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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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[000:00:41;00] vasyl winter's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who many have become
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like family, and yes... distinguished guests of the studio , the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. espresso celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2023. we are proud to present our new ethereal look. keep an eye out for the updated espresso, because despite everything we stay in touch. the information hour on the espresso tv channel continues. our viewers, who are in touch with you... we are infinitely grateful for your trust. greetings, dear viewers, this is the big ether program on the espresso tv channel. espresso is 10 years old, we are developing and improving. well, we go further and talk about magnetic vortices. we are becoming even more dynamic, even more convenient, the information day of the tv channel is in full swing. we are modern design and sound, even more interesting programs and original projects. there was a garrison of occupiers sharpened, cut off from the main forces and
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destroyed. they will try. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an information project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson. exclusion live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict by serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with
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help. phone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict by serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22. espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. traitors with convictions, some of the fanatics of the kremlin are already behind bars. i would not have said anything like that on ukrainian television. but how the ukrainian fomid punishes prestosuvans for serving the occupiers. only russia, the russian federation came to see the program on tuesday, november 28 at 5:45 p.m. collaborators with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. watch this week in the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova the candidates for the constitutional court, to whom the council of judges gave the green light. they delegate there those who are representatives of the old system. but why do candidates register property for relatives. my sister
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received quite a good salary from 2005 to 2013. on thursday, november 30, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shostrova on the espresso channel. my name is andriy, i am 33 years old, i come from kherson. this september year, i went to the army, and i immediately said that if there is an opportunity, if there is a posting somewhere, then i am ready to go. immediately before mobilization, he was a computerized tomography renologist, before that he was an infectious disease doctor, and even before that he was an ambulance paramedic. during her registration here at the kmb, i was asked the question of who i want to be and a list of military specialties, and in addition to everything else, there was a specialty of combat medic, well, of course , i chose it by specialty, as many people also have
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a personal life. there are some fears, that's it war, you can die here, it happens like that, and get captured, but i have resolved all my affairs. er, and at some point i just think that i need to prepare, there for three or four months , well, i adjusted my physical training a little bit, and i read, watched, special ee videos, and then i decided, as i decided in september, so in september i came , everyone is afraid, because everyone understands that this is a war, they die in a war, but this is the situation, this is what happened, and the war will continue until this fear is overcome, well, not that it is overcome, but until every person will not learn
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to fight this fear, because it remains, it is always here, even in training and there are special appropriate training exercises in order to get used to and learn to fight your fear, and when the desire ... to end the war is fair for us, for ukraine, our victory and the de-occupation of our entire territory, this is surely the only goal and the only way to end this war justly, but we talked when we first arrived, a few people really , as it is, came by themselves, and many by summons, and there was a lot of talk about that they took me away i have a family there, i have a family, why do i need it, i don't know how, i don't know, i'm disabled, there's something else, but for sure, communication with sergeants, communication with each other, and learning, and
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understanding that , that you can learn it, even, i have never held a machine gun in my hands before, it is possible, you can learn it, and you understand how it is done, and now we were talking to each other, and i remember people. what about the guys who said that, why am i here, i don't want to be here, and now they themselves they start talking about what we are, we will soon win, we will do everything to win, wow, class, and you, sofia, this is a cool set for an artist, look, for an artist, yes, look at the colors here. for the seventh year in a row, the i mykolay project gives the joy of the holiday to children whose parents were taken away by the war.
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i myself was without a husband just in time for the new year holidays and the children were without a father , he was at the front and i understood that how difficult it is for children and that they need this fairy tale, they need this miracle, and there was one woman who called me . and told me can i just go out to the porch and when i came out she brought whole packages, there were sweets for the children, christmas toys, decorations and it was very nice, i remember that moment and i decided why not present such a miracle, such a fairy tale to families, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, irina's husband is in the army again, and she continues to help make children's dreams come true, unfortunately, not always families who have lost a breadwinner... can afford even a high-quality winter clothes or something essentials for babies and teenagers. at the same time, for each of us, it can be a huge amount. to become nicholas, who will bring a gift for a child, you need to go
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to the i am nicholas page on facebook. there you can choose a letter with the wishes of one child or a family. iryna koval contacts all benefactors personally, so that each gift gets into her hands later. to a child who dreams of him, since this action, the project has been going on for the seventh year in a row, it is simply transmitted, as they say, like word of mouth, so you can also go to facebook page, there is an e-mail address for letters, we send everyone the terms of participation in our project, and in fact, i want to say that the war in ukraine continues and every day, unfortunately, children who lost their father or mother in the war, who died at the front, it becomes more and more, and accordingly the number of letters and requests increases. these are the letters children are writing this year, a letter from slava to
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nicholas, the boy wrote that he wants to receive a metal model car for the holiday, which can be assembled with his own hands, but he dreams most of all that our defenders returned home alive and unharmed, the father of glory died in april 2022 in a battle in donetsk region, was posthumously awarded the order of courage, we are conducting such an action, i opened a special bank and anyone who wishes... can send money to this bank and write there a separate comment on the drone, because the children began to write letters and write about the fact that they do not want other dads, dads of other children to die on the front, and therefore they ask all those who want to give gifts to children, to give to our military, drone to the front, in order for it to help them fight, this year the mykolay project was expanded, iryna koval created a social
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program of rest and recovery for children whose father or mother died in the war. this program will allow children to visit another country and get to know its culture. i chose 24 children who will go to austria for the new year and christmas holidays for a week, it will be linz and vienna, it will be excursions, it will be a lot of impressions, it will be a trip to a peaceful world, let's say so, we will be able to give children to live in a peaceful country for at least a week. during the rest, children will be provided with proper care. the group will be accompanied by qualified adults, including a medical professional and a psychologist. a psychologist will conduct classes with these children, he will assess the psychological state, we will conduct classes both in individual groups and separately with the child, if the child needs it. voonterka asks everyone
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who cares to join the campaign, you can see the link to the bank on the screen, every hryvnia is important, the more people volunteer to support the families of heroes, then more children's dreams will come true. thermal imaging cameras , starlinks, cars, mavics, all this and much more were donated by viewers and readers of espress to the armed forces, all thanks to the collections that are published daily by journalists on the tv channel and the es website. at the beginning of august, we announced a collection for the purchase of drones for our defenders. in less than three weeks, we managed to collect uah 1,300. first, we contact the brigades and find out the needs of the military. then we announce the collection on our airwaves, and viewers help by donating as much as they can. during this time, with the help of our viewers and readers, we have collected.
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more than uah 17.5 million, and, for example, we sent 23 cars to the front for our defenders, but we do not stop there and try to continue , support our defenders, thanks to you, our viewers and readers, i would like to thank you very much, on behalf of guys, our defenders and on behalf of our team, for joining: our meetings and helping us to meet the needs that are necessary to fight for our independent homeland we thank all the people who contributed to our common cause, the cause of our victory, the victory of good over evil, who care about the fate of our nation, our state. the espresso team is open to cooperation with foundations, companies and individuals for the war continues and volunteering
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is our joint work with you that we have to do every day, it is very strange to be a civilian now and be tired, we have no right to be tired. glory to ukraine, glory, glory to the nation, death, ukraine, above all, leading, and also volunteer iryna koval, repeatedly opened the collection for the needs of the ukrainian military, after the full-scale invasion began, friends who went to the front began to contact me, my husband's brothers began to contact me and ask that they need drones, ammunition, night vision devices vision, medicine, at first we even handed over first-aid kits and products, it was all clothes, well, actually speaking, at first it was some small amounts, but then... the amounts turned into larger ones, of course, recently iryna koval was able to
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to collect uah 4 million for the purchase of poseidon, however, it was not possible to buy this device. as the volunteer says, other volunteers were supposed to join the agreement, but they refused to help at the last moment. poseidon costs more. an information day continues on the air of the tv channel. expressly i will inform you about all the most important things. air alarm, alarm throughout the country. the enemy raised the sky, could 31 k. so there is danger. if possible, as soon as possible. go to the appropriate shelter, and i will inform in the meantime about all the most important events of this day. with us on communications mykola malomush, army general, ex-head of the foreign intelligence service
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of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. general of the army, i congratulate you, mr. general of the army, well, i would like to ask you to immediately react and reflect on a very important problem, yesterday our whole country spoke without exaggeration about it, from the highest echelons of power to ordinary citizens, in particular it is said about rather strange messages sent by a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national defense and intelligence, ms. maryana bezugla, to the top military leadership, in particular, it was a unique manifestation of her emotions, she made several, so to speak, at the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny, you have my word, well, first of all, during the war, such statements, and even more so, accusations and demands for the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces forces, it is not only destructive, but it still plays on
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the movement of the enemy, because the russian one is determined to create contradictions between military politicians, to some extent they receive information about the readiness of the armed forces... about further measures, so to speak related to defense and the conduct of operations on the free territory, and here the accusation of the commander-in-chief of the maplan, for example, that there are no specific parameters for conducting operations that are within her competence, the period of war is a state military secret, her circle should be minimal, which has this information, this is the supreme commanding president of ukraine, the main commanding officer himself, several... so to speak, authorized representatives of the power structures, all others perform their functions within the framework of their powers, commanders from all directions of the special services, then, which, with all due respect, would make it possible for the deputy corps, a specific member of the parliament, even the committee on issues , security and defense, to get such information,
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even more so to demand it publicly and accuse the fact that it is not there, on the one hand, the enemy can orient himself that really something... a member of this committee and she knows some negative information about the armed forces, although it is not true, but a voice that can be like incompetence, or even some trends that are moving in various circles today, even political and powerful, regarding the contradictions between the political leadership and, accordingly, the military, this is precisely the format that unbalances the system, on the first day , a situation appeared related to the publication of an article by the economist for the economist, and there was a position of the representatives of the administrator of the president's office , the president expressed his negative assessment the position is also alternative, well, then we called the president and everyone else, gather specifically in your office, solve all issues one-on-one or in a narrow circle and
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remove the problem, this is also for the public yes say, harmony and clarity so that the enemy is not used against us. not only in the military, but also in the vinfrasional plan, and for the partners, who must clearly orientate themselves, that we have a clear understanding and the political leadership of the military, how to proceed, there is a corresponding joint program of actions and it will continue to be implemented, and these messages with that more from the representation of the verkhovna rada, just the majority, who, accordingly, are focused purely on the office of the president, on the president, then they should approach extremely carefully to this question, and here it is... the message, most likely these, the positions of various politicians , at least gave her a reason to talk about it in this way, to demand something, and then to blame the commander-in-chief, i think that this works against ukraine, against our of defense, gives reasons, precisely to russia, to speculate on this minimum
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and conduct information and propaganda campaigns against ukraine, that there is no harmony here, that there are contradictions, that they started full, is to see 100 times the minimum, and on the other hand, partners who are watching, and what do they really have, do they have these problems or not, that's it mr. danilo started talking there about the fact that, yes, this was all inspired by foreign special services, i will say directly, as the head of the sbu subdivision, and then the head of the intelligence of ukraine, that we will not create just these, no one will then be able to do anything, no spies will no pretexts and no one will be able, so to speak, to dissolve the political and military leaders, not to create any negative negative ones. a powerful company against ukraine or the imbalance of our society. this is where you need to take responsibility and prevent such actions, solve those problems, and they are, it is a difficult situation, the war is going on.
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specifically in a narrow circle of authorized persons admitted to this without much publicity within the framework of military secrecy , within the framework of planning what is needed, and within the framework of the formation of relations with priests, mr. army general, well, among the demands was the demand to publicize the so-called war plan , we understand, you rightly pointed out that this is a state secret, and none of the parliamentarians, including ... members of the committee on national defense, security and intelligence , would also be initiated into such. from the second on the other hand, there is a feeling that an extremely hard winter is coming upon us. yes, we understand that the enemy will use strikes on the energy infrastructure, will try to use the indignation or discontent of the masses, and so on, and so on, well, they will act according to standard soviet methods. so, i would like you to clarify immediately about the plans for a protracted war. the russian enemy, yes, and accordingly, to whom should
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhny, report, in addition to the supreme commander-in-chief, yes, well, what side are you on here, for example, these or other individual people's deputies , well, first of all, we assume that the winter is really hard, but we are preparing, for this we are directing all the forces and means that are already available, now the extreme rapsteins are at a deep secret level already provide for the delivery of new types of weapons, not only patriots, irises, but other systems that will effectively shoot down drones of a new type of the russian federation, hit ballistic missiles, respectively, then on the infrastructure object, that is, the model is actively working, but i emphasize once again that it worked effectively, there should not be there, even with all due respect to deputies, politicians, officials, some other persons, there should only be those people who plan these operations, who see the general system,
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shape it , admitted and implemented, then it will be very effective, this is from my own practice , i remember various operations against terrorism, against piracy, many politicians, government officials and representatives of the security council say, but we organize everything here, i say, organize a complete failure , let's then we will take only those persons who are related to this and who organized everything on your level are responsible, therefore, even now, it is necessary to act in this way, those who are authorized to act by the supreme commanders are , respectively, a block of people, the military cabinet, for example, the staff of the supreme command, these are those people and the composition that determines the prospects of the war, the prospects of our specific defense operations, in the preparation of offensive operations, and it is clear in this situation, to severely limit, first of all, i think that the president of ukraine should have all these conversations. especially in his faction, because, after all, the faction is a servant of the people, and there should be concretely today the position of support for both the supreme commander
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and the commander-in-chief, we are a single team, we have no contradictions, so today i must put everything in its place, say that there was no corner, there was no it is really legal to this situation and to consider even its position legally, because there are signs of a number of crimes that play along with the enemy, i will say so in general, but specifically it is clear. this is, for example, or, he gave out specific information, intentionally, unintentionally, but it turned out that way, or accordingly the discrediting of the armed forces of ukraine, it is also, accordingly, the undermining of the defense capability, accordingly, and specific extremely important functions, here it is precisely to be considered in a political way, first of all to the president, who must regulate this situation, remove all the problems that arise, for example, or even hearsay, prove a strong position of joint actions, and to our partners that we are coordinated and ready to continue fighting, we have a real plan of action, but not
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only allowed, only that block of people who directly organize, carry out those large, complex tasks on defense and security, these can be secret according to the budget, there can also be a deputy corps, but admitted to state secrets only in this part, accordingly, it can be foreign partners, well, for example, osin and thor only in that part, where there is cooperation, where they help, and where we need additional resources or support from our partners, we also do not disclose all our plans there, because these are our national interests and our direct military operations, so even with all out of respect for our partners, this information is not released. thank you, mr. general of the army, for this extraordinary thorough conversation on the live air of the espresso tv channel, i would like to remind our viewers that mykola molomush, ex-head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, general of the army of ukraine, is now in touch with... now there is a short pause, after which i will continue
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to analyze all the most important events of this day. stay in safe places tired of heavy and bulky forks. then the compact and powerful saw strongg from unpack tv is just for you. now you have it easy trim trees and shrubs. the strongg saw is so convenient to use for carpentry . it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. cut branches. cut timber, chop firewood. you will do all this in one movement with the strongg saw. just look at how quickly she copes, even with thick branches. the strong fork is easy to use and mobile once it's ready, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places. in the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger that will allow you to always have a charged saw at
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glasses focus plus complete with a case for sale price in for only uah 199, but hurry, the number is limited, call, there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds, we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the project. information war with olga ley monday, tuesday, thursday at
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17:15 on the espresso tv channel. shelter in the apartment building where i live, can strangers be allowed there? yes, during an alarm, you can and should let in the shelter of the house of people who do not live there, because everyone has the right to civil protection, even if the person is not familiar to you,
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it is the right of everyone to be safe. ilya berezenko, like most ukrainians, woke up to the explosions on february 24, and on the same day he was one of the first to go to the army, with the espresso tv channel from the day of its foundation, despite all the risks, the bullets and keikis of the security forces, he passed the entire maidan, he almost burned alive in hrushevsky, and now after being wounded at the front, ilya continues to defend ukrainians from the onslaught of the russian horde. there were none of ours positions, there was nothing, but they are already complete. destroyed, that is, they shot just at the civilian infrastructure and not only at the infrastructure, but also just at the houses there, i was also very surprised by the people who did not leave bahmud there, even when he had little left there. vitaly bakumenko, professional tv presenter of novyn. yes, something is hidden in the city,
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it is very powerful, it constantly flies somewhere nearby, and from itself. the beginning of a great war,


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