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tv   [untitled]    November 25, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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streets and shoot and kill, there are no words. thank you for your attention, all the best, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, we will definitely see each other tomorrow, and today, bye-bye. it's 7 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. ukraine needs more air defenses to protect its grain export routes. president volodymyr zelenskyy stated this at the international summit on food security. according to him, foreign partners will provide ukraine has warships for the security of vessels in
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the grain corridor in the black sea. the president also noted that kyiv hopes to solve the air defense shortage through new supplies from partners and an increase in its own production capacity. in what, according to him, there is progress. it is clear that in kyiv there is a shortage of ppu, but there are cities where ppu is just real. problems of the city in ukraine, there remains a real very specific number of systems and a very specific name, this request is there, i will tell you frankly, there is already a positive answer when these systems will protect that region, i will say so, because the corridor is important there, and the people, president volodymyr zelenskyi met with
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the speakers and representatives of the parliaments of belgium, ireland, finland, the czech republic, poland and estonia. the head of state thanked them for coming to kyiv on this special day, when ukrainians commemorate the 90th anniversary of the holodomor, and thanked each country for their steadfast political, defense, economic and humanitarian assistance since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. during the meeting , the effectiveness of the initiated was discussed our state humanitarian initiative. grain from ukraine. zelensky thanked for the support and participation in its second summit. light a candle. in the capital , the memory of the victims of the terrible tragedy, the holodomor, was traditionally commemorated at 4:00 p.m. on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the genocide, the head of the ukrainian greek-catholic church his beatitude sviatoslav and the archbishop of the orthodox church of ukraine agad served as a memorial service for the murdered ukrainians. hundreds of townspeople brought and
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lit candles in memory of millions of ukrainians killed by the kremlin to the national museum of the holodomor and genocide. it one of the biggest tragedies not only of ukrainian but also of world history, a tragedy that took the lives of millions of people , that changed the world, and in those 90 years, even though so much time has already passed, it cannot be said that we somehow already overcame that tragedy, we ukrainians recovered after it. have already recovered, they no longer feel these edges, unfortunately, when we talk about memory, about the more than 7 million ukrainians killed during the holodomor, it is even more significant, because these people, our compatriots, our, our great-grandfathers, great-grandfathers great-grandmothers, they were killed and not buried, not mourned. corn... tubs and stalks,
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half-rotten, frozen potatoes and straw, this was the diet of ukrainians during the famine of 1932-3 years. the soviet authorities broke into the houses of the peasants and took the last food from selomitsa. the holodomor in ukraine is one of the most serious crimes of the 20th century. it was recognized as genocide of the ukrainian people by the parliaments of about three dozen countries of the world. however, scientists still cannot name the exact number of those killed in. years, we go along the dam, and behind the pond on the shore lies the person, my mother, says: wait, i will come over, i looked, he is 25 years old, i am up to 30 , no more, a young man, a drifter, she says, died of hunger, these are the memories of childhood that olena shapoval has, she was four,
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when collectivization turned families into beggars, she well remembers how she shared a piece of potato with her younger brothers , saw adults dying of hunger on the street, during the post-war famine, together with her mother , she prepared food from leaves, frozen potatoes and barley, bought a pood, 16 kg, is a pood barley, they came to dry, they had millstones, we ground the millstones, and we stayed, sifting left two glasses of flour, these two glasses of flour, mother cooked soup for everyone, so the soviet authorities wanted to calm down the unruly ukrainians, people in the villages were bloated from hunger, in that the time when stalin was sending bosoms of ukrainian grain abroad. collective farms that could not fulfill their grain procurement plans were put on black boards, villages were surrounded and people were not allowed out. in those years, more than 2,000 people died every day. in addition, we do not forget that villages,
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they were specially blocked, written on black boards, which meant their complete isolation and limitation of contacts with the outside world, in this way territories were actually created, which... conditions incompatible with life were created, and in such cases the village died out there by 80%. at that time, mass cannibalism was common in ukraine, the bodies of the dead were simply lying on the streets. the communist regime did everything possible to hide the consequences of its crimes. research on this topic and opening of archives began only in the 90s. these documents highlight how people got sick because they ate everything that could be used for sustenance. how people killed their children and ate their children, almost a century has passed since the terrible tragedy, and russia is still trying to destroy ukrainians. historians and scientists draw parallels with the events of the 32nd year and the present. scientists still cannot name the exact number of people who died during
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the famine years. according to their estimates, these are about 5 million ukrainians. today, there is already a lot of evidence that putin is on the case. actually occupying ukraine, he was preparing something it is similar to doing here, repeating the same thing that happened 90 years ago, because you can deal with an unruly population only with a weapon of mass destruction, and such a weapon of mass destruction was the famine. anastasia gloshivets, viktoriya vorushchak from vinnytsia for espresso tv channel. the presentation of the book took place in lviv. journalist and espresso host serhiy rudenko, his book battle for kyiv about the defense of the capital, whose heroes are people whom the author knew personally. separate essays form a large panorama of the events of the beginning of the full-scale invasion, serhiy notes rudenko. the book also contains the testimony of a person
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who survived nine days of occupation in buch, and then miraculously left there, journalist lena chechenina. the author also described the stories of the heroes. who, unfortunately, are no longer with us, many people will learn about these heroes, the book was published in a limited edition of 500 copies, so i hope that many people will learn about this story, these stories about people that i wrote, about these stories, my main task was to record this moment of history, to record these stories of these people who are no longer there, happened today the final match for the cup of ukraine. among women, in the decisive game, poltava vorskla beat kryvorizky kryvbas. at the 40th minute, striker veronika andruhiv converted a free kick and put vorskla ahead, at the beginning of the second half she won back the score. 9 minutes before the end of the match,
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kryvbas remained in the minority, so the final whistle recorded the victory of vorskla with a score of 2:0. thus, nataliya zinchenko's team on thursday. won the women's cup of ukraine in a row, for which we congratulate her, we have been going to this game for a long time, we have been preparing for a long time, we analyzed, i believe that we fulfilled all the coach's instructions, and my goals are the merit of the whole team. such was the news at that time, we will see you at 9 p.m. in the news, summaries. well , in just a moment, meet my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and vitaly portnikova, who will continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel.
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good evening, dear friends, congratulations. portnikov, lesya vakulyuk, the saturday political club, and today, we congratulate you, today is the fourth saturday of november, which means that ukrainians commemorate this day. victims those ukrainians whose lives were taken by a terrible artificial famine, which russia arranged against ukraine, only because these ukrainians did not obey and wanted to have dignity, this week we also celebrated the day of dignity, and it somehow squeezed everything so much into time, about how ukrainians have been fighting for and defending their dignity for years, decades and centuries and trying to stand against such an enemy that is destroying ukraine in various ways. i think that when we talk about holomor,
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we are not even talking about dignity as such, but about the idea of ​​a final solution to the ukrainian issue. and there was absolutely no interest in the bolshevik parties, who was worthy and who was not, because it was necessary to destroy the platform of the ukrainian national movement. it was believed that there is no such platform in large cities, so no one was interested in the national composition. those cities where ukrainians, by the way, did not make up the majority at that time, but the village with its voting for ukrainian national parties, with its understanding of the importance of the ukrainian language, with the fact that people just there spoke the ukrainian language, it seemed, they did not understand russian, so it seemed to stalin, who was really the grandmaster of these national issues and understood how to do things in order to tame one or another nation, he amused the nations, he destroyed them. by way of famine, it seemed to stalin the most dangerous enemy, and
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therefore in principle it was decided, absolutely logical from any point of view, the decision of the dictatorship, to create an artificial famine, to close people in these reservations of starvation, and simply to reduce the number of such a population and intimidate, that's it is also a very important thing, but it is intimidating, it is also a violation of dignity, of course, intimidating to such an extent that it fulfills all the instructions of the essentially colonial power. people were so intimidated that they didn't want to talk about it for decades, and we are only now understanding it there, but look, as soon as some kind of growth of this dignity begins , sprouts, uh, immediately people start to mention it, they mention it in ukraine , they began to mention it in kazakhstan, where there was a famine, in principle, the same hunger for the same solution of the national question, only there and ukrainian and kazakh, and this is still evident, but the independence of kazakhstan led to the fact that the kazakhs began to carefully remember what
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happened to them, in the kuban they do not remember it until now, although the holodomor the kuban was in principle equal to the scale of the famine in ukraine, there are famous lines by otsep mandelshtab about the black prices of ukraine and the kuban, that is, the russian poet was aware of the level of catastrophe for these two regions of the soviet union at that time. on the very in kuban, today, nobody there mentions this, although today they have the same terrible day as the residents of ukraine, and this also proves a lot, the latest polls say that 92% of ukrainians say that the famine is there was a genocide of the ukrainian people, in 2010 there were only 60% of such ukrainians, that is, we ourselves are going through this kind of evolutionary process. it does not happen by itself either, it happens precisely because of these painful and tragic events that
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are happening to us now, first of all, many people simply do not i wanted to tell myself that moscow could organize an artificial famine, because moscow was the center of civilization for the vast majority of people who lived there even in the ukrainian ssr, it was their alpha and omega, their capital, their main city, and to imagine what this center, which has been such a center since the time of bohdan khmelnytskyi, is a threat to national existence for many. these people were hurt, well now, by and large, they are saying goodbye to these people, that vladimir putin is also trying to act in a similar way, by and large, that what we are observing now is a typical final solution to the ukrainian issue, an attempt to steal grain, which is already being talked about as a plan for the first weeks of the attack, who wanted to organize even a famine, an attempt to destroy the critical infrastructure, what we are saying literally today, and i think that
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vladimir putin will try to implement this plan of joseph stalin as long as he is the president of the russian federation . the final solution to the ukrainian question is a question of returning to russia to its imperial future, and for by and large, stalin proved it to putin, because after the holodomor all the conditions were created for the soviet union to become such an empire after the second world war that ... the russia of the romanovs never was. we already have a guest, with whom we will actually talk a little about today's event, so to speak, i am ironic, of course, congratulations from russia on the anniversary. in those years, the famine that russia arranged, 74 out of 75 shaheds were shot down, and oleksandr makushenko, press officer of the main administration, is in touch with us now dsns of kyiv, we congratulate you, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, good evening, so indeed, russia reminded its essence, what happened 90 years
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ago, reminded it on such a date, unfortunately, not very much for us. nice, and once again we see who they are for us, please tell me, mr. oleksandr, but purely technically, if we say that in fact 74 drones were shot down, 75, why did it still lead to infrastructure problems, which is the reason, well, i'll tell you that in terms of the number of drones shot down and the number launched, it's already... the question is not for me, the question for me is more about how our rescuers worked on the ground, the fall of debris, our rescuers, that night, uh, worked in the solomyansk and dnipro districts, in general they went on calls to eliminate
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the consequences of enemy shelling, with in the morning, as well as this night 15 times, on for example, in the solomyansk district, the roof of an orphanage on an area of ​​100 km was destroyed, and a fire was extinguished there in three cells on an area of ​​2 m, at another address a debris fell, about five floors, as a result of which many cars that were parked on the territory of the house were damaged, as well as broken glass windows, in the building from the first to the fifth floor, on the second floor, our rescuers rescued two women who were locked in the apartment, in the apartment , in the dnipro district, debris also fell in the stairwell of a 27-storey residential building, the technical floor was also damaged, at other
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addresses, we did not get involved, we left where the calls were and we checked those places, whether there is a threat to people's lives and their health, whether there was any destruction, we checked, and we did not intervene in those places, we intervened only in those places that i also just said , in total, 81 rescuers and 17 units were involved in these works techniques thank you, thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr mokashenko, the press officer of the main department of the state security service of kyiv, was there. talked about what happened with the attack by drones of the russian armed forces on the ukrainian capital, on the kyiv region, we will now move on to a conversation with our experts, with we will be the diplomat, the former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the republic of poland andriy deshchytsia and the director of the center for the study of civil society problems vitaliy kulyk, we will talk with them about
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foreign policy aspects, congratulations, colleagues, mr. andriy, i would like to have a good evening. to ask you about what is happening now again on the polish-ukrainian track , president zelenskyy said today that we need to give the neighbors a little, we need to give them more time and it is getting warmer, as far as it is possible to believe that time will really help to solve this the problem that currently exists on the polish-ukrainian border, well, time will help a little, of course, because we hope that a new government will be formed in poland and this should happen no later than december 13, and therefore of course the new government will have the opportunity to deal with these problems, which have now arisen on the ukrainian-polish borders and it is not just to deal with them, to solve them, because the current government looks like it is not very interested in dealing with
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these matters at all, because there are two important matters on its mind, the first is an attempt to form... a new government, because the prime minister, moravovits, has such a mandate from the president, and he should have presented a new government composition literally already on monday, and the second question, if, realizing that it is unlikely, there is this attempt, if this attempt to create a new government is more or less realistic, then it is necessary to complete those matters that can still be completed while still in power, mr. andrii, why did andrzej duda take the longer route and actually create such a crisis? well, i think that this can be explained , probably most likely, by the fact that andrzej duda comes from it also from the party, law and justice, and that is why it was not a little realistic
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for him that he would allow or offer the opposition party to be the first to create a government and change the government, so i think that under the pressure of his party colleagues, he decided after all to give an opportunity to the representative of the law and justice party, the party from which he comes, to create a government, and this took a month, and it is not excluded that president duda may be interested in pursuing some other political career in poland, and then he has no other option than to look for a certain one. certain support among his colleagues from the law and justice party. and please tell me, mr. andriy, why does prime minister morovetskyi say that on monday he will present
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the composition of the coalition, in which the majority of deputies will be from some unknown political forces and about which he does not even want to talk, so as not to disrupt the possibility of forming such a cross-party, what is the name of the government, what is going on, well, actually, the prime minister has to present only the composition of the new government, not quite a new coalition, and on monday, and it is possible that he may have found those people who are ready to formally occupy the positions of ministers, although everyone perfectly understands that this composition of the government cannot be supported, because the government , moravetsky and the law and justice party do not have a majority in the parliament, but they will have two more weeks to convince other deputies in the parliament to actually support their new government and
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the government's new program. most likely it is not will happen, because all parties are already showing that it is unrealistic. and why is the prime minister doing this now, moravets is pursuing such a policy because he is taking time, he is gaining in time, because he has the opportunity to appoint those people who he still has... according to the constitutional powers, the opportunity to appoint them to positions as well may be a longer time to stay further and fulfill their duties and the new government will not remove them, but they will still be people of peace, let's say it applies, for example, as he did yesterday, appointed a new head, commission financial supervision, this is a regulator that finances, that is engaged in monitoring and control of financial. sphere, and this is for five years, it will be the person of prime minister morovetsky, but the second question, why, for example, what is happening now with
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protests on the border, and is also connected with the formation of a new government, prime minister morovetsky is looking for support and allies in all political parties, and the only party that agreed to negotiate with him in any way, agreed to negotiate with him, or responded to an invitation to negotiate with him, was the confederation party, which actually supports these protests, the polish truckers, and uh , that's why the prime minister is not at all interested in somehow pushing them back and stopping these protests, because he still expects, maybe this the party can somehow be in a coalition with them, despite the fact that the leaders of this confederation party have declared that they will be in opposition both to the law and
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justice party and to this coalition, a coalition that consists of three opposition parties parties, now headed by donald tusk. i wonder if the voters like it, rights and justice, that's it... some kind of close friendship of peace with the confederation, we add to our conversation, let's see this, to our conversation, we add mr. vitaly kulik, director of the center for the study of civil society problems, we welcome you, sir, i congratulate you, congratulations, so please tell me, mr. vitaly, in principle, to what extent do you think that ukraine now, not only talking about the problems that arose in the polish direction, but also about the negotiations , which go in the direction the west manages to prove to its allies, let's say, that it is right to change the situation, which should be both on
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the front and in the political relationship. when we already hear that , by and large, each of the countries that helps us has its own political difficulties in this aid, well, it is obvious that it is difficult, because recently bloomberg wrote about the fact that there are already countries of the european union that are in favor softening of sanctions, in the package that europe is introducing in relation to russia, we know about difficult negotiations hungary with the european union, and orban directly threatens to block aid to ukraine, not only military aid, but general aid, and this is connected with blackmail, actually with the money that the europeans have to allocate to hungary, 13 billion, we have problems with slovakia, we we have complicated relations with the southern european countries, with the european south, we are in a strange relationship with france, we are not... no, our position is not aligned
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with other eastern european countries and with, i would say that there are different visions of the speed of european integration with berlin, in particular, therefore, it is obvious that negotiations with the european union are a difficult issue for ukraine , in my opinion, the ministry of foreign affairs does everything that depends on it, and it depends on him, but this is not only a question of our ministry of foreign affairs as diplomacy, yes, it is a political issue. . to provide certain messengers, not only messengers, but also to show the fulfillment of homework, this is the situation at the front , this is the fight against corruption, this is the fulfillment of this entire matrix, the fulfillment of ukraine's obligations regarding the negotiation process in the european union, and this was also the reason , subject the conversation and the visit of michel to kyiv, and the conversation with the top management of the country, rather, from the outside, from the outside, kyiv broadcasts a sufficiently
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controversial message, the latest publication of vsan, therefore, evidence, i would not say that this is some voice that should speed up the integration of ukraine into the european union, convey the position, the reason of kyiv in the dialogue with our european partners, on the contrary, it raises more questions, and not only, i think , in ukraine, but also among our and european partners, what is going on there, to whom are these messages for military leadership, which goes into politics, about which is what is this bragging about the fight against attempted assassinations, well, for whom is it for what, i understand that the specificity of visan is specific, it is such, well, i called it a serious publication, but for peacetime, yes, it would be a good interview, and not for wartime, i wanted, mr. andriy, you know what else to ask, mr. andriy, but if a new polish government is formed, what kind of
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relationship will the ukrainian leadership have , to the extent that it can generally be assumed that there will be some warmth between the ukrainian authorities and by the polish liberals, well, i want to say that it is certain that there will not be immediate heated discussions, because this government that will be formed will be formed from four major political forces, and the coalition government will also include representatives of the peasant party, the polish peasant party, who will protect their market and will protect their farmers and will protect their truckers, so you should not expect that all problems will be solved at once, but i think that i still look at our relations more optimistically, because the new
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the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, is known for his pro-european views, his pro-european positions , and in principle he understands europe very well from the inside, and he understands and knows ukraine very well, so i think that our relations will still be based on a proper pro-european policy, obviously it will not be, as i have already said, that it is immediately unhindered, uninterrupted, without... barrierless movement of ukraine to europe and will be supported by poland, it will not happen, but that no less, the chances are much higher than they were with law and justice, with the moravietsi government, which itself has problems with brussels, and they had to fight with that mess themselves, not to mention dragging ukraine. mr. andrii, in conclusion, because we know that you should be released a little earlier,


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