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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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it is possible for emergency services, for the hospital, for the village council, you can start cars, and you can also start cars if you are an organization of disabled people or veterans, there are eight seats for your own use, but if you are an ordinary bbf or an ordinary public organization , well, such as our fund , for example, no, unfortunately, for personal use even for the purpose of evacuating people, or transporting humanitarian aid, currently we are not allowed to use cars, and how to solve this issue then, because i understand that very a lot of cars are needed by our military , and we need this need, well, if not us, the whole state, i ’m not saying now that the soldiers are doing everything they can, we definitely won’t cover it and we won’t cover it, that ’s clear, but in any case we need cars, what you say, for evacuation , for some other needs, to pick up something, to take something away, our own funds must transport something somewhere, well, it is necessary to move around ukraine, not everyone flies on wings anymore, this issue will be resolved somehow, or stop now , and then when it is not known how far it is outside the front, say
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yes, or at the front, but well, but the same evacuations, please, well, look, we asked this question to the lawmakers, who in their wisdom deny us such a need, we submitted amendments, including through a group request from volunteers , who work with health care, through the ministry of health, we submitted these amendments in the summer and these amendments are consistently crossed out every time, that is, part of our amendments are taken into account. but for its own needs, bfo is consistently deleted, and this is some kind of incomprehensible position of ours as well legislators and our ministries, well, surely i have humanitarian aid to carry in my hands. obviously, this is such a great genius idea of ​​our lawmakers. i myself, i want to call them to carry it with me, i have several pallets in the warehouse, i invite you, let's distribute several pallets of lviv-style diapers. oblast, i will ask at the very end
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whether there was a dialogue with the government representatives, who initiated it and wrote it all and, as they say , put it into practice, and whether this dialogue gives an understanding of how to act, because here, well, everyone understands, we we are going to victory, but victory has many components, in particular, it is the work of volunteers and their comfort in this work, which is important, and efficiency and logistics, please look, we had, we spent a lot in the last three months, all kinds of negotiations, conversations and so on, i will sit down... three compromising things. the first compromise is that paper declarations are valid until april 1. we managed to reach this compromise, and thanks to it, in particular, my truck with humanitarian aid entered ukraine today, because i could not enter the online register. the second compromise, which we managed to reach, so far it is 50/50, it is not yet clear where it will steer, that an effective working group will be created, today until two o'clock it was possible to vote for self-nominated people from the public sect... i also submitted my
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candidacy, and i hope that on monday, tuesday, next week, we will see the list, which is actually approved by an order, it is a social policy, not just in words, an order, who is part of the working group, and we already have written down the legal norms that we need it is necessary to correct and make changes , and we hope that this will happen, and thirdly, that we were promised an explanation, so far we received some such order yesterday evening, a compromise option from customs and social policy, we also have small comments about that "clarification, but at least some progress is being made, and i will be honest, the technical service of the ministry of social policy helped to cross the border all night and all day today, if only their guys would work here, thank you very much, ladies, we will, thank you very much for your work, first of all your important and for comments. natalya lipska, the head of the wings of hope charity foundation, about the new rules for importing humanitarian workers into ukraine, in any case, i think that everything should be... done so that it would be
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a comfortable job to provide, first of all, the front and all those people , who work again directly at the front, well, now we turn to the conversation about the military results of the day, serhii zgurets has already joined, serhii, congratulations, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, we will really discuss what happened during the week on the line the front let's talk about the most significant such events, and let's try to predict what will happen next week, about that in a moment. yesterday, after learning about the explosion in buryatia on these in this tunnel, serhii remembered the soviet song about temporary families, i paraphrased it a little bit, that on the border there is a cloud of gloom, the edge is embraced by harsh silence, on the high banks of the amur, budanov with they stand by, well , of course, i'm joking a little, but in any case, it's unexpected, 7,000 km from the border with ukraine. storms behind baikal and explosions occurred,
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and after that there was also the blowing up of the bridge, which was an alternative way of export, well, to be honest, they are taking it there from china and from north korea, what was it, well, really. when literally the day before yesterday you asked me about this story, there was no confirmation , now we see that details have been added, and in fact we can talk about what the operation is, which can be compared to the defeat of the crimean bridge, because such a two-way operation , which was directed to cut this bayakalomur highway, there was just an explosion in the north moscow tunnel, in which 35 va got stuck... there, part of these wagons were transporting fuel, it spilled there, caught fire, that is, in fact, this tunnel could not be used, and the next day, the russians tried to use the bypass road, that is, this
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so-called black bridge, that is, in fact , another road that ran along the upper part of the territory, and there was also an explosion, that is , in fact, this entire section is now not operational, and the bekalam highway, well, is one of those two , which connects russia with the far east there, it transports somewhere there, it seems, 50 million tons, and in fact, this means that our special services have the opportunity to carry out such critical strikes on russian infrastructure, which significantly affect the potential of the russian federation, because they will primarily affect the ability of the enemy to use this a section there for china, there with north korea, and we understand that this indicates that systematic work related to damage to the enemy's critical infrastructure is an important component of this new stage of the war, which is actually called the war on exhaustion, well, i just want to remind you that in 1905, when
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the russian-japanese war was going on, then the powerful russian empire lost and, among other things, because the japanese through their agents, first of all, were able to paralyze the saboteurs. the russian railway , of course, then there were fewer railways than now, but in any case it is an effective job, you know, when you cannot defeat this monster powerfully, due to the fact that it is simply a very large resource, you have to try to paralyze it, because paralyzed monster c in principle , he will not be able to do much harm to you, this is also a fact, and i congratulate our special services on their success, and we wish all of us much greater success in this direction . -commander of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, general viktor muzhenko , a participant in the 14th war, from the beginning, wrote about changing the counteroffensive to a defense strategy, and president zelensky, well, actually also said that we are not retreating, we are just changing, i i would like to understand now, well, in this aspect , what, in your opinion, muzhenko said that is important
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for what is happening now at the front, what will happen, well, really, it was such a wide-ranging interview of general muzhenko on the bbc radio station, where ... it was about many aspects related to the counteroffensive and the actions of the russian federation, and further plans related to the approaches of the ukrainian side to the establishment of defense, that is, i advise everyone to read these interviews, what is important that he said, that first of all, well, the issue of the transition to defense is urgent , says mozhenko, and he says that it is necessary a strategically active defense, which includes both defense and counteroffensive actions, but for this, first of all, it is necessary to create reserves, quantitative and qualitative reserves, that is , he says that it is necessary to create new brigades and corps and, first of all, not only to equip them, but also to train them well, because it is precisely the interaction between the training of these units that will have,
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well, critical importance in the future, and also ensure a stable and reliable system management, because muzhenko does not say where , conventionally speaking, there were certain accounts with the management, but probably all the same , bakhmud has a plot, because he says, some subdivision, there are about 15 or 20 subdivisions of different structures subordinate to one command, as physically cannot digest and ensure effective management of those units that situationally begin to be subordinated to one or another chain of command, this suggests that the management system should be rebuilt, and it also suggests that it should be reformatted fronts and finally deal with fortification , because he says there, until the 22nd year , i saw sections of the front there that had errors with fortification, and he is surprised that these issues were not given focused attention, and now we see that the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, it seems like yesterday he was in zaporizhzhia and talks about the fact that it is necessary
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to ensure fortification in such an urgent manner, and he talks about almost all areas of the front where hostilities are currently taking place, that is evdiyivka, maryanka, kupyansk, man, kyiv, rivne region, that is, in fact , all directions need fortification strengthening, the president says, now at the current stage, what is he saying, well, what really, as far as i'm concerned. is a sign that the military-political leadership, betting on a successful counteroffensive, ignored plan b, i.e. to provide the directions of the defensive lines that we need now, when we will formally and in fact, certainly move into a defense system, at least for the winter period, and precisely this will essentially affect the capacity and stability of this defense, zelsky says that we have mines and concrete, everything is there, well, that's very... good, but it would be much, much easier to build these defenses in the summer
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or in the fall. well, yes, indeed , there was a little delay here, and general mozhenko said very correct words that there are always not only victories in wars, but again, going on the defensive, it’s nothing, well, it’s like in sports, well, there is always, you spend a certain resource for the attack, then you go on the defensive, the opponent attacks, you withstand the attack and go on the attack again, this is an understandable change, a change in tactics, changing the rhythms, so this is a completely normal thing, just really, i agree with zergy that why couldn’t this be done earlier, why under the avdiyivka, why did our soldiers dig in in an open field with shovels at the time when they came under fire, the first thing the enemies did, when they got to the future section of the front , they immediately dug trenches and strengthened them, this is just a normal, well, a normal war, a maneuver war, with the shooting of columns, it ended at the very beginning and now we have come to a completely different war, and this war has its own laws , which should just be done, because when it breaks , it kills, no matter what kind of injury you have, our soldiers , we hope that this will change, and it will change quickly, i think that local administrations will also get involved, and there will be some kind of business
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involved, the task is set, but i understand that in fact, well, it is fast, it does not mean that it will change tomorrow, but in any case we understand that without fortification, without revising the approaches to defense planning, to the interaction of units, to the attitude of commanders to subordinates, to the training of commanders to conduct offensive defensive actions, these are also the important factors without which it will not be possible to ensure... well, success on the battlefield, well, it is really worth closing down for a while in order to have time to accumulate reserves, train these reserves and make them effective for the further stages of the war . and now about what is happening at the front, on the one hand it is so difficult and, well, some even lose faith, realizing that it is difficult for our fighters, fatigue, cold and all this is also understandable , there is no substitute for an effective constant, we also understand this, but in any case, even in this difficult period of the war, the enemy suffers huge losses with the help of the armed forces of ukraine, to kill 28,500 russians in november , where did such losses come from, because some, i already hear, say, well, you drew something there yourself,
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it’s just a marathon, he draws numbers for you so that you don’t cried and did not live in depression, well, in fact, the losses are formed by the fact that each commander of the unit submits a report to his commander in the morning, it basically gathers in a chain at the top and creates just this general statistics on losses, although the general staff says that this data, well, sometimes needs... clarification , but in any case, we understand that this month was extremely busy, because in fact, the enemy was trying to press all over the front line from all directions, counting on what probably the ukrainian forces were exhausted in the format for the offensive in the south and now it is possible to suppress the ukrainian defense in all areas of the front, starting from kupin, st. kremin, there avdiivka, maryanka, there bakhmud, and so on, so they say, these enemy attack attempts are massive , they are just right and were exposed to active defense
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using all means of impressing the enemy, and we arrive at such indicators, which are really so well leading, that is , 28,000 destroyed in a month, this is precisely, well, finally , the indicator that i hope exceeds these russian rates of replenishment of the russian army, which there they are in the range of 20-30 thousand per month, so in any case these indicators are good, but honestly. in other words, they should be much larger in order to actually create the feeling in the enemy that no matter what the russian mobilization is, everything is equal the ukrainian army will destroy them, but then it is necessary to move away from the dependence of destruction at the expense of infantry against infantry, after all, to increase this iron or armed component of the destruction of the enemy at the expense of artillery and other components, so far we are not fully implementing this in view of the limitations other ammunition. factors, but in my opinion, so far this is the only direction where there is an opportunity to inflict maximum
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losses on the enemy, so that these indicators are not 2,800 per month, in particular there are 50,000 per month, then such amounts and the amount of enemy losses will still reach this russian population, which i see, well, it just ignores all the losses and is completely zoomed in on russian propaganda, well, now, by the way, the russian population is starting to hold some kind of flash mobs there, mobilized women or, well , mostly those who are... alive, or they they hope that these men of theirs are alive, on the cars they stick a letter in latin and sign the husband, and the letter z with an obscene word, i will not him, and it started from this place, in fact. earlier it was believed that this is russian society, linguistically speaking, does not have a painful threshold, because it is war-minded, zombified and so on, it is true, but on the other hand , we see that these losses, mass losses, after all, they shake the russian resilience, and if we then add in fact, such effective work behind enemy lines with the use of long-range systems, drones,
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missiles, and so on, these factors seem to be impossible to determine, but at some stage they... will still give their necessary, indeed, must to be a critical mass, it always gathers not immediately, but later the last drop decides everything, especially since in the management of the ground forces, they talked about the fact that the winter period will be concentrated on breaking up logistics, because in the winter, when you will freeze without bringing the necessary products, equipment, clothes, food, well, it will be completely not the other way around, and here the frost can multiply russian losses, bahmud, the situation there is not easy, if i'm not mistaken, to the north of bahmud, that's how i remember the times on the map, and there further on in my slavic way, so if indeed we are talking about the fact that bahmud is again in the center of such the combination there, the forces on both sides, bakhmut now has somewhere, well, a significant number of enemy attacks there, and the enemy is increasing the pressure on our
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positions on both the northern flank and the southern flank, when we talk about the northern flank... this is exactly the movement of the enemy , starting from oberkhivka in the direction of bohdanivka and khromovo, in bohdanivka the enemy was not allowed to advance, they inflicted substantial losses, but regarding khromovo, in fact, russian troops and units entered khromovo, but they were not allowed to gain a foothold there, and now there is conditionally saying, well, there are such active hostilities, because there is nothing dangerous in chromovo from the point of view of russian actions, because they create the prerequisites for the russian group to be able to enter the flank or the rear of those of our troops operating there on the the southern flank, they are putting pressure on the enemy there in the area of ​​klishchivka, andriivka, and even more, there
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are risks of the enemy advancing to the time of the yar, indeed, this is precisely one of the directions that... creates the opportunity for the enemy to advance deep, but these are such theoretical estimates , which are based primarily on the direction of the enemy's efforts on the fact that these are fuel heights and the enemy is trying to move on them, but this does not mean that it will be so, we are talking about the fact that this risk exists at the current stage, everything will depend on the forces and means that he directs at this is our general staff, but on the other hand , we also understand that these reserves are neither in the russian army nor in the ukrainian army, of course, they are not unlimited. well, in the south , the klishchiivka-andriivka hostilities are just as active, there the enemy is trying to press on the klichchivka and trying to enter the village, which is lower, and the main thing is that it is trying to get to the commanding heights, which are there above the klichivka , but the enemy is not allowed there, it is being destroyed by our artillery, and the load
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on our artillerymen is very high now, he had a conversation with his comrade there, he says, we have been three days in a row . we work, we work with guns , he says, it’s good that there is something to work with, so ammunition, ammunition, by the way, yes, this unit is equipped with new, systems, and it has, american-made and has a stock of ammunition, they just can there, like him he says, at a distance of 17 km, we can reach the russian dugout there from the second or from the third, which is 3.3 meters away, that is , in fact, these are precisely the means that allow... well, in essence, to restrain the enemy's offensive and grind down the enemy's force , so that precisely due to the accuracy of artillery and supplies, we sometimes compensate for the advantage that the russians have in terms of manpower, because they said that there in the namakhmuk direction, as well as in audiiatsia, there the excess of manpower can be in p' ten times more than ours units, and on avdiivka,
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i don't know how much time we have, but there is still time, what changes will be made in a week, the battle for... koksokhim and where the enemy managed to advance and where they did not. well, avdivka remains such, well, really the most hot area, because it now has such political and military significance for the enemy, in any case, because we can even see this very logic of location, which it, well, provokes the enemy as much as possible, to carry out transfers to their forces in the vicinity of avdiyivka in order to try to close this ring of encirclement, but this ring the encirclement has already... lasted for a long time, and from such things that are worth saying, the fact that in the direction of the steppe, there are hostilities, the enemy enters the steppe, the steppe is located just like this in the north, and there our soldiers are knocking out the steppe, i.e. in the steppe zone , well, it’s like this now, the situation is not easy, in fact
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, as in other areas around avdiyivka, further, when we are there, we move a little there, further south, we reach the kokhsokhim, there to this, the dump, then the kokhsokhim, the enemy is shelling quite a lot active artillery, various... trying to destroy as much as possible there are any problems there, despite the fact that if the enemy there crosses this fence there, then they will continue to destroy it there, that is, in fact, the zone of kokhsohim is still holding and i think it will be held far enough, taking into account the fortifications that kokhsohim itself has from the point of view of the structures there, concreted and so on, although there were statements: from experts, from individual military personnel, that in fact certain fortifications had to be created earlier in certain areas, precisely in the area of ​​the railways and other things that would
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simplify the measures of our defense, and the third such a risky direction, it’s just a rush, it’s actually south-east of avdiyivka, where the enemy is, against... in the area of ​​defense in the industrial zone, we can see these arrows in the right corner, but there is no further progress there now, the enemy is trying to reformat, pull up new forces, but further on, in order to move beyond the positions that have already been destroyed in this line, it is necessary to pass through the lowlands and again go up there to the high ground, so i think that if there are sufficient artillery means there, i think that it will be an important area for destroying the enemy, but in general around avvidka is really the most difficult, despite the fact that the line along which the rear support is provided, through orlivka, it works,
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although it is fired at by enemy artillery and the enemy uses cannons, so actually, i spent half a bucket with us for literally two minutes, i am now in luhansk region, kherson region, maybe, well, we won't have time, but the situation there, well, i'm talking about fpvs, ukraine produces five times less of these fpvs than russia, which is necessary'. to change the situation, well, this information actually appeared with a link to forbes, if i'm not mistaken, there it was said that ukrainian companies, private companies produce about 50,000 fpv drones a month, and the enemies make six times more, but these figures are based precisely on the conclusions of the representative of the ukrainian company, they may not be accurate, but in any case we we understand that attention to the transfer of production... of drones to a mass nature, so that it is a task not only of private companies and volunteers, but of the state, this is the challenge that minnstratekhprom must solve, well, our other state
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structures, as well as with concrete and changes it is necessary to decide now, because in fact the war is going on now, then it will not happen, then it will never happen, there is only, thank you very much serhii, serhii zulyat was with us, these were the military results of the day and week. thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers, we hope that next week will be more like this, well, with more good news. well, to continue the theme of drones and drone operators , without days off, the instructors of the bpa leka operator training center teach the military to fly a reconnaissance bird. this is the most massive unmanned aircraft complex on armament of the defense forces of ukraine, so there is always a lot of work on the peculiarities of training board operators and the problems faced by the training center, see our story. this is the heart of the training center for the training of operators of unmanned aircraft complexes of leleka, the control point, the military will practice flying on a given route and
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learn to repair birds, this unmanned aircraft complex, it has two power loads, that is, two cameras, both day and night, night with a thermal imager , that is, it is possible to successfully perform combat tasks both during the day and at night, i.e. search, enemy, equipment, their locations, and destruction, adjustment is also very good. vyacheslav is an experienced pilot, engaged in aerial reconnaissance since the beginning of the great war. leleka is currently in control, because the complexes have just arrived to his brigade, which is currently defending the eastern front. share, the situation on the front lines is difficult. there are more and more airplanes in the hands of the invading forces. our enemy has put it on a wide flow of funding, the production of drones. both with internal combustion engines and electric ones, and he can afford to use them simply limitlessly. all the instructors
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of the center are certified specialists who have previously trained here themselves, i want to fly in the military on a veleka, on a veleka 100, i myself first studied, studied, and qualified, more with this type, then give, and the same now, i study others model maker, in order to be more qualified, maria is the only girl in the instructor team, she joined the team three months ago, the importance of drones in today's war, how much they have great potential after graduation, for rescue, for finding the same mines, so i wanted to transfer all my strength to work with this. military personnel are trained from morning to night, the training lasts four weeks, in one group of fifty soldiers, they take to the sky in any weather.
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the instructors say that you have to fly in real combat conditions and in bad weather, as well as under the influence of enemy aircraft, so such skills are invaluable. in order for the pilots not only to be able to pilot and work with the programs, but to have the opportunity to return the board in complex ones material conditions. in addition to the stationary control point, soldiers are also trained to work in a mobile one. this is as close as possible to combat conditions, often people work directly from the cars, there are 5, t6 and volkswagen and this is as close as possible, that is , the disassembly time came to the point, 15 minutes, the complex is already standing and they are starting to work, the operator training center is managed by azrail, a former military serviceman with considerable combat experience, you have to work a lot and without days off. leleka is the most massive complex in the arsenal of ukrainian defenders.
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so learning is continuous. now we have encountered a problem here. they say that the ministry of defense, which orders the most complexes, does not pay for military training, because the ministry finances the training of operators exclusively by state institutions. at this stage, it comes from the net profit of the company. therefore , there are certain difficulties, because it is necessary to constantly update the complexes and repair them. more and more transport is needed, because the number of people is not decreasing. this problem, they say in the center, can be solved, because issues with the training of border guards and national guardsmen are not avoided. the ministry of digital affairs also pays for the training of pilots, for whom the birds are purchased under the drone army program. therefore, experts are convinced, here we need a synergy of the ministry of defense, manufacturers and people's elected representatives. good evening, we are from ukraine.
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well, we looked at our operators and about our birds, which cause death to the enemies, well , now we will continue the big ter, there is still a lot of interesting and important information ahead of the second hour, it's just that all of it is interesting and important, well, but now about what happened during the day in brief i will tell you one person, unfortunately died during the nighttime russian shelling of tyazhynka, in the kherson region, her husband's body was found by rescuers when they were inspecting destroyed homes. the head of the region , oleksandr prokudin, informed about it, and a woman was also injured, she is in the hospital. contusion and explosive injury, well, in fact, every day the enemy kills and maims ukrainian citizens in the kherson region. ukraine will increase the production of ammunition and military equipment several times next year. and the main emphasis is on anti-aircraft defense. they will not be collected as portable, anti-aircraft missiles complexes, as well as air defense systems with a range of more than 100 km, deputy minister of defense ivan gavrylyuk said. also, the purchase of missiles and
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ammunition will increase, for this in the budget for almost uah 175 million. the assembly of the international maritime organization elected a new composition of the council for 2024-25. russia did not enter it. this was announced by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. he emphasized that this is a fair decision, because no one has caused more damage to free shipping in recent decades than russia. head of ukraine thanked the members of the international maritime organization for this one. a responsible step and an important decision. yury myronenko was appointed by the government as the head of the state intelligence service. before that, he was the commander of the drone strike company operating in the zaporozhye region. the new chairman promised to present a plan for the development of state special communications in the near future. he emphasized that the work will be built on


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