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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] and even in simple matters, the list of tasks that ukraine has now completed was actually reflected in the decision that the representatives of the european union made the other day, however, to talk about the fact that this decision will lead to very quick changes and the accession of ukraine to the european union in the coming years, it is hardly worth it, but at the same time, it opens up many opportunities for ukraine's integration into the european community. even before we officially receive the status of a member of the european family. that is, we, we, we consider it as one more step closer to becoming part of the european family, and what to expect from the european council meeting in december? well, there we are also waiting for the approval of the decision to start negotiations, which will actually be the last
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round. on the way to that, and ukraine, with each country that is a member of the european union, has started discussing the personal accession of ukraine to the european union, this is also an important stage, and the actual negotiations, they will probably be the most interesting part of our accession process, since the problems that we see now on the border with poland, the problems we see with hungary, in my opinion, they will look like flowers and an easy walk, compared to what awaits us in direct bilateral negotiations with other countries, because the countries of western europe are increasingly saying that ukrainian silpos products are there, they are very competitive with the european one and knocks european manufacturers out of the market very often, and in the matter of production there and many, many other spheres, that is, each country will first of all defend its interests, these are
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economic interests, financial interests, but less, i think that both this and this issue will be passed, just in my opinion, it is important for us to focus not on those countries that will now express disagreement with ukraine's quick accession to the eu, but to work with those states with which in we have a common vision, and the more we receive approvals from our permanent allies regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, then it will be easier to communicate with such countries as hungary, there may be many questions from the same germany, which nevertheless supports the accession ukraine has now become a locomotive of financial, political, and military support for our state, but in the context of our accession to the european union, i think there will be many issues, and i want to clarify, in your opinion, russia will somehow try to interfere in these negotiations processes, when you say that the discussions will not be easy, the negotiations will not be easy, taking into account the capabilities that
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the russian federation has, the capabilities, in order to digest the countries, to what extent it can use its leverage here, which still remain in the european union, well, you know, i would say that russia has never stopped trying to split the european union and demonstrate to everyone that it is not a single institution, it has many vectors and opinions and you need to listen to everyone, and for example, the position hungary, in my opinion, is a clear confirmation that they want to create an internal rebellion in the european union , an internal split that will cause the european union to cease to be considered such a monolithic institution, and i would say that even those election processes that have already taken place in some european countries, whether they will be conducted next year, are in the sphere of interests of the russian federation, again to demonstrate that they can
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influence political processes. on the other hand, we see good signals that the european union is being reformed, and on the 22nd, at one of the meetings of the european institutions , a decision was made, if i am not mistaken, the european parliament made a decision that it is necessary to reform the europeans, to move from the position of accepting decisions by a single vote to the decisions of a qualified majority, and that's what very much hits on the possibilities today... of the russian federation, which is trying to prevent ukraine from joining the european union with bribery, blackmail, offers, cheap gas, i.e., various corruption tools, but the more we implement reforms at the domestic, let's say, level, the more the more we conduct transparent, sincere communication with our european partners, the less opportunities there will be in principle in russia, i think
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, over time and the desire to prevent ukraine, and it seems to me that on a mental level russians are already used to the idea that ukraine will be in the eurosociety, otherwise the issue with nato, because here some... their pseudo vital interests are affected by the accession of ukraine, so there will be a much tougher struggle here, but in terms of the european union, i think this process will move forward it’s easier, of course, maksym, please tell me one more such important news that came from the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak, that the first conference on joint ukrainian-american arms production will be held in the usa on december 6-7, what are the prospects for ourselves we see that in such a dialogue,
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can production, joint production of ukrainian-american weapons really become a reality today? and it is already gradually becoming a reality, not only in the united states, but also with many of our european colleagues and not only european ones, for example, about turkey, we are already talking about the construction of a plant, so it seems to me that in this way our partners... give two signals: firstly, the fact that this is a very important cooperation, i would say delicate, when countries agree to build weapons together, it indicates a certain credit trust and readiness for strategic partnership, and the second, probably not very pleasant moment for us, is that in this way the countries demonstrate to us and understand for themselves that the war with russia can drag on and it will not end as quickly as we wanted b everyone, that's why we need a lot of weapons, ukraine should count on its own resources , including such joint partnerships, they can ease this burden for our partners. we know that the united states is a critical ally
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of ukraine, and that from such a country, key economic and military power in the world, such first steps, perhaps in this cooperation , they are also very important even from a symbolic point of view, because in this way ... if the available presidential elections we launched at least part of the production in independence of that , who would become the new or the old, and it seems that whichever candidate wins from the two main ones now, will be the new old, and because they were both in office, unless something changes dramatically, so you know will reduce the desire to conduct such anti-ukrainian rhetoric, even among the most ardent enemies of our states' support there. another question is about the types of weapons that we can make together with the americans, in my opinion, at the moment it does not look like we will be talking about any long-range missiles or any other things, but here is
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the question of heavy weapons, the question of artillery, the question of ammunition, this is something that we can obviously count on and that will be implemented in the near future, thank you very much for your comment, maksym jugun, political scientist. he was in touch with us. well, ours the air is holding, and we will talk literally in a minute with an expert on international economics, including about the economic state of ukraine itself, and we will talk about it with ivan us, i would like to remind you, before the conversation, that this year, the prices of products that we will buy for the new year's table, and not only for... the annual table, but also for the christmas table, according to the new calendar, we will celebrate christmas on december 25, and very soon saint nicholas will visit our homes 6 december, immediately after that you will be able to look under the pillow and
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to look for some gifts from st. nicholas , but here it is important to remember one thing, that under no matter what conditions, we will not gather, and no matter what prices we buy products for our holiday. tables, we should remember our defenders, who are now defending us in difficult and difficult conditions, and that is why we continue not to stop , to help our defenders, to donate, by chance, in some other way that is convenient for you, but do not forget that, about those thanks to whom we can live our lives here, and just now, as maxim announced, ivan us is joining us, an expert on international economics, we welcome you, mr. ivan, good day, studio, good day, tv viewers, congratulations, let's analyze such an interesting phenomenon in our country during
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the war, as black friday or cyber ​​monday, all these days have passed, people actively bought, we saw this excitement in stores and at gas stations, in your opinion, to what extent today, in general... a marketing move, it has an effect in wartime ukraine, well, it has an effect, if only because people still need a certain part. peaceful life which was before the start of a full-scale war, and despite what it would seem, well, now there is a war, what kind of shopping can we talk about, anyway, people have this, let's say, desire, pop, request, or rather, for some positive emotions, and therefore black friday, yes, it was not the same as before, nevertheless, there was a certain effect, and by the way, here is such statistical information from the foxtrot network, they provided that this friday compared to that what was
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the week before it, due to these discounts, the number of, let's say, purchases in hryvnias in hryvnias for 65% was higher, that is, a fairly significant increase, and here it seems to me that it is not only because of discounts, but precisely because of the psychological moment when people need emotions, yes, that is, yes, everyone remembers that the war is going on, at the same time, everything after all, the war is going on so that a peaceful life...' and so that parts of this peaceful life are with us even now, that's why people actually decided, let's say, to go to the shops and buy, again not like before, however, a certain amount of goods, and also, by the way, what an important point, in my opinion, is this growth, well here, however, i will to compare this year with the previous one, there are data, it is true, about 45%, but the actual physical volume of goods is more, in my opinion, because after all, more people are returning to ukraine now, and therefore on black
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friday 23 of the year there were more people in ukraine than on black friday the 22nd, and this is also a positive thing for me. mr. ivan , here is an important question that we all ask ourselves as these days approach, are these deep discounts really discounts, or is it possible that this is simply a return to some adequate price, which, which got lost somewhere in the shop tricks. and i completely agree, in general, black friday is more about marketing than about real discounts, because, let's say, they developed such a picture that it is a day of discounts, and if they psychologically told citizens to buy goods, and people, in principle, i said, in search of positive things, they agree to this offer, so they buy something, and i remind you that i leave until christmas and the new year... it is one month, therefore, understanding
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that there will be a rush in that period, some already is now starting to think about gifts for, let's say, their loved ones and those to whom they want to give them, and this partly pushed people to increase their own expenses, although you know, once years ago, maybe 15 years ago, i talked to representatives of the state and they told me that this such a sly move about these bottoms. in order not to show certain data, data for the state, they say that discounts , because according to the methodology of the state tax, when you analyze prices, you cannot but analyze those products for which there are discounts, and if on all a discount item, that means you can't give official data because it's considered to be false information exposed, so in part, to me, this discount game, it's
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to hide certain data that's not... mr. ivan, the day before december, ukrainians are starting to prepare for the holidays, and st. nicholas will soon visit our homes, and i would especially like him to visit our protectors and protectors, first of all, for christmas, as far as we can talk about some such a difference in a certain economic plan, and in this period for ukrainian economy and for the world, because now we are starting to celebrate holidays, like the rest of the world, like the west, of course, but this is exactly the period of the holidays, it is more activation of trade networks, because people really buy more gifts, by the way, this will contribute to the strengthening of the national currency, why, because after all, people, before... and before st. nicholas, and then, before christmas and
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the new year, they will spend more money, actually in ukraine, on gifts, that is, they will need more national currency, so if anyone has any savings in currencies of other countries, they will exchange them in order to get more hryvnias , and this will contribute to the strengthening of the currency, so the period is already in january, it will end there in february, at the same time, this is such a good signal for the national currency, a signal for trading networks that again yes, not as it was before the start of a full-scale war, at the same time working, and developing and more, you know, had an opportunity in a month, not even a month. three weeks ago, i talked with dnieceza exporters and they told me stories, when even certain enterprises since the beginning of the full-scale war, not only survived, but also started, not just started, even built new factories for the production of goods, and this all happened at the end
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of 2022, during this year 2023, that is, these are all signals that a certain adaptation to new realities has taken place , the economy is useless to it...' and in fact now it is, well, definitely not normal, but it has found, let's say its own, base for temporary normality in anticipation of more and better changes in the future, of course, mr. ivan, thank you for joining to our broadcast, ivan us, an expert in international economics, was in touch with us. for property damaged by russian terrorists, ukrainians have already received more than one hryvnia. the money is paid out under the program for recovery - said dina shmehal, prime minister of ukraine. people whose homes were completely destroyed can get certificates for new housing. recently, such certificates have also been issued to co-owners of destroyed housing. government officials are also working on attracting additional funds for the recovery of ukraine, preparing for the
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recovery conference that will take place next year in berlin the task is not just to attract a resource. for quick reconstruction, but to decide on a long-term perspective and synchronize recovery with european integration. the key question is, at whose expense should the reconstruction take place? ukraine's answer is clear: russia will pay for it. we are waiting for a hopeful decision from the eu regarding the confiscation of frozen russian assets. oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, we are in touch oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations, thank you for joining our broadcast, both in the west and in ukraine, are unanimous in the fact that the seized assets of the russian federation should be directed to the reconstruction of ukraine, and there, they continue to look for legal opportunities for the transfer of these
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funds, for the transfer to ukraine of the seized assets of the russian federation, how close we are to this moment, well, not us, how far close to a legal settlement and the united states of america and the european union before this step? so far, the search for a mechanism for the confiscation of the transfer of frozen assets to the country continues, and there is no solution yet, let me remind you that history knows in fact, there were only isolated cases when: such payments, restitutionary, this is about , for example, the same iraq, which has been paying for more than 20 years, compensation, from the sale of oil, due to the damage caused, there were multiple payments, to qatar, and
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accordingly for the commission of both aggression and the destruction of these oil and other... enterprises and wells that were destroyed or destroyed during the war, and this is actually one case that was, with a mechanism for ensuring at a high international level a solution security council of the united nations, accordingly, the mechanism and procedure for payment was established, as of today, in relation to ukraine and the frozen... funds of the russian federation, there is no such decision for the first time, and we have to talk about what it should be with clear legally established procedures, because it is about the right of ownership and it cannot be arbitrarily
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violated, even in case of proving that these funds belong to the aggressor state, which for... harm to ukraine and accordingly, has, we understand, it has reimburse, but without an appropriate decision at the international level, this whole procedure will not have such legal grounds, therefore, its development of this mechanism lies precisely in the circle of communication of lawyers, internationalists, and states-diplomats who seek, well, to date, they have frozen these assets, but in only small, let's say, amounts, we know that compensations were withdrawn and transferred to ukraine, this related to specific proven facts of committing harm to ukraine and, accordingly , belonging to the commission of a crime, and then, such the procedures can be legitimized and,
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accordingly, the funds will be transferred to ukraine. mr. oleksandr, dictatorships and authoritarian regimes have always used child abduction as a weapon, and here russia is already following such a well-worn path, please tell me, by the way, here is a fact recently published by the bbc about the fact that the mp. the duma of russia adopted a child stolen from ukraine, that is, these are just real people, real names, and these are people who are very close to putin, that is, they do not just hide it, in every way, well, it even inform, in general, please tell me, in this very difficult issue, the abduction of ukrainian children, at which legal stage are we now? there are two processes: the first is at the national level, our national
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law enforcement agencies have opened a criminal case, it concerns those children, the personal data of which it was possible to establish, for the most part, these are all those who managed to be returned to ukraine, to date, some of the children is considered and has the status of such that they have undergone coercion. and they are there, their data is entered in the register those children whom russia forcibly deported to its territory, and their fate is unknown, that is, today we cannot say exactly where they are, with what personal data, including, that is, whether their personal data has been changed, because they could be transferred to, if they were transferred to adoptive families, then... they keep their surnames, first names, but if they go through the procedure of adoption or adoption, then
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accordingly, the change of personal data , even with the date of birth, this is a problem, then search for such children, and this is the first process, which i mentioned, the second process is that the international criminal court, which has already made a decision on the commission of a war crime by russia in the form of dep maria lvova bilovova and vladimir putin, who received arrest warrants on march 17, 2023, and , accordingly, an invitation to appear before the court and take part in the trial on this
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issue, and in fact, the international criminal the court continues and we have seen that they invite to provide any information related to this category of war crimes, namely the deportation of ukrainian children, they collect this information, in what quantity and what information is already available to them, we do not know about this we will know until then, even, even during the trial, this information will be closed, because they protect victims, victims, and witnesses, and accordingly, here we can only guess how much information may be available international criminal court. let me remind you that they cooperate with various jurisdictions, that is, a number of european states , including other states from the continents, the united states of america, canada, australia, and other states that can provide assistance, say, in providing
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information , of course, of course, mr. oleksandr, yes, thank you, oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights. our broadcast continues, and the next information, a process that has been going on for decades, is in full swing in lviv the electronic ticket will work, it is planned to launch it in two weeks, the sale of cards has started in the city. our lviv correspondent oleg yanko can tell you more about this. this leocard plastic card is an electronic ticket in lviv, which will start working on december 11. its launch has been talked about since 2010, but the start of work was constantly postponed. despite the announced launch, this is not yet the final option, as the ekydka model in lviv assumes what the passenger has. you pay for every kilometer you drive, so when you enter in transport, you apply the card to the validator and do the same when
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you leave it, when such a model will work is currently unknown. the people of lviv appreciate the launch of the equid, but they are not buying it at the moment, i think it is more convenient, that there will be no need to hide, where there are many people, you know, you sat down normally and paid for the fare with a card, you mostly pay in cash, by reading in which transport, minibuses in cash, and trolleybus, vouchers or through privat-24, and there is no leo card pension. and it is convenient to use, convenient, very convenient, have you ever had any difficulties or problems, no, it has never happened, and i rarely use it, it’s true, but it hasn’t happened, they are planning, but i don’t know if it will be like that, well, not yet, well, no
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i thought, i don’t know, but in general, with the satisfaction system, for example, 5, now they give those tickets, they give that one, well, it’s very good, how do people buy tickets, there is no one who comes in, well, it’s very good, it it’s convenient, it’s, well, it’s good, i like it, the ticket costs uah 60 and you can buy it at press kiosks or special terminals, however not everyone likes this council, because earlier in the city council they promised to develop a free mobile application, but this has not happened yet, the possibility of paying in cash in transport will remain, and it will also be possible to pay by bank card. as for the owners, they are promised to reduce the fare and instead of uah 15 they will pay uah 13. 37 points of sale of transport atoliv cards have been launched, there are 31 interpress kiosks , to date, we will increase their number, there is an opportunity to purchase a transport card and top it up immediately on place, and it can also be purchased at
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terminals. the city council promises to review public transport prices after the launch of the electronic ticket. at this , the rada tv channel team says goodbye to you, we wish you a good day, and then a word to our colleagues from ukraine. chevorony that the victory is approaching, through a wild whistle, under the explosion of mines, gathering all the will, let's go to ours, let's liberate our lands together, join our fighters, the people's national police brigade. the questionnaire can be filled out on the nabir npgo website, or
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by calling 097-725-25-13. ukrainian gives freedom the occupiers are pulling their tails, having heard about ukrainian cotton and cotton. and we haven't mentioned 30-letter words yet. although we have affectionate words for everyone. we cannot be destroyed, we are protected by the power of the three forms of the future tense. we will go, we will go, we will go to victory in spite of everything. ukrainian: the language of the free. the rules of a warm country, healthy care, thank you for gaining energy on foot, spare the elevator and restore health, let's beat the winter together, i'm a russian military ship, i offer to lay
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оружие и сдатся, русский военный корпаль, ukraine and the glory of our young people, fate will smile at us, our little girls will die like beauty. in the sun, i will rule the thundering brothers in my


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