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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 12:30am-1:01am EET

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says muzhenko, and he says that it is necessary to have a strategically active defense, which includes both defense and counteroffensive actions, but for this, first of all, it is necessary to create reserves, quantitative and qualitative reserves, that is, he says that it is necessary to create new brigades, corps and first of all, not only to equip them, but to train them well, because precisely the interaction between the training of these units will be of critical importance in the future and also ensure a stable and reliable system of operation... because mozhenko does not say where, relatively speaking, there were certain calculations with management, but probably still has a section of bakhmud, because he says, some unit, there about 15 or 20 units of different structures are subordinate to one command, which physically cannot digest and ensure effective management of those units that situationally begin to be subordinated to that or to the other chain of command, it says that the management system must be rebuilt, and he also... says that
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the fronts must be reformatted and fortifications must finally be taken up, because he says, there i am with on the 22nd of the year, he saw sections of the front there that had faults with the fortifications, and he was surprised that these issues were not given focused attention, and now we see that the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, it seems like yesterday, he was in zaporizhzhia and says that it is necessary to ensure fortification in such an urgent manner, and says... almost all areas of the front where hostilities are currently taking place, that is evdiyivka, maryanka, kupyansk, lyman, kyiv, rivne regions , that is, in fact , all directions need fortification strengthening, this is what the president is saying now at the current stage, which says, well, what actually, in my opinion, is a sign that the military-political leadership, betting on a successful counteroffensive, ignored plan b, relatively speaking, that is, to ensure, e,
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the directions of defense borders, which we need now, when we will formally and actually, for sure , move into a defense system, at least for the winter period, and this will essentially affect the capacity and stability of this defense, zelskyi says that we also have mines, and there is concrete, everything is there, well, it is very good, but it would be much better and easier to build these spordes in the summer or in the autumn period, well, really , general mozhenko also delayed a little here. said very correct words that there are always not only victories in wars, but again, going on the defensive, it's nothing, well, it's like in sports, well, it's always there, you spend a certain resource on the attack, then you go on the defensive, the opponent attacks, you withstand the attack, go on the attack again, this is an understandable change, change of tactics, change of rhythms, so it is absolutely it’s normal, i just really agree with sergiy that why couldn’t this be done earlier, why did our soldiers dig in in an open field with shovels under avdiivka at the time when they got under the trenches and
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were being fortified, this is just a normal, well, a normal war , the maneuvering war with the shooting of the columns, it ended at the very beginning and now we have come to a completely different war, this war has its own laws that you should just obey, because when it breaks, it kills, no matter how good you are, which even if you are a patriot, unfortunately, they die anyway our soldiers are injured , we hope that this will change, and it will change quickly, i think that the local administration will also join in and there will be some kind of business, the task has been set, but i understand that in any case we understand that without fortification, without reviewing the approaches to defense planning , to the interaction of units, to the attitude of commanders to their subordinates, to the training of commanders to conduct offensive defensive actions, these are the important factors without which success on the battlefield cannot be ensured, and indeed it is worth focusing on some time to accumulate reserves, train these reserves and make them effective for the later stages of the war. and now about what is happening at the front, on the one hand
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, yes, it is difficult, and some even lose faith, realizing that it is difficult for our fighters, tiredness, cold and all this is also understandable , there is no effective, permanent replacement, we also understand this, but in any case, even in this difficult period of the war, the enemy suffers huge losses with the help of the armed forces of ukraine, 28,500 russians were killed in november, where do such losses come from, because some, i already hear say, well, you drew something there yourself, it 's just a marathoner, he draws numbers for you so that you don't cry and don't live in. well , in fact, losses are formed by the fact that each unit commander submits a report to his team there in the morning, it is basically gathered at the top in a chain and just this general statistic is created regarding losses, although the general staff says that these data, well, sometimes need clarification, but in any case, we understand that this month was extremely saturated, because in fact the enemy tried to press along the entire front line from all sides, counting on the fact that
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the ukrainian forces were probably exhausted in the offensive format in the south and now it is possible to press the ukrainian defense in all areas. of the front, starting with kupin, st. kremin, there avdiyivka, maryanka, there bakhmud, and so on , relatively speaking, these enemy attack attempts are massive, they were just born for active defense using all means of impressing the enemy, and we come to such indicators, which are really so well leading, i.e. 28 000 destroyed per month, this is precisely the indicator that, i hope, exceeds the current russian rate of replenishment of the russian army, which is in the range of 20-30,000 per month, so in any case these indicators are good, but to be honest, they should be much larger, in order to actually create in the enemy the feeling that no matter what the russian mobilization is,
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the ukrainian army will destroy them anyway, but then it is necessary to move away from the dependence of destruction at the expense of infantry against infantry, after all, to increase this iron or weapon component destruction of the enemy at the expense of the map... other components, so far we are not fully implementing this due to the limitation of ammunition and other factors, but as far as i am concerned, this is the only such direction, where there is an opportunity, but, well, inflict losses on the enemy as much as possible, so that these indicators are not 28,000 per month, in particular there are 50,000 per month, then such amounts and the amount of losses of the enemy will still reach this russian population, which, i see, simply ignores all losses and is completely ordered by the russians ... propaganda, and now, by the way, the russian population is starting to hold some kind of flash mobs there, mobilized women or for, well, mostly those who are still alive, or they hope that these husbands of theirs are alive, they stick a letter in latin on the cars and sign the husband , well, the letter z with obscenity, the word will not be his, and it
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started from this place, in fact, it used to be believed that russian society, linguistically speaking, does not have a pain threshold, because it is war-minded, zombified and so on, this indeed yes, but on the other hand we are we see that these losses, mass losses, after all, they shake russian stability, and if we then add such effective work behind enemy lines using long-range systems, drones, missiles, and so on, then these factors as if they are, they cannot be determined, but at some stage they will still give what is needed, there must be a critical mass, it always does not gather immediately and then the last drop decides everything, especially since in the management of the ground forces they talked about the fact that in the winter period will be concentrated on nailed logistics, because in winter, when you will freeze without transporting the necessary products, equipment, clothes, food, well, it will be completely different, and here already the frost can multiply russian losses, bahmud, the situation there is not easy, if i am not mistaken, to the north of bakhmud, as i remember from the map of the time, well, the road further there is already
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slavic in my opinion, from there, if indeed, we are talking about the fact that bakhmud is again in the center of such a combination of forces from both parties, bakhmut now has a significant number of enemy attacks there, and the enemy is increasing the pressure on ours positions on the northern flank and on the southern flank, when we talk about the northern flank - this is exactly the movement of the enemy starting from berkhivka in the direction of bohdanivka and khromovoi, in bohdanivka the enemy is not there... they did not let him advance, they asked losses, but regarding khromovo, in fact, russian troops and units entered khromovo, but they are not allowed to gain a foothold there, and now, relatively speaking, there are such active hostilities,
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because there is nothing dangerous in khromovo from the point of view of russian actions, because they create prerequisites for the russian... group to enter the flank or the rear of those of our troops operating there on the southern flank, they are putting pressure on the enemy there in the zone of klyschivka, andriyivka, and what is more, there are risks of the enemy's advance to the time of the yar , indeed, this is precisely one of the directions that creates the opportunity for the enemy to advance deep, but these are such theoretical estimates that are based primarily on the direction of the enemy's efforts, on the fact that these are fuel heights and tries to move along them, but this is not means that it will be so, we are talking about the fact that this risk exists at the current stage, everything will depend on the forces and means directed to this by our general staff, but also on the other hand, we understand that these reserves are not in the russian of the army, not in the ukrainian army, of course they are not unlimited, well, and pi, in
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the south there are just as active combat actions of the tick-andriivka, there the enemy is trying to put pressure on the tick and trying to enter the village, which is lower, and most importantly - it is trying to get out as well as on the dominant heights, which are there above the tick, but there is no enemy there let through, it was destroyed by our artillery and load: now it is very big for our artillerymen, he had a conversation with his comrade there, he says we have been working, working with guns for three days in a row, he says it is so good that there is something to work on, so ammunition, ammunition to things, yes, this unit is equipped with new systems, and has american production and has a stock of ammunition, they can just go there, as he says, at a distance of 17 km, we can from the second or third post. to hit the russian dugout, which is there 3.3 m, that is, in fact, it is precisely these
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means that allow us to essentially restrain the enemy’s offensive and to outwit the enemy force, so that due to the precision of artillery and ammunition, we sometimes compensate for the advantage that the russians have in terms of manpower, because they said that there on the makhmut direction, as well as on the widow there, the excess of manpower can be five times more than that of our units. well, as for avdiivka, i don't know how much time we have, but there is still time, what changes will be made in a week, the battle for korssokhim and where the enemy managed to advance , and where it did not succeed, well, avdivka remains such, well, really the most hot area, because it now has such political and military significance for the enemy, in any case, because and even we see this very logic of location, that it provokes the enemy as much as possible to carry out overturning in his forces. in around avdiyivka to try to close this ring of encirclement, but this ring
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of encirclement has already been holding for a long time, from such things that are worth saying, what in there are hostilities in the direction of the steppe, the enemy is entering the steppe, the steppe is located just to the north, and there our soldiers are knocking out the steppe, that is, in the zone of the steppe, well, this is the situation now, a difficult situation. exactly as in other areas around avdiyivka, further, when we are there, we move a little there, further south we reach the kokhsokhim, there to this - a dump, then kokhsokhim, the enemy fires quite actively with artillery of various calibers, trying to inflict as much as possible, destroy any what are there, buildings, despite the fact that if there, the enemy crosses this fence there, then they continue to destroy it there, that is, in fact , it is holding on to kokhsohim for the time being and i think it will hold on for a long enough time
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, taking into account the fortifications that kokhsohim itself has from the point of view of the structures there, concreted and other things, although there were statements from experts, from individual military personnel, that in fact certain fortifications had to be created earlier in certain areas, precisely in the area of ​​the railways and other things, to simplify... measures of our defense, and the third such a risky direction, it’s just a rush , it’s actually southeast of avdiyivka, where the enemy has pushed through the defensive area in the promzon, we can see these arrows in the right corner, but there is no further progress there now, the enemy is trying to re-form, to bring in new forces, but further, in order to move behind those positions that have already been destroyed in this
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section, it is necessary to pass through the lowlands and again go up there to the high ground, so i think that if there are sufficient artillery means there, i think that this will be the most important area for destruction enemy, but in general the situation around avdivka is really the most complex, despite the fact that the line along which the rear support is provided is through the horde. it works, even though it is fired upon by enemy artillery and the enemy uses drones, so the logistics, actually we have literally two minutes about drones, i am talking about luhansk oblast, kherson oblast, maybe, well, we won’t have time, but the situation there, well, i’m talking about fpdrones, ukraine produces five times less of these fpvs than russia, what should be done to change the situation? well, this information really appeared with a link to forrus, if not i'm wrong, it was said that ukrainian companies, private companies manufacture. some 50,000 fpv drones per month, enemies make six times more. but these figures
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are based precisely on the conclusions of the representative of the ukrainian company, they may not be accurate, but in any case we understand that attention to the transfer of drone production to a mass nature, so that it is not only a task of private companies and volunteers, but of the state is the challenge that must be solved by the minstratekhprom, well, our other state ones as well... just like with concrete and changes to decide now, because in fact the war is going on now, then it will not happen, then it will never happen, there is only, thank you very much serhii, serhii zoglaya was with us, these were the military results of the day and week. thank you, vasyl, thank you to our viewers, we hope that next week will be more like this, well, with more good news, well, and to continue the topic of drones and drone operators, without a weekend of rest, the instructors of the bpa leleka operator training center teach the military to fly on
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reconnaissance birds, this is the most massive unmanned aircraft complex for use by the defense forces of ukraine, therefore, there is always a lot about the peculiarities of the training of flight operators and the problems faced by the training center, see our story. this is the heart of the training center for the training of operators of unmanned aerial systems leka, the control point. military personnel will practice flying along a given route and learn to repair birds. this unmanned navigation complex has two target loads, that is, two cameras, both day and night, night with a thermal imager. that is, you can to successfully carry out combat tasks both during the day and at night, i.e. searching for enemy positions, equipment, their locations, and destruction, adjustment is also very good. vyacheslav, an experienced pilot, has been engaged in aerial reconnaissance since the beginning of the great war. leleka is currently in control, because the complexes have just arrived to his brigade, which is currently defending the eastern front.
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it is divided, the situation on the front line is difficult, the planes of the invading troops are running out. increasingly, our enemy has put it on a wide flow of funding, the production of drones, both with internal combustion engines and electric, and he can afford to use them simply unlimited. all instructors of the center are certified specialists who have previously trained here themselves. when i heard that the military was flying on lelet, on lelet 100, i first studied myself, studied that qualification. more of myself with this type , give more to the port, and also now, i study other models, or to be more qualified, maria is the only girl in the instructor team, she joined the team three months ago, because i understood the importance of drones, today today
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war, how much potential they have after the end for rescue, for finding the same...mines, that's why i wanted to transfer all my strength to work with this, military personnel are trained from morning to night, the training lasts four weeks, in one a group of fifty fighters take to the skies in any weather. the instructors say that you have to fly in real combat conditions and in bad weather, as well as under the influence of the enemy reb, so such skills are invaluable. in order for pilots not only to be able to pilot and work with programs, but to have the opportunity to give back board in difficult material conditions. in addition to the stationary control point , soldiers are also trained to work in a mobile one. this is as close as possible to combat conditions, often people work directly from cars,
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such as t5, t6 and volkswagen. and this is as close as possible. that is, time. investment arrived at the point 15 minutes, the complex is already standing and they are starting to work, the operator training center is managed by azrail, a former military serviceman with considerable combat experience, he has to work a lot and without days off. leleka is the most massive complex on armament of ukrainian defenders, so the training goes on continuously. currently , they have encountered a problem here, they say, the ministry of defense, which orders the most complexes, does not pay for the training of the military, because the ministry finances it. to the training of operators exclusively by state institutions. at this stage, it comes from the net profit of the company. therefore, there are certain difficulties, because it is necessary to constantly update the complexes and repair them. more and more transport is needed, because people are not getting fewer. this
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problem, they say in the center, can be solved after all, issues with the training of border guards and national guardsmen are not avoided. figures also pay for the training of pilots for which birds are purchased under the drone army program, so experts are convinced that a synergy of the ministry of defense, manufacturers and elected officials is needed here. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we looked at our operators, about our birds that cause death to enemies. well, now let's continue the big ter, two hours ahead, there is still a lot of interesting and important information, just all of it is interesting. important, but now about what happened during the day, i will tell you briefly: one person, unfortunately , died during the night russian shelling of a train, in the kherson region, the man's body was found by rescuers when they were inspecting the destroyed houses, the head of the region , oleksandr prokudin, reported this, a woman was also injured, she is in the hospital, she has contusion and explosive grass, in fact every day the enemy kills and maims
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ukrainian citizens in the kherson region. ukraine will increase the production of ammunition and military equipment several times next year. and the main emphasis is on anti-aircraft defense means, they will not assemble how portable anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as air defense systems with a range of more than 100 km, he said. deputy minister of defense ivan gavrylyuk also said that the purchase of missiles and ammunition will increase, for which almost uah 175 billion have been allocated in the budget. the assembly of the international maritime organization elected a new composition of the council for 2024-25. russia did not enter it, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy, announced this. he emphasized that this is a fair decision, because no one has caused more damage to free shipping than the last ones. decade than russia. the head of ukraine thanked the members of the international maritime organization for this responsible step and important decision.
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yuriy myronenko, from stavsk, is the head of the state special forces, he was appointed by the government, before that he was the commander of the drone strike company operating in the zaporizhzhia region. the new chairman promised to present a plan for the development of special communications in the near future. he emphasized that the work will be built on the ground floor. tolerance to corruption, yuriy mironenko, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, fought as part of the 112th teroborony brigade of the city of kyiv, awarded with a silver cross badge. let me remind you that the ex-head of the state intelligence service is suspected of embezzling huge sums of budget money. he registered the goods as a humanitarian, the state bureau of investigation detained an employee of the lviv customs for bribery. he suggested to the representative of the commercial structure. to facilitate the quick registration of products without paying mandatory customs payments. he determined his reward as a percentage of the total value of the cargo. but
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the entrepreneur did not accept the offer and turned to the law enforcement officers, investigators documented several meetings between the official and the businessman. $2,200 for the unquestioned passage of goods under the guise of humanitarian aid without paying mandatory customs payments. the defendant's profit amounted to 14% of the real value of the cargo. dbbr employees detained the official after receiving another bribe in the amount of 1,600 dollars. you see, corruption is very easy to defeat, if the population , the citizens themselves, are intolerant of corruption, then these are the people who want to earn money from scratch, for nothing, in fact, they they will have handcuffs and play with their friends in exchange for them, not bribes, even with... 146 ukrainians applied for help with evacuation from the gaza strip, about a hundred of these citizens had permission to leave before, but did not take advantage of this opportunity. this
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was announced by the ambassador of ukraine to the state of israel yevhen korniychuk. according to the diplomat, in total from israel and egypt, they received 329 permits for the removal of our citizens. it was possible to deliver 259 people to safe places, of which 172 citizens are already in ukraine, the rest decided to stay in egypt. alone go to europe december 1 is traditionally celebrated as the world day of combating head lice, and the risk of infection of cattle during war especially increases, how to prevent the disease and where to check it in the capital, our correspondents will tell, let's see. an insidious enemy that is almost impossible to recognize. during 9 months of 2023 , it was discovered in ukraine. and officially registered 8,809 cases of hiv infection. these are data from the public health center of the ministry of health. it is almost
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impossible to cure such a disease, but it is possible to contain it. if a person has passed the test, the test is negative, then there are risks of infection, then the person is directed to prevention, and today it is worth noting that there are not only barrier means, there is medical prevention. pre-contact prevention, infection of oxen, where one pill a day, and you can protect yourself from the sexual route of infection, only 69% of people living with oxen know about their status, while a third continue to endanger themselves and those close to them, it is enough to detect the disease and start treatment in a timely manner get tested regularly, you can do it in medical facilities, on the basis of non-governmental organizations , and even at home. another institution where you can do such a test, the wellness center, has started working in the capital. we are used to such a name, a dermatovenerological dispensary,
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or a little. a clinic for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections is better, but the wellness center sounds so neutral, without stigmatization, without accentuation, why does a person come and enter this office, it is on the basis of the kyiv clinical city hospital number five was founded by the usa antisnit foundation in ukraine, here patients can receive not only comprehensive testing, but also consultations, treatment and even free remedies. contraception, the center is open at convenient times, in the evening and even on saturdays. a wellness center is opened where every patient, a client from the risk group, can receive comprehensive services for testing, navel, viral hepatitis, syphilis, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, which will be provided by doctors of the fifth city ​​clinical hospital. about this. testing
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for hiv, hepatitis and syphilis is completely painless and very quick, it takes only 15 minutes and it is also completely free. in a few minutes i learned the result. her testing, in addition, she talked to the doctor and got answers to all the questions. dmytro also came to check, he admits that he is here for the first time, but he wants to make it an annual tradition. among my acquaintances, i have not heard of people going through much, but from my side, after mine today experience, i will promote this story because it was actually quite quick, comfortable in a comfortable place with friendly
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staff, and therefore yes, i will for my part recommend everyone to get tested annually. bulls were a taboo subject in ukrainian society until recently. as a result, we have low testing and low awareness. so let's remind you that food and wine are not transmitted through hugs or kisses, you cannot catch them through a handshake or shared dishes. sickness is not a sentence, but a timely diagnosis of one's health able to protect you and your loved ones. kateryna galko, yulia belska, tv channel. espresso, well, from minute to minute we will have a conversation with a guest, we will talk about the judicial system in ukraine, how it meets european standards and what should be changed here, and we will discuss it in certain cases, well, i would like to say , today even prescribed for himself, a sociological group rating, quite respected and well-known in ukraine with some experience already, conducted a sociological survey, research
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and asked people whether it is worth limiting themselves in purchases, as they say in lviv, well, because i don’t like the word purchase, it’s some kind of russian purchases, well, in purchases, and entertainment, and that’s what ’s nice, after all, well, not 100%, but 60% of ukrainians believe that under during the war , you should limit yourself in purchases, in purchases and in entertainment, i just yesterday, well, just me, you know that, the point is not who opens some locations for entertainment, there are some ice rinks, some are fabulous... for children too it is necessary, everyone understands everything, but you know, it sometimes affects a little when you understand what the situation is in the country, to what extent everything should now be focused on helping the front, despite the fact that people need to rest, of course, all this is understandable, but in any case, it would probably be better to focus more on helping the army now, because we everyone can, by the way, even our espresso tv channel announces meetings all the time, and i ask you to get involved in them, but still, it is positive that the majority of 60% of ukrainians realize that during the war
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it is worth limiting yourself both in purchases and in entertainment, and with, focus possible help, perhaps from what you can, to support and help the front, or your friends, relatives, relatives who are at the front in these times of the great war. radyslav tkachenko, lawyer of vba partners company, greetings, good afternoon, today we will discuss a little about the activities of the ukrainian judicial system, and we will take a specific example for discussion, well , in general... does the ukrainian judicial system meet international standards, why yes, or why not? i would like to answer this question right away, that we had big problems with compliance with international and national standards regarding our judicial system, which is true that before the war there were big problems with this, ukraine in principle recognizes european standards regarding court activity,
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they are enshrined in the european: convention on human rights, in particular also in our constitution.


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