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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will speak in a verdict about ukraine, the world, war and victory, about everything that interests you, our dear tv viewers, in today's program. discuss why ukraine is far from a peace agreement with the russian federation, and what the world community thinks about it, the rehabilitation of the kremlin, can they really invite lavrov to the osce meeting? the unchanged position of china regarding ukraine, what does this mean and what should our country expect? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, with a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war.
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yevgeny dyky and major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin. however , before starting our conversation, i suggest you watch the video of how the fighters of the special operations forces corrected the hymers fire and destroyed the p-149 cabg command and staff vehicle of the invaders. let's see. friends, for those who are watching us live on youtube and facebook today, please like our broadcast and also
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subscribe to our pages on these platforms, in addition, during the program we conduct a poll, we ask you if there are any reasons to go to the square today, yes, no, please vote on youtube, it's quite simple there, if do you think there are reasons to go out on the streets, please write in the comments below this video, if you think that during the war there is no need to go out on the streets for some kind of protests, and write that you don't... we need to do this during the telecast voting is carried out by telephone, phone calls, for those who think there are reasons to go to the maidan, call 0800-211,30081, no, 0800-21-382, call, all calls are free for you, at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote
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, and we are in touch, there should be yevhen dyky, we are waiting for his inclusion, he is a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, the former commander of the aydar battalion company, we will talk to him about the situation in the eastern and southern fronts and with which the armed forces of ukraine enter the winter, there is a message from the general staff of ukraine , which indicates that during the day there were 46 combat clashes between the occupiers and the defense forces of ukraine. defense forces of ukraine continue assault operations south of bakhmut and continue their offensive in the direction of melitopol. in the siverskyi and slobozhansky directions, russia maintains a military presence in the border areas, conducts active diversionary activities in order to prevent the transfer of defense forces to threatening directions, increases the density of mine-explosive barriers. along the state
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border in the bilhor region. in the kupyan direction, the russians conducted assaults in the areas of senkivka, east of petropavlivka and ivanivka of the kharkiv region, and there our defense forces repelled seven attacks. in the liman direction, the occupiers did not conduct offensive actions, and in the bakhmud direction, the troops of the russian federation conducted assault actions in the districts of klishchivka and andriivka, ukrainian defenders repelled 11 attacks, well , actually, we see how during the last two for months, the russians have been conducting active military operations in the district of avdiivka, they actually destroyed this city by shelling it, and are trying to continue storming it, they have lost a lot of manpower and equipment, but despite this, the attacks continue on avdiivka, and so far they are unsuccessful. well, in
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the zaporizhzhia direction , the troops of the russian federation did not conduct offensive actions, assault actions, at the same time , the defense forces continue the introduction of offensive operations in the melitopol direction, inflicting losses in manpower and equipment on the occupying troops, exhausting the russians along the entire front line. different information is coming in about what is happening on the left bank of the kherson region, where the defense forces have occupied a small bridgehead, and from that bridgehead, as i understand it, offensive actions will develop. and we are already in touch. veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former commander of the battalion company aidar yevhen dykiy. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. good evening. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. yevgeny, i briefly told our tv viewers about the establishment of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine and
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the situation on the eastern front and on the southern front. how do you assess the current, current situation on the eve of winter and what are you armed with? the forces of ukraine, or the defense forces of ukraine are entering the eastern and southern flanks of the front, well, i wouldn’t give such generalizing assessments at all, i always try to refrain from this, well, for now, let’s put it this way, the biggest, if you can put it that way, intrigue and our biggest hopes and hope, concerns the left bank of the kherson region, where our bridgehead has already taken place, where already from long-term raiding operations, sabotage operations, it was possible to proceed precisely to anchoring there and even to transferring heavy equipment there , and eh, in fact, at the moment it is being decided there exactly what will be the result of this entire summer-autumn offensive of our company, eh, because
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the bridgehead has definitely already taken place, drop the enemies did not succeed in returning our defenders to the dnipro , but the next task is much more difficult, namely to expand... the bridgehead, to break through their defenses there and enter the operational space in the rear of their defenses. there is such a chance, but i i insist on the word chance. there are no such guarantees, this is a war where both sides perfectly understand what the price of issues is. by the way, we have always been careful to talk about the left-bank kherson region, and if you read, the so-called vayenkors of moscow. well, they are fighting in this direction, that’s what they call it, the fighting in the kherson-crimea region is directed, so it’s quite clear that if our bridgehead there can be significantly expanded and from there we can turn around to march along the russian rear,
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then this means an immediate exit precisely to trench, access to the crimea, the problem is that the russians understand this, no worse than us, and that is why they will throw all their forces, all their reserves there, in order to prevent the expansion of this bridgehead , to prevent a breakthrough of their defense there, for good, they do not have such a line of defense there as surovykin's line in zaporizhzhia, they hoped for a long time that the dnipro, especially after the explosion of the kakhovskaya dam and the overflowing of the river, that the dnipro itself is a sufficient bar a barrier that will hold back our further progress. now they are feverish they are trying to dig in there, especially where the rise already begins, but they have actually admitted that the dnieper floodplain is all behind us , but further on, where the floodplain turns into such, well, the rise there is very conditional, in fact,
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but the rise compared to in the floodplain, there is generally a very flat terrain, so there it is, high above the floodplain, they are feverishly trying to dig something like that, but the line... they built nine months, which, unfortunately, they were given for it. at the moment, of course, they don't even have that kind of time, so nothing there will not be such a fortification there, it was good, the bad thing is that, unfortunately , their artillery did not go anywhere, and is very actively working on our bridgehead, their aviation, these 500t bombs, the k500 is currently the biggest problem for our defenders, who are holding there on the bridgehead. the fact that they have extremely low accuracy, plus or minus half a kilometer, saves a little, but on the other hand, where these bombs do arrive, well, there is a lot of traffic, and if we often draw parallels here between our war and the second world war, then you can already
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to say that our landing in normandy took place, but our orders ahead, that is , they were able to land, were thrown back into the river. or they didn't give for the river, but now it is necessary to break through the next line of defense, which is already far from the shore, and whether it will be successful this year, or whether this task will be postponed until spring, well, at the moment, no one can say that for sure... ' that is why i still urged to refrain from any excessive euphoria, there is hope, but this is important work, the enemy is fiercely resisting, and in return, there are many needs of our the defenders, who are currently there, have been hit by frost, there is a great need for heaters, thermal clothes, chemical heaters, so much for shoes and a lot more specifically for the war in winter conditions, so i call on everyone in the audience to urgently get involved in the provision of those parts of ours,
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which are currently there, well, they give us the most hope for the moment, and president zelsky says that the war between ukraine and russia will not end as quickly as we would like, he stated this during a meeting with representatives of the western media, in particular with the american ones, according to him, the world needs to pay attention to ukraine, which is fighting for its will. and people for some reason treat it like a movie, says zelenskyi, they expect that there will be no long pauses in the events, that the picture in front of the eyes will always change, there will be some surprises every day, but for us, for our soldiers, this is not a movie, this is our life, it's daily hard work, it's good that zelensky says about it, because sometimes, when we watched the only telethon there, it seemed to us that what we were shown were also announcements, like trailers of some future films about how we win.
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we are winning quickly and there was a lot of talk, including the heads of the main intelligence department, about how quickly we will be in crimea and how we will drink coffee there, whether in summer or autumn, or whether it will be the velvet season, what has now begun, that , what zelensky says and moderate, some forecasts, which means that this war will be much longer than zelensky is saying now, that is, it will be... long, but we cannot even imagine, well, in which period this will be a war, there, well, actually, the key thing is that no one at the moment, well, no one is conscious, now has enough information to predict exactly how long this war will take, very different options are possible, from the fact that it will end in on the 24th, this option is not completely ruled out, and to the fact that some western analysts recently calculated that it will last 5-6 years, well, to be honest, i am still more of an optimist, this assessment in 5-6 years does not seem reasonable to me yet, but
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we also do not have the right to rule this out, we we must be ready for any development of events, and moreover, we must prepare for the worst scenarios, and the better we are prepared for them, the more likely it will be that the best scenario will go, but the russians also have their own vision and they practically do not hide it anymore. er, their strategy for victory is calculated for the 25th year, but they quite soberly assess their capabilities in the 24th year, they believe that in the 24th year no great achievements or gains will shine on them, and their supertask on this is the 24th year to keep those territories that are currently occupied and to grind our forces as much as possible when trying to liberate these territories, and then everything in them is based on the belief in the second coming, only we are talking about the second coming of donald trump to the white house, they
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believe that in at the end of next year, they will elect trump, which, by the way, is not at all guaranteed, but not at all excluded, such a threat is very real, so that trump is elected in the states, and then literally immediately after the election, he cuts off our oxygen, stops supplying us with ammunition and weapons, and then in the 25th year they are really deploying, returning and completing what failed in the 22nd year, this is their strategy, it is all based on these, on the calculation, they will last the 24th year, during this time they will also maximally renew the work of their defense industry, which at the moment, anyway, well, it works very weakly , it does not, it does not even compensate for the losses in technology that they are currently incurring, i.e. every month the difference between how much they were able to put on the front of the new techniques and
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how much we have destroyed during this time, so here they are they hope to increase their defense industry by the 25th year, on the contrary to us, they proceed from the fact that we do not produce and will not produce anything of our own, we are completely dependent on american aid, and accordingly, at the end of the 24th, trump blocked it for us, and then in the 25th the balance of power changes to theirs. benefit, this is their strategy and we must understand it when developing our counter-strategy, that is, first of all, we must understand that this time, yes, in the 24th year , their opportunities are still very limited and we must use this, that is on the 24th year to try to do as much as possible, but secondly, we need to be safe, because trump can really be elected, and we have a whole year in this way, that's what i'm going to say, not just a year, i'm going to say a whole year to
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to learn to produce at least a minimal amount of weapons and, most importantly, ammunition for yourself, uh, in this sense, i remember, you know, there is such a thing about that, the lord announces that everything, humanity has caught me, i can no longer bear your sins look, in a week there will be a global flood, and you will no longer be there no mount orarat there, no noah's ark there, that's all, that's all, everyone is in panic, in shock, in despair, and the old rabbi gathers the jews in the synagogue and says, jews, they heard the news, well, everyone is so frightened, you heard, the merciful lord gave us a whole week to learn to breathe underwater, so actually , we have this 24th year to significantly increase our self-sufficiency and reduce our dependence on western aid, and on my thought, that's what we really need to focus on, uh, well, of course, that's all,
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weapons, iron, these are all very important, without them it is impossible to fight, but still the key thing that we have to understand for ourselves is that there is also a lack of people, but insufficient, let’s say success, i would not say about failure at all, by the way , but the insufficient success of our summer-autumn offensive campaign, it is connected not only with the fact that we were slowly supplied with equipment and supplied it in insufficient quantities with a delay, but it is also connected with our undermobilization, and that is exactly that. that depends solely on us and no one else, us in the 24th year, we have to correct all these shortcomings, which in the 23rd year caused the fact that we often simply do not have enough people, you know how painful it is to hear when, for example, you talk to mortarmen, and they say, for the first time
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there are enough mines for this war, we are destroying the ork support, there is no one to attack it, but when you hear such things, you understand that the problem is not all about biden, but there is a lot that we have to do, after all, we are here, and first of all , in relation to staffing of our armed forces with people. well, in the meantime, today in kyiv the minister of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, flew in and met with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelskyi, and the head of the pentagon noted that this meeting was one of the opportunities to confirm the steadfast support of ukraine by the united states of america. let's hear what loy dostin had to say. we saw the courage of the ukrainian people, which really impressed the world. the message i bring to you today is that the united states is with you and will be with you for a long time. what happens here in ukraine matters not only for ukraine, but for the rest of the world, and it certainly matters for the united states of america, so our allies and partners will continue to work to ensure that ukraine
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gets everything it needs to succeed. he said everything, but not everything, because... joe biden wrote an article about what and why ukraine's victory over russia is important, in the washington post, a text from joe biden appeared, and what the president of the united states of america writes, from the experience of the two world wars of the last century, we know that when aggression in europe remains unanswered, the crisis does not disappear by itself, it involves america directly, therefore our commitment to ukraine today is an investment in our own security. this prevents a wider conflict tomorrow. we are keeping american troops out of this war by supporting brave ukrainians who are defending their freedom and homeland. we are providing them with weapons and economic aid to stop putin's quest for conquest before the conflict spreads further. well, by the way, the us president also pointed out the similarity between
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russian terrorists and hamas terrorists, to which there was a violent reaction in russia. because they said, well, what is hamas, it’s actually a bunch of terrorists, a big state, and led by putin, these, excuse me, and i understand that they were offended not by the fact that they are terrorists, but by the fact that, you see, equated to small terrorists, they, their 140 million, yes , and there are a handful, is it possible to compare such two forces, here is what biden and austin say, in the direction of ukraine, what they say, it means that, well at least the next year before or until the 25th year when a new president of the united states of america is elected. of his powers, obviously it will be the inauguration there january or february of the 25th year, it means that we will at least hope for their support, now these wobbles that we
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are seeing now, what are they connected with the election campaign or with the misunderstanding of the americans about what they are helping ukraine for, all the problems that we're seeing right now fall into two categories, problems with the current administration, and these are very small problems, but it's a problem with, let's say, biden being overly cautious, notice even in that article that you just quoted, you you quoted him, and there it was again about preventing putin from winning, about defeating the russians completely, about ukrainian victory, as far as i understand, again it was not formulated directly, this is this problem that largely led to the failure of our offensive on the 23rd year that the biden administration is very cautious and is always afraid of some kind of escalation with russia, and that is why it gives us aid in a very dosed manner, but it is dosed, but
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it does give it, so this is still a smaller circle of problems, and a larger circle of problems is connected precisely with the republicans, specifically with trumpiz the wing of the republican party, which opposes aid to ukraine in general, they believe that this is not their war at all, there is no point in getting into it, there is no point in spending tax money on it, it is better to use this money to build some big chinese wall on the border with mexico, this is what, in their opinion, concerns the interests of the usa , and it was the trumpists who blocked the own decision of the congress regarding the financing of our aid for the 24th year, well, here i still maintain cautious optimism, i think that the truth is that we are wrong , after long and difficult ones trades and consultations, the biden administration, after all, you are... from the congress the decision on funding for the 24th year, but the 25th is really not guaranteed for us, and therefore the 24th must be used to the maximum precisely to
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pump up our forces, opportunities . to the states well, by the way, there are different positions on whether do we need to start some kind of negotiations with putin, or do we need some kind of prologue to these peace talks? german chancellor ulav scholz said that he is ready for new negotiations with the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, but this will only make sense if putin is ready to act, to quote scholz, he should withdraw the troops, but on... there is no indication that this will happen, putin should not succeed in his goal of using force to annex part of a neighboring country, why sir
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yevgeny, you drew attention to the fact that the united states of america, the leader of the united states of america, and the leader of germany do not talk about the complete defeat of russia, that is , that russia must ... must be defeated, and ukraine must win, but what is the victory of ukraine, i think that both scholz and biden, they could also answer the question of what is the victory of ukraine in different ways, well, the point is that one thing is to stop putin, the second thing is to defeat putin, and at the moment it looks like ours full victory in the west a little beating. in particular, because they do not know what will happen in russia after that and what they should do with that russia, in which with a very high probability,
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chaos will begin, various destructive, serious processes will begin after a lost war. they still haven't figured out what to do with russia after this war, that's why they are a little afraid of such a radical, let's say ending, exactly the one we need, the one we all dream of. but in addition, there is another point, they also avoid the direct in every possible way the entry of their countries, their armies into a war with the russians, uh, and for some reason they are very afraid of this direct entry into this war, uh, why am i so skeptical about this, saying that for some reason they are afraid, because in fact russia is very afraid of this more. russia knows perfectly well what will happen to it in the event of a direct conflict with nato countries. they all had relevant experience. when in the only direct confrontation between russians and americans, more than 200 russians and not one american were killed in an hour of combat, they know this ratio
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forces the ratio of technologies, that's why russia itself, it is ready to blackmail nato all the time, that is, to walk along this red line, but it is absolutely not ready to cross this line, they themselves are afraid of a direct conflict, but unfortunately, within nato, many people are also afraid of this conflict and precisely russia constantly plays on this. well, in ukraine they are warning that russia may resort to destabilizing the situation inside ukraine. and this statement was made a few days before the day of dignity and freedom, which will be celebrated in ukraine on november 21, president zelensky says that the russians are doing everything in order to make maidan 3, or rather, he told the president , he probably should have said anti-maidan 3, because maidans are not made and organized, maidans are created by people
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, who come to the street, and usually organize anti-maidan 3, like you, mr. yevgeny, wait, wait, come on , zelensky does not say that the russians are preparing maidan 3 for us, but let's quote correctly, zelensky says that the russians are preparing a special operation, which they call maidan 3, and this is absolutely logical, let's not forget that this is the point of view of the russians, they still sincerely believe, they are convinced that there are only two maidans, well, first of all, they count them as only two, that is, about revolutions on they did not know the border at all, in our ukrainian arithmetic, the new maidan would probably still be the fourth, not the third, but for russians it is completely beyond their, let's say, literacy, they basically do not take into account the revolution at the border of the 1990s, for them there were two maidans, the fourth and the 14th, and they are still sincerely convinced that these maidans were made by the americans, and therefore it is absolutely
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logical for them. to call their operation maidan 3, the americans did the first two, and now they are about to do their third, well, this is exactly the moscow logic, they did not understand our psychology, and still do not even begin to understand, and in particular they really they cannot understand that no one from the outside is capable of making the maidan, that the maidan, by and large, can be carried out and brought to victory only... the ukrainian people themselves, if wants to do it himself, to provoke this people to want to make a new maidan, only our ukrainian government can do it, but no third party from this side can argue with this, neither with the first nor with the second task, but neither provoke people to the maidan, nor this maidan lead to success, but they really do not understand this, in the history of russia there was nothing like the maidan, they did not have a single successful public protest,
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they did not have a single democratic revolution after 1991, so it is difficult for them to understand how this works and how it does not work, they are simple they see the hand of washington in this, that's all, so yes, it is absolutely logical for them to call the special operation the third maidan and seriously believe that if they throw in a few of their ipso and a few million dollars, then they will provoke this maidan, well, let them continue to think , this is just a good indicator that they did not understand us, and have not yet begun to understand us. mr. yevgeny, you said that the maidan is possible only if the citizens are not satisfied with the actions of the authorities, as it actually was in the fourth and in the 14th year, the only thing is that the revolution of dignity, why they do not mention and do not consider maidan , because then the russian special services did not participate and did not try to participate there in any way, on the granite you mean,
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yes on the granite yes. therefore, it is obvious, it is obvious that they are counting the maidan of the fourth and 14th year, you said that if the citizens want, they will go out into the street, can something provoke ukrainians now to go out into the street, realizing how dangerous it is during the war, it seems to me that we are already a sufficiently mature and mature society, and to go to the maidan during the war, we could... on one condition: if the authorities suddenly decided to enter into some agreements with russia, for which we did not give them a mandate, if the authorities decided, well, by and large, to capitulate in one form or another , but then the maidan would be possible, because then it would be more evil than a lost war. under all other conditions, i think we are old enough not to change the government during war, even if it makes some mistakes, even if...


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