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tv   [untitled]    November 24, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EET

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who died defending you and me, or those who died at the hands of the occupiers, both the military and the civilian population, a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my congratulations, you are watching the svoboda ranok project, i am oleg galiv, and don't miss it. russian forces covered chornobayivka in the kherson regional military administration with massive fire. they say that the shelling was conducted with cluster munitions. three people died the details of this incident, as well as the situation on the right bank of the dnipro, will be clarified in our broadcast. another ukrainian driver died at the checkpoint where polish carriers block the border with ukraine. this was stated by the vice-president of the association of international motor carriers. this is the second death of a driver planning to cross the border. how close are the governments of the two countries to solving the situation with the blockade and is poland interested in this. power.
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the draft law on the legalization of medical cannabis was blocked in the parliament due to a large the number of amendments from people's deputies. this was reported by the members of the committee on health of the nation, medical assistance and medical insurance , olga stefanyshina. will the deputies support the draft law, which, according to many activists , should help cancer patients and post-traumatic stress disorder caused by the war. when will this happen and what are the main comments of opponents of the legalization of medical cannabis. comment on what you see, share the video with your friends, and don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel, the radio liberty youtube channel, if you haven't done so yet. two children were injured due to shelling in kherson, this is a 15-year-old boy, he was injured in the head, leg and back, and his 11-year-old sister, who was injured in the face. this was announced by the head of the kherson regional military administration, oleksandr prokudin. russian forces do not stop shelling the right bank.
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the kherson region is increasing their intensity in the direction of large gatherings of people, the regional military administration says. the regional authorities published a video showing the consequences of an attack on the village of chornobayivka the day before. according to the last ones according to the data, three people died, five were injured. as a result of the shelling, six dozen residential buildings and commercial buildings were damaged. the forces of the russian federation used cluster munitions, the regional state administration says. here is what the eyewitnesses of the shelling say. side, it turns out that it penetrated in that direction and in that direction, from the street you can see that side , well, the outer side, i had two attacks, my daughter was injured, she was taken to the hospital, this happened here, just as my daughter was here, this thing blew up, you see, we have it in the yard too, and i'm in that bedroom she lay down, well, whatever she did, she fell, my god, my god, the woman lives on her own.
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75 h babi, who will help her, the local kherson telegram channel war without fakes, connected the shelling of chornobayivka with the burials of military personnel, a message with the time and place of the farewell to military officer artem vazanov, allegedly posted by the village council of chornobayivka, the time was specified in the message, this 12 o'clock, after some time the publication disappeared, the telegram channel writes. a message with the time and place of farewell to the military, supposedly for... actually the village council, as i said, and the time was specified in the message , which i also noted, namely, the farewell itself took place an hour and a half earlier, the strike by russian forces on chornobayivka took place at 12:15, writes the same telegram channel. oleksandr tolokonnikov, spokesman of the kherson regional military administration, joins our broadcast, i congratulate you, good morning. oleksandr, well, actually, there is a version that the village council of chornobayka. the date and time of farewell
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to the military has been set, as the telegram channel writes, and this could become the target of a strike by russian forces. or do you confirm this or deny what is known in this direction, well, all this data. handed over to law enforcement agencies, or on november 23, the head of the military administration gave a written order to the head of the kherson community of kherson to ask oleksandr telokonnikov, mr. oleksandr, but this is important, actually you started talking about the story with what. the village council of chornobayivka published information about this funeral, tell me in more detail now, because the connection was interrupted, and this is an important moment, that is, the law enforcement officers are currently investigating this incident, yes, the head of the military administration, oleksandr prokudin, instructed mykhailo linetsky, the head of kherson, kherson district
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, to conduct an official investigation on november 23, even before the shelling, regarding this case in the chornobayiv village council, because these cases, that's what well, it couldn’t be done, of course, and on the next day, the 24th, as a confirmation that such a thing could not be done, there was a shelling of chornobayivka, including, according to reports, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor’s office, the sbu, regarding in this case, mr. oleksandr, i still want to clarify, just for the sake of understanding, that is, in fact , the regional military administration can now connect the attack on chornobayivka with the fact that this information was published, look, well, the shelling itself was not on the city where exactly what was planned, was planned, this event, well, of course, well, but well, we cannot reject it, because it is logical, on the 12th there, at 12:15, the shelling began, it is logical, we
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cannot, well, not see the obvious, please also tell us the details that are currently known about this attack, whether it has increased the number of victims, what is the latest operation...' information, well, the last five people were injured, three people died, two of the five people are now in a serious condition in the hospital, doctors are fighting for their lives, we will to hope that they will survive and the doctors will be able to save them, that is, their condition is serious, and 60, more than 60 homes have been affected as a result. please also tell me what operational information has been provided for the last day, because the information that we provided refers to what crowding of people, the number of actual attacks by the russian forces is increasing, for the last day, what is the situation in terms of security , in total there were 119 shellings for yesterday, 638 shells, as far as i remember, only 25 of them are drone attacks,
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yesterday, yesterday, fortunately, there were no airstrikes, but there were a lot of drones, and as a result of one of these strikes on boryslav, strikes on... a 70 -year-old man who was riding a bicycle, a man died in boryslav, and we see , that the russians fight basically with all people, in that including the elderly, including children, and this is purposeful, because the drone shooting is a targeted attack on this particular man who was riding a bicycle, well, it really is genocide. mr. oleksandr, is there an understanding of the extent to which the infrastructure in certain cities of the kherson region, in particular in kherson itself , those cities on the right bank, has been destroyed today, because every day there are a huge number of attacks and the regional military administration informs about it, the actual calculation of how much is the infrastructure of the region destroyed? well
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if we talk about buildings in general, then we already count about 22,000 buildings that have been destroyed, but again, we still cannot count in these, in those cities, where there is constant shelling, it is cossack, fun, that is. .. the entire coastal zone, because there is still no point in counting there, they fly in every day, but they destroy it, of course, and we are most interested in the critical infrastructure, which they are also trying to destroy, of course we immediately try to restore it, so that it is light and now of course in winter it is very important, too on behalf of the head of the president's office, andriy yarmak, measures were taken to protect these... buildings, these are big-bags there with gibbons, and this helps to some extent, but of course, if they shoot there with drones, the discharges are targeted, then it is difficult to save these big-bags with such barriers
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objects, and there was such a case when there were three drones, kamikazes immediately struck one of the important critical points, critical infrastructure there in boryslav, and currently there are still... problems still, there are problems with light, we are trying to do everything , well, but under fire it is very difficult here, and we do not want to expose our energy workers to the danger of their lives, so that they are not injured there. mr. oleksandr, the regional and local authorities have developed plans in the event that, for example, there is an attack on the critical energy infrastructure, how to act, actually, how to warn the population about this, what to do, how exactly this work is happening in the information field right now with the population and the local government, well, first of all, we developed a project and, in principle, an action plan, which was developed five months ago, if it is necessary to urgently evacuate... almost the entire population, this is developed, it is logistically developed, these points are prescribed, where exactly
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people will gather, but again, we inform it to the elders, more precisely, we inform the heads of the communities, the elders inform the people, we do not inform about it in such a general informational plane, because so that there are no such cases like in chornobayivka again, because if we say that there people gather there, you will be picked up by buses there, well, it rewards these people again danger so. so. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for always finding an opportunity to talk about the operational situation. oleksandr tolokonnikov, spokesman of the kherson regional military administration. we talked about the situation in chornobayivka, where the russian forces struck, and there is actually a version that this could have been caused, in particular, because the village council of the actual settlement informed about the place and time of the funeral of one of the servicemen. this night, the russian pppo shot down 13 drones over the occupied crimea and three more over the volgograd region
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of russia. this was reported to the russian ministry of defense. in addition, monitoring ukrainian telegram channels reported the explosions in the dzhanko district with reference to local residents. seven explosions were counted. details are unknown. the ukrainian authorities have not yet commented on these explosions. according to the information from the journalists of crimea, over the past month the russian ministry of defense announced the shooting down of more than 80 drones of various types. an island the occupying authorities of crimea call on the inhabitants of the peninsula to follow the ukrainians drones corresponding letters were sent to budget institutions, schools and kindergartens, according to krimraliya. it is proposed to use the russian mobile application radar nf - this is the abbreviation of the people's front - to detect drones. in russia near moscow, substations are on fire for the second day in a row. this is reported by the russian telegram channels shot and baza. schott published this video and notes that this is an electrical substation in moskvino. the fire allegedly started in the transformer room in the morning. the fire spread
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to the fuel tank, but it was extinguished firefighters, no one was injured. in advance , the shot calls a short circuit as the reason. the ministry of internal affairs and communications of russia confirmed that a transformer caught fire in the southeastern district of moscow. the reasons were not given, but it was noted that the fire did not affect the operation of the district's energy supply system. this is the second fire at a substation in the moscow region in two days. on the eve of the city. latyrkino on the outskirts of moscow, eyewitnesses wrote that they saw a flash at the substation, after which a fire broke out there, the russian telegram channel baza wrote about it. because of 10 settlements were allegedly without power due to the accident . telegram channel baza also wrote about the cause of the fire, it is a short circuit. the ukrainian authorities are preparing to evacuate ukrainian drivers from blocked checkpoints with poland. for this, carriers should fill out a google form. about it on your own. deputy minister of community development, territories and infrastructure of ukraine serhiy derkach said on facebook. four
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checkpoints on the ukrainian-polish border remain blocked. ukrainian trucks cannot pass through the checkpoint in the state customs service of ukraine informs of the polish medical, hreben, korchova and doroguska. there are more than 1,000 trucks at each checkpoint, the department said. the customs officials also warned that the strike of polish transporters may spread to one more checkpoint on the border, namely nižankovych malhovice. the ukrainian side addressed an official note to the ministry of foreign affairs of poland with a demand to unblock the border checkpoints. the day before, it became known about the death of the second ukrainian truck driver in the queue border ambassador of ukraine to poland vasyl zvarych said that the driver was waiting in line at the korchov checkpoint. in a note to the ministry of foreign affairs, the polish side was called on to take decisive action to unblock traffic and prevent ukrainian, polish and foreign truck drivers... from standing in multi-kilometer queues without proper conditions. there are currently
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two checkpoints that are not blocked - nezhankovichi malhovice and ustelukh zosin. they are open for the passage of empty freight vehicles. meanwhile, in the ministry of infrastructure development ukraine initiated the creation of a monitoring group on the part of the european union, in order to record whether dangerous goods and humanitarian aid are being passed, as well as to check the conditions in which ukrainian drivers are. deputy derkach said that an official letter was sent to european colleagues. the day before , farmers also joined the strikes of polish carriers. now they are blocking the checkpoint of medics as a precaution. die only during the day, but from monday they promised to block the checkpoints at the border. polish farmers demand so that negotiations took place between the governments, and i quote, the problem of competition was solved. and he joins the strike, because due to the influx of ukrainian grain, they say, they were forced to sell their crops cheaply, this is what radio svoboda commented on, said roman kondurov, one of the organizers of the farmers' strike. i
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remind you, i will remind you that the polish side began to block the movement of freight transport on november 6, the strikers are not satisfied with the cancellation after the full-scale invasion of the requirements for ukrainian carriers to obtain permission to cross the border. this concerns bilateral and transit transportation to the countries of the european union. they demand to cancel this agreement between ukraine and the european union, they have permission to hold strikes until january next year. darius shaterniak is a polish expert on international issues and head of the poland-ukraine center. joining our broadcast right now. good morning. good morning, greetings, mr. dariusz, to begin with, i would like to ask a general question, how would you comment on what is currently happening at the checkpoints between poland and ukraine, thank you very much for the question, actually, here is my comment, it will be quite short, yes , i think, i read it somewhere yesterday, i don't remember
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who wrote it, but it's very good, i think it shows very well, that what is happening now, but unfortunately, there is a rather similar situation, only now it is a bloc, a war with, say, russia, is being waged
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by ukraine, unfortunately, it is that these protests can be in someone's hand, well, of course it is so, of course, there is always only one of the same country on hand, and it must be borne in mind that who is the organizer of this protest, because we have known for some time that the organizers and initiators of this protest are the policy of the pro-russian party confederation, from the city of lublin.
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that is, from your point of view, the requirements. transporters, already polish farmers from next week conditionally, are they fair? they, even about whether they are fair or not, we can discuss about it, and it goes, if we can discuss, then only about the reality, about the carriers, about the farmers, well, i am very sorry, maybe a year ago at that time, it can maybe the meaning, but not similar, similar this is the joining of farmers, this is it in general, i don’t know what this is about, we know that at least since april or may of that year, one way or another , ukrainian grain has not entered poland, only what is in transit goes to the polish market
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ukrainian grain does not enter at all, that is, it is a question of farmers, there is nothing to talk about here at all. regarding the carriers, of course, i will understand that what they are, that it is their economic interest, that they have their losses, that they have their problems, that is understandable, but are they so they think, however, that this form of protest, this form of protest will wipe out not only ukraine, not only ukrainian, ukrainian, ukrainian society or ukrainian enterprises, but also, and maybe even in the first place, polish companies, polish years, than before. mr. dariusz, taking into account what you said, how much the polish authorities , the polish government, as of today , are interested in resolving this
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situation as soon as possible and possibly intervening more globally and, you know, effectively in the process. ee, unfortunately, and this is a very big trouble, we are now at this moment, when we are after the election, when we already know that there will be a new government, but it will not be sooner than after... who still remain in the positions, who are still there to remain, remain for two weeks, they are not
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are doing nothing at all, that is, for the next two weeks, according to your words, it will not be possible to come to an agreement in order to resolve this situation, and when will it be possible to come to an agreement and whether it will be possible to come to an agreement at all with ukraine, poland and the european commission, which is essentially where all these contracts, well, i hope so at least, in the worst case, it will take another two weeks, because during this time,
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where are the guarantees that if a new government comes, then the situation will be resolved? well, of course, there are no such hundred percent guarantees, i only have hope, i hope that the people who will come to power, that they will hear about solving certain things, certain problems, which, which are, which we have today , at least they say that what will all these things be done so that it works better, i really hope for it, i also hope that it will not be to take another two weeks, that these people who are currently in positions responsible for what is happening, that they will start doing something,
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but this is a very, very bad, very, very bad situation, the european commission, the european union, which they can conditionally impose some fines, for example, against poland, if there are relevant decisions of the competent authorities, to what extent they are afraid of it or not in poland, that is. this government, which is for example now, are they afraid of possible fines and will they be able to, for example fines, any sanctions to go from the european union to influence the future government that will come? well, probably this government, which is already finishing its work, but it is not afraid of it, because it will not be its problem, yes, but unfortunately, it is some politicians in poland, but they just think that we will not now authorities, it will no longer be our problem, but the problem of that government , the opposition
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one... we see, yes, it does not intervene substantially in the situation at the moment, the position of the carriers, we hear, even the individual ones that you mentioned, but the polish society as it is set, i understand that you may not have any sociology on this
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issue, but... how do they react to this news, how do they feel about this border blockade, what do the poles themselves say? well, if someone, let's say, is involved in polish-ukrainian relations, to pewno, the least critical thing about these people who are organizing this protest is the opinion of polak, partii konfederacja,
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because it is also important in a strategic plan. how do you assess the actions of the ukrainian authorities? we have already talked about the polish government, we mentioned the european commission, the european union, the carriers themselves. how do you assess the actions of the ukrainian authorities in the context of solving this issue? well, here, as far as i know, as far as these actions are oriented, they are quite , quite, correct, the way they are, the way they should be, the way they are, the way they should be
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, the way they are, the way they are, the way they are, the way they are, the way they are, thank you, mr. darius , thorough analysis of what is happening, dariusz materniak, polish expert on international issues, head of the poland ukraine center, guest of our broadcast, we talked about how resolve the blockade on the borders between poland and ukraine. on the occasion of her 95th birthday, a resident of lviv bought a drone for ukrainian defenders, the fate of mrs. nadiya, about whom we will tell later, fell to two wars at once, the second world war and
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modern russian ukraine. so he says: no one else understands why it is important to help. the drone from ms. nadia has already left for the snipers of the 80th separate amphibious assault brigade, and her family believes in her story of volunteering, and others will be inspired. zelsky speaks. that's it, we're listening. every day, a 95-year-old lady nadiya from lviv turns on the tv to find out what is happening at the front. it's very hard, i'm worried, why is it so. to your fate, to our fate, that you are children, that's it, i survived the war, now you are so simple, god , god, my love, i don't know, i don't want it to be like that, if only it were already that peace on earth, so she decided that she would give all the funds donated by her relatives for her 95th birthday, as well as a monthly pension, to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, the total was about
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uah 17,000, i wouldn't... i don't know what i would helped everyone so that, well, that war didn't happen, whatever i could do to help, so that that war didn't happen and that's all, me, and, well, life, well, we just live in that world for once, after communicating with volunteers and soldiers, relatives advised mrs. nadia to buy a drone, they say, it is a very popular thing in the front line, and two days after such an idea arose, the drone was already in mrs. nadia's possession, and it would seem like such a small thing. the house and breaks everything and everything, well, just think the same, children, native ladies of hope, believe that this example with a drone will inspire other people to continue to help, because many say there are needs for the ukrainian army, well, you have to, you understand, the state is not visible, it is not yet in


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