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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2023 4:30pm-4:59pm EET

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and there is already an understanding that this is really the third wave, two additional directions were opened, from which they also began to conduct very active assault actions, this is from the side of donetsk through spartak, and the so-called promka. er, there are really a lot of offensive actions, the enemy is stretching along the entire line of defense around the city, the forces are trying from, well, let’s say, from the main directions, well, and very, very many, well, there are fewer of them, smaller directions, well, nevertheless, along the entire line they are trying to storm, using a lot of artillery, barrel, jet, a lot of mortars, despite the weather conditions , a lot of aviation, mr. chief, look, if we talk about koksokhim, that’s how the enemy started launching fakes, the fakes were refuted, but still yes... we understand that this is the situation
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there, well you know, the tongue does not come back to say the word tense or hot and so on, that is , there is a very heavy battle going on, what about koksokhim now in promzon? i would like to clarify, promka is so-called, it is not the territory of koksokhim, it is from yesenuvata, the so-called industrial zone, there were once several enterprises there and that is why it is called industrial zone, koksokhim is a separate location, proka is a separate location of promka, fierce battles continue there, promka itself, very fierce battles, round the clock and do not subside day or night, ah, you can’t say that promka is controlled by the enemy 100%, is it controlled by us 100%, this is not true, because there is really very, very serious fighting going on there, as for coxychem, the enemy is trying to carry out its assaults in the direction of coxychem, but there are none at the plant, the entire territory
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the plant is controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. speaking of the intensity, it's staying at a plus or minus level throughout this week, yes, or is it steadily increasing? it is constantly increasing, the enemy is constantly throwing more and more personnel into the assaults, more and more, now there was, yes, footage of the use of cluster bomb strikes, there are also more of them, more artillery, definitely more, for the last couple of days, more aviation work, departure and removal and evacuation of people, what is the situation in koksokhim, what is the situation in avdiivka with civilians, well for the past few days, we have seen a certain decrease in the number of people wishing to evacuate, what is this connected with, well, most likely , the weather conditions.
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and with what the enemy is using on the road, except for there, i don’t know, there is shelling there, from artillery , for the last three weeks, they have been very actively using mortars there, that is, any car that goes to or from the city, well, it can be under due to the impact of these drones, and unfortunately this happens almost every day, and people have a certain island in the townspeople, so a little... we see a certain decrease in those who want to leave, well nevertheless, the evacuation continues, yesterday four people left, today 10, there are certain plans for evacuation for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, well, people are leaving little by little, of course, i would like it as soon as possible and much more, and maybe all of them left, unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen, but nevertheless, as of today, at this hour we have 1,000,326 people who are still
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staying in place for the time being. mr. vitaly, is it possible to say that the enemy is organizing a hunt for vehicles used to evacuate the civilian residents of avdiyivka, and wanted clarify, and if, for example, they would practice fpv with a drone on the so-called evacuation armored capsule, to what extent would it be able to withstand such blows? unfortunately, this is how it can be stated that the enemy, well, there is really a hunt, a hunt is being conducted for evacuation vehicles, and for those vehicles on which humanitarian aid is delivered, and simply for any vehicle that enters or leaves the city in general , that is , even some conditional zhiguli there, well, just some messianic and that, well, there have already been cases,
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what they tried to hit them, it doesn’t always work out, but nevertheless , there have been cases of drones hitting or hitting the capsules, ah, the capsule survived, the guys are alive, thank god, and i don’t know, and luck, and and the one capsules, yes, but, well, really, it is very dangerous, very risky, finally , i would just like to clarify, if there are such problems with supply, then what can be expected in the next couple of weeks for the civilian population, well , definitely, it will not be easier, and so on we understand that the situation will only get more complicated, plus the weather conditions too, well in a certain sense, this is also help for us, in a certain way and vice versa, it adds trouble, well, clearly, there will be no fewer problems , and there will be complications, and well, for now we are trying and will bring in this humanitarian aid, but, well, we have to think about
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most likely, in the future it will be more and more difficult to do it, and maybe at a certain point we will stop the delivery of humanitarian aid, which we would not like, of course, well, we would very much not like to stop, after all, so that people were leaving thank you, mr. vitaly, for what you do in your position and for your honest conversation on the air of the tv channel. vitaly barabash, the head of the avdiiv city military administration, was in touch with us now. now a short break and after it we will discuss this week's scandal. wait. problems with suglobas are limiting. movement is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c for the restoration of articular cartilage. doolgitis contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on health bones dolgit joints will improve motor functions.
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the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season , exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl winter's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. let's talk about the most important thing. two hours to find out. about the war, serhii izgurets joins our broadcast, the military results of the day, and how the world lives, what is there in the world, yuriy fizel will tell, for two hours, to be aware of economic news, i will hand over the floor to oleksandr morchivka, he will talk about the economy during the war and sports news, yevhen pasukhov is ready to talk about sports for two hours in
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the company of his favorite presenters, lena cheshenina is ready to talk about culture during the war, presenters who have become like family to many. maybe at least the weather will give us some optimism, madam. khadenko is ready to tell us, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. we will have volodymyr ogryzko today, if all goes well. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent and caring people. espresso in the evening. attention, friends, urgent collection. the espresso tv channel is asking you to join the urgent collection for a truck for the first separate special purpose brigade named after ivan bohun. artillery reconnaissance. artillery eyes, they are the ones who need a new car. our defenders are in an active combat zone and have recently conducted a very successful operation, but the enemy has destroyed their suv, so it is important to send them a new one as soon as possible. a car at the front, especially in winter,
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is everything for our soldiers, without it it is much, much more difficult to fight. let's help, collect funds and buy a car for our defenders. the car has already been found, it remains to buy it. cars at the front are consumables, they are constantly being destroyed, so donate and help our armed forces, support our gathering together to victory. uah 450,000, the cost of uah 4,500 is the amount that needs to be collected, so what, now we will talk about the biggest scandal, well, let's hope that nothing more will happen this week, but in any case, strange statements from the people's deputy of ukraine, of the member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence marjana bezuglloya, addressed, so to speak, or directed to the main command. of the armed forces of ukraine under general zaluzhnyi, there were already many emotional ones reactions in social networks, and not only there
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, an official reaction from the people's deputies has already arrived. well, now we will talk about this and other things with iryna fries, people 's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on anti-corruption policy, volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, writer, is also in touch with us. glory to ukraine, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations, well, tomorrow at the meeting of the committee of the verkhovna rada. the question of depriving narodnaya of national security, defense and intelligence should be considered servant of the people deputy mariyana bezugla of the post of the head of the subcommittee on democratic civil supervision and control, people's deputy iryna friz informed about it. mrs. irina, you have the floor. what are the prospects for consideration of this extremely loud and symbolic case for many of our american or european friends. what, what's up with all that? well, look. first of all, i would like to start with the fact that ms. maryana bazugla represents the so-called monomajority,
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that is, represents the government, if we are already talking about the legislative field, then according to the constitution, according to the current legislation, the only politician who can speak about changes, personnel in the military leadership of the state, is the president of ukraine, i have not heard from the president of ukraine, who appointed at one time and submitted for approval the head committee for... to the verkhovna rada, some, let's say yes, negative, contextual , feedback on the activities of the head of state, on the other hand, we see how politicians actually involve the military in an artificially created conflict, which primarily , from my point of view, plays into the hands of the aggressor country. i am convinced that the one who kills a wedge in the unity of our society, creating... artificial barriers or artificial conflicts between the military and politicians plays into the enemy's hands.
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i would like to remind those who may have already forgotten after the large-scale invasion that ms. maryana bozugla also headed the so-called tsc, which investigated the merger of the wagner operation, which would certainly have completely different results than those presented under the leadership mrs. maryana bozula. i am sure that the people's deputy's proposal, in this case mine, can be will be considered tomorrow at a meeting of the specialized committee, for a decision. i would like to remind you that a decision of the verkhovna rada is not required to consider this issue, only the committee approves the appointment of this or that deputy to a post, subcommittee by its decision and by majority. and it will be very strange to me to see how the representatives of the monomajority
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, who also have an overwhelming majority in the national security committee, will try to block the consideration of this proposal, because, from my point of view, this is too weak an advocacy of the position of ms. maryana bezogloi, who can actually drag many, many constituents or many, many characters who are also involved in this informational and psychological... sabotage in our state. thank you, ms. iryna, but i would just like to remind our viewers that a reaction has already arrived from fedor veneslavskyi, also a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, the president's representative in the verkhovna rada. he believes that ms. bezugla may pose a threat to national security, national security in view of her behavior, that mr. venislavskyi said on the air of nv. i quote literally, i believe that such activity and behavior of mrs. bezuglai is unacceptable, her stay in the committee can pose a real
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threat. mr. volodymyr, we understand, yes, well, yes, yes, i will add to your quote mr. fyodor vyanislavsky, who is the representative of the president in the parliament, that it is fyodor venislavsky, this year, it seems, in the spring of this year, he registered the relevant resolution of the verkhovna rada regarding revocation of mrs. maryana from the post of deputy. chairman of the national security and defense and intelligence committee, a also her solely from this committee for unethical behavior. mr. volodymyr, in your opinion, why did such... quite strange , although possibly symptomatic, publications by ms. maryana, we understand, the first time she wrote something, well, something, yes, not too pleasant towards commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi, well, there was a reaction, we understand that people's deputies do not live in a vacuum , they communicate and so on, but no, she continued, we also understand that
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our society really experiences such things extremely emotionally, because here it is not only about our intra-political and intra-state unity, but also about security issues, yes, well , zaluzhny with the head is the personification of many positive processes that are connected with the armed forces of ukraine, why, why did this appear, sir volodymyr, well, first of all, we see not a single attack on general zaluzhnyi from the side, if not the functions of the president's office, then representatives of the faction, this is already a kind of tradition in the last few weeks, but the fact is that when he well, let's say, volodymyr himself personally in an interview with sun, a british yellow publication, zelenskyi talks about the fact that there is an attack by russian forces
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called maidan-3, and right there, his party, and nardepka bezugla is not just a party functionary, she is the head of the security subcommittee committee in the parliament, and that is, this is a person who exactly represents the entire party and the bank in this committee, well, there is a representative of the president in the parliament, a representative of the servant of the people party, fedir venislavskyi, who very clearly and harshly condemned the statements without an angle, that is, here.. . convicted, this is not the first conviction, ms. iryna mentioned that mr. venislavskyi had already applied to the recall committee and this , in my opinion, was not a couple of months ago, it was at the beginning of autumn, that is, under these circumstances, i i will tell you that when we see that the secretary of the national security council danilov is telling tales about
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the fact that the russian spy network has been activated here, ms. bezug is also in unison. at midnight last night i was dumped her correspondence correspondence on facebook at 3 o'clock in the morning, what she wrote to opponents, it honestly does not stretch my head, that is, at first, herself bank initiates an attack on general zaluzhnyi, now this attack turns from, well, i would say into such, well, rather, a church performance, but the reputation of the armed forces has already been damaged by the fact that the authorities have demonstrated a desire to create man-made chaos in a country that is struggling, that is, against the background of the introduction of heavy fighting by the troops, especially on those of avdiyivka, the authorities are beginning to shake the internal balance in the country, do you think the authorities, that is, well
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, look, i did not mention vanislavsky for a reason, i am not a lawyer for the authorities, but in any in other words, different representatives authorities can have and voice their opinions, in particular parliamentarians, so i don't know how control or censorship is carried out in political parties at the parliamentary level, yes, but certain people's deputies can very often have something that differs, yes so to speak, with the general line of the party, this applies not only to the ruling party, but also the parliament, unfortunately, when we have a consensus... in society regarding russian aggression, the government cannot afford, well, let's say tease society, provoke society to internal division, since society closes its eyes to some, so to speak, faultlessness of the government, that is, to total corruption, in the hope that after the war it will be investigated, then at least the government should at least
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stop attacking the military, no, it does not have to ... the right to humiliate the military and publicly lie to them about their actions, this is the most important thing. it is clear, mrs. iryna, i wanted to ask you about further procedural steps, in particular, a statement has been registered, yes, iryna friz, a people's deputy, who submitted a question about deprivation of people's deputy servant of the people mariyana chairman of the subcommittee on democratic civilian supervision and control. what would the appropriate procedure look like, ms. irina? well, accordingly, the procedure would be considered by the following cheat, this is the question of how the proposal of the people's deputy is included in the agenda of the committee meeting, the committee considers it and makes a decision, if the committee makes a decision not to deprive ms. maryano of her position and for her
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to continue to head the subcommittee with democratic civil control, then she it is headed by, if the committee decides to remove her from this position, she is removed, but from my point of view there is a third option, it is simply as very often, the issue is postponed, that is, ignored, not included in the agenda, and this will be a clear marker of the position of representatives of the monomajority faction. then they share the position of maryana bezoglai, who actually arranges informational, subversive chaos in our society and creates or lays the foundations for total despair. and i want to emphasize one more thing, you know, at the moment you and i... are hostages, hostages of people who live and rave about ratings, the only unquestionable leader of the trust of ukrainian society is
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the armed forces of ukraine, what is the government doing, the government is trying to discredit them, or not the government, but one person, ms. maryana bezugla is trying to discredit the military and push the military and the political bloc of foreheads. mrs. irina, i'm sorry that i'm so clingy... for the so-called letter and proceduralism, well, but we understand that what is called democracy rests on that, and accordingly i wanted to ask you about the prospects of removing, for example, ms. bezuglai from the committee, that is, it is not about removing her mandate and so on, but about removing her from the strategic committee, i know a lot of very worthy members of the national security, defense and intelligence committee who really do that that i can i don't know what the relationship is in the committee, i don't know, i can't verify or evaluate the work of ms. bezuglai in the committee, i can't, i just don't have a sufficient level of competence, but the moment she was removed i wanted
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to ask you and there was also a project the resolution introduced by the people's deputy of ukraine, or the one that will be introduced by people's deputy kryvosheev, on the recall from the position of the deputy head of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence of the cornerless maryana volodymyrivna: in connection with unsatisfactory work in the position, therefore from kryvosheev as well, and this from the monomajority from the servant of the people party, there was a similar initiative, mrs. iryna, you have my word, i believe that the key marker will be the committee's decision tomorrow to include or not include the proposal, even to deprive her of her chairmanship on the profile subcommittee, which is related to your question, mr. antin, removing her from the glass: order of the committee, or removing her from the position of deputy chairman of general tkachuk, would she like to replace lieutenant general tkachuk in the position, what about that in your opinion?
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well, i wonder what creature she wants to exchange for, because in fact, general tkachuk stood at the origins of the academy and he formed the team as a single organism, and as we can see, the graduates of the academy are really great professionals and great patriots of ukraine, how many graduates have become heroes of ukraine, how many unique feats they performed in defense of ukraine. i understand that people in positions are not eternal, but if nardepka offers someone, she should offer a really flawless figure. it is interesting that the commander of the national university of defense does not pay any attention to it, and there was a rather loud scandal with an attempt to purchase an audi a8 of the highest luxury configuration,
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why the university of defense for 300,000, an audi a8, it is strange, because it would be possible to get by with toyotas, for example, such an average one business class, and western. would have appreciated the presence of such a class of cars instead of a truly super-luxury one, the impression is that the task of ms. bezugola is simply to cause chaos, well, to cause chaos that would make all ukrainians quarrel with each other, and then the authorities are left with the hope that everyone around zelenskyi is as scared as a hen. to cling in the hope that he will protect them, and if people's hatred will be so immeasurable that it will turn against the government, whether bezula thought about it or not, it's interesting, god forbid, not even
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wanted would consider such scenarios, i would like to see a plan for national unity, yes, not just a plan, but certain effective steps. mrs. iryna, what is happening, in your opinion, what are the prospects, for example, for people's deputies from different factions in the verkhovna rada to rally around common sense, the instinct of self-preservation and the preservation of our state, yes, we understand, the situation is serious, and the winter will be extremely difficult with appropriate, not too pleasant. consequences, you don't want to, you know, be a black futurologist, well, but we have 2.5 minutes left , i would definitely say that, not only, the deputies of different factions should come to some kind of compromise decisions or search for consensus, demonstrate monolithic unity, as was the case immediately after the start of a large-scale invasion in 2022 , it was february, the end
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of february, march, april, then all factions, without exception, demonstrated their readiness to work in the same breath. for now, i would talk about the need to do everything possible to unite, and it is not only politicians, it should also be society, it should there should also be volunteers, it should be volunteers, it should also be the military , because you are absolutely right, a hard winter awaits us, and we should all prepare to defend our state, each in his place, in that volume , in which we are able to contribute to our victory, well, what about the feeling of how the session hall will be, that is, whether it , for example, supports various initiatives, your initiative, kryvosheev's initiative on coal-free production, i think that everything will depend on tomorrow meeting of the committee, if the issue is blocked, even proposals to withdraw
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her from the position of the head of the subcommittee, then it is almost one hundred percent in favor of... further resolutions regarding her removal from the national security and defense committee will not be considered, that is, she will continue to perform the role, as many of the leaders of public opinion now outline, of the so -called torpedo from authorities, but i want to emphasize that any statements , and especially those of such a connotation, that mrs. maryana allows herself, they can be considered as violating the current legislation, there are already relevant appeals about this from the same gudymenko to of the security services of ukraine regarding the consideration of ms. bezovla's statements for violation of the current legislation, i think there will be more appeals, thank you , people's deputy iryna frys, member of the verkhovna rada committee on anti-corruption policy and volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, writer,
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whatever. that's all for me today, dear viewers, stay with espresso, lots of news, lots of programs and always high-quality experts, see you on the air. i welcome everyone from espresso to you annayevalnyk and the novin team will talk about the most current events at the moment, starting with the consequences of bad weather in ukraine. during the night , the police evacuated almost 3,000 people from the snow trap, they were brought to the points of invincibility - the first deputy reported


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