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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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good afternoon to all viewers of espresso, anna is with you. the news team will tell about the most current events at the moment, i will start this edition with the following: ukraine will gradually, from next year , increase the production of ammunition and military equipment several times. and the main emphasis is on anti-aircraft defense. both portable anti-aircraft missile complexes and air defense systems with a range of more than 100 km will be assembled. - said deputy minister of defense ivan gavrylyuk. the purchase of missiles and ammunition will also increase. on it's in the budget. pledged about 175 billion
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hryvnias. the ministry of defense of ukraine simplified the passage of the military medical commission for soldiers. from now on, a wounded person no longer needs to carry documents personally to a military unit, after the decision of the vlk on leave or unfitness. the package of documents can be sent in electronic form, they will be transferred between hospitals, units and procurement centers. document processing system. deployed in most centers, hospitals and hospitals. in the russian republic of buryatia, unknown people blew up more one train with fuel and lubricants . four tanks burned to the ground, two more were destroyed by fire. in addition, the railway tracks were seriously damaged, the local public reported. the day before , the detonation on the same baikal-amur highway was classified as a terrorist attack in russia. let me remind you that the day before, the ukrainian media announced a successful special. operation of the sbu to
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disable an important railway line, the russians also use it for military logistics. at the same time, the department itself has not yet commented on the situation. coordinated information sabotage of nestor shufrych against ukraine. the security service announced a new suspicion of treason against volodymyr sivkovich, the former deputy secretary of the nsdc. he has been hiding in russia and working since 2014. on the fsb. according to the investigation, sivkovych is involved in the organization of large-scale information campaigns against the top military and political leadership of ukraine in favor of the kremlin. for this, he involved famous politicians, among them nestor shufridge. henchmen of the suspect dispersed fake messages about the internal situation in ukraine, as well as tried to discredit official kyiv in front of western partners. the world bank has approved an aid package
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of 1 billion 2000 dollars for social payments, this amount was approved by the world bank for ukraine, the institution's website reported. the social protection investment project will provide financing for the most vulnerable sections of the population, which suffered from the devastating consequences of the russian invasion. funding will come from a dedicated fund for providing necessary credit support to ukraine, which is supported by the government of japan. three modular field hospitals, as well as six vehicles ukrainian border guards received medical evacuation. as reported in the state border service, the machinery and equipment was delivered by the manufacturing company with the support of the government of the kingdom. the new mobile hospitals are adapted for use in the cold season, have expanded possibilities for the location of medical personnel and patients. a military mobile hospital can be used. for a direct medical
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purpose, taking into account the specifics of providing medical care in both the front and rear loop, provision, also in in the case of the corresponding state, it is possible to use them as stabilization locations, which is also very important in the provision of medical care to preserve the golden hour of the patient's life. we have added more beds and tents for staff living, also for this hospital includes a water supply system, including showers. in addition, transitions between tents have become more reliable and durable. bring the heroes home. in the capital , the families of captured and missing servicemen from the mariupol garrison and the 74th separate intelligence unit took part in a peaceful protest battalion they have been waiting for their loved ones for almost two years, in the last 12 months there have been no exchanges at all. therefore, relatives and friends require involvement. authorities and
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international organizations to these processes. our relatives have been in captivity for 21 months and we are appealing to the authorities. for them to return our relatives, because our children have not seen their parents for such a long time, it has been a year and a half , we are calling the attention of all international organizations, all people who are involved in exchanges, who are involved in these to this, please help us will return our relatives home, the authorities, if such negotiations are complicated now, they must do everything to support their relatives, it is most difficult for them. december 1 is celebrated as world anti-breakage day. the risk of hiv infection increases especially during the war, how to prevent the disease and where in the capital you can take tests, our
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correspondents will tell you. an insidious enemy that is almost impossible to recognize. during 9 months of 2023 . in ukraine , 8,809 cases of hiv infection were detected and officially registered. these are data from the public health center ministry of health. it is almost impossible to cure such a disease, but it is possible to contain it. if a person has passed the test, the test is negative, then there are risks of infection, then the person is referred to prophylaxis. and today it is worth noting that there are not only barrier means, there is medicine. acute prevention, pre-contact prevention, infection of oxen, where one pill a day, and you can protect yourself from the sexual route of infection, only 69% of people living with oxen know about their status, while a third continue to expose themselves to danger and
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yourself and those close to you, in order to detect the disease and start treatment in a timely manner, it is enough to get tested regularly, you can do this in medical facilities based on non-governmental organizations and even at home in the capital , another institution has started working where you can do such a test, wellness, we they are used to such a name, a dermatovenerological dispensary, or a little better, a clinic for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, but the wellness center sounds so neutral, without stigmatization, without accentuation, why a person came and enters this office. him on on the basis of the kyiv clinical city hospital number 5, the antisnitz usa foundation in ukraine was established. here, patients can receive not only comprehensive testing, but also consultations, treatment and even free contraceptives. the center is open at convenient hours, in the evenings and even on saturdays.
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a health center is opened, where every patient, client from the risk group, can receive comprehensive testing services. navil, viral hepatitis, syphilis, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, which will be provided by doctors of the fifth city ​​clinical hospital. the process of testing for hepatitis b virus is completely painless and very fast, it takes only 15 minutes and it is also completely free. give me your pen. in just a few minutes, i found out the result of my test, besides, i talked to the doctor and got answers to all
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my questions. dmytro also came to check, he admits that he is here for the first time, but he wants to make it an annual tradition. among my acquaintances, i did not hear that people passed a lot, but... for my part, after mine today's experience, i will promote this story because it was actually quite fast, convenient in a comfortable place with friendly staff, and so yes, i will for my part recommend that everyone get tested annually. wil tasny was a taboo topic in ukrainian society until recently , as a result, we have a low level of testing and low awareness, so we remind you that wil and snit are not transmitted through fights or kisses, you cannot catch them through shaking hands or sharing dishes. a will is not a sentence, however it is the timely diagnosis of your health that can protect you and your loved ones. kateryna galko, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. i remind you that the espresso tv channel and
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the human and pravo charity fund are announcing a new collection. together with you, our viewers, we are collecting funds for powerful portable, rechargeable welstram stations with solar panels for 108 dnipropetrovsk. territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment must be systematically charged. stations can replace generators and supply fighters energy even in the conditions, our goal, 1,220 hryvnias. we already have 36100 in our account, join, donate to the victory of ukraine, you can see the details on the screen. these are the cases for the moment, i tell you, see you at 15 , more about current events, what is happening in ukraine and the world, read on our website esreso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks, be close .
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thanks to our tireless journalists, we are picking up the information and analytical baton in the espresso studio, live. marta ulyarnyk and antin borkovskyi, today we will start with our first guest regarding military topics, this is the most important thing now, military analyst, reserve major ngu, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, oleksiy hetman, is already in touch with us, we welcome you, mr. oleksiy, glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, can you hear us , yes, i hear you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day, peace of mind, god bless you too, mr. oleksiy. so, the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, announced the transition of the war to a new phase and mentioned the winter
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campaign, your vision, well, and your respective forecasts, well, the new vision, the transition to, well let's go step by step, first of all, what will change during the winter winter period , the main thing is that there will be changes, the main changes are when it will unravel, when it will snow, rain, freeze, thaw, simply put, when the ground will be soft , accordingly, it will be simply impossible to move heavy equipment, both wheeled and tracked, therefore this war during such weather conditions will focus on counter-battery warfare, it will be unmanned aerial vehicles, and so on, that is, well, certain infantry, but small, offensive actions without the support of heavy equipment, because it is simply not capable of coming through the mud, both from our side and from the side of our
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enemies, when there will be frosts, if there will be, then on hard ground, big changes in combat operations, well, no will be, the only thing that will have to be paid attention to is the warm clothes that our servicemen need and , of course, the way, about the breeches, simply put , so that you can warm up, so that you can bring yourself to okay, just warm up during the frost, that's how winter affects you, well it seems to me that these things are obvious, the other thing that president zelenskyi said is that we need to focus on the fortifications along the entire eastern front, that is , from kupinsk to ugledar, because the enemy will try to take offensive actions, after how exhausted we are, during our offensive actions, we have suffered certain losses, we need to put our units in order, the enemy will try to take advantage of this and carry out offensive actions, where
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exactly, well, maybe really along the entire front line, although he definitely won't have enough resources, that's why the president said that it is necessary to involve engineering troops more actively , which should build powerful fortifications, i don't remember, he said, he didn't say yet , but he didn't say, i thought that they might have to be involved. not construction, certain construction campaigns, in order to be able to build really powerful fortifications, and he also said that it is necessary to closely mine the approaches by which the russians will try to take offensive actions, you know, during the war , you have to learn some things from the enemy, that's it it's okay, it's bad, when armies don't learn from each other during the war, well, this is an improvement of our actions, the russians managed to build a powerful fortification half way through these lines of surovik, sorovikina, it was very
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difficult for us to pass mine barriers, it was difficult to pass iron and concrete structures, and we need it, we need to take this russian experience and make fortifications, well, what is less is not worse, it is possible for our servicemen to do combat operations, they are, well, much better than an unmotivated person can do it. mr. oleksiy, it is clear that the russians will try to break through from the south and the east, but i would like to draw attention to the northern direction, the president also announced fortifications in volyn, chernihiv oblast, that is, all the northern regions must also prepare and strengthen fortifications, will this mean that the threat from the side of belarus, we may be waiting, if , relatively speaking, putin realizes that we have weakened somewhere and there is an opportunity to make a second breakthrough, should we hope, or should we wait for a second breakthrough from the enemy? this is what the general said
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lieutenant nayef, who commands our northern group, he said that the war could spread to other areas , of course, inside our country, that is, we can expect that from the side of belarus or from other cities, but in the north of our country, the enemy will try to take offensive actions, so no one says that only on the eastern front you need to build fortifications, you need to improve and complete the fortifications in the north, these are the areas you listed, that is where the enemy can try to direct his offensives actions there, moreover, active... there were no actions as strong as in other areas of the front, and this gave us the opportunity to build everything necessary there, well, general naev said about this that there are certain nuances of the terrain, there is a lot of marshland terrain, there are many small hills, and you can advance with especially heavy equipment, well, there are some areas
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, well, you can’t go through the swamp in summer and winter, so that it doesn’t happen there, and these places will already be taken under control by our armed forces, there is a fortification built there, but taking into account the fact that, that the russians they are trying to stretch our forces, why are they all over the area, they have to stretch our forces so that, well, what is stretched, well , it can break through there, well, this is the logic of the russians, so it is important to make powerful fortifications, including in the north, or is there now there are some opportunities to attack the enemy from the north from belarus, so far there is no such thing , but to transfer troops... the russians learned quite quickly and to concentrate a strike group there, some, well, maybe even an army, there are more than 40,000 people there, they are capable do it in a few days, or a week, as little as possible, as much as possible, more precisely, therefore , it is obvious that it is necessary to prepare in all cities where the enemy can at least theoretically take
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offensive actions, it is absolutely clear and it is so, it is logical, sir. oleksiy, on the other hand, well, we understand, the question may not be of a military nature, but it is related to war, related to defense. the people's deputy of ukraine, maryana bezugla , made a number of remarks about the activities of, in particular, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny, so we understand that the war plan no one will submit it to an individual people's deputy, because this information is secret, of the highest degree of secrecy, and so, about the war plan, not a single one. i don't think i would have the opportunity to find out from the deputies, but in any case, here are your acquaintances, veterans , non-veterans, people connected with the military expert group, i don't know the group, how they assessed this situation and what the possibilities are, god forbid , of course, if they will be, but the consequences, maybe it will be possible to uproot everything, so to speak, somehow, but it’s all an evil fool, these statements are meaningless, she turned
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attention to myself, but i think such news will last for a few more days, and then there will be more about this, but there will be no such reaction, well, first of all, regarding my brothers, well, it’s complete nonsense, that’s all statement, why is it stupid, because no, there is no such thing, in the military, there is no such thing as a war plan, well, it’s just a delusion, well, excuse me, well, well, now, let ’s go through it a little, there is a plan, combat and special preparation, this is in peacetime, offers for a year , writes, writes, maybe mariana relies on it, writes a plan. especially well badgotoks are generally different specifically there and are written quarterly to a year in order to be able to plan what is needed and which ones, how and so on, there are such things, war plans, well, there is no such thing, there is a plan of combat operations, operations in defense by defense
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certain territories there, operations on sabotage operations, operations, offensive operations, i want to remind ms. maryana that when we planned strategically planned... offensive actions in the south, well, you can say that we planned, it is not, well, it it is not a violation of military secrecy to say that we will attack the south, because well, we have only two directions where we can advance, it is in the south or in the east, so here, there is nothing like that, and then president zelenskyi, this, hello ms. maryani, let her look in on the internet, looking for what he said about the preparation of these next actions, he said, well, maybe i am a little verbatim, but very close to the original language, he said that about plans for offensive actions, in the south of our country, terms that everything plans, they know, and here attention, he said, they know in the world, not in to the general staff, not in the supreme council, no not in ukraine, in the world, there are three, maximum
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four people with her, where is mrs. maryana, president zelensky said this, as the supreme commander-in-chief, i want to remind mrs. maryana, this is the first , the second, for the fact that we, for example, in march, well, this year, yes , the year 23, in march, we did not know where the enemy would take offensive actions, for example, avdiivka, well, we did not know this, and maybe the enemy didn't plan to do something there, or maybe i did, but it was still somewhere in such general plans, and of course we couldn't plan what the enemy will attack avdiivka in october in order to propose a plan for our counterattacks and transfer these plans to mrs. maryana, i wonder why this is so. i say this, a little jokingly, in order to plan our actions to hang the enemy, we need to know the plans of the enemy, therefore, if mrs. mariana wants us
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to prescribe such plans, she should write in a parliamentary appeal to at least three people, this is firstly for shaigu, secondly for gerasimov, the head of the general staff and the commander of this special military operation to president putin, so that they hand over the moriani a clear, detailed plan of what they are going to do next year, so then we can, taking into account this plan, make our plan according to the contradias and then everything will be everything will be as it should be and then the plan, well, if she wants, we can change such a plan convey, if she said that there is neither a general nor a detailed, symmetrical, symmetrical plan, well, i can, well, there is no need to distract mr. zaluzhny from important matters, i can try to give this information to ms. maryana instead of him , might she need our plan? on 2024 is the year to defeat the enemy, if he will advance, repel his offensive actions , if we, we will be able to advance thanks to the help of our partners, we will advance
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where there will be weak points the most, this is the plan for 2024, and in general, here is mr. oleksiy, for what we love military experts, for the fact that they explain everything very clearly, yes, but by the way, we would also like to pay attention, while we still have an opportunity to communicate with you, to the publication we respect for the economist, which wrote another article about the situation: enough is enough in ukraine alarmingly, they wrote that putin may, may have every chance to win this war, and this is all connected with the fact that the european and american allies of ukraine lack a strategic vision, and here i have a question for you open, what do you think can change the course of the war , what actions should our allies take so that such materials do not come out, so that they do not write for the media that putin now has a great chance of winning this war. well, for this , our partners need to determine what they are, how
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they see our victory, the course of the war, well, mariana can help here, as they see our victory, what should happen, the stopping of the enemy on these lines, the approach to the destruction of the russian army, the destruction of the russian military-industrial complex, and if they become aware of themselves, then they will be able to... well plan at least the help to us and the expenses that will be needed for this, that is, it will be a general strategy, how they see victory in this war, if they see victory in this war at all, and then, when if it fails in this way, it will be necessary try in a different way, but the tactical direction will change, but the strategic direction will remain, well, for example, the task of destroying the russian army, by and large, what we need to win this war, well, it ’s obvious, there are so many planes, so much there , well, that's all, yes, that's all, well, not a friend. but it stems from something important, and the main thing is our task in order to liberate our country and win, we need to destroy the russian army, that's all, when we destroy it,
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when only a third of it will remain or, well, at least half of it is there, then it will be incapacitated and will not be able to conduct hostilities, at the same time it is necessary to destroy, as much as possible, the railways, tunnels and warehouses and the economy, the military-industrial complex of the russian federation with sabotage means, far away... well , for now, we have there are only unmanned aerial vehicles, these are the ones, that's how we have to win, well, try to move towards victory, on our own, why do you understand deaf cat, deaf cat, cat, dead end, or the corner, dead end, in which the deaf cat is, sir oleksiy, on it's a great pity, we have to take a short break in our broadcast schedule now, but thank you very much, clearly. of course, acutely , oleksiy hetman was with us, a military analyst, a reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, well, what a pause now, we
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'll be back in a couple of minutes. attention - an incredible novelty from unpack tv super warm and very comfortable boots alaska style perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so it will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for you and your husband. eternal lightning will provide. perfect fit, even on the widest leg. the tro heater perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of water -permeable and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska style boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. high-quality, light and warm alaska style boots will provide comfort even in the changing season damp autumn, and in frosty winter and unpredictable spring, you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design,
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benefit. the price is only from uah 799. call greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive. interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. verdict by the outcast rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict by serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00. espresso. a scandal is unfolding, it is said that the previous president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, was not allowed to attend international events. yes, and there has already been a reaction from the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada, pan kornienko, who in general. well, he canceled president poroshenko's trip, so the decision to cancel was made through a letter for official use, and this letter was , attention from kornienko himself, this is , you know, the caucasian scenario of our ukrainian politics, well, but we will talk about this and other things talk during today's broadcast, we will remind you about our collection espresso tv channel and the vesna charity fund are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones for our
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uav scouts needed by the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, who are fighting in the hot, hot donetsk direction, it remains to collect a little more than 1000 hryvnias. we will be grateful to you if you join the collection, you can use the qr code to go, monobanka was created precisely so that you can go very conveniently and quickly , click, literally a few clicks, and you have joined the collection, you have done a good deed, so do not delay, please support our armed forces, especially since it is a difficult winter. period and they really need our help. the rear must work and donate for your army. but we already have our next speaker oleksandr havrylka in contact, the head of the communications department of the main administration of the national police in the donetsk region and mrs. oleksandra will discuss the consequences of the russian shelling of donetsk region there. i will remind you that last night the russians struck turkey again. one person died, only the day before in turkey
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will end. this is an analysis of the debris and it was possible to save the woman.


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