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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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congratulations, it's news time on telekanaluso, the studio is working. kateryna shirokpoyas. those who
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offer concessions and agreements with russia should first offer something similar to their own government, to give up a part of their territory and their people. this was stated by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, dmytro kuleba, at the nato headquarters before the start of the first meeting of the ukraine -nato council at the level of ministers of foreign affairs. according to him, there is no alternative to the return of ukraine's control over everything. its territory. we must continue, we must and keep fighting ukraine does not plan to retreat. our strategic goal, which is the territorial integrity of the country within the recognized borders of 1991, remains unchanged, and nothing will stop us, and this is a matter not only of the security of ukraine, but also of the entire euro-atlantic space.
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solidarity with ukraine should be... not only in words, but also in deed, because russia cannot be underestimated, said nato secretary general jen stolteng, before the meeting of the nato ukraine council at the level of foreign ministers. he noted that the allies will talk about supporting ukraine on the way to membership in the alliance, as well as on the battlefield. this meeting demonstrates that ukraine is moving. it is getting closer and closer to nato. so today we're going to discuss how we can support you on your journey to alliance membership. all our allies agree that ukraine should become a member of the organization. it is also important to discuss the reform efforts that ukraine should make along the way, as well as how exactly nato countries can help implement these reforms. in khmelnytskyi region, the ppo worked at night against enemy trenches
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. as a result of the attack in the shepotivsky district the roof, windows and doors of the agricultural enterprise were damaged - reported the first deputy head of the regional military administration , serhii churin. previously, people were not injured. in general, the air force reported that it had shot down all two dozen drones that russia had launched over the territory of ukraine at night. the russians launched a drone over stepnohirsk in the zaporizhia region. as a result of the attack on a one-year-old woman, two more men were injured, the regional military administration reported. the enemy also launched a rocket attack on zaporozhye. a 25-year-old woman was injured a woman and a 39-year-old man, the rescuers received 10 reports about the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. seven people were injured by russian shelling of turets. communities in
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donetsk region. as a result of the attack, 19 private houses, five infrastructure facilities and two industrial buildings were destroyed. this was announced by the head of the region ihor moroz. the communities of ughledar, selydiv, chasovyarsk and solidarsk also came under enemy fire last day. the russians bombed the kupinsky district on kharkiv region. as a result of the strike , five private houses and an educational institution were destroyed in the villages of kurylivka and podyla. this was reported by the head of the region oleg synygubov. voovchansk also came under enemy fire. the russians poured artillery into residential areas. damaged houses, administrative building, two supermarkets and 10 private garages. fortunately, no one was hurt. the ukrainian military is liquidated. at least
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five high-ranking russian officials. defense forces hit the building where the meeting of the russians was taking place in the temporarily occupied village anniversary in kherson region. this was reported in the center of national resistance. concerned local residents shared information about the crash site. operations on land, in the air and even in space. ukraine introduced four more new nato standards. this was reported by the ministry of defense. among the new implementations - preparation for combat operations in large population centers, coordination of airborne operations. conducting ground tactical actions, as well as air and space operations, namely the use of capabilities during operations in aerospace space, the ministry of defense assures that ukraine has already implemented 280 nato standards, a total of 1135 commitments in the alliance. more than
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fifty settlements remain without electricity due to bad weather. this was reported in the state emergency service. situations. in the mykolaiv region , the mykolaiv borysky and arbuzinka nova odesa tracks remain closed. meanwhile , all roads in the odesa region were cleared and opened. the liquidation of the consequences of bad weather is currently underway in kirovohrad, dnipropetrovsk, poltava, cherkasy and mykolaiv regions he shot the video and will get eight years behind bars. the security service detained the tic-toker-corrector, maliciously. filmed the work of the air defense forces in odesa and published the video on his page in the social network. in the description , he indicated the exact place, date and time of the shooting, the russians used the received data for future strikes on the city. a factory in
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russia is on fire, a powerful fire broke out in a cardboard production workshop in yaroslavl. currently, three victims are known, they were hospitalized in the hospital from opik. this is reported by russian emergency service. the fire covered 1000 m. it was necessary to extinguish the fire from the air. in the canadian province of ontario , mandatory history lessons about the famine in ukraine will be introduced. students of the 10th grade will receive such an education starting in 2023. the province will allocate $4,000 for this, the local media reported. according to canada's minister of education steven letche, the expansion of the subject will help children understand the impact of the cold weather on the ukrainian community in canada. in poltava, a group of active military and veterans united outdoor sports men systematically train and
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simultaneously participate in competitions among the same athletes. our anna morozova knows why it is important for them. oleksandr lifts a bar weighing 40 kg. the man has already been to the war twice and understood how important physical endurance is, so he began to train systematically, and helps his brothers to keep in shape to participate in competitions for military personnel and veterans. and we raised the question of why someone gets away with it, and we are somehow worse if we are let's not declare ourselves, then no one will need it. ihor volunteered to defend ukraine in february 2022 and received a splinter. wound, due to which he became limitedly fit for service. there was a shrapnel wound, in the thigh, there was a little disruption of blood circulation, a nerve was cut there, during the artillery fire on the positions, that is, we took up the defense with our unit, well, if there was both defense and attack,
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there was such a mixed cycle. igor continues his service, but no longer on the front line. at the same time, he does sports and participates in competitions for military and veterans. i applied on december 9-10. competitions will be held in kyiv, as well as unbeaten games, who applied, i want to take part. after training in the gym, swimming pool. roman has been systematically working with a team of military veterans for six months. our task is not to achieve extraordinary successes. it's just that we meet in the evening with friends who went through part of the war, let's say so, and there is something to talk about. men now. is preparing for inclusive games competitions unconquered, but for them it is not so much competition and victory as a strong body and spirit of brotherhood that unites those who have returned from the front or continue their service. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for tv channel uso. our espresso viewers, you
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are the first to respond to all of our always- urgent meetings, and that is truly extremely valuable. so we really ask you to join our new collection, charity. the human and law foundation, together with the espresso tv channel , are collecting funds for powerful portable battery stations with solar panels for 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of territorial forces. defense of the armed forces. in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment must be systematically charged. the stations can replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even in field conditions. our goal is uah 1.2200. as of now , more than 300,484 hryvnias have been collected. so, all the details you see on your screens now, scan and donate. for now, that's all the news for this one. hour more interesting and relevant information can be found on our website, as well as
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on our social networks. join, place yours likes, that's the end of the issue, take care, we still have a victory to meet. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, in the next two hours, you will be with us, i hope to watch our conversation in the verdict program, we are talking about ukraine, about the world, about war , about victory, about everything you are interested in and what you talk about among yourselves, our dear tv viewers, today in the program, it is poisonous. marina budanova, who is involved in this and in what condition the wife of the head of gur? they are forcing
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putin to make concessions, why are ukraine being inclined to negotiate with russia and under what conditions is this possible? the blockade of the border is in the interests of moscow, what are the polish carriers demanding and what is the ukrainian government doing to solve the problem? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guest politician and diplomat volodymyr ogryska, in the second part. our program, which will start at 9:15 p.m., will be people's deputies of ukraine, sofia fedina, mykhailo tsimbalyuk and oksana savchuk. however, before starting our big one today's conversation, let's watch a video of how fighters of the paragon unit, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, in the temporarily occupied horlivka , discovered and effectively destroyed a kamikaze position with the help of fpv. let's look at russian machine gunners, which the invaders installed in a tower in an industrial zone.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please participate. in our vote, today we ask you about whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus, yes no, if you watch us on the tv channel, you can pick up the phone and call the numbers 0800, 2011-381, for those who think that ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus, no, 0.800 211-382. i will ask our directors again to please show the phone numbers on our tv screens and
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our computer screens, all calls to these numbers are free, please call, at the end of the program we will tally up the results of this vote, and we have of communication is our guest, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9 years, volodymyr ogrysko, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air, i congratulate you, sir. i wish sergey good health, and i also wish good health to all our dear tv viewers. thank you, mr. volodymyr, let's just talk about health about the health of the wife, head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, kirill budanov, marianna budanova, because today there was a message that she was poisoned and citing sources in the main administrative intelligence of the ministry of defense, several publications first reported about it, and then in gura it was confirmed that she and several intelligence officers were
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poisoned by uh metal, heavy metal, as they say, this heavy metal is not in the products, but apparently it got into the food , this poisoning happened, er, this is not the first and probably not the last poisoning that is recorded in the countries in which the russian special services work and in which the agents of the russian special services work. so far, there is no information about the involvement of the kremlin in this poisoning, nor are there any details, i hope. that they will be, but still, taking into account the experience that great britain has with poisoning, and the same russia with poisoning, in relation to opposition politicians or opponents of vladimir putin, if, if it is confirmed that russia is involved in this poisoning and this poisoning will be proven, can the world finally recognize
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russia as a terrorist country, and a country that is very dangerous not only... for its neighbors, but also for the whole world, well, you see, mr. sergey, it seems to me that the number of these cases here it doesn't play a role anymore, there have been so many of these poisonings, i don't know, already in my opinion, we have all lost our minds, because , i don't know, this, well, this has been going on for years, starting, if we take only the last years with lytvynenko, and all the way to... navalny, already his own, as it were, but he had to be killed anyway, i am not talking about his political views and beliefs, that is another matter, but the kremlin simply poisons its enemies, both abroad and in russia, therefore, to assume that this is another special operation
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of the russian special services, i think , which is quite likely, the question, however, is already up to the specialists who deal with it, which ones are investigating this case, how could this happen, when budanov said that his wife lives, all the time with him in the office , and, well, actually, they spend all the time together, well , how can this happen, of course many questions arise, and what in this way, other employees, her guru, were also poisoned. here i already think that specialists have a say, but this only proves one thing again and again , unfortunately, we have a lot of those who betrayed ukraine, who continue to work for the russian aggressor, and this once again and once more
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i mean, we are not doing everything necessary to... get rid of this russian agency. once i was asked about this topic, i answered very simply that everyone should pass through the polygraph, all those who have at least some, some tangent, elementary tangent to what is called a state secret, what is called state administration, what is called the parliament, the government and all that is connected with making some decisions, and maybe even more. because when we talk about the fact that some are educators, went over to the side of the enemy, the fact that they immediately agreed to work under russian educational programs, this also shows that they are collaborators, that these are the people who,
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in fact, only disguised themselves as ukrainian, actually sat and waited... this russian world , so, i think that we will not get away with some such, you know, individual cases , we need to either clean up completely, or, well, then we should not ask the question why this is happening, because, unfortunately, the russian agency exists and it works, well, bye things, the security service of ukraine reported that over 2,000 traitors were exposed and more than 300 agents of foreign services were arrested during 22-23 years, and it is clear that in this context i cannot but ask you about what the secretary of the council of national security and defense oleksiy danilo says, he says that the russian special services are trying to drive a wedge between the civilian leadership and the military leadership of ukraine, but for some reason it turns out that
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the people of ukraine doubt the effectiveness of the military leadership more than the servants of the people, ah, danilo says about the agents of the russian special services, you are observing what is happening in the country now and how this confrontation is fanning out, or let's say , articulated, what do you think, could it have been possible here without the russian special services and without efforts to stir up within the country , the situation precisely at the expense of this confrontation, well, you know, mr. sergey, continuing your logical chain, we can come to the conclusion that the agents of the fsb are precisely some people's deputies, which is sometimes very difficult to doubt, well, i'll just remember now one last example, when 44
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or 46, i won't say for sure right now, the people's deputies are wearing their shirts, in order to prevent the expulsion of the fifth column of moscow in the form of the uocp from ukraine, well, please tell me , they are agents of whose, the pope or there, the chief imam, or someone else, or the chief rabbi, are they agents of influence , at least of the influence of muscovy, so the sbu, i think, has something to really do and respond very clearly to all those things , including among those who are still formally in servants of the people faction. er, why do some of these representatives do what one
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of the deputy chairpersons of the defense and intelligence committee is doing, this is really a question, and here we need to understand whether she herself is doing it, well, because of her, so to speak, specific features, or is it simply being used, but the question then is who and for what, and this is a big problem, because if... muscovy succeeds in driving this wedge between the military leadership and the political leadership of ukraine, then the catastrophe is inevitable, and if you look , which is now spoken in moscow propaganda channels, it's a holiday there, they are already absorbing this topic from head to toe and are happy that finally quarrels have started between two key political, so to speak, hundred in ukraine, we want it. well, obviously, russia wants the parishioners of the branch of the russian orthodox church to join in these quarrels, you mentioned
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the request, or the submission to the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, regarding the transfer of draft law, 8371, to the venice commission. as regards the activities of the uocp in ukraine, and among these deputies who signed... in order to to carry out an examination in the venice commission, there are 20 people's deputies from the pro-government force, a servant of the people, well, of course, there is an opzh, and i think that both danilov and the security service of ukraine actually have a place to direct their view, if they talk about this internal destabilization, about which moscow is constantly being talked about and hinted at, although these people are sitting in front of their eyes and they are actually doing it for mr. serhiy, the only question, only, yes, are these people not receiving instructions from moscow, here precisely for the security service ukraine is huge
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a field for activity, and simply, an analysis of which deputies during these last two years, what they said, how they acted, where they were, this will already give very good grounds for not only thinking, but also practical actions, if of course it will political will, well, if they do not receive from the instructions, then they act as useful idiots, that is, who simply play along in this situation in moscow, or at least, branches of the russian orthodox church. in moscow, mr. vladimir, putin approved the increase in spending on the army to a record since the time of the soviet union, in a year the national defense will spend more than, well , the so-called national defense, rather, it is a national attack, will spend 10 trillion rubles. of the russian budget, this is 70% more than in the 23rd year, 30% of the entire budget of 20-24 will go to the army and the military industry, for all
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the security forces together - this is 40% of the budget, the entire pre-war budget of ukraine for comparison was 40 billion dollars, now the entire budget of our country is 90 billion dollars, and 46 billion is now the military budget, and the russians have a war budget of 120 billion dollars per year, that is, i i understand, mr. volodymyr, that russia is following the path of the soviet union, and do you think the same end awaits it, because we remember this arms race, which is basically the war in afghanistan as well, the arms race, they buried the soviet union . well, you see, mr. serhiy, speaking of the budget, we must understand that russia is a country of lies, that is, they never say anything accurate, fair, and correct there, therefore, in addition to these open articles that everyone is talking about today, there but there are a lot of closed ones
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and which are not counted, which are not taken into account, and then we can say that we spend another 10% more, uh, you know, it may sound cynical, but maybe it's really good, because the russian economy will explode from such a burden, given, well, first of all, rampant corruption, we have seen tanks that were closed with boxes... of eggs, and everything else that was produced and is being produced there, and we understand that the more there is of this stolen from, which is formally put into service and on, what is called the russian army, the sooner the russian economy will begin to fall,
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to fall completely, because now it is still, to some extent, holding... due to the fact that it is trying to reorient itself to the east, to china, to india, to other markets, but then again, there are problems with india, china demands such and such conditions the same purchase of gas and the construction of gas stations, which russia will simply not be able to afford with such expenditures for the war , now the americans... it seems that they are moving to the point that they will not just talk about the fact that it is not necessary to transport oil for more than 60 dollars per barrel, but they will be punished for it, that is, unfortunately, gradually, but still relentlessly, the ring around the russian, economic throat, it shrinks , therefore, the russian economy has no prospects
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, as soon as the russian economy collapses, the russian political superstructure appears, well , this is a classic from the time of karl marx, therefore i think that these crazy expenditures, they are really crazy, this is what you are right , absolutely saying, this is a repetition of what happened in the ssr, well, but mr. volodymyr, judging by the actions it takes towards russia, the civilized world in various international organizations, that after all they... count on the fact that russia will be afloat for a certain time and it will be necessary to somehow cooperate with it and, let's say , trade or even communicate, because to take the same story with the summit, the ministerial summit the osce, which is to be held in skopje, today, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, said that he will boycott participation in this summit, since
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serhiy was invited there. lavov, molotov, volodymyr putin, at the same time information appeared that on december 1, when the summit will take place, the foreign ministers of the baltic countries will not fly there, estonia, latvia, lithuania, and russia, as reported, has already blocked estonia's accession to the osce chairmanship, and now they urgently want to make malta the osce chairman, considering to how these structures are trying, both the osce and the g20 to flirt, continue to flirt with the russian federation, that they , what they want, to support russia, to keep, or shall we say, keep somewhere on a short leash, to understand that well, russia is nearby, it is better to be close than it will close there and not.
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do you know what you will plan? well, you see, mr. sergey, russia has been blackmailing everyone for a long time with everything, including the fact that it will actually block the work of the osce, because this structure, built on the principle, on the principle of consensus, one country raises its hand against, no decision is made, actually, this blackmail is, well , you know, one of the foundations of russian... that foreign policy, in principle, with this blackmail, it took and takes, the western world. to the western world, this bubble called the osce, surprisingly, still exists needed true, it has no practical significance for many, many years, it does not fulfill its, any function, which, which, which were still prescribed in the helsinki final act of the 75th year, er, later. when she
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moved from the conference to the organization.


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