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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm EET

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you know, if at the beginning of the war the authorities assembled a government of national trust, concluded a pact with not all political forces about national unity, invited all political forces to take joint responsibility for the defense of the country, then we would see more political unity now, if instead of the national as the so-called single a marathon where political censorship is introduced, we will see... censorship that extends exclusively to military information, as in israel, where there is censorship during wartime, but this censorship extends exclusively for military sensitive information and has nothing to do with political censorship. so, if our government had followed this path, we would now have political unity, because there would be joint political responsibility of the forces that could directly discuss their problems with freedom of speech on the air, since... at the beginning of the war
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, it took some different intonation, then now we see that all these political contradictions, which, unfortunately, are not inevitable, they are not inevitable, are spilling over the mountain, and although we do not see it yet, it is so clear, well, there are prerequisites that we soon we will talk about the fact that there are internal political contradictions, which of course is very bad during the war, you know, now the political representatives of the parliament, the representatives of the faction in the parliament... today signed such a general declarative agreement that during the war we do not have there will be elections, this is very good, by the way, because we have had this election cycle for a very long time, but if we had continued to have this cycle, then we would not have even hints of political unity at all, moreover, the representatives of the factions signed such a declaratory agreement that they say even elections will be held only after the war is over and six months have passed, so there is hope that this political tension that we have... will not
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be so acute, but if we want to get rid of it, we need you , to correct the mistakes made at the beginning of the war, you need to create a government of national unity, you need to have the courage for the authorities to share the responsibility with all political forces, of course, this presupposes the absence of any political censorship and of course it presupposes the understanding that the political forces will take responsibility for myself, well, for everything that happens in the country, if i will. then everything will be better, if this does not happen, such political internal discord to the good, thank you, mr. serhiy, mr. andriy, do you think that the ukrainian government is showing unity today? look friends, i slightly disagree with my colleague, in general, everything is correct, but i think that in the 21 months of the great war we went through very different cycles, both military and political, and each of them required ... certain tools
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communication, political, it is clear that by definition, the banking sector there was not ready for some topic of the unity government there or something else in march-april, there in may of the 22nd year, then everything was decided in the mode of the fire brigade, but since then a lot has changed, and now, when you change you are asking a question, it is obvious that there is a problem, and of course this problem was created by the bank with its own hands , it is not known what the hell and now it is trying to extinguish it somehow, you mentioned some memorandum that was signed there, it is quite strange, but we have to remember , where it all started, and it started with what was in the mouth ruslan stefanchuk was quoted with the phrase that the ukrainian constitution does not prohibit elections during the war, and this issue will be updated, this is actually his quote, it appears in july or august of this
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year, that is, they themselves actually launched a political company during the war, when it was clear to all conscious people that this was absurd, i remember, then on the first day i called on everyone that this is the way to freeze the conflict, this is the way to capitulation and the way to lose democracy, because it is impossible to hold elections during a war, i said i'm at the beginning of august, now four months later, everyone supposedly agreed with this, but we lost a lot of time, a lot of nerves, eh, it all turned into some kind of hype in the verkhovna rada, well, everyone knows about these crazy amendment attacks when deputies of different factions are there , i will not point the finger at anyone, but there were 400-500 amendments put there in order to train the opposite side there, that is, such pure peacetime politics, at a time when we need to make all decisions, all of them absolutely with one goal in mind . if it helps us win
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war, all other solutions, they are not really necessary, but less so, now we see attempts, once again, these are only attempts to somehow erase this whole story, but at the same time , the bank itself constantly provokes absolutely unnecessary narratives, and if with the elections the issue has already allegedly been closed, everyone has supposedly calmed down, then the internal confrontation there is already at the level of the top authorities, it remains an open issue, and it is not a banking issue, it is an issue of ukrainian society, it is extremely sensitive, and instead of doing everything, as possible in order to assure the ukrainian society that dear friends, everything is fine, we are united, we are whole , we are fighting for our survival, we are fighting for the end of the war on our terms, instead of this, some absolute nonsense is thrown in again, for example, give us 10 more seconds ,
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this nonsense that someone from the military, if he wants to be a politician, should go into politics, this can only be said by a person who does not understand that war is a continuation of politics, this is an axiom. and during the war, it may seem strange to some, but that's just how all military personnel are by politicians, they just use other arguments, they use a tank, a howitzer, a grenade, a machine gun, and this is a tool of politics, because we achieve and fight for political goals, so once again now it is very important to somehow still try to put all this on the brakes, because we 're really going to create completely unnecessary emotional... first of all narratives, while society is very tired, that's obvious, and we need any, at least a reasonable hope, that we can last for the next six months to a year, because the war doesn't end tomorrow , and that the bank's obligation, because it monopolized
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the power of the entire country, it happened, it was the choice of the ukrainian people, but it is also a responsibility, and now it must be primarily responsible for specific actions on the consolidation of ukrainians. thank you, mr. andriy, we are joined by maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction. mrs. maria, i congratulate you and i am glad that you joined our broadcast. yes, thank you, i'm sorry to be on the road again, but, well, since we already started this discussion with by mr. andriy and mr. serhii, we ask whether the ukrainian government is demonstrating unity today, and we ask about it. of our tv viewers who watch us on air and on youtube and on tv , so i will ask you this question as well, in your opinion, does the ukrainian government today demonstrate unity, i mean the government, without dividing the opposition or monopolies, the government, as the power
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delegated by the people? mr. serhiy, to sort out the conflict during a full-scale aggression is absolutely impossible, and indeed, we are on... faction of european solidarity, we have been calling for this, i don't know, not only since the beginning of the war, in fact we have called for this and for a full-scale invasion, persuading the authorities to prepare for war, warning that we must build fortifications, arm the army and strengthen a the armed forces of ukraine by all means to repulse the enemy, and when you... when we talk about unity now, we don't really feel it, to be honest, unfortunately in the parliament too, it's very good that the memorandum is signed, i just wish how many you won't sign papers there, i would like it to be in action, this unity, and because
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now we have to unite first around, it's definitely around the armed forces of ukraine, and that's why when politicians start, well, you know, getting into the military affairs and criticize this or that commander-in-chief, well, it’s definitely not for the moment, our task now is to ensure maximum cooperation with partners, both with weapons and sanctions, so to strengthen sanctions and humanitarian aid, this is our task, and the government should really work on that even now, when the construction of cortification facilities has already been delayed, to mobilize all resources together with local... military administrations to work on this now, and we have to work in the same way, you know, after all, to change our army according to standards nato, not only if human is our resource, but to change and implement systemic, such complex solutions, when we see with you that war,
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it is very technological, that is, that we still have to fight not with people, but we have to fight more with technologies , and we also have... to do everything in order to change the politics inside and, as you know, ladies and gentlemen, several journalists called me today, i already told in the previous broadcast. but i repeat, my colleagues called from tokyo and brussels and asked what is happening in your country, why is there a political threat between zelskyi and zaluzhny, well , these are just the questions they asked me, they gave the impression that they were a copycat, the political situation between and political relations between zaluzhny and zelsky, how society reacts to it reacts, do we have any internal political problems that can... prevent us from winning, the economist wrote yesterday that there is a political threat in kyiv and the drop
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in zelenskyi's rating, stefanchuk says that there is no conflict between zelenskyi and zaluzhny, this all the propaganda of the russian federation, mykhailo podalyak, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, on radio liberty, emphasized that there is no conflict between president zelenskyi and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, i suggest listening to podalyak. we insist that the conflict does not exist, and this is the most important thing, because i emphasize once again, president zelenskyi is in constant communication with mr. zalushny, there are certainly situations when it is necessary to hold certain conversations, difficult conversations, i mean at the rate, taking into account how things are progressing our offensive operations, what adjustments are needed. it is necessary to introduce what needs to be done in order for it to be more effective, but i emphasize once again that these communications are daily in
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working formats, well, the daily communication of the president with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces forces of ukraine is happening, i don't know if they are talking among themselves about how the industrious is trying to torpedo the aputat from the servants of the people, because the impression seems to be that the representatives of the monopolies in... are trying to torpedo the industrious, at this time in the president's office they say , well, there are no questions at all, well, there is mariana bezugla, who is trying to achieve the resignation of the hard worker, but she is a people's deputy, and what kind of relationship does she have with all this, especially the deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense. mr. serhiu, i have a question for you, as a political scientist, as a person who understands political technologies, how would you... characterize what is happening with regard to valery zaluzhnyi, because there is a political torpedo,
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mariana bezugla, and she is always just torpedoes in vain, and the president's office says: there are no problems at all. mr. sergey, can you hear me? yes, yes, now i can hear it, well, you see, we said at the beginning of the program, when freedom of speech is prohibited in the country, and political... problems will climb the mountain, then paternal problems will appear, with foreign media, and every time this problem appears in the foreign media, it will return to ukraine, but much enlarged, and secondly, our international partners will see and will talk about what you are asking, about what is happening in ukraine, if we read about it, they cannot read about it from a single marathon, and from western journalists who do not work in the mode of a single national marathon, they can write anything they want, and as a result
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, a distorted situation is created of what is happening in in ukraine, of course, there is no open political threat, because there is no open politics, well, if only because the stalwart does not have any party, but of course, when a deputy from the ruling majority speaks openly , well, not even with criticism, but simply with an attempt to destroy, industrious, then it raises suspicion, and by the way, no one is denying her anything from her own faction, it raises suspicion that there is probably an internal political struggle. it is also no secret that the specter of elections, which i hope we have already got rid of, must have forced vladnikola did testing, including by ordering various sociological surveys to services, where they would sift through potential competitors. and i have a serious suspicion that according to these sociological factors, zaluzhnyi fell into that category of people, persons who, if they
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participated in the campaign, could compete with the current government, this is possible and annoys some representatives of the government, so far it turns out that , which is criticized by individual representatives, but i have no doubt that if we had an open policy, then other representatives of the government would have joined in this, but in general, of course, this is a very abnormal situation, and i would very much not like such a monster to exist, because i think it interferes with the defense capabilities... and undermines the trust of our partners, well, obviously, such, such torpedoing of the industrious, it will be his anyway thrown into the political plane. well, because yushchenko was also a banker and did not want to go to the presidential elections and openly spoke about it, but the constant torpedoing by kuchma's team forced him to run for president, because history repeats itself, nothing, let's say, is new, the only thing , what representatives of the servants of the people probably do not know
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this history, so they probably need to conduct a likbes, how it all happens, mr. andriy , what do you think, in this situation, do they leave zuluzhny a choice, or zuluzhny has no choice, because whatever they did not, now with him, in principle, valery zaluzhnyi will become a political figure, although i will emphasize once again, he did not show any political ambitions, he did not say that he wanted to be president, he did not say that he wanted to create his own party, just a level of confidence in of the military is equal to the level of trust in the armed forces, and the level of trust in the armed forces is 93%. i will repeat my point again, a hard-working politician, like any officer, because war is a continuation of politics only with other instruments, this again, maybe news to some, but this is how it works all over the world, hard-working in our ordinary politics, if the peaceful format was dragged in by the same technologists, banking ones, it
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was the same, as you well remember, since the time of yushchenko and zelsky, they began to drag in the fame of vakarchuk, this is when the last name of a popular person starts to be inserted into polls, and she begins to flicker, flicker, if she has any reputation, then in this way she is actually being turned into a political subject, even if she is not, and we have seen many such cases, but now it has gone too far on again, the level of public communication and public hate, which revolves around the publications, first of all, of the figures of the servant of the people faction, and what you showed us podolyak, well , this is, sorry, to put it mildly, not enough at all, first of all, i do not i want to offend, but who is he? such, he is an adviser to the office, who repeatedly said things there that did not have any positive consequences, after all, we should already be in the crimea with you, because in
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april, if i am not mistaken, he promised that in 5-7 months we will take crimea, and it is very dangerous, because if such messages are relayed, and then they turn out to be unreachable, it is very demotivating, that is, the nearby should now level the situation. volodymyr oleksandrovich will practice this daily communication well, it is good that he records these daily videos talking to people, so he doesn't need to come up with anything, he just needs to be very calm in his regular evening address. to refute all the rumors and to assure everyone of consolidation and total unity, which again he also needs, because without this we have very illusory chances to achieve something, and speaking again about the office's ability to influence its deputies, excuse me for how many about
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a week and a half ago, there was a well-known story in my committee, when some active members of our committee... decided to vote their version of the law on special the anti-corruption prosecutor's office, it happened somewhere around two o'clock in the afternoon, starting at three o'clock, it seems that the head of the district committee was in the president's office on the 4th, and at 5 o'clock we convened the committee again and everything was re-voted silently, quickly, reactively, i would say, that is, the bank, when she really doesn't like something in the activities of their deputies, she reacts... instantly and has such tools of influence, so the fact that they are still silent, namely zelenskyi, i emphasize again that distance is not enough here, and remains silent the political leadership of the servant of the people party, the same mariyanna bezugla, she is not just some stray deputy, she is a member of the faction, she is a member of the governing bodies of the party, and this is a matter of
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political flight, accordingly, the party should give at least some reaction. i am not saying that it should be supported or refuted, but at least some kind of reaction, because this whole story has a huge public resonance, but the party is silent as well, well, as of the moment of our conversation, in my opinion , there were no comments from the party. so we remain in a state of political turbulence of our own making, and sorry, i'll end with what did you ask, i have also received messages for the last three days, such very ugly bad guy, they ask me who is the bad guy, what should we do? i know for sure of two delegations that have canceled their visits to ukraine next week because they don't want to be caught between the two lights in a state of some kind of internal tension, and they are waiting, and i'm afraid that this will have an impact, even worse on our relationship with the west in the issue
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of receiving aid, with which we have obvious problems, well, ms. maria, i actually wanted to ask about this, how is this fanning of this conflict in the media, in the media environment, because we are currently observing a media conflict, we did not see the conflict , perhaps... because it exists behind the door of politics, we did not see the public conflict that exists, but the leading world press writes about it, on this the press is oriented by the representatives of different states, and it is clear that this depends on the attitude, the approach to the government to which they help or give weapons, how all this will shape the image of ukraine and whether or not... it can be considered that what happened and that , which happens uncommented, simply a communication failure of the current government, mr. serhiu, already mr. andriy too, gave
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his definition that in fact everything can be changed and solved by zelenskyi, moreover, zelenskyi can discuss all problematic issues with the industrious, let's win, win, and then we will think about our competitors, and the countries must realize this first of all, because everything that is happening now, unfortunately, will have consequences for the country, for our state, for our armed forces. and sorry, i won't discuss maryana, because she will not take a step without being told by the bank, but she must bear political responsibility, for some reason she did not appear at the meeting of the last committee, where she was supposed to be removed from the head of the subcommittee and civil control over the security and defense sector, and we will very much support' we have a resolution, the author of which is venislavskyi, i will remind you, he is a servant of the people , where it can also be removed and the deputy head of the committee, that is, when you talk about
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the thief, who is this , this is an adviser on a public basis, and what responsibility for his words he carries, let me become an official adviser, officially speaks on behalf of the president, on behalf of the president's office, and then we will see, because unfortunately, after all, this issue must be decided by the president of the country, because now he is not on times when things happen and people really ask what is happening in our country between the zelenskys, excuse me, there are no elections, no one announces elections, it is important for us to win, win, and then really, as already mentioned, to start the election process in six months, if circumstances will allow to do it at all, now we need to think about the front, about the provision of our armed forces and about the continuation of international support and the continuation of financial support, including to our budget, we can already see with you, in fact, how the politics and leaders in the countries are changing, well, the segment of the free
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world, we must realize that we are not tired of, let's say that the world is not tired of ukraine, so that we realize that as much as possible... we have all the means for ours, i really hope that now this communication failure, he will put full stop, the president of ukraine, he should take this responsibility, he is actually his commander-in-chief and should protect him , especially when the situation at the front is actually quite difficult, we should think only about this now, draw conclusions and no one else like that, sorry , convenient... unfortunately , i lost contact with maria ionova, we thank maria for the fact that she joined the broadcast of tv channel, unfortunately, she
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is currently on the road, that's why you see such a terrible communication. friends, we will take a short break, but don't switch, because there will be more interestingly, andriy osadchuk and serhiy taran are still with us, let's talk more about corruption in ukraine. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. damn, stepladders, the great danes don't walk anymore. wait, i'm suffocating that there is no health? but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried gerovital. herovital plus - a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital plus, good
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understand, antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 13:10, with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who think and comment the most. social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso.
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2:00 pm
good afternoon to all viewers of espresso, with you anna java melnyk and the news team will talk about the most current events at the moment, i will start this issue with the following: ukraine gradually. from next year , the production of ammunition and military equipment will increase several times, and the main emphasis is on air defense equipment, both portable anti-aircraft missile complexes and anti-aircraft missile systems with a range of more than 100 km will be assembled, deputy minister of defense ivan gavrylyuk said. the purchase of rockets and ammunition will also increase, this is in the budget.


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