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tv   [untitled]    November 25, 2023 7:30am-8:00am EET

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greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. shelter in the apartment building where i live, can strangers be allowed there? yes , during an alarm , people who do not live there can and should be allowed into the shelter of the house, because everyone has the right to civil protection, even if the person is not familiar to you. everyone has the right to travel safely. attention, friends, urgent collection. the espresso tv channel asks you to join the urgent car rental collection for the first separate special purpose brigade named after ivan bohun. artillery reconnaissance. artillery eyes, they are the ones who need a new car. our defenders are in an active combat zone and recently conducted a very successful operation. but the enemy is everywhere. in
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their suv, so it's important to get them a new one as soon as possible. a car at the front, especially in winter, is everything for our soldiers, without it it is much, much more difficult to fight. let's help, collect funds and buy a car for our defenders. the car has already been found, it remains to buy it. cars at the front are consumables, they are constantly being destroyed, so donate and help our armed forces, support our gathering together to victory. uah 45,000 is the cost of the car, uah 4,500 is the amount that needs to be collected, we are coming back, thank you for watching espresso, pppo is working in kyiv, it is already the fifth hour, it is attacking, the sixth, the sixth, it is attacking even in a few minutes, the 7th will begin, because they will attack from the 15th, and now there is what i like in this version, not only the mutual assistance of our people, but the fact that for sure, even in the capital, marauders should appear, uh, let's see how
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the prices are, now you can take a taxi, bolt 631 hryvnia, comfort 760 hryvnias, and here i see almost 1000, some other carriers, other carriers up to a thousand, in a word, marauders on wheels don't sleep either, you see, everything is joyful, some put out fires, others save their citizens, and the third of them shoot, well, everything is like in shevchenko, and they give a skin, well, we promised to our viewers that we will learn more information from the south, that is, from the kherson region, contact us deputy of the kherson regional council serhiy khlan, mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, kherson, kherson oblast is ukraine, glory to the heroes, and no one would doubt it, we would only doubt one thing, the people of sumy looked at the map, and at our , kursk and bilhorod, which were on the scale of the ukrainian people's republic, you know, also in such a way that
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it's somehow strange to look at tyotkino with them now as russia, somehow well, like you, the last extreme days, how the night passed, tell us, mr. serhiy , well, this night was no exception, kherson was under fire from the occupiers, the occupiers are constantly shelling the regional center and the right-bank part of the kherson region, this night, explosions also rang out in the city of kherson, unfortunately intense... the shelling is quite high that day and the previous days, and the number of shellings has increased significantly, in general, over the past month, only the bad weather there made a little adjustment to the plans of the occupiers, and there was a little less shelling, and yes, the number of shelling there is already more than 600 shells per day, the occupiers are firing on the right-bank part of the kherson region, if... earlier we said there that
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the occupiers fired about 30 shells in kherson, which means that there is an explosion every hour, so now the number of shells in kherson alone exceeds 100 shells per day, that is, kherson is under constant shelling by the occupiers, and the occupiers aim absolutely randomly , this is a critical infrastructure, these are also residential quarters, yesterday... there was already a children's library there , the central library of oles honchar was destroyed by the occupiers, yesterday the children's library was already destroyed, and the occupiers are settling there completely and in medical facilities are trying to make it impossible to help people, and for emergency services workers, for utility equipment, that is, such an intensity is quite dense that it can be said that
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the occupiers are simply trying to destroy the place. mr. serhiu, chornobayivka, yes, this name appears very often, and this time in very sad... reports, chornobayivka was shelled the other day and now information has appeared that on the eve of this shelling, there was information, there was an announcement by the local village council about the fact that there will be a military funeral, or we cannot say whether these two facts are connected, the angons and the shelling, after all, it so happened that the hit happened in the wrong place where the funeral was taking place, or such phenomena, but when they aons, we understand that there are many funerals in the country now , all over the country, military funerals, is there often a taunting, in fact, a disregard even for safety rules, and the gathering of a large number of people, in particular the military, you
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know, chornobayivka was covered in general, with cluster shells, and the fact that chornobayivka was covered by artillery . fire with cassettes munitions that caused a lot of damage there, i.e. there were a lot of casualties and a lot of wounded and a lot of houses were destroyed, i don't think it's related to the funerals of the soldiers, because when the occupiers try to survive the funerals, they do it , because there were cases when simply not... the processions in antonivka were purposefully attacked by drones with explosives and they did it on purpose, and the funerals there were not even military ones, but still you have to understand that, well, in our
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country we have seen cases when the occupiers targeted the funerals of military personnel and where there were significant casualties , here, i think, it is still a coincidence, but it is better, of course, in the conditions that kherson and chornobayivka are also experiencing, and this is actually the front line, because the distance from which the occupiers are shelling whole kilometers, so in these conditions it is better to avoid gathering a large number of people, especially at military funerals, we understand what you want. to see his fellow villager, we understand that this is a tribute to the hero, but the conditions in which we are we live, this is a new challenge. mr. serhiy, today there will be candles in the houses of our citizens, well, those who remember
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the victims of the famine, there were many of them, and the kherson region knows very well what it looked like, in practice, and how people were killed by hunger, well, in principle, it sees now the same steps are being taken, when from kherson region, from mykolaiv region, and from the south they are stealing, taking away grain and bread, the enemy is the same, the methods, the genocide is the same, and we also see that in the occupied part of kherson region, i have already watched a few photos of the reports, eh, they are demolishing the monuments to the victims of the holodomor, they are working muscovites, together with local collaborators, simply destroy them, what, muscovites , are not proud of their genocides, but want to demolish monuments, they themselves killed so many millions, champions, overtook hitler and they are also demolishing monuments, yes indeed, today is the last saturday of november, the day
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of commemoration of the victims of the holodomor, and the occupiers, like last year and this year, are preparing for this holiday. according to the fact that they are demolishing the monuments, they started doing it last year, and last year those gaullighters who wanted to serve their time as soon as possible before the occupiers, they have already started this process, this year it has already acquired such a massive character, and by the way , racist propaganda in such a style that they even flaunt the fact that they are looking for those sights there, and still remain in the occupied territories and they are demonstratively dismantling them, and this just happened the day before in the last few days, that is, they forgot about the holodomor for the whole year, yes, and here now
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, again, they are starting to demolish these monuments so quickly at such a pace, and, showing off this, eh, it's wild. the savagery of the invaders, another barbarity, but they are now reproducing, you know, such a regime of terror in the occupied territories, i.e .... stalinist-bolshevik such a regime in order, and this is the norm for them, in order to intimidate people, in order to convince people to the state when they are hungry, and hungry , that is, it will be easier to control them, as they think, first people must be made, completely without them being able to exist, that is, without any possibility, and then give them a crust of bread and they think , that people will be conciliatory, say, on
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the occupied territories do not yet have that complete stalinism, when people still take away their individual stocks , that is, they steal mainly on an industrial scale, ransack apartments, i know that, but they do not take away from people now in the occupied territories, as it was then in the 33rd? no, yes, they are not doing that yet, they have now gone a little bit on a different path, now, in fact, people in the occupied territories have no way to earn and there is no way even to use the savings that they have, and with ukrainian cards, ukrainian hryvnia, it is not possible to settle in any way today, that is, people economically bring the situation to such a state that the only way out for them now is to go and ask the occupiers for so-called material
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assistance there are various enterprises for work, because people do not have any other way of earning money today, all the reserves that people had, they simply ran out during all this time, the only thing that people survived on was my garden and by working with your own hands, now in winter it will be much more difficult again, so far the really industrial-scale ones are stolen by large enterprises, that is, they do it because, you know, even large enterprises helped ordinary people, and many enterprises in the occupied territories, they are at the expense of of their potential, they simply helped their fellow villagers, helped there with provisions, helped with what to grow, the occupiers understood this and began to loot
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precisely the entrepreneurs so that they too would not could provide assistance to people, that is, such and such a stalinist regime, and they also implemented a system of denunciations, that is, now everyone can write a denunciation of what is happening, accuse someone, and accordingly come, as the nkvd used to do, now...' they come rushes and begin to arrange searches, we also had, unfortunately, mr. serhiy, thank you for the information, we just hope that it will not be on an industrial scale, as there were 6 million denunciations in stalin's times, and, well, our people even in the occupied territories, after all don't be brainy, those who have a genetic cat sewn into their blood, knock and they will be put in jail, and for you, for that you will get a candy tuzik, delicious, mr. sergey, thank you, hold on, you have a calmer day, we wish you, as much as possible, in
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in our circumstances, serhii khlan, a deputy of the kherson regional council was with us, we are the ones, we will talk about donetsk region and not just about donetsk region, we will tell the story of how it was possible to evacuate the people who remained in avdiivka for many years, and now the white angels they were able to get out of there, but this story after a short break, be sure to wait. on december 10, i will visit lviv. st. nicholas as his own character in maryana savka's christmas musical, write letters to nicholas. lviv orchestra, dudaryk chapel and favorite soloists in a festive performance for the whole family. on december 10, exclusively at festreblik live sound. events, events that are happening right
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now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them by modeling our future, every saturday at 1:00 p.m. with a repeat at 10 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict by serhii rudenko. from now on in the new two. a decent format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests , foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, according to the verdict of izhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m.:
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on espresso.
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according to the map, we already have an alarm only in kyiv region, kyiv region, poltava region, fortunately they have whitewashed, and according to the latest information , we have the wreckage of an unmanned aerial vehicle that fell on a four-storey residential building in holosiivskyi district, rescuers went there, and also a message from dnipropetrovsk region, at night the defenders of the sky a rocket and five unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down over the region, in the nikopol area,
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traditionally, unfortunately, it was also restless, fortunately there were no dead or injured. well , these last groups of shaheds are already finishing, they are finishing it, there will be a loud noise on the left bank, the management warns, and from the bank, they wave their fists, they say that muscovy will receive a response for this longest, almost seven-hour, drone attack on the capital of ukraine, we will wait, we will see, in the meantime we can tell you that is being done on the eastern front, the hottest spot is avdiivka, bakhmud, avdiivka, but avdiivka was tried yesterday. you know, in the style, in the style of movies, we used to watch stupid soviet movies when we were children, they were called movies and germans, but sometimes they were shown with music, on the march, and at full speed they stand on e, like the nazis and go to storm the trenches, psychological, yes, something like that happened yesterday, that is, mostly behind, as they say,
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a fortified line, and yesterday the muscovites used frontal attacks to go to avdiyka, our military says that... it resembled a psychological attack, but what about in the city itself , we are now learning more from people who come to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week, one of the members of the police crew, the white angel pavlo dyachenko, on connection with our studio, mr. pavle, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, studio, glory to the heroes, what does the city look like now through your eyes, we heard last week that there is no longer even the last store, what does the city look like these days, well, it really is hell, you you're right, it's terrible there in general. the city is constantly, constantly under shelling, and not only shelling, rockets, air bombs, artillery, rzv, well, everything they can
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, they throw at this place, the city, well, buildings, multi-story, private, well, people are there in general, are burning, not that they survive there, but they just...... they just in horrors there, as far as our activities are concerned, the evacuation crew works constantly, the police evacuate people , civilians understand that it is impossible to live and survive in such conditions, they turn to the law enforcement officers, and the evacuation from avdiivka, from nearby settlements, continues almost every day, well no longer hides from you. it is no longer necessary to search for them, as they say, and we just officially knew that there were 1,500, then little by little they began to evacuate, now how many
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people are still ready to leave avdiivka, well , somewhere around 1,300, well, these are so conditional, yes, conditional numbers, but people are leaving, well, well, we know that we see with our own eyes that it is simply unreal, it is unreal to live there, uh, mr. pavle, people, despite the fact that as you say, it is unreal to live, we can’t even you can imagine it, but for almost 10 years people did not want to leave avdiyivka, and only now from time to time it is possible to evacuate someone, the latest story is about how they managed to evacuate, evacuate an elderly couple, but they themselves did not want to leave all their pets as many as 11 took with them about this operation, i am not afraid of this word, please tell me what it looked like, what arguments, 11 animals, yes, yes, yes, yes
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, you know, in this situation, well, well, it is impossible, if people want to leave, they have a desire, but, well, it is repeated our crews have encountered such, when the police arrive, they say, well, here we are, we are ready, we are gathered , but with such a one, such a pain in the eyes, they say, but what about animals, and they all, for some reason , think, that we take away, we take away, we only help people, but it's not like that, well, how can you leave it, a cat, a dog, yes even in the situation when there are 11 of them, so what, they were taken away, they are alive, they... want to live too, and when you tell people, it’s completely out of the question, let’s go, at least there’s a bag on the head
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will go, but they all went together, and then they were like , well, well, that’s all, okay, cool, we went, we went, and they leave , yes, we pick them up, we take them out together, with the animals, well, they are also part of the family, the people are with them have lived for many years, and they treat them like family members, i myself have a dog, now there is a cat that got lost, lives with me, and well, well, i don’t know, recently there was also a situation in avdiyivka , volunteers got organized, our police, the white angel took part, evacuated two... horses, well, well, they can’t be left there, well, they they will simply die, no, that’s understandable, just how difficult it is to take out the animals, i remember how those horses were frightened,
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caught and taken out, and, at this time, i look, and listen to the footage that we have your story, and i want to understand, but there is nothing in the city, the people are older, the last shop has already been broken, how are they in general in in principle, food, yes, you bring them, they go somewhere to some centers , i don’t know, humanitarian aid, how does their day to day look in general, there is food, there is water, the police constantly bring it, well, that’s the main thing, yes, this bread, literally yesterday, about a thousand units of bread were delivered, and this happens, well, almost every day. people have something to eat, but food is not the main problem , that is, the most important thing is that there is such a huge
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amount of food and they are not that there are some breaks, they continue, almost constantly, and even though there is something to eat, well, yes, yes, we understand that this is a problem, because it's not just that you went there, took a walk, bought something somewhere, but people have supplies, policemen they bring food there, or bread, or grocery sets, people already know some of them. to leave, they know how to leave, they apply, pass it on through their neighbors, that is, it happens that there, the police come, and people tell them that we are not leaving, but they told you to come to them, and so on, yes it happens that from one to another
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information is received about the possibility of evacuation, relatives, relatives of people who live in avdiivka are calling very, very often now, the police are calling, there, well , with the consent of the people, there they record or video messages of these relatives, or audio and show them to the townspeople, well, there, or broadcast video, or there they include an audio recording and people say what, where, where, where they will be accepted, well, the relatives themselves. we literally have one and a half minutes left, mr. pavle, it’s just that oksana and i have a professional defect, we update everyone’s official channels every 5 minutes communication in order to find out what happened, but how are people, now even in those villages , near avdiiv, the people of kydiv generally receive information only by phone, well , the radio works on the phone, what is the possibility, yes there is a radio,
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there is a radio and well more more after all, communication among themselves, that is, as i said at the beginning, they communicate , they communicate closely, people have organized themselves into such small groups and even receiving humanitarian aid takes place in locations, we do not collect, it is simply unrealistic and impossible, taking into account security. constituent to to gather a large number of people there and give them something, but these are such small locations where the police come, the local people know all this, and only then, or someone older is there, who receives, then distributes, or well, of course, it was organized, yes, mr. pavle, thank you for your work, pavlo dyachenko, one of the members of the white angel police crew, about the situation in avdiivka. which
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the muscovites have not been able to take for many years, but they will take washington in three days, well, we know that, i will remind you now, it is definitely going on the most massive attack on kyiv in the last month, so says the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs mykhailo shamanov, about what is happening in the capital in a moment khrystyna parubiy with the latest news, khrystyna, you have a word, congratulations, colleagues, thank you, yes, we are monitoring the situation in kyiv, so i will tell you what is known about russian. do not miss the attack for this moment. news veteri espresso, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. attack of enemy drones on kyiv, at least four people were injured. among them is an 11-year-old girl. as
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mayor vitaliy klitschko reported, fragments of the downed drone fell into several residential buildings. in


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