible to return the ukrainian, whose fate in russia was taken care of by lvova-bilova herself, exclusive comments and details on our broadcast further. important news, announcements and exclusive comments, all in our. morning broadcast every weekday from 9:00 a.m. on radio liberty's youtube channel. russian troops advanced near avdiivka. analysts say this the american institute for the study of war, the portal of deep state analysts, as well as russian pro-war bloggers. in particular , the ngpvedka telegram channel writes that the russian military broke through the defense of the armed forces in the south of the city near the so -called promka. telegram channel var gonzo writes that in addition to success in the south. russian forces
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seriously expanded the control zone near the railway in the north of avdiyivka, near krasnogovka and came close to the industrial zone of the coke chemical plant. they say that fighting is already going on in this area. analysts of the ukrainian deepstate project confirm the successes of the russian forces in the north near the industrial zone and in the district villages of novo-kalynove and vesela. they say the situation there is difficult. and they also write that russian forces advanced near stepovoy in the north, between this settlement and koksokhimi. battles continue near the factory - say udiyt, while avdiivka itself is being shelled by artillery and aviation , analysts of the american institute for the study of war note that ukrainian forces are waiting for the third wave of an assault on the city, they note that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine declares unsuccessful assault actions of russian troops and repulsed attacks. meanwhile, according to the head of the city's military administration, vitaliy barebash, 1,431 people remain in avdiivka, he said in
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a comment to ukrainian radio: the authorities are urging people to evacuate, but not everyone wants to leave their homes. last week, journalists from france press visited the hospital, near avdiyivka, they spoke with residents who were injured due to shelling and with the team of the white angel police evacuation project. these are mostly elderly people who there is nowhere to go, there are no relatives, eh, they say that we have relatives buried here, we are here and we will also be buried and buried, no one is waiting for us, nowhere, and we, we will be here, we are already used to everything, and to the shelling, and to the fact that there is no electricity, no water, no gas, people get used to everything, as they say, it is better at home, your city is familiar, you have to learn everything again in a new place, the same shops, moving around the city , where and when you can, where you can't, where you can get into bad company. and on the eve of
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avdiivka evacuated two wild horses, this was reported to the national police, where they say that it is about horses from the swallow farm. which was destroyed in the spring of this year, then they say that about three hundred animals died, which together with the owner managed to be evacuated, but two horses remained from the dechavilla, they ran away from people, in search of food, the horses were taken all the way to avdiivka, the police began to evacuate them from white yayangol and volunteers of the kharkiv animal rescue organization specially engaged a groom with his own by horse, and it helped, seeing their animal, so to speak... they followed him and evacuated from avdiivka, the groom in front, the rider on his horse, behind him two evacuated horses. well, it worked, well, they are following him, we will
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talk about the situation in avdiivka further, serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakuv hantsyuk, joins our broadcast. i greet you, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i am extremely grateful to you for joining, i would like to ask you what the situation is in avdiivka, whether the russian forces are close to encircling this city, from how many sides are russian forces storming this settlement, well, regarding the encirclement and er, occupation of avdiyivka, i will say that they are already close to this, probably two years, but they still have intentions. who are making attempts, more active, less active, that's it, i listened to your previous speech, i'll say that we don't look at the institutes for the study of war, at experts and so on, we carry out the commands given to us by the command, the commander-in-chief,
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that's it we do our work, that's why there are a lot of questions about avdiivka, almost everyone a day they call from different cities of ukraine, and not only abroad. how is your situation, i will say that the situation is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, the command is doing everything possible to make it impossible to fulfill the goals that this terrorist, president putin, set there for his troops, that is how we read, we know the statement from to the general staff that they say that the enemy does not stop trying to encircle the city, but the armed forces oppose this, nevertheless, we also have analysts who analyze the situation on the battlefield, here are analysts they say that the russian army is successful in the area of ​​the so-called promka, that is, the industrial zone, which is actually the outskirts of avdiyivka, and that the russian forces allegedly managed to break through the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine, which were there since the time of ato,
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can you confirm this information, tell us about what is the current combat situation in avdiivka promtsa and who controls it? so, i will say that everyone...' heard all of ukraine and all our citizens, all patriots of ukraine, so what we are doing there, everything, corresponds to the tasks that the command sets for us, the situation is under control, operational command, under the control of unit commanders, and we will not cover on the air where someone broke through, because it is, well, let's put it this way, to put it mildly , untrue, and secondly, in order not to cover this situation for the enemy, ugh, we see everyone, especially now the weather has turned to one side, it has snowed, and i don't want to talk about them on the air, it's very
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visible from afar, where they just appear, so we crush, kill, destroy, we don't allow them to the fact that they passed somewhere there, mr. sergiu, maybe about such moments, will you tell me, i understand that you cannot tell, many things from the battlefield, but about such a story, experts call and talk about the fact that the forces of the russian federation are repeating the bakhmut scheme on avdiivka, can you explain what this means, i.e. by what means, methods, number, number of people are the russian forces trying to surround the city, well, look, myself... avdiivka itself is already, well, it is constantly being shelled from everything possible, including constant airstrikes, about what they want who are our military men to be afraid of? well, that's not it
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yes, you can’t scare civilians with anything, probably in this life, to scare civilians, well, they are still there, they are, er, they are... they are a little bit hindering us from carrying out those tasks, but it means that they are coming, in larger columns, small ones, so small for gons, make an attempt, and they do it, let's say, they do it not so voluntarily, as in my opinion, what i see, what, what is being done, the information that i know that if they were to be pushed out, here you are, you're going, that's all, you're going to your death, and they already understand that too, so there is no motivation, they already know for sure that they the occupiers, they know that they will die here. that's why you have to shout at them, after all, they still have the same flesh and body and blood as
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us, go home, guys, go to your place and do something for yourself in your country, and we 'll figure it out here without you, mr. sergey, i would like to give you another quote, an opinion, the military expert of the german publication bild, julian roobke, believes that russia has switched to the tactic of encirclement on foot, because in recent weeks it has lost 270 units of armored vehicles in this direction, and that russian forces also send kamikaze tanks to the positions of the armed forces, that according to this idea, a car with two tons of explosives should drive close to ukrainian positions and explode, is this some kind of know-how, or how can you comment on whether this really occurs on the front and does such a tactic help and work in favor of the forces of the russian federation or not? so, let's say this, dear equipment that just appears on the battlefield, which we can reach, it is immediately destroyed, yes, last week there were such cases when they
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filled the same mtlb with explosives, recruited speed, it’s understandable, they somehow blocked this gas there, and after that , they jumped out of this car on the move, and the car was going to our position, but it was destroyed right away, a big firework was going up, so... that’s all predicted, there is nothing new in this, but before this there were the same examples, the equipment and they, they already showed this, a full-scale, let's say this, active attack there at the beginning of october in the month of avdiivka, the whole world saw how much equipment was destroyed , whatever it appears, it will all be destroyed, because this is a complex work of protecting our borders, you understand, it’s not just the artillerymen and drones, it’s all working, and engineers,
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sappers, stormtroopers, it’s intelligence, that is, all units, everyone knows what to do , anti-tankers, oh, and when it works comprehensively, and today you understand what an advantage we have, we have every commander on the spot who knows his place, his line, knows the tasks facing his unit, he makes decisions on the spot, and not waiting... for him to call there a brigade commander or there and even a senior commander, and this is our advantage , it is very big, recently we celebrated the sergeant's day, so i want to say that this is such a layer of military personnel in the armed forces, who today, well, i would call them all generals, well at their level, you understand, they are thoughtful, first of all, they care a lot about their subordinates. that is, every subordinate, every fighter of this or that unit, is already a family, and this, this, well, this
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is not something that he will take at any price, put yes, no, no, do so that he will complete the task, but later, and i will stay alive, this is what we have, we all have this feeling, we must win and survive, there is a difference in the approaches of the two armies, russian and ukrainian, mr. serhiy, thank you very much for joining. serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov hantsyuk, was a guest of svoboda ranok. the long-term worries about the flights of russian migs aim to paralyze the economy of ukraine and sow panic among the population. this statement was made by the president of ukraine at a meeting with students of mariupol university. zelensky instructed the military and the government to resolve the issue of prolonged air alarms that last for several hours. in november, during the sorties of russian fighter jets. refueled in the air, due to which the duration of alarms increased to three hours, and the russians understood how
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it works, that it is possible to economically stop ukraine, as well as life, and already sow such a mood, a panic mood among the civilian population, a plane takes off, there is a signal. and now the plane does not fire missiles, but just three hours, just to transfer ukraine to the basement, that's how it is is called and they are engaged in this, that is, a technological solution must be found so that people know where it is very dangerous and where it is maximally provocative, the russian mig 31k is capable of carrying dagger ballistic missiles that can strike anywhere in ukraine, hence the alarm are announced throughout the territory
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, thus blocking the work of enterprises and institutions, because according to safety rules, work must stop, earlier on the air of our show , the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine yuriy ignat said that refueling the fighter in in the air for a very long time, and the launched missile reaches the target in a matter of minutes. the publication defense express paid attention to the technical characteristics of the migs, it is stated that these aircraft can stay in the air for up to seven hours in a row with refueling in the air, and the maximum flight, as analysts write, after studying the training of the russian forces, was 7 hours and 4 minutes in 2016. then these fighters... covered almost 800 km from krasnoyarsk krai to astrakhan oblast and back, il-78 aircraft then made three refueling in the air. in the air command forces of the armed forces of ukraine have already reacted to president zelenskyi's instructions , spokesman yuriy ignat said on the air of the telethon that when a solution is found and adopted, the air force will carry it out. previously, on svoboda
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ranok, rechnyk said that such a decision requires a serious approach, because it is not known in advance what type of flight... will the russian forces carry out a training exercise or actually a combat one? it was announced that the president had instructed to find a solution, and i think there was a discussion of this in such a small circle question. there will be such a decision, the air force will implement, there are no options here, but when it will be, i do not have such information. it was announced that valeliy rumanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum, is joining our broadcast. i congratulate you. thank you for participating, you have a lot of profile questions. good morning, or if we talk about volodymyr zelenskyi's mandate, he instructed the military and the government to resolve the issue of long-term air alarms. in your opinion, how is it possible to do it, is it possible what to do at all, is it possible to counteract the long worries when the actual mig takes off, and maybe there is some international experience that could be
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applied in ukraine? well, in general, really. but there is some experience, the american army, the israeli army has such a more differentiated approach to air alarms, whether there is or not, but several levels, well, maybe , for example, as in a traffic light, yes there is a yellow, orange, red level, depending on the level threats, let's say so, if a single rises, a single could with a missile, even with missile, yes, then it probably makes no sense to declare an air alert over the entire... territory of ukraine, well, what about a similar pair of fighter jets, because even if they strike at some , well, try to strike at some infrastructural object, the total damage will be less , rather than from the economic idleness there for many hours, in general, unfortunately
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, the russians have quite a few such missiles, not hundreds, but dozens of these missiles. and they will not just launch them over cities to hit some residential buildings, they want to achieve some very important goals with these missiles, so that at least the cost of the missile, well, justifies its use, its cost is more than 10 million dollars, and as for how to evaluate , well, you see, the russians have thought very well about this , let’s say, action, it’s not just that this could rise into the air and flies around the airfield, it is heading in the direction of ukraine for about 300 km, approximately to the city of tambov, and where did they have such a standard launch zone for these missiles, so it is really difficult for the air force to differentiate whether there is
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an alarm, real or just such abuse and a way without using because... supplies to harm us, but there are also indirect methods of determining, well, i do not want to announce, there are some indirect methods of how to determine the reality or unreality of this threat, but i emphasize once again, these are not direct methods for with one hundred percent probability, that is, it is necessary to make some decisions, whether it is necessary at all during such alarms, for example, to stop transport, evacuate there, let’s say some, or some, well, trading points, let’s say so, expel people, that is, where to take risks, well, we we know, we understand with you how it is works when the alarm is announced, we all go to watch telegram kan and many already have this habit, when the mig takes off, there is already an understanding that it is for a long time, and in principle there is some ignoring of this alarm, is it correct to ignore the alarm in such a case, until
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there is no such, well, national solution, let’s say so, to this issue, now, should we ignore it, can we ignore it, do we have the right to do it, if the russian could take off, we have it, we don’t have it, everyone makes, makes a decision himself, that means i have seen many times how people react to these you know, solid alarms, they already react to them, well, just stay calm, get out of the transport and stand on the curb, waiting for the transport to leave. the only thing is that one more decision needs to be made here, so that taxis do not raise prices, do not bring the price of travel to the price of airline tickets, yes, and this is not even though we have a market, market economy, yes, but a market... regulated and must somehow make a decision so that taxi prices do not increase more than twice during air alarms. so, because sometimes there is a real need to go,
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and let's put it this way, people without honor and conscience actively use it, it must also be prevented, this is also an important point, because these are not isolated cases like this, but in general, everyone reacts as he deems necessary, if he evaluates, that is, daily anxiety for 4 hours, any person will stop paying attention to them, mr. valery, and if we talk about the protection of the pppo, about such an umbrella, this umbrella was talked about by andriy yermak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, a week ago he was in the usa, and he spoke about strengthening air defense, and what such an increase could even allow to open one of ukraine's airports for civilian flights, or do you think it is realistic to consider the option of opening a civilian airport during martial law?
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the option is real only in one case, if it is uzhgorod, if it will be covered by nato air defense, then why not, they have enough patriots, they can push them under the border itself, by the way, there is a glide path, well, that is, a landing line, yes it passes over slovakia, it is quite realistic to do it, well, i don't know if it will be, so direct participation of the nato armed forces, but on the other hand, it is possible to enter from one side, from the side of slovakia, and cover this airfield with nato means, well, in this case , i see the point, in others, you know, it is somewhat risky, to be honest, i still opened it, they are going to open not for planes with 10-15 passengers, but for the most massive of our planes - these are boeings and airbuses. which take up to 200 passengers on board there, well, just imagine, an air alert is flying up, which means that the mig 31 that we mentioned, which we mentioned,
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needs to get all the people out of plane and put it in some sort of bomb shelter, and are there, by the way, bomb shelters in our airports for 200, 300, 400 seats, because you yourself understand that there is no point in opening a large airport for the sake of one or two flights, there should be, well, at least a dozen flights per day, if we talk about the experience of warring countries, well, often in ukraine they talk about the experience of israel , as far as it can be compared with the ukrainian reality , but in israel, civil aviation works , the iron dome, known to the whole world, works there, is it possible somehow in this way without direct participation nato, as you noted, will ukrainian skies be 100% protected or in certain cities, except possibly lviv, for this aviation to work? well, hardly, you can’t compare the war in israel
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, you see, we are fighting the so-called second army of the world, and israel is fighting a war with armed, armed terrorists, these are different wars, armed terrorists have the most weapons, they can have portable anti-aircraft missiles complexes, these are pipes that are launched from the shoulder and reach a height of 3 km there. russian anti-aircraft missile systems reach a height of 30 to 25-27 km and a range of up to 300 km. that is, we just mentioned the number of missiles, well, they ended up being huge, and the russians have a huge number of missiles. so it is impossible to compare these wars, and no iron dome will protect us, because with these iron domes we will have to
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throw all the armed forces we have. on these iron domes in order to cover at least all important objects and cities in ukraine. of course, thank you for your comments, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state museum of aviation, was a guest of svoboda ranok. this is the freedom of the mornings, as i have already said, my name is kateryna nekrecha, thank you all for joining, important topics will be discussed later on our broadcast. the hungarian prime minister calls ukraine's invitation to the start of eu accession negotiations a mistake: ukraine is now light years away from the european union, viktor orbán says, how hungary will fight against ukraine, what challenges await kyiv in relations with poland, slovakia and other countries neighbors on path to the european union, we will discuss all this. he was deported from occupied mariupol, was not allowed to leave russia, and before he came of age was invited to the military in the moscow region. bohdan yermokhin returned to ukraine on his 18th birthday. how did you manage
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to return ukraine? whose fate in russia did lvova-bilova herself take care of ? coming soon, stay tuned. watch us here on youtube, on the radio liberty channel, subscribe, like, write, write your comments and even suggest a topic for discussion on our broadcasts, as well as join rfe/rl in various social networks. with the words, glory to ukraine on its 18th anniversary. bohdan yermokhin, who was deported from mariupol by russian forces, returned to ukraine, he returned across the belarusian-ukrainian border. in minsk , bohdan was met by his sister, who was officially the boy's guardian. at the border , bohdan was met with festive balloons and gifts by his lawyer and journalists from the radio liberty tiyak project, who exclusively managed to communicate with bohdan at the time of his return home. bohdan, how are you, say a few words. are you
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happy that you are in ukraine? very, we met nine months ago, and this struggle was our common one, nine months, we fought with him, and finally he still returns, it was his dream and it came true, and on his birthday, all dreams should be implemented, i will tell you that this story of bohdan yermokhin, i believe that it will become an impetus for us to unite even more... not only ukraine, but also the world, so that children, all children ukrainians were returned. bohdan has been an orphan since childhood, during the occupation of mariupol he was taken to russia together with dozens of other children, there he was transferred to a russian foster family and given a passport of the russian federation. as the boy's lawyer reported, since july 2022, the teenager has made several unsuccessful attempts to return to ukraine, and although bohdan was still 17 years old, he
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already received the news that he would report to the military of the moscow region on december 19, 2023. then bohdan recorded an appeal to the ukrainian president zelenskyi with a request to help him return home. according to dmytro lubinets, the ukrainian obutsman, bohdan's return home was made possible by the participation of the state of qatar and the unicef organization in this process. maria lvova bilovova, the russian commissioner for children's rights , whose arrest warrant was issued by the international criminal court for the deportation of ukrainian children, commented on bohdan's return home. in her telegram channel, where she wrote that in 2022, bohdan was found unattended in mariupol by the russian military, to receive custody in russian family, he gave his consent himself, as he himself wanted, bilova writes, to reunite with his relatives in ukraine. on bohdan's birthday, lviv-bilov wished the boy happiness. maryana sit, journalist of the tiyak project joins our broadcast. congratulations maryana, you met bohdan yarmokhin at the border and also.
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before that, you and your colleagues spoke on the phone with the russian children's commissioner, maria lvova bilovova, who personally knows bohdan yermokhin, because he was a friend of another boy from mariupol, whom she took under guardianship, and i want to ask you, whether bohdan was really not given power in russia, as bilova claimed, is it true, katya, hello, unfortunately, we can say the opposite of the story that the boy... should be kept in russia, because his the sister and lawyer repeatedly appealed to various russian officials, provided all the documents for the boy 's return, but they did not respond to their requests, bohdan himself, it is a fact that he tried to escape, and according to russian law, children who have 16-17 years old, can cross the border, but for some reason they did not let him in.


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