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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] and everyone who is responsible for launching this system, eventually to fix it and make it humane, we will take a short break in the information marathon with you, but this does not mean that we stop work, news with anna eva melnyk already is being prepared, literally in a few moments, we give you the word, you can now hear the most relevant news literally in a matter of moments. greetings colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will tell you about the most important thing, right now, the enemy is shelling kherson, i will start with this, one person died during nighttime russian shelling of a train in the kherson region, the man's body was found by rescuers when
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they were inspecting the destroyed houses, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin said, a woman was also injured. she is in the hospital with a contusion and blast injury. and just now , muscovites are shelling kherson - reported the head of the city, roman mrochko. he urged people to stay in shelters. the escape route was blocked. the security service of ukraine in zaporizhzhia exposed a car company whose buses regularly traveled to russia. they were clients mostly collaborators who tried to escape from justice. the route passed through several european countries. the destination was the temporarily occupied district of ukraine, where buses arrived from the territory of the aggressor's country. the cost of the ticket was 350 dollars one way. carriers paid taxes and fees to the budget of the russian federation. in chernihiv, the head of the city council was arrested for bribery. according to the police
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of posadov. demanded a 10% kickback from the amount of the tender for the reconstruction of the damaged by the russians shelling of the object. for the money, he promised a local entrepreneur to agree on the completed construction works and make all financial calculations. the amount of the bribe amounted to more than uah 14,200. the man was detained while receiving the second tranche. the first part of the money was seized during the search. acceptance of an offer , promise or receipt of a false... pecuniary benefit by an official is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years with confiscation of property. again they were not allowed to go abroad. the fifth president of ukraine is not allowed to leave the country on a business trip. according to poroshenko, he planned meetings in poland and the usa. some of them relate to the blockade of ukrainian
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carriers and the provision of american ones. military aid the people's deputy and his lawyers assure that such actions are illegal and will be challenged in court. after all, the permission to travel abroad, signed by the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, was canceled three days later. as it turned out, stefanchuk's order was illegally canceled by his deputy kornienko, on the basis of his own letter. the order, as an act of individual action, cannot be canceled at all, it is already being implemented, it has already been issued. implemented, there are corresponding positions of the constitutional court of ukraine on this, which say that if an act of individual action, it is impossible to cancel it. we have developed plans, a strategy, where there will be a submission to the prosecutor general's office for the initiation of criminal cases, we see signs of a criminal offense, appeals against the government's resolution, appeals against the actions of the border guards, appeals against the presidential decree in powers of the people's deputy, where it does not
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correspond to the constitution, the law on status. the law on regulations and other positions. the ukrainian community of oxford university protested during the event, which was attended by the russian ambassador. as the correspondent of espresso in the united kingdom reports, it is the second time since the beginning of the full-scale war that andrii kellin has been tried to be invited to the institution, and the second time - unsuccessfully. the meeting is canceled when the management and students find out who exactly will be the speaker, but at private venues community the university has no influence, after the university's refusal, kellin's event was moved to the hotel where the ukrainian students came to express their position? the russian ambassador should not be in places like oxford, and that is exactly what we are here for, and we want as many people as possible to find out that this is happening and that it does not seem to be happening, to come to a protest against the russian ambassador , what are we doing here
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now? we create it, well, we don't give the opportunity to give such people a platform at all, because if you just don't go out at all and no way express their opinion, then they will start coming here every week. to use, respectively, in our propaganda, accordingly, we create, we can say that we create difficulties for those people who invite them here, essays of the secret war, a polish artist, the liberation service of soviet ukraine, a book with this name was presented in kyiv, its author, american historian timothy snyder, the publication talks about henryk yuzewski, a pole who was born and raised in kyiv, he was a polish intelligence officer, volyn after the first world war, also opposed the soviet government and its ideals. the edition can already be purchased in bookstores and online.
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it is this book that helps to see in general that such people exist, which is very strange from the ukrainian point of view, but a polish patriot who wants to work for ukraine somehow there, of course, that this is not against the interest of the polish state, but at the same time you should do a lot so that in ukraine is better. of course , there are many difficulties here, but here is the period of the 20th century, this is an outstanding conspirator who conducted underground activities during the second world war against the german occupiers, and then after the war until the 53rd year, he was underground and fought against the new polish communist regime, and then , everywhere, all his, all his long, almost 90-year-old life, he was fascinated by artistic creativity, he painted pictures, just add water, volunteers created a culinary workshop where borschts and soups are made for the military, the ingredients for the national dish are collected from all the villages of kyiv region, covering hundreds of kilometers each time.
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let's see about this process and how it unites people. almost two years a full-scale invasion is underway. our soldiers on the front line always need fast food . it helps them with this. a family of volunteers who collect vegetables and meat for borscht in many villages of the kyiv region, according to mrs. halyna, started doing charity since june of last year, at first they posted announcements in various settlements, later people brought food for the defenders themselves, this time in the family had the task of visiting 14 villages. from vegetables, it is collected, well , there is no need for potatoes yet, all that is needed is a set, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, garlic, pepper, and, well, in addition to birch, of course, there are also soups. together with the volunteers, we managed to get to the first place of the location, in the village
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of sorokotyagi, where the residents collected a considerable amount of aid, the villagers claim that they constantly join such gatherings. our residents work very actively, respond, ask how to help. and help as much as possible. the next route lay to the village of fastivka, where, according to the benefactors, the largest supply of products was found. there are preserved, and elephant cucumbers, and fresh ones pumpkins, beets and even chicken meat. mayor ivan stadnyk shares that he did not even expect that people would join forces so much. it is impossible to calculate how many products have already been sent to the front, because it is a colossal amount. our residents participate very actively. sat down and, to be honest, i am very grateful to all of them from the bottom of my heart for the fact that we only give calls and they always respond to it, the processing of vegetables for the future borscht is done much further from the white church in the village of
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olshanytsia, here mrs. hanna with her helpers create what is difficult believe me, with the help of 14 dryers and one drying cabinet, women put six portions of borscht in a small bag, everything is simple, freeze-dried carrots, onions, potatoes, greens and other vegetables are processed on the spot, instead of meat, chicken, beef or pork they give it to kyiv, where it is dehydrogenated and packed in bags and sent back to hanna again. there is no meat, so the girls pack such vegan borschts, well, into soups, now all kinds of first courses, which you can, if only for yourself. the range of volunteers includes not only borscht, and soups, pea, buckwheat, and there is also pasta and even milk porridge. in total, the menu has 15 types of hot food, according to the philanthropists, their team adheres to
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the principle of cooking only for zero, because there the boys need fast food the most . they claim that a plate of delicious borscht helps the defenders feel the native taste of home. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr. kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. be with espresso. the next news release is already at 4 p.m. we follow what is happening in ukraine and the world, we will tell you about everything, and so on. my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii will continue. thank you to our tireless annievilnyk. thanks to the news editors, well , at 10:30 we inform you about the most important thing, the ministry of defense has put into operation new models of the trench rep for combating enemy fpv drones. this was reported by the deputy minister. defense of ukraine lieutenant general ivan havryliuk. i quote havrylyuk.
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the ministry of defense, together with the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, completed the testing of tactical radio interceptors for barrage ammunition and fpv drones, developed by domestic enterprises that have approved their tactical and technical characteristics in the conditions of use close to combat, well, those means are already recommended for codification and registration as standard items of supply. well, let's hope that they will do it anyway. rather, in the meantime, by the way, ukrainians, today it became known that many of our fellow citizens , after all, believe that in case of alarm, when it takes off, the 31-k, which, by the way , took off again today, and we had an air anxiety, still believe that it is always necessary to announce an air alert during takeoffs of such fighters, and 40% believe that it is worth turning on the sirens depending on the real threat, such are the data.
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the survey of the sociological group, the rating, which was conducted from november 22 to 23, i will remind you, simply, that earlier there were many discussions, conversations for and against, everything happened, and in the end, the president gave an order to investigate this issue, and this is the position of the ukrainians, interestingly, whether they will take into account when they will make the final decision, such a story is still key here, no one knows, so to speak, how can our russian enemies raise, maybe something additional and so on, this can also cause some confusion, all the same , the 31k could, it is the carrier of certain missiles, well , accordingly, it can rise and fire, or it can rise and not fire , here is such a story, well, there are specially trained military specialists for this, we will wait for their reaction, we will wait and we will also wait for the inclusion of iryna gerashchenko, whom we are already waiting for on our airwaves, people's deputy ukraine, ukraine, a member of the committee of the verkhovna rada on foreign policy, ms. iryna and i want to discuss today's situation that happened at the border with petro
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poroshenko, he was not allowed to go on a foreign business trip, what was it at all, why did it happen that the deputy speaker of the parliament, in fact, annulled the decision of the speaker himself parliament, it turns out that the subordinate surpassed his boss in the performance of his duties, which in principle is strange, well, not surprising, this is generally a scandalous story, so let's hope that with certain explanations we will now get to us will join gerashchenko, we are waiting, meanwhile the russian enemy is hitting kherson, this was reported by the head of the city military administration of kherson, roman morochko, i quote: the russian army from the temporarily occupied left bank is shelling kherson, explosions are heard in the center and the dnipro district of the city, and the residents are called to move to safe places, we will inform about everything that is most important in the future , continues the topic of kherson oblast, i will also add that the russians have limited the residents of the occupied territories of this region in providing medical
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assistance, because, of course, they are used by all medical institutions, first of all, in order to patch up the wounded occupiers, and accordingly the local civilian population suffers from this, there is no way to get enough adequate medical care, and this is also a problem, the center of national resistance writes about this, and notes , that new cases of the use of civilian hospitals for the accommodation of the russian army were recorded in the kherson region, the russians limit the access of the civilian population to medical services at the place of residence, since the main focus medical facility workers focused on the injured occupants. so, well, let's wait until iryna gerashchenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, joins us, i would like to ask her about the specifics of the ban or cancellation of the travel permit for the fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko. well, in the meantime, another fuel train exploded in buryatia. according to data, yes, this is the second stage
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of the sbu special operation. yes, well, let 's make a little of this information public now, and if our aimless editors have the appropriate video material, then we'll ask for more bring it out for better information. so, in buryatia , another train with fuel exploded on the baikalur railway line, according to sources. we consider this undermining a stage of the sbu's special operation to disable this important facility. railway line. the first freight train exploded directly in the north moscow tunnel. to continue the movement , the russians began to use a detour, and attention passes through the damn city. the interlocutors said that this is exactly what the relevant specialists were counting on, and during the passage of the train on this high the 35-meter bridge was destroyed by explosive devices embedded in it. as the russian telegram channels write, six more fuel tanks caught fire, and
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even the fire engine did not arrive. here is the information from sunny buryatia. well, if we return to the issue of borders, the video of the scandal with... poroshenko, which was not released , as well as the blockade, which has been going on for the fourth week on the polish-ukrainian border, to which slovakia joined today, the slovak, so-called carriers, announced that from on december 1, they are going to support the polish so so-called carriers, we have already repeatedly talked about the root of evil in this situation, who is behind these protests, the information comes from the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, andrii demchenko, who is quoted by european truth. actually, we are talking about the fact that , as of this morning , december 1, there are more than 2,100 cargo vehicles in the queues to enter ukraine, with the largest queues in front of the checkpoints of sheginy and ravarusk. the spokesman of the border guards noted that thousands of vehicles are waiting for
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possibility to cross the border in the direction of poland. if we know that in the direction of poland , they are still passing through, then on the territory of ukraine from the side. in poland, protesters are trying not to let vehicles pass. demchenko also informed that over the past 24 hours, the polish side at the jagodyn checkpoint accepted no more than 20 cargo vehicles for entry, and if we talk about ravoruska and krakowiec, then until november 6, around 600 trucks crossed the border per day in both directions. now the heifer has halved or even tripled. yes, this is an extremely important story. the key task is for our government, together with the european commission, with the relevant responsible political and business circles of poland to take up the development of this problem, we understand that this is not only a political story, but also an economic one, but it will also have political
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consequences, in particular, it is about polish-ukrainian relations, yes, because very often people think to themselves that it is someone in the government who is sitting there in poland and pulling for those who are not points, yes, but it should always be remembered that certain professional associations have extraordinary weight and power in poland, for example, at one time solidarity, yes, which arranged a huge blackout of the communist system in poland in the early 80s years, so solidarity was a pro-union, and accordingly, the polish government always listens to various of its own, including business circles, not oligarchic, but actually, which unites various different business groups and, accordingly, here it is necessary to work very, very carefully and clearly similar by the way, information has just appeared on our website that a bilateral ukrainian-polish meeting was held in warsaw regarding the blocking of the border, and the ministry of reconstruction of ukraine and the ministry of infrastructure of poland are jointly
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working on measures to unblock the border, espresso reports the event, and today deputy minister of community development and infrastructure serhii derkach and state secretary of the ministry of infrastructure of poland met in warsaw to discuss the situation on the polish-ukrainian border rafal weber, what the parties agreed to, in particular, the opening of the checkpoint in grynivhobychuv for the passage of empty trucks, to increase the capacity of the border and reduce the load on other checkpoints, this is, by the way, at least a small victory, because the crossing is empty. it was said before, and finally they agreed to this option, in order to let empty trucks pass. the second aspect is the creation in the system of a queue of separate passes for empty vehicles at the dorogusk and krakkivets korchova berry checkpoints. exactly at these checkpoints there are physical lanes for empty vehicles directly at the
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checkpoint on both the ukrainian and polish sides. well, the third is the launch of a pilot project with registration in the e-queue immediately before crossing the border at the nyzhan-kovol or malkhovice checkpoint for a period of one month. oh, thank you, marta, and important news from the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. therefore, he held a meeting in zaporizhzhia regarding the construction of fortifications. this is stated in yesterday's video message of the president. defensive fortifications will be erected in an accelerated mode in all main directions, where, attention, i quote, it is necessary to strengthen. of course, these are primarily avdiivskyi, maryanskyi and other directions to the donets. kharkiv region is the kupyan region, the kupyansk-lyman defense line, and all of kharkiv region and sumy region and chernihiv region and kyiv and rivne regions, volyn, also the south, kherson region, noted the head of our state, and the regional authorities reported on this matter regions, as well as defense minister umerov and his first
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deputy oleksandr pavlyuk, i am now quoting the head of state. attention, we discussed the motivation for attracting resources, in particular, private business in this financing work, the priority is obvious, we are grateful to everyone who works on this kind of construction, and we also discussed the needs for which we will work with partners to strengthen our defensive lines, and so on. we are still waiting for iryna gerashchenko, with whom we have to discuss a really strange and quite scandalous situation concerning petro poroshenko, who was refused permission to go on a foreign business trip, the border guards did not they released him, despite the presence of documents on the business trip, the state border service explained it so that his business trip was canceled by the leadership of the verkhovna rada, we also talked about it in news releases and actually announced that kornienko, or rather, the first deputy speaker of our parliament stepanchuk has already explained that he
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allegedly referred to some secret documents, why he made this decision , and the whole point of it is that this is why kornienko canceled poroshenko's business trip on the basis of a letter from myself, on the basis of a letter from kornienko, so i am quoting now this letter, which has already been published, hence the order. deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada on the cancellation of the order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the secondment of the people's deputy of ukraine poroshenko. in accordance with the second part of article 80 of the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, approved by the law of ukraine on the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the eighth part of article 33 of the law of ukraine on the status of the people's deputy of ukraine, article 40 of ukraine on the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to consider the order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine dated november 26 under number 1276 on the trip of the people's deputy. poroshenko to the united states america canceled the letter of the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine o kornienko dated 291.23 signed by the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine o kornienko. these are miracles, but you're right, it's generally such and such , i smell kafka, because if the first deputy speaker of the verkhovna rada cancels the order of the speaker of the verkhovna rada, then something is wrong. in to the power system of the danish kingdom. well, by the way, and i also want to remind you about yesterday's council, where lavrov was, yes, about the meeting of the osce, by the way, they were there first, at first they said, in general, the osce should be dissolved, no decisions, we will not allow them to accept, here are all their threats, and what, and today there is already information that russia has unblocked the adoption of personnel decisions in the osce, after all. they are capable of something, and there are even intermediate agreements.
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michael carpenter, post-forerunner of the us osce, said that in the osce will be able to continue their work after russia agreed to the temporary appointment of leaders, the full election of whom it blocked, so there is hope that the organization may resume its work, if , of course, the russians do not change their minds again, because this is a common practice for them, first say one thing, do another, well, in a word, we have already gone through it, and here i am quoting the us ambassador to the osce, he says that we have just reached an agreement on extending the mandate of four key officials for nine months. i expect that this agreement will be honored. thus, according to him, the current general secretary, head of the bdsi plbseu, special representative for media freedom and commissioner for national minorities will continue their work next year. yes, it is important, it is important, but on the other hand, it should not be. so to speak, reassessing the prospects of influencing on the part of the osce on certain decisions regarding the stopping of russian aggression against
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ukraine, we understand that the osce is an organization that, like the united nations, is based on what, on the consensus of the main beneficiaries of political decisions, yes, contributors to security, well, accordingly, we have no special illusions, special deposits, we do not put our hopes on the osce, well, but it is good, if they do start to work somehow, well, and make certain decisions, although, understanding the specifics of our enemy's psychology in this way, they will continue to despise them until they are excluded from the osce, but the osce is about a certain continental consensus, so to speak, because the osce is the only state that so to speak, monitors, advises and coordinates the so-called security on the european continent, and that is why they are, so to speak, dabbling in great diplomacy, but... in fact
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, they cannot make such a decision that would force the russian aggressors to stop the war against us, and neither can we we have to understand this matter, well , let's take a short break now and talk about the most important thing, because the obsie is like that , you know everything, filkin structures, the situation at the front remains the most important, after the break we will return, the feeling of tingling and crawling of ants arise spontaneously and you are worried, the dolgit antineuralgia complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, the dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolgit antineuralgia - help to your nervous system. damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm comforting you that i'm not healthy? but what is the health like in the sixth decade? and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital + phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital + good well-being, active life. gerovital energy novelty. even more iron for good deeds.
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ortolight mattress for only uah 999, call. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of broadcasting of time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's great broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues. live in the espresso studio, marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii. we are waiting for the communication of stepan barno, a soldier of the 10th separate unit mountain assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the ex-head of the ternopil oda, who will talk with us about one of the most important directions on the front, this is
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the bakhmut district, there is also a tense situation there now, we will be with mr. stepan to talk about what is happening now, how it is happening, what the enemy is using, how difficult and difficult the situation there is now, well, the situation is extremely difficult, we understand that bahmud, in addition to its strategic importance, is also a symbolic place of application of force, we understand how much the enemy put there by our fighters, we understand how much blood was spilled there in general, well, the situation is extremely tense and the intensity of the fighting is increasing, so in the last day, the armed forces of ukraine repelled the largest number of enemy attacks (24). ex-head of the ternopil oda. glory to ukraine, mr. stepan. glory to the heroes, congratulations, friends. well, a record number of enemy attacks
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in the direction of bakhmut, we won't ask much, tell us, be kind. they


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